126 research outputs found

    Analyse SAXS de traces ioniques causĂ©es par bombardements d’ions d’or dans des Ă©chantillons de silicium amorphe

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    Le mĂ©moire qui suit vise Ă  vĂ©rifier si la formation de traces latentes par des ions lourds et rapides passe par une phase liquide. Compte tenu du fait que le processus de formation des traces est trop rapide pour ĂȘtre directement Ă©tudiĂ©, notre expĂ©rience vise Ă  mesurer aprĂšs coup des Ă©lĂ©ments qui seraient indicateurs d’une fusion. Dans cette optique, nous Ă©tudierons s’il y a eu une redistribution d’ions d’or (initialement prĂ©sents par dopage dans des Ă©chantillons de silicium amorphe) Ă  la suite de l’irradiation des Ă©chantillons. Cette redistribution d’or s’expliquerait par le phĂ©nomĂšne de raffinage de la zone fondue, qui surviendrait pendant une hausse de tempĂ©rature lors de la crĂ©ation de traces ioniques latentes prĂ©vue par le modĂšle thĂ©orique du pic thermique. Les Ă©chantillons Ă©tudiĂ©s sont des membranes de silicium amorphes de 2 ”m d’épaisseur, dopĂ©s Ă  l’or selon diffĂ©rents pourcentages (pur, moyen et Ă©levĂ©) et irradiĂ©s avec des ions lourds rapides d’or Ă  1,1 GeV ou d’argent Ă  75 MeV. Aucune image SAXS n’a pu rĂ©vĂ©ler la prĂ©sence de traces ioniques latentes pour les Ă©chantillons irradiĂ©s par des ions argent Ă  75 MeV. Bien que le pouvoir d’arrĂȘt de ceux-ci est bas (9,5 keV/nm) [1], il dĂ©passe tout de mĂȘme le seuil observĂ© pour plusieurs autres phĂ©nomĂšnes associĂ©s avec des traces. [2] [3] Nous aurions donc trouvĂ© un rĂ©gime oĂč il y a des effets causĂ©s par des ions lourds et rapides, mais sans signature visible en SAXS. À l’inverse, les Ă©chantillons irradiĂ©s d’ions d’or ont dĂ©montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de traces ioniques latentes via des images SAXS. Ces images dĂ©montrent un motif de diffusion caractĂ©ristique Ă  des traces de type core-shell. Toutefois, ces rĂ©sultats ne dĂ©montrent pas de diffĂ©rences de sĂ©grĂ©gation d’or selon le niveau de dopage initial. Tous les Ă©chantillons (dopage pur, moyen et Ă©levĂ©) prĂ©sentent un noyau de rayon de (2,5 ± 0,1)nm et un rayon total de (9,9 ± 0,5)nm, ce qui rejoint des valeurs similaires Ă  ceux obtenus dans la littĂ©rature. [4] Par contre, l’absence de diffĂ©rence selon le dopage pourrait s’expliquer par le fait que la resolidification aprĂšs la fusion serait trop rapide au point oĂč l’or subirait du solute trapping qui empĂȘcherait la sĂ©grĂ©gation. Une autre explication possible serait qu’il n’y aurait pas de fusion du tout lors de la formation de la trace. En premier lieu, ce mĂ©moire traite de toutes les Ă©tapes nĂ©cessaires Ă  la conception des Ă©chantillons, soit leur amorphisation, l’implantation d’impuretĂ©s d’or, puis l’irradiation. Deux catĂ©gories d’échantillons sont abordĂ©es : les Ă©chantillons de validation, puis les vĂ©ritables Ă©chantillons qui ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Par la suite, ce mĂ©moire aborde la dĂ©tection des traces ioniques latentes, d’abord avec un AFM (qui s’est avĂ©rĂ© insuffisant), puis avec des mesures SAXS. Finalement, un code thĂ©orique pour reproduire les mesures expĂ©rimentales obtenues a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© en se basant sur la littĂ©rature. Il gĂ©nĂšre des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques prometteurs par rapport aux donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales obtenues.The following thesis aims to verify whether the formation of latent traces by heavy and fast ions passes through a liquid phase. Given the fact that the process of trace formation is too fast to be directly studied, our experience aims to measure after the fact elements that would be indicative of a merger. In this context, we will study whether there has been a redistribution of gold ions (initially present by doping in amorphous silicon samples) following the irradiation of the samples. This redistribution of gold could be explained by the phenomenon of refining the melted zone, which would occur during a rise in temperature during the creation of latent ionic traces predicted by the theoretical model of the thermal peak. The samples studied are amorphous silicon membranes of 2 ”m in thickness, doped with gold at different percentages (pure, medium and high) and irradiated with fast heavy ions of gold at 1.1 GeV or silver at 75 MeV. No SAXS image was able to reveal the presence of latent ionic traces for samples irradiated with silver ions at 75 MeV. Although the stopping power of the latter is low (9.5 keV/nm), it exceeds the threshold observed for several other phenomena associated with traces. [2] [3] We would therefore have found a regime where there are effects of heavy and fast ions, but without a visible signature in SAXS. In contrast, irradiated samples of gold ions demonstrated the presence of latent ionic traces via SAXS images. These images demonstrate a diffusion pattern characteristic of core-shell type traces. However, these results do not show differences in gold segregation according to the initial doping level. All samples (pure, medium and high doping) have a core radius of (2.5 ± 0.1) nm and a total radius of (9.9 ± 0.5) nm, which are values similar to those obtained in the literature. [4] On the other hand, the absence of a difference according to the doping could be explained by the fact that the resolidification after the fusion would be too fast, to the point where the gold would undergo solute trapping which would prevent the segregation. Another possible explanation would be that there would be no fusion at all during the formation of the trace. First of all, this thesis deals with all the steps necessary for the design of the samples, namely their amorphization, the implantation of gold impurities, then the irradiation. Two categories of samples are discussed: the validation samples, then the actual samples that were studied. Subsequently, this thesis addresses the detection of latent ion traces, first with an AFM (which proved to be insufficient), then with SAXS measurements. Finally, a theoretical code to reproduce the experimental measurements obtained was developed based on the literature. It generates promising numerical results compared to the experimental data obtained

    Les coulisses du partenariat patient : c omment le partenariat avec les patients change l’identitĂ© des professionnels de la santĂ© ?

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    Objectif : Comprendre les tensions identitaires vĂ©cus par les professionnels de la santĂ©, lorsque ceux-ci travaillent en partenariat avec des patients sur un comitĂ© d’amĂ©lioration continue. Devis : Étude qualitative ethnographique participative. Terrain de recherche : Une clinique de mĂ©decine de famille qui a dĂ©cidĂ© de former un nouveau comitĂ© d’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© (CAQ) interdisciplinaire et d’y inclure des patients partenaires. Participants : Le CAQ Ă©tait composĂ© de deux patients partenaires, deux mĂ©decins de famille, deux rĂ©sidents de mĂ©decine de famille, une pharmacienne, une infirmiĂšre clinicienne, un infirmier praticien spĂ©cialisĂ©, une secrĂ©taire, une rĂ©ceptionniste, une agente de communication et une gestionnaire. Tous les participants ont Ă©tĂ© invitĂ©s Ă  participer Ă  l’étude. Collecte des donnĂ©es : La collecte des donnĂ©es a commencĂ© Ă  l’automne 2017 et s’est terminĂ© Ă  l’étĂ© 2018. Elle comprenait des observations participatives, la tenue d’un journal de bord et des entrevues semi-dirigĂ©es. RĂ©sultats: À partir du cadre conceptuel dĂ©veloppĂ© par Ghadiri sur les menaces identitaires, notre Ă©tude met en lumiĂšre que le passage de la relation “soignant-soignĂ©â€ Ă  une relation “collĂšgue-collĂšgue” gĂ©nĂšre diffĂ©rentes tensions identitaires chez les professionnels, tant au plan de l’idĂ©al du “bon” professionnel, de l’étanchĂ©itĂ© des catĂ©gories patient-professionnel, du mĂ©tissage des symboles associĂ©s Ă  l’une ou l’autre de ces identitĂ©s, et de l’équilibre intĂ©rieur entre les rĂŽles de soignant et de collĂšgue. Conclusion : Nos rĂ©sultats offrent une grille de lecture originale et diffĂ©rente par rapport Ă  la littĂ©rature scientifique existante, permettant de comprendre certains enjeux frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ©s sur le terrain. Travailler en partenariat avec des patients n’implique pas, pour le professionnel, une relation de simple « collĂšgue de travail », mais plutĂŽt la construction d’un nouveau cadre relationnel, flexible et dynamique, prenant en compte une coexistence identitaire de plusieurs identitĂ©s.Objectives: To understand the identity tensions experienced by health professionals during a partnership relationship with patients on a quality improvement committee. Design: Qualitative ethnographic study based on participatory observation. Setting: Family medicine clinic in Montreal who decided to create a new interdisciplinary quality improvement committee (QIC) and to include PP for the first time. Participants: The QIC consisted of two patient partners, two family physicians, two family medicine residents, one pharmacist, one nurse clinician, one specialized nurse practitioner, one secretary, one receptionist, and one manager. All members of the QIC were invited to participate in the study. Data collection: Data collection began in the winter of 2017, when the committee was created, and ended in summer 2018. It consisted of participatory observations, logbook notes, and semistructured interviews. Results: Through Ghadiri's theoretical framework on identity threats, health professionals experienced significant identity tensions. Transforming the “caregiver–patient” relationship into a “colleague-colleague” relationship generated identity upheavals among the professionals, relating to the “good professional” ideal, the impermeability of the patient and professional categories, the interweaving of the symbols associated with one or the other of these identities, and the inner balance between the roles of carer and colleague. Conclusion: our results provide an interpretive reading that is original and different from the current literature, shedding light on certain issues frequently encountered in the field. Working with patients does not, for the professional, imply a purely “collegial” relationship, but rather the construction of a new relational framework, flexible and dynamic, that takes into account the coexistence of multiple identities

    Title tunes and the branding of music in Hollywood film franchises

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    The use of leitmotifs in films has often been critiqued. Theodor Adorno and Hanns Eisler went as far as to claim in 1947 that “The whole form language of current cinema music derives from advertising” and that leitmotifs were in part to blame. While I take a more neutral stance, I argue that Eisler and Adorno’s critique is partly correct, especially in regards to film series produced from the 1960s onwards. The analytical work undertaken for this research suggests that multiple franchises use elements of their scores as branding tools. I argue that these melodies, which have often been referred to as leitmotifs in film music scholarship, should be described as something else: title tunes. It seems that over time, they come to represent not just one or two movies, but entire franchises. They also appear to possess a marketing value not necessarily present in leitmotifs. As such, I would argue these title tunes resemble much more sonic logos as described in the sonic branding world than leitmotifs. This thesis is an exploration of title tunes. My thesis focuses primarily on mainstream Hollywood film franchises from the 1960s onwards. Various case studies from different time periods and different movie genres are analysed to describe and understand this new category of promotional film music. This thesis first takes a historical look at the concept of title tunes, explaining how other sonic branding practices used in radio, television and cinema appear to have influenced the creation of title tunes. From the sample of films analysed for this thesis, I argue that title tunes share commonalities, yet the commonalities seem to vary slightly across movie genres. The analyses undertaken also suggest that title tunes are dynamic entities, that some title tunes are more complex than others (featuring multiple components), and that some franchises can feature more than one title tune. My interpretation of the data also suggests that these title tunes are used as emotional and nostalgic tools and that specific orchestrations and arrangements might carry additional emotional power. While the majority of this thesis explores the use of title tunes in films, their use in trailers and other commodities is discussed. Finally, I suggest how title tunes might change in the future and why certain franchises have omitted using such recurring motifs

    Assessment of rotator cuff repair integrity using ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in a multicenter study

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    Background: This study compared ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation of the repaired rotator cuff to determine concordance between these imaging studies. Methods: We performed a concordance study using the data from a prospective nonrandomized multicenter study at 13 centers. A suture bridge technique was used to repair 113 rotator cuff tears that were between 1 and 4 cm wide. Repairs were evaluated with MRI and ultrasound at multiple time points after surgery. The MRI scans were read by a central radiologist and the surgeon, and the ultrasounds were read by a local radiologist or the surgeon who performed the ultrasound. Results: The concordance between the central radiologist's MRI reading and the investigator's MRI readings at all time points was 89%, with a k coefficient of 0.60. The concordance between the central radiologist's MRI and ultrasound readings at all time points was 85%, with a k coefficient of 0.40. The concordance between the investigator's MRI and ultrasound readings was 92%, with a k coefficient of 0.70. Conclusions: In the community setting, ultrasound may be used to evaluate the integrity of a repaired rotator cuff tendon and constitutes a comparable alternative to MRI when evaluating the integrity of a rotator cuff repair. Clinical investigators should compare their postoperative ultrasound results with their postoperative MRI results for a certain time period to establish the accuracy of ultrasound before relying solely on ultrasound imaging to evaluate the integrity of their rotator cuff repairs. Level of evidence: Level III, Diagnostic Study

    Macro and Micro Impacts of Structural Reforms in Papua New Guinea: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

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    The Papua New Guinea economy has been subjected to a series of external shocks, starting with the Bougainville war in 1989. The government has responded with a series of structural reforms, with the most recent one being implemented in 2000. This paper employs a computable general equilibrium model to evaluate the impacts of the government's reform policies. Policies simulated are reduction in current government expenditure, reduction in real wages, tariff cuts and a goods and services tax. The results show that the export-oriented and government sectors benefit. However, the service sectors are adversely affected. While the rural population could benefit from the reforms, a case is made for increased government investment spending in these areas to stem the rural-urban drift

    Cadaveric and three-dimensional computed tomography study of the morphology of the scapula with reference to reversed shoulder prosthesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the morphology of the scapula with reference to the glenoid component implantation in reversed shoulder prosthesis, in order to improve primary fixation of the component.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy-three 3-dimensional computed tomography of the scapula and 108 scapular dry specimens were analyzed to determine the anterior and posterior length of the glenoid neck, the angle between the glenoid surface and the upper posterior column of the scapula and the angle between the major craneo-caudal glenoid axis and the base of the coracoid process and the upper posterior column.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The anterior and posterior length of glenoid neck was classified into two groups named "short-neck" and "long-neck" with significant differences between them. The angle between the glenoid surface and the upper posterior column of the scapula was also classified into two different types: type I (mean 50°–52°) and type II (mean 62,50°–64°), with significant differences between them (p < 0,001). The angle between the major craneo-caudal glenoid axis and the base of the coracoid process averaged 18,25° while the angle with the upper posterior column of the scapula averaged 8°.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Scapular morphological variability advices for individual adjustments of glenoid component implantation in reversed total shoulder prosthesis. Three-dimensional computed tomography of the scapula constitutes an important tool when planning reversed prostheses implantation.</p

    Rare causes of scoliosis and spine deformity: experience and particular features

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spine deformity can be idiopathic (more than 80% of cases), neuromuscular, congenital or neurofibromatosis-related. However, there are many disorders that may also be involved. We present our experience treating patients with scoliosis or other spine deformities related to rare clinical entities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective study of the records of a school-screening study in North-West Greece was performed, covering a 10-year period (1992–2002). The records were searched for patients with deformities related to rare disorders. These patients were reviewed as regards to characteristics of underlying disorder and spine deformity, treatment and results, complications, intraoperative and anaesthesiologic difficulties particular to each case.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 13 cases, the spine deformity presented in relation to rare disorders. The underlying disorder was rare neurological disease in 2 cases (Rett syndrome, progressive hemidystonia), muscular disorders (facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, arthrogryposis) in 2 patients, osteogenesis imperfecta in 2 cases, Marfan syndrome, osteopetrosis tarda, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, cleidocranial dysplasia and Noonan syndrome in 1 case each. In 2 cases scoliosis was related to other congenital anomalies (phocomelia, blindness). Nine of these patients were surgically treated. Surgery was avoided in 3 patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study illustrates the fact that different disorders are related with curves with different characteristics, different accompanying problems and possible complications. Investigation and understanding of the underlying pathology is an essential part of the clinical evaluation and preoperative work-up, as clinical experience at any specific center is limited.</p

    Gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and peripartum cardiomyopathy : a clinical review

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    Gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and peripartum cardiomyopathy are among the most common and often severe pregnancy-specific cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and causes of complications in pregnancy. This clinical review provides nurses with an overview of pregnancy-specific CVDs, outlines their pathophysiology, and discusses risk factors and assessment. It describes management interventions according to timing: the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum phases are each addressed
