102 research outputs found

    Stability and aggregation-prone conformations of an antibody fragment antigen-binding (Fab)

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    Antibody-based products have become the main drug class of approved biopharmaceuticals, with over 60 drugs on the market and many more in clinical development. However, many never reach the market because protein aggregates form during manufacturing and storage, which lower the efficacy of the product and may cause immune responses in patients. To date, very little is known about the structural conformers that initiate aggregation. Stability of the humanized fragment antigen-binding (Fab) A33 was first studied using molecular dynamic (MD) simulations under two stresses, low pH and high temperature. Results revealed different unfolding pathways, with CL domain partially unfolding at low pH, and CL and VH at high temperature. These conformational changes exposed different predicted aggregation-prone regions (APR), to suggest different aggregation mechanisms. Further salt bridge analysis provided insights into the ionizable residues likely to get protonated first. Mutational study with FoldX and Rosetta predicted that the constant domain interface can be stabilized further, backed by packing density calculations. To experimentally characterize the aggregation-prone conformers, solution structures of Fab A33 under different conditions of pH and salt concentration, were solved using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). SAXS revealed an expanded conformation at pH 5.5 and below, with an Rg increase of 2.2% to 4.1%, that correlated with accelerated aggregation. Scattering data were fitted using 45,000 structures obtained from the atomistic MD simulations under the same conditions, to locate the conformational change at low pH to the CL domain. The approach was then validated using intra-molecular single-molecule FRET with a dual-labelled Fab as an orthogonal detection method. The conformational changes were found to expose a predicted APR, which forms a mechanistic basis for subsequent aggregation. Overall, these findings provide a means by which aggregation-prone conformers can be determined experimentally, and thus potentially used to guide protein engineering, or ligand binding strategies, with the aim of stabilizing the protein against aggregation

    Actividad físico-deportiva como experiencia de ocio y perspectiva temporal en los jóvenes

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    Se analizan las relaciones entre la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas, la experiencia de ocio y la Perspectiva Temporal, en una muestra de 134 jóvenes -84 chicos y 54 chicas- entre 18 y 24 años. La información se obtuvo mediante un cuestionario online que incluía: (1) un Presupuesto de Tiempo para registrar las actividades realizadas en la cotidianidad y valorar las características de estas actividades como ocio (tiempo dedicado a las mismas, frecuencia semanal y percepciones de elección propia, satisfacción y apropiación); y (2) el Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo, para conocer la incidencia de sus dimensiones (presente, pasada y futura). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que: los jóvenes que practican actividad física como actividad de ocio presentan una Perspectiva Temporal Balanceada; que quienes invierten más tiempo en esta práctica tienen a una mayor Perspectiva Temporal Futura; asimismo, se demuestra que las variables de la experiencia de ocio correlacionan de manera directa con el presente hedonista el pasado positivo. Con estos hallazgos, se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de considerar la Perspectiva Temporal y la experiencia de ocio en los programas de intervención para la promoción y mantenimiento de la actividad físico-deportiva.Relationships among the practice of physical and sport activities, the leisure experience and Time Perspective are analyzed. Sample was integrated by 134 young (84 men and 54 women), aged 18 to 24. Data was collected with an online questionnaire, which included: (1) a Time Budget with the purpose of registering activities in daily life and valuing the leisure characteristics of these activities (time devoted, week frequency and perceptions of freedom of choice, satisfaction and appropriation); and (2) the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, in order to know the incidence of its dimensions (past, present, and future). Results show that: youth who practices physical and sport activities as leisure show a Balanced Time Perspective; moreover, variables of leisure experience are related to present hedonist and past positive. These results put into manifest the need of considering the Time Perspective and the leisure experience in intervention programs addressed to promote and maintain physical and sport activities

    Cambios, (des)igualdades y día a día del profesional de la abogacía

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    La raigambre y el peso de la abogacía en la sociedad española confieren un interés especial al conocimiento sobre su estado actual y a los cambios observados en sus profesionales. El objetivo de esta nota de investigación es poner de manifiesto los indicadores de desprofesionalización y (des)igualdades de género en el ejercicio del derecho. Este propósito se concretó mediante entrevistas realizadas a una muestra de 562 profesionales ejercitantes (335 abogados y 227 abogadas). Específicamente, se describen y se valoran los perfiles demográfico (sexo, edad), personal (núcleo familiar y relaciones con la abogacía), de formación y ejercicio profesional (educación previa y licenciatura posterior, inicios en la profesión y ejercicio actual de la misma). Los análisis practicados constatan, en la generación más joven de abogadas y abogados, una mayoría de mujeres y una menor presencia de antecedentes familiares en el mundo del derecho. La desprofesionalización de la abogacía se pone de manifiesto en las diferencias entre jóvenes y no jóvenes con respecto a los inicios en el ejercicio de la profesión y su posición actual en el contexto del despacho profesional. Entre abogados y abogadas, se advierten (des)igualdades en la formación y el ejercicio actual de las ramas del derecho, así como en las horas trabajadas a lo largo de la semana. Los datos obtenidos sobre desprofesionalización y (des)igualdades pueden ser de utilidad en análisis futuros que consideren la incidencia de las nuevas formas de acceso a la profesión y, de llevarse a la práctica, los cambios en la obligatoriedad de la colegiación para ejercer el derecho.The roots and the importance of the legal profession in Spanish society confer special interest to the knowledge about the current status of the profession and the changes observed among professionals in the field. The aim of this research note is to highlight indicators of deprofessionalization and gender (in)equalities in the professional practice of law. This objective was achieved by interviewing a sample of 562 law professionals (335 men and 227 women). Specifically, we describe and assess the following characteristics: demographic (gender, age), personal (the family unit and its relationship with the legal profession), and professional training (pre-and post-graduate education, entry to the profession and current practice). The analyses show that the youngest generation of lawyers is characterized by a majority of women and a smaller presence of family members in the legal profession. The deprofessionalization of the legal profession is evident in the differences between young and not-so-young attorneys as regards their entry into the profession and the positions they hold in law firms. (In)equalities are observed between male and female lawyers as regards training and the practice of different branches of law, as well as in the hours worked per week. The data obtained on deprofessionalization and (in)equalities can be useful in future analyses on the impact of new forms of entry to the profession and - if implemented - changes in compulsory licensing to practice law

    Estudio de la relación del entorno psicosocial en la práctica deportiva de la mujer

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    The influence of surrounding people in women's sport practice is analysed. The sample was made up of 636 women from Spain, aged between 15 and 64 (M = 38.36; SD = 11.51). The measurement instrument was an online survey with close-ended questions about the practice of sportphysical activities and the support of significant others (father, mother, brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates), which followed the Health Behaviour Survey (HBS; Wold, Aarö and Smith, 1994 - versioned by Balaguer, 2000). Results show predominantly low levels of sport practice (1-2 days/week), with women aged 50-64 having the highest levels of practice (5-7 days/week). Concerning influences from the environment, it is noticeable that brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates who not only practice sport but also encourage women to practise it are more influential than parents; in particular, the presence of supportive friends increases with age. These data complement preceding studies, as well as suggest new research issues related to women's sport practice in Spain

    El self y sus pluralidades: Un análisis desde el paradigma de la complejidad

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    It is considered shared opinions about the diverse self-referents definitions and terms. This diversity is valued in its real scope, and interpreted as a necessary pluralism to analyze a complex phenomenon such as the self. In this sense, some self-referential analysis from linear and complex perspectives are considered, showing some of their main differences according to an epistemological standpoint. Following this, a theoretical complexity-based model of the self is presented; this model permit to explain the question of diversity in self research, and to set forth some criteria to develop an integrated self conception coming from different theories. Besides, considering self interactive aspect makes to propose an analysis of complex nuances in environmental influences that affect self-referents system; specifically, those related to an interactive power studied in Microphysics, and the asinthotic freedom -which contradicts the classical views about the load of the interaction strength. This analysis is translated into some complex elements in others’ influence in the self.Acerca de la diversidad de definiciones y términos autorreferenciales se considera la opinión compartida sobre la problemática de la misma. Se valora el alcance real de dicha diversidad y se observa que ésta puede ser interpretada como pluralidad necesaria en el análisis de un fenómeno complejo como el self (sí mismo). Se consideran algunos análisis autorreferenciales que se practican desde concepciones lineales y complejas y se muestran algunas de las mayores diferencias según el enfoque epistemológico. A partir de aquí se presenta un modelo teórico basado en una concepción compleja del self y, tomando como referencia este modelo, se explica la problemática de la diversidad en la investigación del self y se plantean criterios para el desarrollo de una concepción integradora de diversas orientaciones. En esta misma línea, atendiendo a la dimensión interactiva del self se propone un análisis de ciertos aspectos complejos de la influencia del medio sobre el sistema de autorreferencias. En esta propuesta se consideran algunos tipos de fuerzas interactivas se dan en la microfísica y un efecto que contradice las concepciones clásicas sobre el poder de las fuerzas de interacción: la libertad asintótica. En relación con lo visto a lo largo del trabajo, se plantea un análisis que pone de manifiesto ciertos aspectos complejos de la influencia de los otros sobre el self

    Procrastination at the Core of Physical Activity (PA) and Perceived Quality of Life: A New Approach for Counteracting Lower Levels of PA Practice

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    Faced with the demonstrated need to engage in physical activity (PA), lack of time is the argument commonly used to justify low or non-existent levels of PA. Underlying this argument, the accomplishment of procrastination behaviour seems to be related to the less time dedicated to practicing PA and the low perception of the quality of life. With this in mind, the purpose of this study is to show that dedicating different amounts of time to PA affects the perceived quality of life and the widespread problem of procrastination. We hypothesise that greater time investment in PA is related to greater perceived quality of life and less procrastination. In all, 621 practitioners of PA (347 men, 274 women) between 18 and 83 years old (M = 35.43, SD = 14.45) filled out validated versions of the World Health Organization quality of life assessment (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Pure Procrastination Scale. Results showed that people who do enough PA have a more positive perception of the quality of life in the domains of physical and psychological health; this perception, in turn, is related to lower levels of procrastination. Likewise, socio-demographic characteristics such as gender and the main activity presented significant associations with various quality of life domains and procrastination. In sum, the benefits of improvements in quality of life and reductions in procrastination identified in this study are sensitive to the time spent on PA, which suggests that a strategy to promote the practice of PA would improve time management and, thus, counteract procrastination

    Critical analysis and digital literacy in learning social psychology

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    [EN] This paper presents a teaching experience in social psychology learning, aimed at students’ acquisition of critical analysis and digital literacy competences at the University of Barcelona. The methodology consisted of asking each student to answer to a socially relevant question, by means of (a) identifying key underlying psychosocial processes and (b) searching for adequate keywords in scientific databases such as PsycNet and Sociological Abstracts, in order to (c) select and critically compare two relevant articles that could answer this question. The acquisition of these competences was assessed with a rubric and related questions in the final exam. Results indicated both the effectiveness of this approach to teach competences in digital literacy and critical analysis through motivating questions, and the translation of these competences in other situations. This approach also showed to be more effective in teaching these ompetences than only giving lectures. This methodology is promising, as it provides an answer to how to give future professionals competences in answering effectively and rigorously to socially relevant problems in the Information Society.González-Conde, J.; Codina, N.; Valenzuela, R.; Pestana, J. (2017). Critical analysis and digital literacy in learning social psychology. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1052-1059. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.55131052105

    El papel del ocio en la intervención psicosocial con víctimas de la trata: una revisión sistemática

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    Introduction: Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation amounts to slavery, and is characterised by a high degree of violence, requiring psychosocial intervention to provide resources focussed on the psychosocial recovery of the victims. For this purpose, leisure is a therapeutic resource that allows dealing with traumatic stressors and addresses the stigmas suffered by sexual victims, thus moving away from extended assistance and palliative interventions. However, interventions that incorporate therapeutic leisure seem to be uncommon. Objective: To carry out a systematic review of the published works regarding interventions with female victims of sexual exploitation which consider therapeutic leisure. Methodology: The databases Psicodoc, PsycInfo, and Sociological Abstract are reviewed, using the keywords, in Spanish, víctimas sexuales o prostitutas, intervención, ocio and, in English, sexual victim or prostitute, intervention, leisure. Results: A total of 725 publications were identified, mainly of sociological orientation. After screening, 19 papers remained, which were also discarded after an analysis of their content. Discussion: The results reflect how psychosocial interventions aimed at recovering victims of sexual violence in their entirety are neither documented nor registered in scientific databases. Conclusions: Having highlighted the significant degree of neglect in the recovery of victims of human trafficking, there is a need to spread and facilitate experiences in the management of therapeutic leisure as a tool for intervention in this group. Introducción: La trata de personas con finalidad de explotación sexual es una práctica esclavista que acarrea un excelso grado de violencia; requiriendo que la intervención psicosocial preste recursos centrados en la recuperación psicológica de las víctimas. En este sentido, el ocio es un recurso terapéutico que permite afrontar los estresores traumáticos y abordar el desarraigo y los estigmas que sufren las víctimas sexuales; alejándose así de las extendidas intervenciones asistencialistas y paliativas. Sin embargo, parecen poco generalizadas las intervenciones que incorporan el ocio terapéutico. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de los trabajos publicados respecto a intervenciones con mujeres víctimas de explotación sexual que contemplan el ocio terapéutico. Metodología: Se revisan las bases de datos Psicodoc, PsycInfo y Sociological Abstracts, utilizando las palabras claves, en castellano, víctimas sexuales o prostitutas, intervención, ocio y en inglés, sexual victim o prostitute, intervention, leisure.Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 725 publicaciones mayoritariamente de orientación sociológica. Después de los cribados quedaron 19 trabajos, los cuales también fueron descartados tras un análisis del contenido de los mismos. Discusión: Los resultados reflejan como la intervención psicosocial orientada a recuperar en su integridad a las víctimas de la violencia sexual no está documentada ni registrada en bases de datos científicas. Conclusiones: Habiendo evidenciado el significativo grado de desatención a la recuperación integral de las víctimas de la trata, se reclama la necesidad de difundir y facilitar experiencias en la gestión del ocio terapéutico como herramienta para intervenir en este colectivo

    Is student procrastination related to controlling teacher behaviours?

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    [EN] Even motivated students procrastinate, for procrastination is triggered by a volitional (rather than by a motivational) problem. However, many factors, such as learning context, teacher interpersonal style, and also type of motivation may influence the occurrence of procrastination. The aim of the present study was to assess the relations between first-year university students’ procrastination and controlling teacher behaviour. Four types of controlling teacher behaviour and three distinct measures of procrastination were ecvaluated and their correlations assessed. Findings revealed small but significant associations between (a) conditional use of rewards and decisional procrastination, and between (b) excessive personal control and procrastination linked to avoiding tasks. Results suggest that controlling teacher behaviours might influence students’ psychological experiences in learning negatively. Teachers who do not refrain from constant use of conditional rewards may deffer students’ decision processes regarding their own autonomous academic learning, and excessive personal control may favour students’ perceptions of external regulations, decreasing intrinsic motivation and autonomous self-regulated learning and, thus, making it more likely to engage in alternative activities, procrastinating academic learning.Valenzuela, R.; Codina, N.; Pestana, J.; González-Conde, J. (2017). Is student procrastination related to controlling teacher behaviours?. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1130-1137. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5530OCS1130113