207 research outputs found


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    Today, in the traditional musical performances, performers play notes and make music according to conductor’s instructions. This is a usual situation for all. Especially concerts which we went to as an audience, when we have pieces down pat or recognize, it leads us to think less. Thus, it also ensures that we engage in an event of a single-sided audience.Soundpainting is the multidisciplinary live composing sign language for Musicians, Dancers, Actors and Visual Artists created by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York 1974. Presently (2015) the language comprises more than 1500 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter to indicate the type of the material desired by the performers. The creation of the composition is realized through the parameters of each set of signed gestures.The Soundpainter (the composer) standing in front (usually) of the group communicates a series of signs using hand and body gestures indicating specific and/or aleatoric material to be performed by the group. The Soundpainter develops the responses of the performers, molding and shaping them into the composition then signs another series of gestures, a phrase, and continues on this process of composing the piece. Soundpainting is a useful tool to create dialogue between not only Soundpainter and performers but also soundpainter and audience. Soundpainters’ signs gesture to community and at the same time he can sign gestures to audience and then they respond in sound. Then Soundpainter determines the next instruction based on the response. By this way Soundpainting brings audience into the active component of the performance as communicate among Soundpainter, performers and audience. This research is a qualitative study and data was obtained by literature review.


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    Soundpainting constructed by composer Walter Thompson is a simultaneous universal composition sign language which is made for musicians, dancers, poets and visual artists operated in improvisational environment. Today soundpainting language contains more than 1500 signs. In this research it is aimed to analyze (converting visual texts to writing texts) the gestures (moving visuals) in 1st level of soundpainting. Content analysis was made in this study. After the data analysis, it was discovered that soundpainting sign language gestures have common features in real life body language. Also it was seen that these gestures have universal communication language which has no boundaries like language or hearing deprivation


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    This research aims to identify the sports consumer profile of university students in Turkey. Sports Consumer Scale (SCS) was practiced. The Sports Consumer Scale consists of five sub-dimensions and 31 items. Parametric analyses were performed on the obtained data by using SPSS 22.0 package program. To identify the level and direction of the relationship between dependent variables, “Pearson correlation analysis” was conducted. There was a significant difference in the opinions of university students in Turkey in terms of gender and sports (

    Occupational Anxiety of Prospective Physical Education and Sports Teachers in Turkey

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    This study was conducted to reveal the occupational anxiety levels of prospective physical education and sports teachers in Turkey. The sample of the study consisted of 354 prospective teachers who were chosen by the random sampling method from four universities. The “Occupational Anxiety Scale” was used to collect the data from the sample group in the study. The “Independent Samples t-test”, which is one of the parametric tests, was conducted to reveal the differences according to the gender variable while another parametric test, the “One-way Variance Analysis”. Furthermore, the “Pearson Correlation Analysis” was conducted to determine the nature and the level of correlation between dependent variables. In the study, statistically significant differences were observed between the groups in the subscale of “occupational exam” according to the gender variable. According to the variable of the grade level, significant differences were observed between the groups in the subscale of “adaptation”. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was observed that the subscales of “occupation” and “job orientation” were positively and very strongly correlated, which was also the strongest correlation in the analysis. On the other hand, the weakest correlation was determined to be between the subscales of “occupational exam” and “colleagues and parents”, which was a positive and weak correlation (p<0.05). It was discovered that the occupational anxiety of prospective teachers was generally based on the occupational exam and adaptation

    Agresif periodontitis hastalarında periodontal doku yıkımının dişeti oluğu sıvısı hacmi üzerine etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada agresif periodontitis (AP) hastalarının dişeti oluğu sıvısı (DOS) hacim değerlerinin belirlenmesi ve periodontal yıkım derecesinin DOS hacmi üzerine olan etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu kesitsel çalışma Selçuk Üniversitesi, Diş hekimliği Fakültesi, Periodontoloji bölümünde yürütüldü. Araştırmaya 80 AP ve yaş ve cinsiyet olarak eşleştirilmiş 80 periodontal olarak sağlıklı (S) olmak üzere toplam 160 birey dahil edildi. Hastalardan klinik olarak plak indeksi (Pİ), gingival indeks (Gİ), sondlama cep derinliği (SCD) ve klinik ataşman kaybı (KAK) değerleri kaydedildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 50 lokalize (L) AP, 30 generalize (G) AP ve 80 S olmak üzere toplam 160 bireyden DOS alındı. Elde edilen DOS hacim değerleri elektronik hacim ölçücü Periotron ile değerlendirildi (Periotron 8000, OroFlow Inc.).Bulgular: S kontrollerle kıyaslandığında tüm klinik parametreler LAP ve GAP hastalarında anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p<0.05). DOS hacim değerleri AP hastalarında anlamlı derecede yüksek olmasına rağmen (p<0.05), LAP ve GAP hastaları arasındaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı (p>0.05).Sonuç: DOS hacim değerleri örneklemenin yapılmasından analiz edilinceye kadarki süreçte birçok faktör tarafından etkilenebilir. Bu nedenle araştırmacıların DOS hacim değerlerinin belirlenmesinde çok dikkatli olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın sınırları dahilinde periodontal yıkım derecesinin DOS hacim değerlerini etkilemediği sonucuna varılabilir

    Turkish provincial state university teachers' perceptions of English language teaching as a career

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    Ankara : The Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 2001.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2001.Includes bibliographical references leaves 68-71.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Turkish provincial state university teachers see EFL teaching as a career, how demographic factors (age, sex, experience, and institution), and occupational factors (job satisfaction, entrance into teaching, and professional development opportunities) relate to teachers' commitment. The study was conducted in nine different institutions. 180 EFL teachers in these institutions participated in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire which consisted of three parts and the participants were asked multiple-choice and open-ended questions in the first part; Likert-scale questions in the second part, and questions in which more than one option could be selected in the third part of the questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis techniques were used to analyse the data. For the items in the first part of the questionnaire the frequencies and the percentages were calculated. The frequencies, the percentages, the mean, and the chi-square values were found to analyse teachers' short- and long-term commitment. The relation of age, sex, and institution to teachers' commitment was analysed through the chi- square, and for the relation of experience to teachers' commitment the Pearson correlation was used. The correlation between occupational factors and teachers' commitment was analysed through the Pearson correlation, and the frequencies and the percentages were calculated to analyse the three questions in Part C in the questionnaire. The results of the data analysis revealed that teachers generally see ELT as a career. Age, sex, and experience did not relate to teachers' commitment, but institution correlated with teachers' commitment. Teachers' entrance into teaching and their current perceptions of ELT as an occupation, teachers' job satisfaction, and their perceptions of professional development opportunities were found to be related to teachers' commitment. Teachers' being proud of their profession, their having positive relationships with their students, and their being satisfied with their current teaching position were found among the most important factors relating to teachers' commitment. Low salaries were the most important reason for why teachers might consider leaving teaching. Considering that teachers' job satisfaction and their perceptions of professional development are related to their commitment to EFL teaching, administrators should give priority to providing teachers with positive work conditions, opportunities for professional development, and continual moral and administrative support.Coşkuner, MeltemM.S

    Betting men’s ideas on iddaa (Turkey's official football betting game)

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    Football is a popular culture area that comes into our lives further day by day and has much more place in life as well. Football legitimates its dominance that achieves dominance all around the world, over Turkey, too. Society’s ideas on football changes into from football lovers point to football society. Sport spectators’ reasons of watching competitions vary. These are thought as amusement, social identity, discharges and materialistic expectation. On materialistic expectation, İddaa (betting game), Sport Toto (football pool), Sport Lotto (lotto) and Horse Racing are ale to be evaluated as to supply materialistic expectations. In this study, a questionnaire forms from 73 question which is 8 questions are on demographic information is applied on 1080 betting men in Elazığ province. Aim of the study is to determine betting men’s psychological and sociological expectations from betting game which is the most common way of supplying materialistic expectation at materialistic expectation ways at sports and their ideas on media and match fixing rumors. As a result, when general averages are calculated at the study in which 5 point likert scale is used, prominent factors are like below: %84.4 of participators are between 18-25 year-old age range, %83.8 of them earn their least income from betting game and %74’s of them state that they do not earn money from betting game. Whereas participators express “I agree.” on (X:4.15) portion on question of “Earning money easily plays important role on spreading this game of chance.”, they state that “Newspapers play important game on popularizing the game.” (X:4.23). Factor of “Government should tighten up control of age limit.” is shown as (X:3.93), “Governors support this games because government earn money from this games.” is followed by (X:4.23) factor. It is turned out that “Participators believe in that there is match fixing at some matches.” (X:3.96), “Believing in footballers fix some matches” (X:3.95), “Believing in referee fixes at some matches” (X:3.92), “Believing in club managers fix matches at some matches” (X:3.91) factors are followed by least differences

    Toplumsaldan Siyasala: Sosyo-Dinsel Bir İnşa Olarak Heterodoksi Kavramının Siyasallaşması

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    Führungseliten, die politische Aufgaben wie den Aufbau einer neuen Gesellschaft oder das Stabilisieren der Existenz einer bereits bestehenden Gesellschaft übernommen haben, haben versucht, politische Kämpfe, die innerhalb der Gesellschaft aufkommen könnten, zu verhindern, indem sie besonders die Abhängigkeit der gesellschaftlichen Gruppen zueinander betont haben. Und die Literatur, die gemäß diesem ideologischen Ziel produziert wurde, wurde entweder mit soziologischen Termini gebildet, deren politische Eigenschaften in den Hintergrund gedrängt wurden, oder sie blieb unter dem großen Einfluss theologischer Perspektiven. Die Arbeit, die versuchen wird zu zeigen, dass auch der Heterodoxiebegriff, den die Führungseliten benutzten, die das Ziel hatten, eine moderne und nationale Gesellschaft für den türkischen Nationalstaat zu erschaffen, innerhalb so eines Kontextes konstruiert wurde. Die Arbeit wird verfechten, dass sich dies ab Ende der 1980er Jahre zu verändern begann. Es wird aufgezeigt werden, dass die Populärpublikationen, die in diesen Jahren entstanden und sich weiterzuentwickeln begannen, keinen wesentlichen Unterschied zwischen den Kategorien Religion und Politik machten und von alevitisch-stämmigen Autoren produziert wurden, beim bestehenden Wandel einen wichtigen Einfluss hatten. Es wird vorgebracht werden, dass die besagten Beiträge, die keine akademische Qualität aufweisen, dennoch zu Veränderungen in der Verwendung der Heterodoxieund Orthodoxiebegriffe im akademischen Feld geführt haben und dass sie bewirkt haben, dass diese Begriffe zusammen mit wichtigen Termini der politischen Literatur wie Widerstand, Gewaltherrschaft, Macht und geführte Volksgruppen bedacht werden. So wie die Arbeit, die die Rolle der Publikationen, die die alevitischen Gemeinschaften seit Ende der 1980er Jahren zu produzieren begannen, bei der Neuinterpretierung der Heterodoxie- und Orthodoxiebegriffe innerhalb des akademischen Feldes in ihren Fokus nimmt, aus diesem Anlass einen Beitrag für Arbeiten der Wissenschaftssoziologie in der Türkei leisten wird, so wird sie auch zeigen, was für Ergebnisse diese unterschätzten und übersehenen Populärpublikationen für Arbeiten der Politikwissenschaft hervorbrachten. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Autoren überprüft werden, die Einfluss auf die sozio-religiöse Konstruktion der betroffenen Termini hatten. Im folgenden Teil wird, indem die Entstehung der alevitischen Publikationen diskutiert wird, hervorgehoben werden, was für ein Fundament diese Publikationen dafür legten, dass die Heterodoxie- und Orthodoxiebegriffe einen neuen Inhalt erlangten. Im letzten Teil werden die Beispiele dieser Termini, die begannen, einen politischen Inhalt zu erhalten, im Wissenschaftsgebiet erwähnt werdenRuling elites who have undertaken political tasks such as building a new society or stabilising the existence of the current society, have tried to prevent political struggles that may arise within society, especially by emphasizing the interdependence of social groups. The literature produced in accordance with this ideological goal was also either created using sociological terminology with politic qualifications pushed back, or swallowed by theological perspectives. This paper, which will try to show that the concept of heterodoxy used by the ruling elites with the aim of creating a modern and national society for the Turkish nation-state is also constructed in the same context, will argue that this started to grow from the late 1980s. The paper will show that the popular press which emerged and began to develop in these years, didn’t make a fundamental distinction between the categories of religion and politics and was produced by authors of Alevi origin, had a significant impact on the existing transformation. It will be suggested that the writing in question, which doesn’t have academic qualifications, still caused the transformation of the usage of the heterodoxy and orthodoxy concepts in the academic field, and ensured that these concepts are considered along with the important terms of political literature such as resistance, tyranny, power and governed masses. This paper, focused on the role of the press that Alevi communities started to produce since the late 1980s in the reinterpreting of the heterodoxy and orthodoxy concepts within the academic field, will contribute to the studies of Sociology in Turkey, and also show what kind of results the despised and ignored popular press of these communities produced for the studies of political science. Within the scope of the paper, the first section will analyse the authors who had influence on the socio-religious construction of the concepts in question. The following section will emphasize what kind of basis the press created in the reinterpreting of the heterodoxy and orthodoxy concepts, by discussing the emergence of the Alevi press. The last section will address the examples of these concepts, which have started to be political, in the scientific field.Yeni bir toplum inşa etmek ya da mevcut toplumun varoluşuna istikrar kazandırmak gibi siyasal görevler üstlenmiş yönetici elitler özellikle toplumsal grupların birbirine bağımlılığını vurgulamak suretiyle toplum içerisinde ortaya çıkabilecek siyasal mücadeleleri engellemeye çalışmışlardır. Bu ideolojik hedef doğrultusunda üretilen literatür de ya siyasal nitelikleri geri plana itilmiş sosyolojik terimlerle oluşturulmuş ya da teolojik perspektiflerin ağırlığı altında kalmıştır. Türk ulus-devleti için modern ve milli bir toplum yaratmayı amaçlayan yönetici elitlerin kullandıkları heterodoksi kavramının da böyle bir bağlam içerisinde inşa edildiğini göstermeyi deneyecek olan çalışma bunun 1980’li yılların sonlarından itibaren dönüşmeye başladığını savunacaktır. Bu yıllarda ortaya çıkıp gelişmeye başlayan, din ve siyaset kategorileri arasında esaslı bir ayrım yapmayan ve Alevi kökenli yazarlar tarafından üretilen popüler nitelikli matbuatın mevcut dönüşümde önemli bir etkisinin olduğu gösterilecektir. Akademik bir niteliğe sahip olmayan söz konusu yazının, yine de heterodoksi ve ortodoksi kavramlarının akademik alandaki kullanımlarında dönüşüm yarattığı, onların direniş, tahakküm, iktidar ve yönetilen halk kesimleri gibi siyasal literatürün önemli terimleriyle bir arada düşünülmesini sağladığı ileri sürülecektir. Akademik alan içerisinde heterodoksi ve ortodoksi kavramlarının yeniden anlamlandırılmasında Alevi toplulukların 1980’li yılların sonlarından itibaren üretmeye başladıkları matbuatın rolünü odağına alan çalışma bu vesileyle Türkiye’de bilim sosyolojisi çalışmalarına bir katkı sunacağı gibi, bu toplulukların küçümsenen ve görmezden gelinen popüler nitelikli matbuatının siyaset bilimi çalışmaları için nasıl sonuçlar ortaya çıkardığını gösterecektir. Çalışmanın kapsamı içerisinde ilk bölümde, ilgili kavramların sosyo-dinsel inşasında etkili olan yazarlar incelenecektir. İzleyen bölümde Alevi matbuatının ortaya çıkışı tartışılarak bu matbuatın heterodoksi ve ortodoksi kavramlarının yeni bir içeriğe kavuşmasında ne tür bir temel oluşturduğu öne çıkartılacaktır. Son bölümde ise politik bir içeriğe kavuşturulmaya başlayan bu kavramların bilim alanındaki örneklerine değinilecektir

    Evaluating nursing students clinic stress, and coping with stress during the clinic first day of the Woman Health and Diseases Nursing clinical course

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    Purpose: This study aimed to explore the clinical stress levels, stress sources and coping strategies of Turkish male and female nursing students attending the Woman’s Health and Disease Nursing clinical course on the first day.Method and material: This cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2010 at a public university located in Istanbul. The study group included 98 nursing students. Data were collected from the nursing students in the study group using a self-report questionnaire, clinical stress questionnaire and Carver Coping scale. The data were analyses using percentages, chi-square analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test and Cronbach's alpha coefficients Results: Approximately half of the male students (47.6%) reported that they experienced stress since the patient group consisted of females and the majority of male students (76.2%) stated that they were subject to gender discrimination at the clinic and there was a significant difference between the male and female students. The male and female nursing students’ stress levels and Carver Coping scale total score of  on the first day of the Woman’s Health and Disease nursing clinical course was similar (p>0.05). Conclusions:  Male students experience stress because the patient group consisted of women, the majority of male students reported that they were subject to gender discrimination and gender discrimination was a source of stress for them. Female and male nursing students experienced stress in the first day of the clinical course of the Woman's Health and Diseases Nursing course, and that the stressors and coping strategies were similar across genders. In the clinical training for the Woman's Health and Diseases Nursing course lectures should be aware of possible stressors and, if necessary, should help students in positive coping

    Erolgraf: a study proposal on the development of polyrhythmic playing and application of dynamics in piano education

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    Piyano eğitimi uzun ve sabır gerektiren bir süreçtir. Bu süreçte teknik ve müzikal gelişimin sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Süreç içerisinde teknik gelişimin sağlanması ve yaşanan problemlerin ortadan kaldırılmasında çeşitli egzersiz ve etütler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada piyano eğitiminde sağ ve sol el koordinasyonunun geliştirilmesine yönelik ritmik bağımsızlık ve dinamiklerin uygulanması üzerine Erolgraf notasyon sisteminin kullanılmasına yönelik inceleme yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın dayanak noktasını oluşturan Erolgraf grafik notasyon sistemi; Soundpainting dilinin Amerika’lı besteci Etienne Rolin tarafından grafik notasyona dönüştürülmüş halidir. Çalışma, poliritmik çalabilme ve dinamikleri uygulayabilme konularında yeni bir çalışma önerisi getirdiği için dikkate değer bir çalışma olup önem taşımaktadır. Araştırmada, veriler kaynak tarama yolu ile ele edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda, Erolgraf grafik notasyon sisteminin piyano eğitiminde poliritmik çalma becerisinin geliştirilmesinde ve dinamiklerin doğru bir şekilde uygulanmasında etkili ve yeni bir çalışma yöntemi sunduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Piano education is a long and patience process. In this process, it is aimed to provide technical and musical development. Various exercises and studies play an important role in ensuring technical development and eliminating the problems experienced during the process. In this study, an investigation was made on the use of the Erolgraf notation system on the use of rhythmic independence and application of dynamics for improving right and left hand coordination in piano education. The Erolgraf graphic notation system that forms the basis of the research; It is the soundpainting language transformed into graphic notation by American composer Etienne Rolin. The study is a remarkable study and it is important because it offers a new study proposal in terms of playing polithmic and applying dynamics. In the research, the data were handled through source scanning. At the end of the research, it was concluded that the Erolgraf graphic notation system offers an effective and new method of study in piano education, in the development of polithmic playing skills and in the correct application of dynamics