137 research outputs found

    Viver na dimensĂŁo do cuidado: a relação entre santidade social e a vocação pĂșblica do metodismo

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    In preparationEm elaboraçã


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    Desde a eclosĂŁo dos protestos de Junho de 2013 uma sĂ©rie de manifestaçÔes populares fez-se constante no Brasil, explicitando o descontentamento da população para com os serviços pĂșblicos de transporte, educação e saĂșde, a conjuntura de inferno urbano evidenciada nos grandes centros urbanos e a interdição dos canais institucionais capazes de levar aos governantes as demandas populares. A partir do rompimento com o hiato entĂŁo instaurado no exercĂ­cio do direito de manifestação foi possĂ­vel observar inĂșmeras prĂĄticas estatais no Ăąmbito dos poderes Executivo, Legislativo e JudiciĂĄrio, tomadas no sentido de reprimir e criminalizar as manifestaçÔes populares. A presente pesquisa busca, portanto, analisar como se dĂĄ este processo de criminalização das manifestaçÔes orquestrado pelo Estado nas esferas do ato, do controle e da atuação judicial nos protestos.

    Sawtooth waves during REM sleep after administration of haloperidol combined with total sleep deprivation in healthy young subjects

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    We sought to examine the possible participation of dopaminergic receptors in the phasic events that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, known as sawtooth waves (STW). These phasic phenomena of REM sleep exhibit a unique morphology and, although they represent a characteristic feature of REM sleep, little is known about the mechanisms which generate them and which are apparently different from rapid eye movements. STW behavior was studied in 10 male volunteers aged 20 to 35 years, who were submitted to polysomnographic monitoring (PSG). On the adaptation night they were submitted to the first PSG and on the second night, to the basal PSG. On the third night the volunteers received placebo or haloperidol and spent the whole night awake. On the fourth night they were submitted to the third PSG. After a 15-day rest period, the volunteers returned to the sleep laboratory and, according to a double-blind crossover randomized design, received haloperidol or placebo and spent the whole night awake, after which they were submitted to the fourth PSG. The volunteers who were given haloperidol combined with sleep deprivation exhibited an elevation of the duration and density of the STW, without significant alterations of the other REM sleep phasic phenomena such as rapid eye movement. These findings suggest that sawtooth waves must have their own generating mechanisms and that the dopaminergic receptors must exert a modulating role since REM sleep deprivation, as well as administration of neuroleptics, produces supersensitivity of dopaminergic receptors.Universidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    Redução na força muscular e capacidade funcional em pacientes fisicamente inativos com lĂșpus eritematoso sistĂȘmico de inĂ­cio juvenil, apesar de doença muito leve

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    ResumoObjetivoComparar a força muscular (ou seja, a força muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores) e a capacidade funcional de pacientes fisicamente inativos com lĂșpus eritematoso sistĂȘmico de inĂ­cio juvenil (LESJ) com controles saudĂĄveis (CTRL).MĂ©todosEstudo transversal cuja amostra foi composta por 19 pacientes com LESJ (entre 9 e 18 anos) e 15 CTRL pareados por idade, sexo, Ă­ndice de massa corporal (IMC) e nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica (avaliada atravĂ©s do uso de acelerĂŽmetros). A força dos membros superiores e inferiores foi avaliada pelo teste de uma repetição mĂĄxima (1‐RM). A força isomĂ©trica foi avaliada atravĂ©s do uso de um dinamĂŽmetro. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada pelo Timed‐stands test (TST) e Timed‐up‐and‐go test (TUG).ResultadosQuando comparados com os CTRL, os pacientes com LESJ apresentaram menor força em 1‐RM no Leg press e supino (p=0,026 e p=0,008, respectivamente) e uma tendĂȘncia a menor força de preensĂŁo manual (p=0,052). Os pacientes com LESJ apresentaram menores escores no TST (p=0,036) e uma tendĂȘncia a maior pontuação no TUG (p=0,070), quando comparados com o grupo CTRL.ConclusĂŁoPacientes com LESJ, fisicamente inativos, com doença muito leve mostraram redução na força muscular e capacidade funcional quando comparados com controles saudĂĄveis pareados por nĂ­veis de atividade fĂ­sica. Esses achados sugerem que pacientes com LESJ podem apresentar mais efeitos deletĂ©rios por manter um estilo de vida fisicamente inativo do que controles saudĂĄveis. AlĂ©m disso, alguns efeitos “residuais” subclĂ­nicos da doença ou do tratamento farmacolĂłgico parecem afetar pacientes com LESJ, mesmo com uma doença bem controlada.AbstractObjectiveTo compare muscle strength (i.e. lower‐ and upper‐body strength) and function between physically inactive childhood‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus patients (C‐SLE) and healthy controls (CTRL).MethodsThis was a cross‐sectional study and the sample consisted of 19 C‐SLE (age between 9 to 18 years) and 15 CTRL matched by age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and physical activity levels (assessed by accelerometry). Lower‐ and upper‐body strength was assess by the one‐repetition‐maximum (1‐RM) test. Isometric strength was assessed through a handgrip dynamometer. Muscle function was evaluated by the timed‐stands test (TST) and the timed‐up‐and‐go test (TUG).ResultsWhen compared with CTRL, C‐SLE showed lower leg‐press and bench‐press 1‐RM (p=0.026 and p=0.008, respectively), and a tendency towards lower handgrip strength (p=0.052). C‐SLE showed lower TST scores (p=0.036) and a tendency towards higher TUG scores (p=0.070) when compared with CTRL.ConclusionPhysically inactive C‐SLE patients with very mild disease showed reduced muscle strength and functionality when compared with healthy controls matched by physical activity levels. These findings suggest C‐SLE patients may greatly suffer from a physically inactive lifestyle than healthy controls do. Moreover, some sub‐clinical “residual” effect of the disease or its pharmacological treatment seems to affect C‐SLE patients even with a well‐controlled disease

    Cytokeratin immunoprofile of primary and metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary glands: a report of two cases

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    Distant metastases from salivary gland tumors are considered infrequent: the incidence of distant metastases ranges from 24% to 61% according to different histotypes and to the site of the primary mass. The most common site of distant metastases due to salivary gland malignancies is the lung. From the pathology point of view, cytokeratins (CK) are important differentiation markers in salivary gland tumors, which are often used for the diagnostic process. Their employment also may be useful to identify and confirm the diagnosis of their distant metastases. We report the expression of CK in two cases of primary and metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and their CK profiles of the primary and metastatic masses. Both patients—one male and one female—were diagnosed with an ACC cribriform and tubular, respectively, with lung metastases. In case 1, the metastatic mass presented the same histotype and CK profile of the primary tumor. For case 2, the metastatic lung mass was distinct from the primary mass (a solid ACC) and presented a different CK profile. Although salivary gland metastatic disease presents a poor prognosis, both patients reported herein are alive despite the presence of the disease in long-term follow-up. Therefore, the modifications seen in the CK profiles do not appear to be predictive of tumor behavior and outcome. The use of a CK profile seems to be useful to identify the nature of a distant mass and its possible correlations with a primary salivary gland tumo

    Malignant Transformation Of An Odontogenic Cyst In A Period Of 10 Years.

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    Primary intraosseous carcinoma of the jaws (PIOSCC) might arise from odontogenic epithelium, more commonly from a previous odontogenic cyst. The aim of this case is to illustrate that the clinician should consider that an apparent benign dentigerous cyst can suffer malignant transformation and that all material removed from a patient must be evaluated histologically. A 44-year-old man presented in a routine periapical X-ray an impacted lower left third molar with radiolucency over its crown. Ten years later, the patient complained of pain in the same region and the tooth was extracted. After one month, the patient still complained of pain and suffered a fracture of the mandible. A biopsy was performed and carcinoma was diagnosed. The patient was treated surgically with adjuvant radio- and chemotherapy and after 8 years, he is well without signs of recurrences. This report describes a central mandibular carcinoma probably developed from a previous dentigerous cyst.201476296

    Local and systemic effects of fibrin and cyanoacrylate adhesives on lung lesions in rabbits

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    OBJECTIVES: Tissue adhesives can be used to prevent pulmonary air leaks, which frequently occur after lung interventions. The objective of this study is to evaluate local and systemic effects of fibrin and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives on lung lesions in rabbits. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were submitted to videothoracoscopy + lung incision alone (control) or videothoracoscopy + lung incision + local application of fibrin or cyanoacrylate adhesive. Blood samples were collected and assessed for leukocyte, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts and interleukin-8 levels preoperatively and at 48 hours and 28 days post-operatively. After 28 days, the animals were euthanized for gross examination of the lung surface, and lung fragments were excised for histopathological analysis. RESULTS: Fibrin and cyanoacrylate produced similar adhesion scores of the lung to the parietal pleura. Microscopic analysis revealed uniform low-cellular tissue infiltration in the fibrin group and an intense tissue reaction characterized by dense inflammatory infiltration of granulocytes, giant cells and necrosis in the cyanoacrylate group. No changes were detected in the leukocyte, neutrophil or lymphocyte count at any time-point, while the interleukin-8 levels were increased in the fibrin and cyanoacrylate groups after 48 hours compared with the pre-operative control levels (
