5,712 research outputs found


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    The risk of sports-related injuries is constantly present in various sporting activities, like box, rugby, tae-kwon-do, etc. Athletes should be informed of the best characteristics of a custom-made mouthguard in order to prevent oro-facial trauma. Materials used in the manufacture of mouthguards should satisfy a number of physical, mechanical and biological requirements. It is essential to differentiate the intra-oral devices available for the athletes to play safe. There are three main goals that should be taken into account, and that are provided by the authors’ modified occlusion outhguard (MOM): (i) the occlusal stability, by the contacts of the mouthguard with the antagonist teeth, (ii) the equilibrium of the masticatory muscles and (iii) the temporomandibular joint protection from excessive unbalanced forces

    An exploratory study of the hard X-ray variability properties of PG quasars with RXTE

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    We have monitored with the RXTE PCA the variability pattern of the 2-20 keV flux in four PG quasars (QSOs) from the Laor et al. (1994) sample. Six observations of each target at regular intervals of 1 day were performed. The sample comprises objects with extreme values of Balmer line width (and hence soft X-ray steepness) and spans about one order of magnitude in luminosity. The most robust result is that the variability amplitude decreases as energy increases. Several options for a possible ultimate driver of the soft and hard X-ray variability, such as the influx rate of Comptonizing relativistic particles, instabilities in the accretion flow or the number of X-ray active sites, are consistent with our results.Comment: Contributed talk presented at the Joint MPE,AIP,ESO workshop on NLS1s, Bad Honnef, Dec. 1999, to appear in New Astronomy Reviews; also available at http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/nls1-worksho

    PCR-RFLP e genotipagem de echinococcus granulosus

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    A hidatidose é uma zoonose, causada pelo helminta Echinococcus granulosus, presente de um modo geral, em todo o globo terrestre tendo na região mediterrânica uma elevada importância. Estão descritos, para esta espécie, 10 genótipos (G1 a G10) em saúde pública ligados a diferentes hospedeiros intermediários. Das técnicas de biologia molecular utilizadas para a genotipagem do E. granulosus, umas mostraram-se mais específicas e sensíveis que outras. Assim, neste estudo, pretende-se avaliar a PCR-RFLP na genotipagem de amostras de E. granulosus provenientes de Portugal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS Foram obtidos 30 quistos hidáticos de ovinos e bovinos parasitados com E. granulosus e procedeu-se à extracção da areia hidática contida nos quistos. Foi extraído o DNA do parasita a partir da areia hidática e amplificada a região ITS-1 com três pares de “primers” diferentes (Eg16-PCR, Eg9-PCR e ITS-1-PCR). Foram aplicadas enzimas de restrição (Alu I, Cfo I, Msp I e Rsa I) a estes produtos de amplificação, os quais foram visualizados em electroforese em gel de agarose a 2,5%. Foi ainda amplificado o gene citocromo oxidase sub-unidade I (COI) e sequenciado. As sequências obtidas foram comparadas com algumas existentes no GenBank. RESULTADOS Foram obtidos produtos de amplificação para as reacções Eg16-PCR, Eg9-PCR e ITS-1-PCR. A eficiência de reacção foi de 100% para as primeiras duas PCR e cerca de 60% para a ITS-1-PCR. Foram obtidos diferentes padrões de corte, no produto amplificado, consoante a enzima usada. CONCLUSÕES Foram encontradas algumas divergências no padrão de corte com a mesma enzima, tendo sido essas amostras amplificadas para o gene COI e sequenciadas para determinar o genótipo em questão. Verificou-se, em todas as amostras que suscitaram dúvidas com a aplicação das enzimas de restrição, que se estava perante o genótipo G1. Assim, podemos concluir que para a genotipagem da espécie E. granulosus é necessário associar à técnica PCR-RFLP uma técnica mais específica, o que está de acordo com o mencionado por Villalobos et al. (2007) e Manterola et al. (2008

    Timed Multiparty Session Types

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    We propose a typing theory, based on multiparty session types, for modular verification of real-time choreographic interactions. To model real-time implementations, we introduce a simple calculus with delays and a decidable static proof system. The proof system ensures type safety and time-error freedom, namely processes respect the prescribed timing and causalities between interactions. A decidable condition on timed global types guarantees time-progress for validated processes with delays, and gives a sound and complete characterisation of a new class of CTAs with general topologies that enjoys progress and liveness

    Massive Neutrinos and the Higgs Mass Window

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    If neutrino masses are produced by a see-saw mechanism the Standard Model prediction for the Higgs mass window (defined by upper (perturbativity) and lower (stability) bounds) can be substantially affected. Actually the Higgs mass window can close completely, which settles an upper bound on the Majorana mass for the right-handed neutrinos, MM, ranging from 101310^{13} GeV for three generations of quasi-degenerate massive neutrinos with mν2m_\nu\simeq 2 eV, to 5×10145\times 10^{14} GeV for just one relevant generation with mν0.1m_\nu\simeq 0.1 eV. A slightly weaker upper bound on MM, coming from the requirement that the neutrino Yukawa couplings do not develop a Landau pole, is also discussed.If neutrino masses are produced by a see-saw mechanism the Standard Model prediction for the Higgs mass window (defined by upper (perturbativity) and lower (stability) bounds) can be substantially affected. Actually the Higgs mass window can close completely, which settles an upper bound on the Majorana mass for the right-handed neutrinos, MM, ranging from 101310^{13} GeV for three generations of quasi-degenerate massive neutrinos with mν2m_\nu\simeq 2 eV, to 5×10145\times 10^{14} GeV for just one relevant generation with mν0.1m_\nu\simeq 0.1 eV. A slightly weaker upper bound on MM, coming from the requirement that the neutrino Yukawa couplings do not develop a Landau pole, is also discussed

    Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health of Ilhas Selvagens, Portugal

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    In September 2015, National Geographic's Pristine Seas project, in conjunction with the Instituto Universitário-Portugal, The Waitt Institute, the University of Western Australia, and partners conducted a comprehensive assessment of the rarely surveyed Ilhas Selvagens to explore the marine environment, especially the poorly understood deep sea and open ocean areas, and quantify the biodiversity of the nearshore marine environment

    Teacher participation & qualifications regarding extra-curricula sport activities

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    En la presente investigación se aborda el estudio y análisis de la intervención docente del profesorado de las actividades físico-deportivas extraescolares en los centros educativos de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid en función de su formación inicial. La investigación sigue una metodología cuantitativa de corte descriptivo, a través de la encuesta. El tamaño de la muestra es de 350 personas y para su cálculo se consideraron varios aspectos: la población era finita; se recurre en la varianza poblacional al supuesto más desfavorable donde “P” y “Q” son iguales con el 50% cada uno; el intervalo de confianza es del 95,5%, con un margen de error del ± 4,75%. Los resultados revelan que existe un alto porcentaje de profesores que no realizan una programación de sus actividades ni tampoco evalúan a sus alumnos. Asimismo, los resultados sugieren que la intervención docente de las personas no tituladas es menos adecuada.In this research is done the study and analysis of teacher intervention in the extra-curricular sport activities of educational centres for secondary education in Comunidad de Madrid. The research follows a quantitative methodology with a descriptive profile which, across survey, in which a cross-sectional survey have been carried out.The size of the sample is 350 people and for its calculation, several aspects have been considered: The population was finite; the least favourable hypothesis is considered in the population variation, where “P” and “Q” are equal, with 50% each; the confidence interval is 95%, with an error margin of ± 4.75%. The results reveal that exits a high percentage of teachers who don’t programme their activities and don’t evaluate their students. Furthermore, the results suggest that the teacher intervention is less adequate to the teachers who don’t have any qualification

    Primer informe de Aelurostrongylus abstrusus en el caracol de tierra Rumina decollata, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

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    Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Railliet, 1898) is a worldwide distributed lungworm that affects wild and domestic cats, causing bronchopneumonia of varying intensity. Cats became infected by eating slugs and snails with third infective stage larvae (L3). The aim of the study was to describe the presence of A. abstrusus in R. decollate snails. R. decollata specimens and samples of cats’ faeces were collected from the open spaces of a public institution of Buenos Aires city, inhabited by a stray cat population. Cats’ faeces were processed by Baermman´s technique and snails were digested in pool, by artificial digestion method. First stage larvae of A. abstrusus were recovered from 35.30 % (6/17) of the sampled faeces. An 80 % (20/25) snails pools were positive for the second and third larval stages. Mean value of total larvae recovered per pool was 150.64 and mean value of L3/pool was 93.89. This is the first report of the development of A. abstrusus infective larvae in R. decollate snail as intermediate host, since the relationship between high levels of infection in snails and in cats’ faeces could be demonstrated in cats’ habitat.Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (Railliet, 1898) es un helminto pulmonar mundialmente distribuido que afecta a los gatos, causando bronconeumonias de variada intensidad. La infección se produce por ingestión de babosas y caracoles terrestres con larvas infectantes (L3). El objetivo del estudio fue describir la presencia de A. abstrusus en el caracol R. decollata. Se recolectaron muestras de heces felinas y caracoles presentes en una institución pública de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, habitada por una población de gatos sin propietario. Las heces fueron procesadas mediante la técnica de Baermman y los caracoles fueron digeridos en pool por digestión artificial enzimática. Larvas de primer estadio (L1) de A. abstrusus fueron recuperadas en el 35,30% (6/17) de las heces. El 80% (20/25) de los pooles de caracoles presentó larvas de segundo y tercer estadio. El promedio de larvas totales recuperado por pool fue de 150,64 y el valor medio de L3/pool fue de 93.89. Este es el primer hallazgo del desarrollo de larvas infectivas de A. abstrusus en el caracol doméstico R. decollata. Los altos niveles de infección encontrados en los caracoles y en las heces de los gatos demuestran el potencial de R. decollata como hospedador intermediario de A. abstrusus.Fil: Cardillo, Natalia Marina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Clemente, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Pasqualetti, M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Borrás, P.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Rosa, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; ArgentinaFil: Ribicich, M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Cs.veterinarias. Area de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias; Argentin

    Aspectos do controlo da qualidade da fluodesoxiglucose num laboratório de produção

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    Resumo do poster apresentado ao XII Congresso Nacional de Medicina Nuclear, 12-14 Novembro 2009, Mealhad