22 research outputs found

    Étude expĂ©rimentale et modĂ©lisation des pertes de pression lors du renoyage d’un lit de dĂ©bris

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    Ce travail de thĂšse porte sur l’étude des pertes de pression pour des Ă©coulements monophasiques et diphasiques inertiels au travers de milieux poreux. Son objectif est d’aider Ă  la comprĂ©hension et Ă  la modĂ©lisation des transferts de quantitĂ© de mouvement Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de lits de particules, en lien avec la problĂ©matique de la gestion d’un accident grave dans un rĂ©acteur nuclĂ©aire. En effet, lors d’un tel accident, la dĂ©gradation du coeur du rĂ©acteur peut amener celui-ci Ă  s’effondrer pour former un lit de dĂ©bris, que l’on peut assimiler Ă  un milieu poreux Ă  haute tempĂ©rature et dĂ©gageant de la chaleur. Ce travail de thĂšse s’inscrit dans un projet de recherche en sĂ»retĂ© nuclĂ©aire visant Ă  prĂ©dire la refroidissabilitĂ© d’un lit de dĂ©bris par injection d’eau, ou « renoyage ». Une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale des pertes de pression pour des Ă©coulements monodimensionnels monophasiques et diphasiques Ă  froid est proposĂ©e dans des situations reprĂ©sentatives du cas rĂ©acteur, en termes de granulomĂ©trie, de formes de particules et de vitesses d’écoulement. Les expĂ©riences rĂ©alisĂ©es apportent un complĂ©ment important aux donnĂ©es existantes, en permettant notamment d’explorer les domaines d’écoulements diphasiques avec nombres de Reynolds liquides non nuls, tout en mesurant le taux de vide, ce qui est essentiel pour une modĂ©lisation. Des modĂšles prĂ©dictifs pour les pertes de pression Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’écoulements monophasiques et diphasiques au travers de lits de particules sont Ă©tablis Ă  partir des structures d’équations obtenues par une prise de moyenne volumique des Ă©quations de conservation locales. L’observation des Ă©coulements monophasiques montrent que des lois de type Darcy-Forchheimer avec une correction quadratique en vitesse de filtration sont Ă  mĂȘme de prĂ©dire les pertes de pression avec une prĂ©cision supĂ©rieure Ă  10%. Une Ă©tude numĂ©rique a montrĂ© que ce rĂ©sultat est applicable pour un lit dĂ©sordonnĂ© de particules peu rugueuses. L’étude des Ă©coulements diphasiques montre qu’une structure d’équations de type Darcy-Forchheimer gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e, incluant des termes supplĂ©mentaires pour prendre en compte les effets inertiels et les frottements interfaciaux, permet de reproduire le comportement des pertes de pression dans cette situation. Un nouveau modĂšle est proposĂ©, et comparĂ© aux donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales et aux modĂšles utilisĂ©s dans les codes de simulation des accidents graves

    Experimental investigation on single-phase pressure losses in nuclear debris beds: Identification of flow regimes and effective diameter.

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    During a severe nuclear power plant accident, the degradation of the reactor core can lead to the formation of debris beds. The main accident management procedure consists in injecting water inside the reactor vessel. Nevertheless, large uncertainties remain regarding the coolability of such debris beds. Motivated by the reduction of these uncertainties, experiments have been conducted on the CALIDE facility in order to investigate single-phase pressure losses in representative debris beds. In this paper, these results are presented and analyzed in order to identify a simple single-phase flow pressure loss correlation for debris-bed-like particle beds in reflooding conditions, which cover Darcean to Weakly Turbulent flow regimes.The first part of this work is dedicated to study macro-scale pressure losses generated by debris-bed-like particle beds, i.e., high sphericity (>80%) particle beds with relatively small size dispersion (from 1 mm to 10 mm). A Darcy–Forchheimer law, involving the sum of a linear term and a quadratic deviation, with respect to filtration velocity, has been found to be relevant to describe this behavior in Darcy, Strong Inertial and Weak Turbulent regimes. It has also been observed that, in a restricted domain (Re = 15 to Re = 30) between Darcy and Weak Inertial regimes, deviation is better described by a cubic term, which corresponds to the so-called Weak Inertial regime. The second part of this work aims at identifying expressions for coefficients of linear and quadratic terms in Darcy–Forchheimer law, in order to obtain a predictive correlation. In the case of monodisperse beds, and according to the Ergun equation, they depend on the porosity of the medium, empirical constants and the diameter of the particles. Applicability of the Ergun equation for debris-bed-like particle beds has been investigated by assessing the possibility to evaluate equivalent diameters, i.e., characteristic length allowing correct predictions of linear and quadratic terms by the Ergun equation. It has been observed that the Sauter diameter of particles allows a very precise prediction of the linear term, by less than 10% in most cases, while the quadratic term can be predicted using the product of the Sauter diameter and a sphericity coefficient as an equivalent diameter, by about 15%

    Experimental study of pressure drops in coarse particle beds

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    Motivated by uncertainty reduction in nuclear debris beds coolability, experiments have been conducted on the CALIDE facility in order to investigate single-phase pressure losses in representative debris beds, i.e., high sphericity (> 80 %) particle beds with small size dispersion (from 1 mm to 10 mm), for which no validated model exists. In this paper, experimental results are presented and analyzed in order to identify a simple correlation for single-phase flow pressure losses generated in this kind of porous media in reflooding flowing conditions, which cover Darcy to Weakly Turbulent regimes. In the literature, it has been observed that their behaviour can be accurately described by a Darcy-Forchheimer law, involving the sum of a linear term and a quadratic non-linear deviation, with respect to the filtration velocity. Expressions for the coefficients of the linear and quadratic terms are determined by assessing the possibility to evaluate equivalent diameters, i.e., characteristic lengths allowing correct predictions of the linear and quadratic terms by the Ergun equation. It has been observed that the Sauter diameter of particles allows a very precise prediction of the linear term, while the quadratic term can be predicted using the product of the Sauter diameter and a sphericity coefficient as an equivalent diameter

    Etude expĂ©rimentale et modĂ©lisation des pertes de pression lors du renoyage d’un coeur de rĂ©acteur dĂ©gradĂ© en configuration « lit de dĂ©bris »

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    Etude expĂ©rimentale et modĂ©lisation des pertes de pression lors du renoyage d’un coeur de rĂ©acteur dĂ©gradĂ© en configuration « lit de dĂ©bris

    Pressure drop and average void fraction measurements for two-phase flow through highly permeable porous media

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    The modeling of pressure drop for two-phase flows through porous media is a key point to assess the coolability of debris beds resulting from nuclear severe accidents. Models involve several parameters which are non-linear functions of the void fraction, e.g. relative permeabilities. Their identification requires that experimental data include the measurement of void fraction. This paper presents a new technique developed to reach this objective. The method is based on the use of a capacitance probe and has been validated by comparison with a weighing method. The validation has shown that the accuracy is better than 10%. The measurement device has been implemented in the CALIDE facility, at IRSN, which has been designed to perform air–water flow through debris bed. Tests have been carried out with beds made of single size 4 mm and 8 mm beads. Measurements of pressure drop and average void fraction are reported in the paper, for air and water flow rates representative of flows that would result of either the reflooding of the damaged core or the cooling of corium debris in a stagnant pool of water. Finally, the pressure drop models used in severe accident simulation codes, based on generalizations of the single-phase Ergun law, have been assessed against the new data. It has been observed that generalized Ergun laws including an interfacial drag term accurately predict the pressure drop and the void fraction for flows with a zero net water velocity

    JOSEFA Y ASUNCIÓN [Material gráfico]

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    ÁLBUM FAMILIAR CASA DE COLÓNCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Experimental study and modelling of pressure losses during reflooding of a debris beds

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    Ce travail de thĂšse porte sur l’étude des pertes de pression pour des Ă©coulements monophasiques et diphasiques inertiels au travers de milieux poreux. Son objectif est d’aider Ă  la comprĂ©hension et Ă  la modĂ©lisation des transferts de quantitĂ© de mouvement Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de lits de particules, en lien avec la problĂ©matique de la gestion d’un accident grave dans un rĂ©acteur nuclĂ©aire. En effet, lors d’un tel accident, la dĂ©gradation du coeur du rĂ©acteur peut amener celui-ci Ă  s’effondrer pour former un lit de dĂ©bris, que l’on peut assimiler Ă  un milieu poreux Ă  haute tempĂ©rature et dĂ©gageant de la chaleur. Ce travail de thĂšse s’inscrit dans un projet de recherche en sĂ»retĂ© nuclĂ©aire visant Ă  prĂ©dire la refroidissabilitĂ© d’un lit de dĂ©bris par injection d’eau, ou « renoyage ». Une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale des pertes de pression pour des Ă©coulements monodimensionnels monophasiques et diphasiques Ă  froid est proposĂ©e dans des situations reprĂ©sentatives du cas rĂ©acteur, en termes de granulomĂ©trie, de formes de particules et de vitesses d’écoulement. Les expĂ©riences rĂ©alisĂ©es apportent un complĂ©ment important aux donnĂ©es existantes, en permettant notamment d’explorer les domaines d’écoulements diphasiques avec nombres de Reynolds liquides non nuls, tout en mesurant le taux de vide, ce qui est essentiel pour une modĂ©lisation. Des modĂšles prĂ©dictifs pour les pertes de pression Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’écoulements monophasiques et diphasiques au travers de lits de particules sont Ă©tablis Ă  partir des structures d’équations obtenues par une prise de moyenne volumique des Ă©quations de conservation locales. L’observation des Ă©coulements monophasiques montrent que des lois de type Darcy-Forchheimer avec une correction quadratique en vitesse de filtration sont Ă  mĂȘme de prĂ©dire les pertes de pression avec une prĂ©cision supĂ©rieure Ă  10%. Une Ă©tude numĂ©rique a montrĂ© que ce rĂ©sultat est applicable pour un lit dĂ©sordonnĂ© de particules peu rugueuses. L’étude des Ă©coulements diphasiques montre qu’une structure d’équations de type Darcy-Forchheimer gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e, incluant des termes supplĂ©mentaires pour prendre en compte les effets inertiels et les frottements interfaciaux, permet de reproduire le comportement des pertes de pression dans cette situation. Un nouveau modĂšle est proposĂ©, et comparĂ© aux donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales et aux modĂšles utilisĂ©s dans les codes de simulation des accidents graves.This work deals with single and two-phase flow pressure losses in porous media. The aim is to improve understanding and modeling of momentum transfer inside particle beds, in relation with nuclear safety issues concerning the reflooding of debris beds during severe nuclear accidents. Indeed, the degradation of the core during such accidents can lead to the collapse of the fuel assemblies, and to the formation of a debris bed, which can be described as a hot porous medium. This thesis is included in a nuclear safety research project on coolability of debris beds during reflooding sequences. An experimental study of single and two-phase cold-flow pressure losses in particle beds is proposed. The geometrical characteristics of the debris and the hydrodynamic conditions are representative of the real case, in terms of granulometry, particle shapes, and flow velocities. The new data constitute an important contribution. In particular, they contain pressure losses and void fraction measurements in two-phase air-water flows with non-zero liquid Reynolds numbers, which did not exist before. Predictive models for pressure losses in single and two-phase flow through particle beds have been established from experimental data. Their structures are based on macroscopic equations obtained from the volume averaging of local conservation equations. Single-phase flow pressure losses can be described by a Darcy-Forchheimer law with a quadratic correction, in terms of filtration velocity, with a better-than-10 % precision. Numerical study of single-phase flows through porous media shows that this correlation is valid for disordered smooth particle beds. Twophase flow pressure losses are described using a generalized Darcy-Forchheimer structure, involving inertial and cross flow terms. A new model is proposed and compared to the experimental data and to the usual models used in severe accident simulation codes

    Highly Selective Syn Addition of 1,3-Diones to Internal Ynamides Catalyzed by Zinc Iodide

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    International audienceHaving previously established that 1,3-diones could be used as nucleophiles to perform additions to ynamides, highly selective hydroalkoxylation of internal ynamides is now described herein. Several catalytic systems were compared to carry out this transformation including transition metal-based catalysts or Lewis acids. ZnI2 was found to be both very active and highly selective giving only E adducts through a syn addition. Scope and limits investigation showed that this catalyst was compatible with various functional groups. In addition to 17 examples of ynamide hydroalkoxylation, one example of ynamide hydroarylation is reported

    Experimental study of single-phase pressure drops in coarse particle beds

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    International audienceMotivated by uncertainty reduction in nuclear debris beds coolability, experiments have been conducted on the CALIDE facility in order to investigate single-phase pressure losses in representative debris beds, i.e., high sphericity (> 80 %) particle beds with small size dispersion (from 1 mm to 10 mm), for which no validated model exists. In this paper, experimental results are presented and analyzed in order to identify a simple correlation for single-phase flow pressure losses generated in this kind of porous media in reflooding flowing conditions, which cover Darcy to Weakly Turbulent regimes. In the literature, it has been observed that their behaviour can be accurately described by a Darcy-Forchheimer law, involving the sum of a linear term and a quadratic non-linear deviation, with respect to the filtration velocity. Expressions for the coefficients of the linear and quadratic terms are determined by assessing the possibility to evaluate equivalent diameters, i.e., characteristic lengths allowing correct predictions of the linear and quadratic terms by the Ergun equation. It has been observed that the Sauter diameter of particles allows a very precise prediction of the linear term, while the quadratic term can be predicted using the product of the Sauter diameter and a sphericity coefficient as an equivalent diameter