1,120 research outputs found

    El sistema dunar de Valdevaqueros: evolución histórica y alternativas de gestión

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    ResumenLa duna de Valdevaqueros, situada al sur de España, presenta elevadas tasas de migración asociadas a los fuertes vientos de levante que soplan en el estrecho de Gibraltar. Ubicada en una zona de elevada presión humana, su dinámica ha entrado en conflicto con los usos del suelo, provocando una notable repercusión desde los puntos de vista científico y técnico, pero también desde una perspectiva mediática y social. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la evolución histórica del sistema dunar desde principios del sigloxx mediante el estudio del material cartográfico y fotográfico disponible, analizando los diferentes estadios que se han sucedido, los mecanismos y agentes naturales que gobiernan su comportamiento, así como las repercusiones derivadas de las diferentes actuaciones en la zona. La intervención sobre el corredor dunar iniciada a principios de 1940 ha condicionado los procesos y la evolución de toda la unidad fisiográfica. La morfodinámica dunar actual se explica por el balance neto de sedimentos. El sistema recibe arena disponible en la zona sumergida transportada por el oleaje de poniente que se acumula en la playa y ensancha la playa seca. El viento de levante erosiona el sedimento en la playa seca y lo transporta hacia la duna. Se estima que en los últimos 50años la playa seca (fetch) ha crecido, en promedio, más de 150m, y que el sistema almacena arena suficiente para mantener estos mecanismos de transporte durante las próximas décadas. A partir de estos resultados, se plantean y analizan diferentes vías de actuación para la gestión integral de la zona.AbstractValdevaqueros dune, in the south of Spain, exhibits high migration rates associated with strong easterly winds in the Strait of Gibraltar. The system is located in an area of high human pressure and its dynamic has collided with land use causing a significant impact from scientific and technical points of view but also from a media and social perspective. This paper focuses on the historical evolution of the dune system since the beginning of the 20th century by studying the available cartographic and photographic material, analyzing the different phases, the mechanisms and natural agents governing the dune behaviour and the implications arising from the activities in the area. The intervention on the dune corridor started in the early 1940s and has conditioned the evolution of all the processes in the physiographic region. The current dune morphodynamics is explained by the sediment budget. The system receives sand from the submerged zone, which is transported by westerly wind waves. This material accumulates and widens the dry beach. The easterly winds erode the sediment in the dry beach and transports it to the dune. In the last fifty years, the dry beach (fetch) has grown, on average, over 150m and the system stores enough sand to sustain these transport mechanisms for decades. From these results, we discuss different alternatives for the integrated management of the area

    Time-window of occurrence and vegetation cover preferences of Dartford and Sardinian Warblers after fire

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    Abstract Wildfires are the most extensive and severe disturbance affecting the shrublands where Sardinian and Dartford Warblers (Sylvia melanocephala and S. undata) abound. Estimating the long-term use of burned habitats by these species (i.e. their time-window of occurrence) is fundamental to understanding their regional distribution and to plan possible conservation measures for the nearthreatened Dartford Warbler. In this study, we describe the post-fire time-window of occurrence and cover preferences of the two warblers using an abundance dataset, gathered by point counts over 22 consecutive years, and a density dataset, resulting from territory mapping of four different plots for up to 8 years. Both datasets span before and after fire. The two species colonized burned areas as soon as the second year after fire. The Dartford Warbler showed its highest abundance between 4 and 9 years after fire an

    The subjective metric of remembered colors: A Fisher-information analysis of the geometry of human chromatic memory.

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    In order to explore the metric structure of the space of remembered colors, a computer game was designed, where players with normal color vision had to store a color in memory, and later retrieve it by selecting the best match out of a continuum of alternatives. All tested subjects exhibited evidence of focal colors in their mnemonic strategy. We found no concluding evidence that the focal colors of different players tended to cluster around universal prototypes. Based on the Fisher metric, for each subject we defined a notion of distance in color space that captured the accuracy with which similar colors where discriminated or confounded when stored and retrieved from memory. The notions of distance obtained for different players were remarkably similar. Finally, for each player, we constructed a new color scale, in which colors are memorized and retrieved with uniform accuracy

    Implementación de un sistema de escenarios futuros sobre el mapa de usos de suelo de Andalucía.

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    La Consejería de Medio Ambiente (CMA) ha puesto en marcha un estudio para la generación de cartografía prospectiva de usos de suelo en la Andalucía del siglo XXI. El objeto de este proyecto es explorar y analizar la posible evolución a medio-largo plazo de los usos del suelo y sus implicaciones ambientales, en un contexto de cambio global según diferentes escenarios. Los estudios prospectivos tales como, la construcción de escenarios, permiten iluminar la toma de decisiones. La distribución de los usos de suelo influye en el crecimiento y desarrollo de nuestra sociedad y representa un elemento importante para predecir los impactos ambientales. Actualmente la CMA dispone de una cartografía con los más elevados niveles de detalle y precisión espacial, que cumple los estándares cartográficos internacionales, y que cubre los últimos 50 años en la evolución de los usos del suelo en nuestra región. El poder anticipar, bajo diferentes supuestos de desarrollo socioeconómico, la evolución y la distribución de los usos del suelo en el futuro, supondría avanzar y complementar esta línea de trabajo. La integración de estos factores se ha llevado a cabo mediante autómatas celulares utilizados para modelar los cambios de uso y el desarrollo urbano.The Environmental Ministry of the Andalusian Regional Government has initiated a study to generate prospective mapping of land uses in Andalusia in the XXI century. The goal of this project is to explore and analyze medium to long- term land uses changes and their environmental implications according to different scenarios in the context of global change. Predicting land use change under such scenarios will provide valuable information to decision makers. The distribution of the land uses influences in the growth and development of our society and thus represents a crucial element to predict future environmental impacts. The Environmental Ministry of Andalusia currently has maps available that depict land use changes in the region over the past 50 years and contain the highest level of detail and spatial precision according to international cartographic standards. The power to predict the growth and distribution of future land uses under different assumptions of socioeconomic development will advance and complement this work. The integration of these factors is carried out based on cellular automata applied to model land use changes and urban development

    Comparison of Errors Produced by ABA and ITC Methods for the Estimation of Forest Inventory Attributes at Stand and Tree Level in Pinus radiata Plantations in Chile

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    Airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology is fully implemented in forest resource assessment processes, providing highly accurate and spatially continuous results throughout the area of interest, thus reducing inventory costs when compared with traditional sampling inventories. Several approaches have been employed to estimate forest parameters using ALS data, such as the Area-Based Approach (ABA) and Individual Tree Crown (ITC). These two methodologies use different information processing and field data collection approaches; thus, it is important to have a selection criterion for the method to be used based on the expected results and admissible errors. The objective of this study was to compare the prediction errors of forest inventory attributes in the functioning of ABA and ITC approaches. A plantation of 500 ha of Pinus radiata (400–600 trees ha−1) in Chile was selected; a forest inventory was conducted using the ABA and ITC methods and the accuracy of both methods was analyzed. The ITC models performed better than the ABA models at low tree densities for all forest inventory attributes (15% MAPE in tree density—N—and 11% in volume—V). There was no significant difference in precision regarding the volume and basal area (G) estimations at medium densities, although ITC obtained better results for density and dominant height (Ho). At high densities, ABA performed better for all the attributes except for height (6.5% MAPE in N, 8.7% in G, and 8.9% in V). Our results showed that the precision of forest inventories based on ALS data can be adjusted depending on tree density to optimize the selected approach (ABA and ITC), thus reducing the inventory costs. Hence, field efforts can be greatly decreased while achieving better prediction accuracies

    Invasive species and habitat degradation in Iberian streams: An analysis of their role in freshwater fish diversity loss

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    Mediterranean endemic freshwater fish are among the most threatened biota in the world. Distinguishing the role of different extinction drivers and their potential interactions is crucial for achieving conservation goals. While some authors argue that invasive species are a main driver of native species declines, others see their proliferation as a co-occurring process to biodiversity loss driven by habitat degradation. It is difficult to discern between the two potential causes given that few invaded ecosystems are free from habitat degradation, and that both factors may interact in different ways. Here we analyze the relative importance of habitat degradation and invasive species in the decline of native fish assemblages in the Guadiana River basin (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) using an information theoretic approach to evaluate interaction pathways between invasive species and habitat degradation (structural equation modeling, SEM). We also tested the possible changes in the functional relationships between invasive and native species, measured as the per capita effect of invasive species, using ANCOVA. We found that the abundance of invasive species was the best single predictor of natives' decline and had the highest Akaike weight among the set of predictor variables examined. Habitat degradation neither played an active role nor influenced the per capita effect of invasive species on natives. Our analyses indicated that downstream reaches and areas close to reservoirs had the most invaded fish assemblages, independently of their habitat degradation status. The proliferation of invasive species poses a strong threat to the persistence of native assemblages in highly fluctuating environments. Therefore, conservation efforts to reduce native freshwater fish diversity loss in Mediterranean rivers should focus on mitigating the effect of invasive species and preventing future invasions

    Island-assisted interface alloying and magnetic polarization at submonolayer V/Cr(001) interfaces

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    Island-assisted interface alloying was observed during submonolayer deposition on Cr(001) substrates at 525 K. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy suggests atomic interchange at the center of the islands during the early stages of growth, giving rise to a Cr core in the center of the island and a gradually increasing V concentration toward the island rim. The existence of a VCr alloy with equiatomic composition is concluded by comparing tunneling spectra measured at the island rim with density-functional theory calculations. Coalescence of the initial islands gives rise to inhomogeneous alloying at monolayer coverage. Antiferromagnetic coupling between the islands and the Cr(001) substrate is found for coverages up to 0.50 atomic layers. At higher coverages, no magnetic contrast was observed