111 research outputs found

    La fotografía en zero hora y Zerohora.com: estrategias de apropiación de imágenes en las ediciones en soporteimpreso y digital

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    O artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório que investiga a autoria das fotografias e o lugar de sua inserção em reportagens do jornal Zero Hora em suas edições impressa e digital (zerohora.com). Por meio da análise de conteúdo, verificamos o espaço que estas imagens ocupam na narrativa e sua articulação com os outros elementos editoriais, comparando seu modo de apropriação nos dois suportes. O corpus é constituído de cinco reportagens da Zero Hora e a cobertura a elas relacionada tematicamente veiculada nas mesmas datas no sitezerohora.com que somaram 106 matérias.Os dados mostram que das 217 fotos diferentes que apareceram no online, apenas 6% foram publicadas também no impresso –o que evidencia a diversidade no material fotográfico conforme muda o suporte. Além disso, apenas 12% das 106 matérias do sitezerohora.com não possuem fotos. Observou-se também a adoção de funcionalidades características da rede como linkspara bancos de dados e inserção dos internautas no processo produtivo. As iniciativas avaliadas revelam mudanças e tensões que demonstram em um caso singular experiências editoriais que delineiam modos de reconfiguração de processos e produto jornalísticos.The article presents an exploratory study that investigates the authorship of the photographs and its place of insertion in the newspaper Zero Hora reports in its print and digital editions (zerohora.com). Through content analysis, we examined the space that these images occupy in the narrative and its articulation with the other editorial elements, comparing their mode of appropriation in the two media.The corpus is composed of five stories of the Zero Hour and cover the related thematically conveyed on the same dates on the site zerohora.com that totaled 106 materials. The data show that of the 217 different pictures that appeared in online, only 6% were published also in printed -which highlight the diversity of photographic material as changes the support. In addition, only 12% of 106 subjects from the website zerohora.com does not have photos. We also noted the adoption of features characteristics of the network and links to databases, and integration of Internet users in the production process. The initiatives evaluated show changes and tensions that reveals in a unique case editorial experiences that describe modes of reconfiguration of journalism processes and products.El artículo presentaun estudio exploratorioque investigala autoría delas fotografíasy el lugar desu inserciónen los informesperiódicosZero Horaen suedición impresa ydigital (zerohora.com). Por medio de análisis de contenido, hemos examinado el espacio que ocupan estas imágenes en la narrativa y su articulación con los otros elementos editoriales, comparando su modo de apropiación enlos dos soportes.Elcorpusse compone de cincoinformesde Zero Hora yla coberturarelacionada conlas mismas temáticasy fechasen elsitio zerohora.com, un total de106historias. Los datos muestran quede 217imágenesdiferentesque aparecieron online, sólo el 6%también fueron publicadosen forma impresa–que pone de relievela diversidaddematerial fotográficoa medida que cambia el soporte. Por otra parte,sólo 12%de los 102 informesdel sitiozerohora.comno tienen fotos. Hubo tambiénla adopción decaracterísticas de la redcomo enlacesa bases de datosycaracterísticas deintegración delos usuarios de Interneten elproceso de producción.Las iniciativasdemuestrancambiosy las tensionespresentadas en un caso únicoexperimentoseditoriales que delineanmodos de reconfiguración deprocesos y de productos periodísticos

    The Impact of a Short Conservation Education Workshop on Argentinean Students’ Knowledge about and Attitudes towards Species

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    This study investigated the impact of a one-day conservation education workshop on knowledge about and attitudes towards species of 88 students from Valle Fértil, Argentina. Immediately before and after the workshop and one year later, students (aged 12 to 16) had to identify native and introduced exotic plant and animal species as well as artificial ones ("Simpsons") on flashcards, to point out those "species" they considered most beautiful and useful, and to name adaptations of local species to arid conditions. Immediately after the workshop, students strongly increased their knowledge about plants and adaptations. One year later, this was still the case for those plant species students had been already somewhat familiar with in the pretest. The workshop hardly changed attitudes

    Voices & audiovisual : the Coronavirus crisis and the coverage of The Intercept Brasil on Instagram

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    O estudo toma como objeto empírico a cobertura do The Intercept Brasil (TIB) sobre o Coronavírus publicada como stories no Instagram com o objetivo de compreender como diferentes vozes são incorporadas nos conteúdos audiovisuais produzidos. O corpus foi composto por nove destaques presentes em seu perfil, totalizando 260 stories. Com base na pesquisa bibliográfica foram estabelecidos os parâmetros de análise e a pesquisa documental orientou a contextualização do objeto empírico, em abordagem qualitativa. Observou-se que as narrativas promovem a confiança e credibilidade no que é narrado a partir do olhar de testemunha que a câmera subjetiva aciona, levando o público a percorrer ambientes, observar locais e pessoas, interagir com sujeitos, constituindo registros de referencialidade reforçados pelo som direto. Os recursos de edição com a inserção de elementos textuais garantem o entendimento do que se passa sem o áudio ativado. A valorização de diferentes contribuições está alinhada com a proposta editorial do veículo e revela características como horizontalidade, participação e engajamento dos usuários. Os stories são utilizados para contar histórias, não servindo apenas como um modo de redirecionamento para seu site. A cobertura dá visibilidade a realidades que não costumam ganhar espaço em modelos de negócios tradicionais e foi impulsionada para o/no Instagram pelo cenário de pandemia e isolamento social.The study uses as an empirical object the coverage of The Intercept Brasil about the Coronavirus published on Instagram stories in order to understand how different voices are incorporated into the audiovisual content that was produced. The corpus was composed of nine highlights on the Intercept’s profile, totaling 260 stories. Based on bibliographic research, the parameters of analysis were determined, and the documentary research guided the contextualization of the empirical object, in a qualitative approach. The narratives promote trust and credibility in what is told from the witness point of view that the subjective camera allows, taking the public around environments, permitting them to observe places and people, interact with subjects, constituting records of referenciality reinforced by direct sound. The editing features with the insertion of textual elements ensures the understanding of what goes on without the audio being activated. The presence of different contributions is in line with the editorial proposal of the vehicle and reveals characteristics such as horizontality, participation and user engagement. The stories are used to tell narratives, not just serving as a way to redirect to the site. The coverage gives visibility to realities that do not usually gain space in traditional business models and was driven to/on Instagram by the situation created by the pandemic and social isolation

    Localization of sesquiterpene formation and emission in maize leaves after herbivore damage

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    BACKGROUND: Maize (Zea mays L.) leaves damaged by lepidopteran herbivores emit a complex volatile blend that can attract natural enemies of the herbivores and may also have roles in direct defense and inter- or intra-plant signaling. The volatile blend is dominated by sesquiterpenes of which the majority is produced by two herbivore-induced terpene synthases, TPS10 and TPS23. However, little is known about the pattern of volatile emission within maize leaves. RESULTS: In this study, we restricted herbivore feeding to small sections of the maize leaf with the aim of determining the patterns of volatile sesquiterpene emission throughout the damaged leaf and in neighboring leaves. Sesquiterpene volatiles were released at high rates from damaged leaves, but at much lower rates from neighboring leaves. Release was restricted to the site of damage or to leaf sections located apical to the damage, but was not seen in sections basal to the damage or on the other side of the midrib. The emission pattern correlated well with the transcript pattern of the respective sesquiterpene synthase genes, tps10 and tps23, implying that biosynthesis likely occurs at the site of emission. The concentrations of jasmonic acid and its leucine derivative were also elevated in terpene-emitting tissues suggesting a role for jasmonates in propagating the damage signal. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to other defense reactions which often occur systemically throughout the whole plant, herbivore-induced sesquiterpene production in maize is restricted to the wounding site and distal leaf parts. Since the signal mediating this reaction is directed to the leaf tip and cannot propagate parallel to the leaf axis, it is likely connected to the xylem. The increasing gradient of volatiles from the tip of the leaf towards the damage site might aid herbivore enemies in host or prey finding

    Innovation in the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH) : the processes of journalistic convergence and the video department

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    Este artigo tem como objeto empírico o jornal Zero Hora (ZH), editado pelo Grupo Rede Brasil Sul de Comunicação (RBS). A partir da observação de iniciativas da publicação, com foco na caracterização e na avaliação da editoria de vídeos, debate-se acerca dos elementos de inovação presentes nos processos de convergência jornalística. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados são a pesquisa bibliográfica, a documental e a técnica da entrevista semiestruturada. Observa-se que o caráter econômico ancora os processos de inovação de ZH, sobretudo pelo forte investimento tecnológico, mas que é perceptível também nas mudanças no âmbito da cultura profissional e no produto multiplataforma gerado, que está identificado com a quinta geração do ciberjornalismo. Percebe-se a constituição de uma nova identidade profissional em que o domínio técnico se sobrepõe a outros valores de reconhecimento da atividade, relacionado à formação de novos quadros dentro da própria empresa e a partir de seus valores e metas.The article has as empirical object the newspaper Zero Hora (ZH), published by Rede Brasil Sul de Comunicação (RBS). Based on the observation of the publication’s initiatives, focusing on the characterization and evaluation of the video department, we discuss the elements of innovation present in the processes of journalistic convergence. The methodological procedures adopted are bibliographical and documentary research and semi-structured interviews. We observed that economic aspects anchor the processes of innovation of ZH, mainly due to the strong technological investment, but also noticeable in the changes in the scope of professional culture and in the product multiplatform created, which is identified with the fifth generation of cyberjournalism. The creation of a new professional identity is noticed, in which the technical field overlaps with other values of recognition of the activity, related to the formation of new departments within the company and based on its values and goals

    MRI Based Localisation and Quantification of Abscesses following Experimental S. aureus Intravenous Challenge: Application to Vaccine Evaluation.

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    PURPOSE: To develop and validate a sensitive and specific method of abscess enumeration and quantification in a preclinical model of Staphylococcus aureus infection. METHODS: S. aureus infected murine kidneys were fixed in paraformaldehyde, impregnated with gadolinium, and embedded in agar blocks, which were subjected to 3D magnetic resonance microscopy on a 9.4T MRI scanner. Image analysis techniques were developed, which could identify and quantify abscesses. The result of this imaging was compared with histological examination. The impact of a S. aureus Sortase A vaccination regime was assessed using the technique. RESULTS: Up to 32 murine kidneys could be imaged in a single MRI run, yielding images with voxels of about 25 μm3. S. aureus abscesses could be readily identified in blinded analyses of the kidneys after 3 days of infection, with low inter-observer variability. Comparison with histological sections shows a striking correlation between the two techniques: all presumptive abscesses identified by MRI were confirmed histologically, and histology identified no abscesses not evident on MRI. In view of this, simulations were performed assuming that both MRI reconstruction, and histology examining all sections of the tissue, were fully sensitive and specific at abscess detection. This simulation showed that MRI provided more sensitive and precise estimates of abscess numbers and volume than histology, unless at least 5 histological sections are taken through the long axis of the kidney. We used the MRI technique described to investigate the impact of a S. aureus Sortase A vaccine. CONCLUSION: Post mortem MRI scanning of large batches of fixed organs has application in the preclinical assessment of S. aureus vaccines

    Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy

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    Aim: Evaluate for differences in demographic and clinical characteristics and subjective and objective measures of cognitive function (CF) between younger older adults (YOA, 60–69 years) and older adults (OA, ≥70 years). Design: Cross-sectional. Methods: Older oncology patients (n = 139) completed subjective (Attentional Function Index, European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC) CF scale) and objective (Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Trail Making Test (TMT) A & B) measures of CF prior to chemotherapy. Data were analyzed using parametric and nonparametric tests. Results: No differences were found between the two groups for any of the subjective or objective CF measures, except that OA patients had higher TMT B scores. Compared with the general population, OAs had significantly higher EORTC CF scores and YOAs had significantly worse scores for all of the objective tests. Clinically meaningful difference between group differences was found for the TMT B test

    Intricate Crosstalk Between Lipopolysaccharide, Phospholipid and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Escherichia coli Modulates Proteolysis of LpxC

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    Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria provide the first line of defense against antibiotics and other harmful compounds. LPS biosynthesis critically depends on LpxC catalyzing the first committed enzyme in this process. In Escherichia coli, the cellular concentration of LpxC is adjusted in a growth rate-dependent manner by the FtsH protease making sure that LPS biosynthesis is coordinated with the cellular demand. As a result, LpxC is stable in fast-growing cells and prone to degradation in slow-growing cells. One of the factors involved in this process is the alarmone guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) but previous studies suggested the involvement of yet unknown factors in LpxC degradation. We established a quantitative proteomics approach aiming at the identification of proteins that are associated with LpxC and/or FtsH at high or low growth rates. The identification of known LpxC and FtsH interactors validated our approach. A number of proteins involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and degradation, including the central regulator FadR, were found in the LpxC and/or FtsH interactomes. Another protein associated with LpxC and FtsH was WaaH, a LPS-modifying enzyme. When overproduced, several members of the LpxC/FtsH interactomes were able to modulate LpxC proteolysis. Our results go beyond the previously established link between LPS and phospholipid biosynthesis and uncover a far-reaching network that controls LPS production by involving multiple enzymes in fatty acid metabolism, phospholipid biosynthesis and LPS modification

    Structural and Functional Evolution of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptors TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5 in Primates

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    The family of trace amine-associated receptors (TAAR) comprises 9 mammalian TAAR subtypes, with intact gene and pseudogene numbers differing considerably even between closely related species. To date the best characterized subtype is TAAR1, which activates the Gs protein/adenylyl cyclase pathway upon stimulation by trace amines and psychoactive substances like MDMA or LSD. Recently, chemosensory function involving recognition of volatile amines was proposed for murine TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5. Humans can smell volatile amines despite carrying open reading frame (ORF) disruptions in TAAR3 and TAAR4. Therefore, we set out to study the functional and structural evolution of these genes with a special focus on primates. Functional analyses showed that ligands activating the murine TAAR3, TAAR4 and TAAR5 do not activate intact primate and mammalian orthologs, although they evolve under purifying selection and hence must be functional. We also find little evidence for positive selection that could explain the functional differences between mouse and other mammals. Our findings rather suggest that the previously identified volatile amine TAAR3–5 agonists reflect the high agonist promiscuity of TAAR, and that the ligands driving purifying selection of these TAAR in mouse and other mammals still await discovery. More generally, our study points out how analyses in an evolutionary context can help to interpret functional data generated in single species

    The spinal cord injury-induced immune deficiency syndrome: results of the SCIentinel study

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    Infections are prevalent after spinal cord injury (SCI), constitute the main cause of death and are a rehabilitation confounder associated with impaired recovery. We hypothesize that SCI causes an acquired lesion-dependent (neurogenic) immune suppression as an underlying mechanism to facilitate infections. The international prospective multicentre cohort study (SCIentinel; protocol registration DRKS00000122; n = 111 patients) was designed to distinguish neurogenic from general trauma-related effects on the immune system. Therefore, SCI patient groups differing by neurological level, i.e. high SCI [thoracic (Th)4 or higher]; low SCI (Th5 or lower) and severity (complete SCI; incomplete SCI), were compared with a reference group of vertebral fracture (VF) patients without SCI. The primary outcome was quantitative monocytic Human Leukocyte Antigen-DR expression (mHLA-DR, synonym MHC II), a validated marker for immune suppression in critically ill patients associated with infection susceptibility. mHLA-DR was assessed from Day 1 to 10 weeks after injury by applying standardized flow cytometry procedures. Secondary outcomes were leucocyte subpopulation counts, serum immunoglobulin levels and clinically defined infections. Linear mixed models with multiple imputation were applied to evaluate group differences of logarithmic-transformed parameters. Mean quantitative mHLA-DR [ln (antibodies/cell)] levels at the primary end point 84 h after injury indicated an immune suppressive state below the normative values of 9.62 in all groups, which further differed in its dimension by neurological level: high SCI [8.95 (98.3% confidence interval, CI: 8.63; 9.26), n = 41], low SCI [9.05 (98.3% CI: 8.73; 9.36), n = 29], and VF without SCI [9.25 (98.3% CI: 8.97; 9.53), n = 41, P = 0.003]. Post hoc analysis accounting for SCI severity revealed the strongest mHLA-DR decrease [8.79 (95% CI: 8.50; 9.08)] in the complete, high SCI group, further demonstrating delayed mHLA-DR recovery [9.08 (95% CI: 8.82; 9.38)] and showing a difference from the VF controls of -0.43 (95% CI: -0.66; -0.20) at 14 days. Complete, high SCI patients also revealed constantly lower serum immunoglobulin G [-0.27 (95% CI: -0.45; -0.10)] and immunoglobulin A [-0.25 (95% CI: -0.49; -0.01)] levels [ln (g/l × 1000)] up to 10 weeks after injury. Low mHLA-DR levels in the range of borderline immunoparalysis (below 9.21) were positively associated with the occurrence and earlier onset of infections, which is consistent with results from studies on stroke or major surgery. Spinal cord injured patients can acquire a secondary, neurogenic immune deficiency syndrome characterized by reduced mHLA-DR expression and relative hypogammaglobulinaemia (combined cellular and humoral immune deficiency). mHLA-DR expression provides a basis to stratify infection-risk in patients with SCI
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