268 research outputs found

    Cooperative SLAM-based object transportation by two humanoid robots in a cluttered environment

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    International audienceIn this work, we tackle the problem of making two humanoid robots navigate in a cluttered environment while transporting a very large object that simply can not be moved by a single robot. We present a complete navigation scheme, from the incremental construction of a map of the environment and the computation of collision-free trajectories to the control to execute those trajectories. We present experiments conducted on real Nao robots, equipped with RGB-D sensors mounted on their heads, moving an object around obstacles. Our experiments show that a significantly large object can be transported without changing the robot's main hardware, and therefore enacting the capacity of humanoid robots in real-life situations

    Speech-language cooperation protocol for the fiberoptic laryngoscopy evaluation of larynx mobility

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    TEMA: protocolo de avaliação da voz. OBJETIVO: proposição de um protocolo de cooperação fonoaudiológica para avaliação nasofibrolaringoscópica da mobilidade laríngea em doenças da tireóide (PAN), visando a composição de um instrumento objetivo, preciso e consensual para avaliação. MÉTODOS: a primeira versão do protocolo foi elaborada a partir de fundamentação bibliográfica; o PAN foi julgado em duas instâncias pelo método de triangulação por seis juízes em três etapas; foi constituída uma versão piloto do protocolo e aplicada em 11 pacientes; houve novo julgamento de médicos e fonoaudiólogos; a partir da concordância dos juízes, após a aplicação do piloto, foi construída a versão final do PAN. RESULTADOS: o PAN final foi composto por duas partes. A primeira parte considerada o procedimento padrão composta por 4 itens imprescindíveis e que devem necessariamente ser avaliados são: inspiração normal; inspiração forçada; vogal /é/ isolada e sustentada e vogal /i/ aguda isolada e sustentada. A segunda parte considerada de complementação fonoaudiológica é composta pelos itens que são entendidos pelos fonoaudiólogos como fatores informativos ou preditivos para a eficácia da terapia. Esses itens são: vogal /é/ sustentada e fraca; vogal /é/ sustentada e aguda; vogal /é/ sustentada e grave; vogal /é/ curta com ataque vocal brusco. CONCLUSÕES: o PAN, em sua versão final, contribui para a sistematização dos procedimentos de avaliação fundamentados em evidências e concordâncias profissionais. O PAN resulta na descrição de itens a serem solicitados durante a avaliação médica e fonoaudiológica no exame de nasofibrolaringoscopia da alteração da mobilidade laríngea em doenças da tireóide.BACKGROUND: voice protocol. AIM: to propose a protocol for the fiberoptic laryngoscopy evaluation of larynx mobility in thyroid illnesses (PAN), with the intention of having an objective, precise and consensual instrument for this assessment. METHOD: the first version of the protocol was elaborated based on data found in the literature; the protocol was judged twice, using the triangulation method; a pilot version was presented and applied in 11 patients; it was then judged again by doctors and speech-language pathologists; based on the analysis of the judges and after the application of the pilot version, the final version of the PAN was proposed. RESULTS: the final protocol was composed by two parts. The first part, considered a standard procedure, is composed by 4 essential items that necessarily should be evaluated: normal inspiration; forced inspiration; vowel /é/ isolated and sustained; and sharp vowel /i/, isolated and sustained. The second part, considered a speech-language complementation, is composed by items that should be understood as being important for speech-language pathologists as they are informative or predictive of the effectiveness of therapy: vowel /é/ sustained and weak; vowel /é/ sustained and sharp; vowel /é/ sustained and deep; vowel /é/ short with abrupt vocal onset. CONCLUSIONS: the PAN, in its final version, contributes for the systematization of the assessment procedures based on evidence and on the agreement of professionals. The PAN results in the description of items to be obtained during medical and speech-language assessment during the fiberopticlaryngoscopy evaluation of larynx mobility in thyroid illnesses

    Motion Planning : from Digital Actors to Humanoid Robots

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    Le but de ce travail est de développer des algorithmes de planification de mouvement pour des figures anthropomorphes en tenant compte de la géométrie, de la cinématique et de la dynamique du mécanisme et de son environnement. Par planification de mouvement, on entend la capacité de donner des directives à un niveau élevé et de les transformer en instructions de bas niveau qui produiront une séquence de valeurs articulaires qui reproduissent les mouvements humains. Ces instructions doivent considérer l'évitement des obstacles dans un environnement qui peut être plus au moins contraint. Ceci a comme consequence que l'on peut exprimer des directives comme “porte ce plat de la table jusqu'ac'estu coin du piano”, qui seront ensuite traduites en une série de buts intermédiaires et de contraintes qui produiront les mouvements appropriés des articulations du robot, de façon a effectuer l'action demandée tout en evitant les obstacles dans la chambre. Nos algorithmes se basent sur l'observation que les humains ne planifient pas des mouvements précis pour aller à un endroit donné. On planifie grossièrement la direction de marche et, tout en avançant, on exécute les mouvements nécessaires des articulations afin de nous mener à l'endroit voulu. Nous avons donc cherché à concevoir des algorithmes au sein d'un tel paradigme, algorithmes qui: 1. Produisent un chemin sans collision avec une version réduite du mécanisme et qui le mènent au but spécifié. 2. Utilisent les contrôleurs disponibles pour générer un mouvement qui assigne des valeurs à chacune des articulations du mécanisme pour suivre le chemin trouvé précédemment. 3. Modifient itérativement ces trajectoires jusqu'à ce que toutes les contraintes géométriques, cinématiques et dynamiques soient satisfaites. Dans ce travail nous appliquons cette approche à trois étages au problème de la planification de mouvements pour des figures anthropomorphes qui manipulent des objets encombrants tout en marchant. Dans le processus, plusieurs problèmes intéressants, ainsi que des propositions pour les résoudre, sont présentés. Ces problèmes sont principalement l'évitement tri-dimensionnel des obstacles, la manipulation des objets à deux mains, la manipulation coopérative des objets et la combinaison de comportements hétérogènes. La contribution principale de ce travail est la modélisation du problème de la génération automatique des mouvements de manipulation et de locomotion. Ce modèle considère les difficultés exprimées ci dessus, dans les contexte de mécanismes bipèdes. Trois principes fondent notre modèle: une décomposition fonctionnelle des membres du mécanisme, un modèle de manipulation coopérative et, un modéle simplifié des facultés de déplacement du mécanisme dans son environnement.Ce travail est principalement et surtout, un travail de synthèse. Nous nous servons des techniques disponibles pour commander la locomotion des mécanismes bipèdes (contrôleurs) provenant soit de l'animation par ordinateur, soit de la robotique humanoïde, et nous les relions dans un planificateur des mouvements original. Ce planificateur de mouvements est agnostique vis-à-vis du contrôleur utilisé, c'est-à-dire qu'il est capable de produire des mouvements libres de collision avec n'importe quel contrôleur tandis que les entrées et sorties restent compatibles. Naturellement, l'exécution de notre planificateur dépend en grand partie de la qualité du contrôleur utilisé. Dans cette thèse, le planificateur de mouvement est relié à différents contrôleurs et ses bonnes performances sont validées avec des mécanismes différents, tant virtuels que physiques. Ce travail à été fait dans le cadre des projets de recherche communs entre la France, la Russie et le Japon, où nous avons fourni le cadre de planification de mouvement à ses différents contrôleurs. Plusieurs publications issues de ces collaborations ont été présentées dans des conférences internationales. Ces résultats sont compilés et présentés dans cette thèse, et le choix des techniques ainsi que les avantages et inconvénients de notre approche sont discutés. ABSTRACT : The goal of this work is to develop motion planning algorithms for human-like figures taking into account the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of the mechanism and its environment. By motion planning it is understood the ability to specify high-level directives and transform them into low-level instructions for the articulations of the human-like figure. This is usually done while considering obstacle avoidance within the environment. This results in one being able to express directives as “carry this plate from the table to the piano corner” and have them translate into a series of goals and constraints that result in the pertinent motions from the robot's articulations in such a way as to carry out the action while avoiding collisions with the obstacles in the room. Our algorithms are based on the observation that humans do not plan their exact motions when getting to a location. We roughly plan our direction and, as we advance, we execute the motions needed to get to the desired place. This has led us to design algorithms that: 1. Produce a rough collision free path that takes a simplified model of the mechanism to the desired location. 2. Use available controllers to generate a trajectory that assigns values to each of the mechanism's articulations to follow the path. 3. Modify iteratively these trajectories until all the geometric, kinematic and dynamic constraints of the problem are satisfied.Throughout this work, we apply this three-stage approach with the problem of generating motions for human-like figures that manipulate bulky objects while walking. In the process, several interesting problems and their solution are brought into focus. These problems are, three- imensional collision avoidance, two-hand object manipulation, cooperative manipulation among several characters or robots and the combination of different behaviors. The main contribution of this work is the modeling of the automatic generation of cooperative manipulation motions. This model considers the above difficulties, all in the context of bipedal walking mechanisms. Three principles inform the model: a functional decomposition of the mechanism's limbs, a model for cooperative manipulation and, a simplified model to represent the mechanism when generating the rough path. This work is mainly and above all, one of synthesis. We make use of available techniques for controlling locomotion of bipedal mechanisms (controllers), from the fields of computer graphics and robotics, and connect them to a novel motion planner. This motion planner is controller-agnostic, that is, it is able to produce collision-free motions with any controller, despite whatever errors introduced by the controller itself. Of course, the performance of our motion planner depends on the quality of the used controller. In this thesis, the motion planner, connected to different controllers, is used and tested in different mechanisms, both virtual and physical. This in the context of different research projects in France, Russia and Japan, where we have provided the motion planning framework to their controllers. Several papers in peer-reviewed international conferences have resulted from these collaborations. The present work compiles these results and provides a more comprehensive and detailed depiction of the system and its benefits, both when applied to different mechanisms and compared to alternative approache

    A HÉLICE QUÍNTUPLA MODELANDO A INOVAÇÃO TECNOLÓGICA: caracterização e estado das aceleradoras de negócios em uma região metropolitana

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    Purpose: The theme of technological innovation, especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has generated significant turbulence both in literature and in executive business practices. Among the various explanatory models of the development context in the area, the Quintuple Helix emerges. Objective: This study aims to describe and analyze the current state of business accelerators in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte - MG (Brazil). Methodology: A qualitative research was carried out, in which 6 executives of business accelerators and 4 representatives of institutions that support innovation were interviewed. These institutions were characterized as a control group, but they contribute to the evolution of the Minas Gerais innovation ecosystem. A literature search was carried out to identify constructs and variables applicable to the proposed model as a study reference. Results: The main results showed the relevance of the constructs and variables, demonstrating the convenience of the model to study and plan its applicability, both academically, in the evolution of knowledge, and in the executive function, since it approaches the current reality of the accelerators of business studied here. Contribution to the evolution of the knowledge: Analysis of an emerging model and proposition of validations compatible with the need for its consolidation as a theory. Executive contribution: Offering an evolving model, but interesting as a structure applicable to the evolution of institution development.Fundamento: El tema de la innovación tecnológica, especialmente en el contexto de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, ha generado importantes turbulencias tanto en la literatura como en las prácticas empresariales ejecutivas. Entre los diversos modelos explicativos del contexto de desarrollo en el área, surge la Quintuple Helix. Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir y analizar el estado actual de las aceleradoras empresariales en la región metropolitana de Belo Horizonte – MG (Brasil). Metodología: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, en la que se entrevistó a 6 ejecutivos de aceleradoras de empresas y 4 representantes de instituciones de apoyo a la innovación. Estas instituciones se caracterizaron como un grupo de control, pero contribuyen a la evolución del ecosistema de innovación de Minas Gerais. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica para identificar constructos y variables aplicables al modelo propuesto como referéncia del estudio. Resultados: Los principales resultados mostraron la relevancia de los constructos y variables, demostrando la conveniencia del modelo para estudiar y planificar su aplicabilidad, tanto académicamente, en la evolución del conocimiento, como en la función ejecutiva, ya que se acerca a la realidad actual del aceleradores de negocios estudiados aquí. Contribución a la evolución del conocimiento: Análisis de un modelo emergente y propuesta de validaciones compatibles con la necesidad de su consolidación como teoría. Contribución ejecutiva: Ofrece un modelo en evolución, pero interesante como estructura aplicable a la evolución del desarrollo institucional.  Fundamento do estudo: O tema da inovação tecnológica, sobretudo no contexto da Quarta Revolução Industrial, tem gerado significativa turbulência tanto na literatura, quando nas práticas executivas de negócios. Entre os diversos modelos explicativos do contexto do desenvolvimento na área, emerge o da Hélice Quíntupla. Objetivo do estudo: Este estudo objetiva descrever e analisar o estado atual das aceleradoras de negócios da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram entrevistados 6 executivos de aceleradoras de negócios e 4 representantes de instituições de suporte à inovação. Estas instituições foram caracterizadas como um grupo de controle, mas que contribuem com a evolução do ecossistema mineiro de inovação. Foi realizada uma busca na literatura, para identificar construtos e variáveis aplicáveis ao modelo proposto como referência de estudo. Resultados: Os principais resultados mostraram a pertinência dos construtos e variáveis, demonstrando a conveniência do modelo para se estudar e planejar a sua aplicabilidade, tanto acadêmica, na evolução do conhecimento, quanto na função executiva, já que se aproxima da realidade atual das aceleradoras de negócios aqui estudada. Contribuição à evolução do conhecimento: Análise de um modelo emergente e proposição de validações compatíveis com a necessidade de sua consolidação como teoria. Contribuição executiva: Oferta de um modelo em evolução, porém interessante como estrutura aplicável à evolução do desenvolvimento de instituições

    Total Mass TCI driven by Parametric Estimation

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    This paper presents the Total Mass Target Controlled Infusion algorithm. The system comprises an On Line tuned Algorithm for Recovery Detection (OLARD) after an initial bolus administration and a Bayesian identification method for parametric estimation based on sparse measurements of the accessible signal. To design the drug dosage profile, two algorithms are here proposed. During the transient phase, an Input Variance Control (IVC) algorithm is used. It is based on the concept of TCI and aims to steer the drug effect to a predefined target value within an a priori fixed interval of time. After the steady state phase is reached the drug dose regimen is controlled by a Total Mass Control (TMC) algorithm. The mass control law for compartmental systems is robust even in the presence of parameter uncertainties. The whole system feasibility has been evaluated for the case of Neuromuscular Blockade (NMB) level and was tested both in simulation and in real cases

    Violencia urbana e inseguridad en espacios de vida colectiva | Urban violence and insecurity in places of collective life

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    De los diversos problemas que en la actualidad enfrentan América Latina y el Caribe, se destacan la violencia y la inseguridad, pues en muchas ocasiones el espacio público se torna el escenario de ellas. A diario delitos y actos violentos amenazan con segregar la espacialidad colectiva de los ciudadanos. A partir de este argumento se analiza la conducta de los individuos en un espacio público específico. Se revela que el ambiente de inseguridad que genera la violencia y la criminalidad segrega la vida colectiva en el espacio público, fomentando problemas como la desaparición del sentimiento de colectividad, la segregación socio-espacial y la polarización entre espacios sociales y sus habitantes.

    Modulation of Inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in overweight type 1 Diabetes patients participating in a lifestyle change program

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    Resumen: Introducción: La reducción en la expresión de marcadores inflamatorios y de estrés oxidativo asociado con el ejercicio podría proteger contra las complicaciones cardiovasculares de la diabetes mellitus (DM). Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar en pacientes con DM tipo1 (DMT1) y sobrepeso, la capacidad cardiorespiratoria (VO2max), la expresión sérica de marcadores inflamatorios (IL-6 y MCP-1) y la peroxidación lipídica sérica (TBARS), luego de participar por 6 meses de un programa de cambios de estilo de vida. Resultados: Veinte pacientes adultos (43.3 ± 13.8 años), de ambos sexos, con un Índice de Masa Corporal de 29.6 ± 3.5 kg/m2, HbA1c inicial de 7,9% ± 0,91, en tratamiento con inyecciones múltiples de insulina participaron del estudio. Se indicó: 1) caminar 10.000 pasos/día, 2) realizar en domicilio una secuencia de ejercicios de 20 minutos, 3-5 veces/semana, 3) plato saludable (consumo de 1 fruta antes de las 3 comidas principales), 4) Insulina prandial según glucemia y conteo de carbohidratos. Se registraron parámetros antropométricos, presión arterial, se determinó VO2max, y se midieron los niveles séricos de HbA1c, IL6, MCP-1 y TBARs. Luego de seis meses, los participantes alcanzaron un número promedio de pasos de 8242 ± 1834 y mostraron un aumento significativo en VO2max, (33.4 ±1.3 vs 36.2 ±1.5 ml.Kg-1.min-1 p= 0.008). Además, se encontró una disminución significativa de MCP-1 (314 ±42 vs 235 ±43 MFI p= 0.02) y TBARs (3.01 ±0.44 vs 2.12 ±0.22 μmol/mL p= 0.015) en comparación con el día 0. No se observaron modificaciones en los niveles de IL-6 y HbA1c. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados demuestran que el ejercicio, implementado como un plan accesible y acompañado, es adecuado para reducir los riesgos de inflamación y estado pro-oxidativo en pacientes con DM tipo1.Introduction: Reduction in the expression of inflammatory markers and oxidative stress associated with exercise will protect against cardiovascular complications in Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Aim: The aim of this study was evaluated cardiovascular fitness (VO2Max), interleukin-6 (IL-6), monocyte chemo-attractant protein 1 (MCP-1) and serum lipid peroxidation (TBARS) in overweight patients with Type-1 diabetes (T1DM) participating in a lifestyle-change program. Results: 20 T1DM overweight patients (43.3 ± 13.8 years), with BMI= 29.6 ± 3.5 kg/m2, initial HbA1c 7.9 ± 0.91% and treated with multiple insulin injections, were included in this work. The lifestyle-change program consisted of: a) walking 10,000 steps/day, b) sequence of exercises of 24 minutes, 3-5 times/week, c) ¨healthy-plate¨ (and counting carbohydrates, and d) prandial insulin as blood-glucose levels. VO2max, HbA1c, TBARS, IL6, MCP-1 were determined before starting the lifestyle-change program. Six months of adherence later, participants showed an average number of steps of 8242 ± 1834, a significant increase in VO2max, (33.4 ±1.3 vs 36.2 ±1.5 ml.Kg-1.min-1 p= 0.008), a significant decrease in serum MCP-1 (314 ±42 vs 235 ±43 MFI p= 0.02), and less TBARS (3.01 ±0.44 vs 2.12 ±0.22 μmol/mL p= 0.015). IL-6 and HbA1c showed no significant decrease. Conclusion: Our results showed that a 6-month systemized and simple exercise plan improves cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), and reduces both circulating oxidative stress and inflammation markers in overweight patients with T1DM.Fil: Cicchitti, A. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Quesada, I. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Cejas, Jimena Beatríz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Bertona, C. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, J. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Rosales,W. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Esteves,G. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Minuchin, G. Hospital Universitario; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, GM. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Claudia Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentin


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    The fruits have an important role in human feed. They are natural sources of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, besides supplying staple fibers and presenting flavonoids that contribute for the prevention of illnesses, as for example, the combat to the cancer, illnesses of the intestinal treatment gastric and also the precocious aging caused by the free radicals. This article is about a bibliographical revision where the texts of vitamins, total staple fibers will be boarded, soluble and insoluble staple fibers and phenolic composites present in the strawberry in comparison with other fruits and antinutricionals agents present in the strawberry as acid salicylic and acid oxalic that especially deserve prominence for the people who are allergics to these composites.As frutas desempenham um papel muito importante em nossa alimentação. São fontes naturais de nutrientes, vitaminas e sais minerais, além de fornecerem fibras e apresentarem flavonóides que contribuem para a prevenção de doenças, como por exemplo, o combate ao câncer, doenças do trato gastro intestinal e também o envelhecimento precoce causado pelos radicais livres. Este artigo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica onde serão abordados os teores de vitaminas, fibras totais, fibras solúveis e insolúveis e compostos fenólicos presentes no morango em comparação com outras frutas e os agentes antinutricionais presentes no morango como ácido salicílico e ácido oxálico que merecem destaque especialmente pelas pessoas que são alérgicas à estes compostos