46 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy and readiness to change to physical activity in college students

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    The aim of this research was to identify the association between perceived self-efficacy and readiness to change and their relationship with physical activity. 199 random-selected undergraduate students participated in the study. Participants answered a set of questionnaires measuring self-efficacy about physical exercise, readiness to change, general health, attitude regarding physical activity, and self-reported physical activity. Results showed significant bivariate associations between physical activity and independent variables. Using a multivariate model, only readiness to change was significant, associated with physical activity. Results suggest that readiness to change is the most important variable in association with self-reported physical activity.El propósito de esta investigación fue identificar la asociación entre la autoeficacia percibida y la disposición al cambio y su relación con la realización de actividad física. Participaron 199 estudiantes universitarios elegidos aleatoriamente. Se aplicaron un cuestionario de Autoeficacia, un algoritmo para evaluar la Disposición al Cambio, el cuestionario General de Salud (CGS), un Cuestionario de Actividad Física y uno sobre actitud hacia ésta. Los resultados mostraron asociaciones bivariadas significativas entre la actividad física y las variables independientes. En un modelo multivariado, solamente la etapa de cambio se asoció significativamente con la actividad física. Se concluye que la disposición al cambio es la variable más relevante en la asociación con la actividad física auto-reportada

    Asociación entre la discapacidad física y la incidencia de síntomas depresivos en adultos mayores mexicanos

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    Introduction: Functional limitations associated with the aging process can lead to the development of depressive symptoms and increase the vulnerability of older adults.Objective: To estimate the association between physical disability and the incidence of clinically significant depressive symptoms in older Mexican adults.Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study with data from the Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM). The analytical sample (n=6,780) included adults over 50 years old with measurements for the main variables and no clinically significant depressive symptoms reported in the first round. These symptoms were evaluated with the CESD-9 scale and disability by means of the report of activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression models adjusted by sociodemographic variables, health conditions, childhood adversities, social participation, and stressful life events.Results: The incidence of clinically significant depressive symptoms was 25.75% (95% CI: 24,70 - 26,80). Compared to those without IADL limitations, an increased risk of 68% for the development of clinically significant depressive symptoms was found (95% CI: 1.10-2.57; p= 0,015). With the ADL model, the OR for the development of clinically significant depressive symptoms was 1.36 (1.01 -1.81; p= 0.039). Both models were adjusted by confounding variables.Conclusion: Presenting limitations in daily life is an important risk factor for the development of clinically significant depressive symptoms at two years of follow-up.Introducción. Las limitaciones funcionales asociadas con el proceso de envejecimiento pueden conducir al desarrollo de síntomas depresivos e incrementar la vulnerabilidad de los adultos mayores.Objetivo. Estimar la asociación entre la discapacidad física y la incidencia de síntomas depresivos clínicamente significativos en adultos mayores mexicanos.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo de cohorte con datos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM). La muestra analítica (n=6.780) incluyó a adultos mayores de 50 años que contaran con mediciones de las variables principales y que no presentaran síntomas depresivos clínicamente significativos en la ronda cero. Estos síntomas se evaluaron con la escala CESD-9 y, la discapacidad, mediante el reporte de limitaciones para la realización de actividades básicas o instrumentales de la vida diaria. Se hicieron análisis descriptivos, bivariados y multivariados, utilizando el modelo de regresión logística y ajustando según las variables sociodemográficas, las condiciones de salud, las adversidades de la infancia, la participación social y los eventos vitales estresantes.Resultados. La incidencia de síntomas depresivos clínicamente significativos fue de 25,75 % (IC95% 24,70-26,80). Comparados con aquellas personas sin limitaciones para las actividades instrumentales, se encontró un incremento del 68 % en el riesgo para el desarrollo de dichos síntomas (IC95% 1,10-2,57; p=0,015). En el modelo de actividades básicas de la vida diaria, la razón de probabilidad (odds ratio, OR) para su desarrollo fue de 1,36 (1,01-1,81; p=0,039), ambos ajustados por variables de confusión.Conclusión. Las limitaciones en la vida diaria son un factor de riesgo importante para el desarrollo de síntomas depresivos clínicamente significativos en personas con seguimiento de dos años

    Prevalence of depressive symptoms and factorial invariance of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies (CES-D) Depression Scale in a group of Mexican indigenous population

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    Introduction: The short version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies (CES-D) Depression Scale is a viable tool for screening depressive symptomatology in the general population, but its factorial invariance for indigenous populations in Latin America has not been reported. Objective: To describe the differences in the prevalence of depressive symptomatology and the factorial invariance of the short version of the CES-D scale for the Mexican indigenous population. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 37,165 Mexican adults aged 20 to 59 years. Indigenous identity was determined by self-report of being a speaker of an indigenous language. Eight groups of analysis were created according to gender, literacy, and being indigenous. An exploratory factor analysis was used to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms as measured by the short version of the CES-D, as well as the configuration factorial invariance of the profiles. The variance-covariance matrices of the pairs of profiles were compared using the modified Mantel test. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 16.8% (95% CI: 13.4-20.3) for indigenous women who could read, 21.3% (95% CI: 15.5% 27.1) for indigenous women who could not read, 8.5% (95% CI: 6.0-11.1) for indigenous men who could read, and 10.4% (95% CI: 5.2-15.6) for indigenous men who could not read. No significant differences in the factorial loads of the profiles were found. Conclusion: The prevalence of depressive symptoms in indigenous people is lower than in the nonindigenous population. The factorial invariance of the CES-D scale was high for the indigenous population

    Implementación y evaluación de una estrategia combinada de educación en salud y quimioterapia masiva para el control de las geohelmintiasis, en una zona rural de Colombia

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    Introduction: Geohelminthiasis is an infection which is prevalent in developing countries, and primarily affects schoolchildren. Control strategies that combine massive chemotherapy with health education can produce significant reductions in this infection that are sustainable over time. This study implemented and evaluated a comprehensive intervention combining a health education strategy and massive chemotherapy in a rural zone in Colombia. Methodology: Quasi-experimental design performed in La Virgen, Cundinamarca (Colombia). The entire school population participated in the health education strategy, in conjunction with biannual treatments with albendazole, between late 2010 and the middle of 2013. The analytical sample consisted of 119 children (median = 11, interquartile range = 8-13 years of age). Yearly changes in the presence of geohelminthes were evaluated using non-parametric tests for related samples and fixed-effect logistic regression models. Results: Prevalences of geohelminthes at baseline were: 22,28% (CI 95% 16,36%-28,20%) for Ascaris lumbricoides; 37,31%( CI 95% 30,42%-44,19%) for Trichuris trichiura and 13,47% (CI 95% 8,61%-18,33%) for Uncinaria sp. The final measurements of these prevalences decreased to 5,30%(CI 95% 1,68%-8,91%) for A. lumbricoides; 16,55% (CI 95% 10,56%-22,55%) for T. trichiura and 4,64% (CI 95% 1,42%-8,03%) for Uncinaria sp. Conclusion: Although the present study does not constitute an actual impact evaluation, it provides an apparently successful experience with implementing a comprehensive strategy to control geohelminthiasis, which could serve as a model for other interventions in rural areas in the country.Introducción: Las geohelmintiasis son infecciones prevalentes en los países en vía de desarrollo, que afectan principalmente a la población escolar. Las estrategias de control que combinan quimioterapia masiva con educación en salud, pueden producir reducciones significativas de estas infecciones, sostenibles en el tiempo. En este estudio se implementó y evaluó, una intervención integral basada en una estrategia lúdica de educación en salud, más quimioterapia masiva en una zona rural de Colombia. Metodología: Diseño cuasi-experimental, realizado en La Virgen, Cundinamarca (Colombia). Toda la población escolar fue sometida a la estrategia educativa en salud, acompañada de tratamiento semestral con albendazol, entre finales del 2010 y mediados del 2013. La muestra analítica fue constituida por 119 niños (mediana= 11; Rango Intercuartílico = 8-13 años). Se evaluaron los cambios anuales en la presencia de geohelmintos usando pruebas no paramétricas para muestras relacionadas y modelos de regresión logística de efectos fijos. Resultados: En la medición basal, las prevalencias de los geohelmintos fueron: 22,28% (IC 95% 16,36%-28,20%) para Ascaris lumbricoides; 37,31% (IC 95% 30,42%-44,19%) para Trichuris trichiura y 13,47% (IC 95% 8,61%-18,33%) para Uncinaria sp. Para la medición final, estas prevalencias cayeron significativamente a 5,30% (IC 95% 1,68%-8,91%) para A. lumbricoides; 16,55%  (IC 95% 10,56%-22,55%) para T. trichiura y 4,64% (IC95% 1,42%-8,03%) para Uncinaria sp. Conclusión: El presente estudio, pese a que no constituye una evaluación real de impacto, provee una experiencia aparentemente exitosa de implementación de una estrategia integral para el control de las geohelmintiasis, que podría servir como modelo para otras intervenciones en áreas rurales del país

    Implementación y evaluación de una estrategia combinada de educación en salud y quimioterapia masiva para el control de las geohelmintiasis, en una zona rural de Colombia

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    Introduction: Geohelminthiasis is an infection which is prevalent in developing countries, and primarily affects schoolchildren. Control strategies that combine massive chemotherapy with health education can produce significant reductions in this infection that are sustainable over time. This study implemented and evaluated a comprehensive intervention combining a health education strategy and massive chemotherapy in a rural zone in Colombia. Methodology: Quasi-experimental design performed in La Virgen, Cundinamarca (Colombia). The entire school population participated in the health education strategy, in conjunction with biannual treatments with albendazole, between late 2010 and the middle of 2013. The analytical sample consisted of 119 children (median = 11, interquartile range = 8-13 years of age). Yearly changes in the presence of geohelminthes were evaluated using non-parametric tests for related samples and fixed-effect logistic regression models. Results: Prevalences of geohelminthes at baseline were: 22,28% (CI 95% 16,36%-28,20%) for Ascaris lumbricoides; 37,31%( CI 95% 30,42%-44,19%) for Trichuris trichiura and 13,47% (CI 95% 8,61%-18,33%) for Uncinaria sp. The final measurements of these prevalences decreased to 5,30%(CI 95% 1,68%-8,91%) for A. lumbricoides; 16,55% (CI 95% 10,56%-22,55%) for T. trichiura and 4,64% (CI 95% 1,42%-8,03%) for Uncinaria sp. Conclusion: Although the present study does not constitute an actual impact evaluation, it provides an apparently successful experience with implementing a comprehensive strategy to control geohelminthiasis, which could serve as a model for other interventions in rural areas in the country.Introducción: Las geohelmintiasis son infecciones prevalentes en los países en vía de desarrollo, que afectan principalmente a la población escolar. Las estrategias de control que combinan quimioterapia masiva con educación en salud, pueden producir reducciones significativas de estas infecciones, sostenibles en el tiempo. En este estudio se implementó y evaluó, una intervención integral basada en una estrategia lúdica de educación en salud, más quimioterapia masiva en una zona rural de Colombia. Metodología: Diseño cuasi-experimental, realizado en La Virgen, Cundinamarca (Colombia). Toda la población escolar fue sometida a la estrategia educativa en salud, acompañada de tratamiento semestral con albendazol, entre finales del 2010 y mediados del 2013. La muestra analítica fue constituida por 119 niños (mediana= 11; Rango Intercuartílico = 8-13 años). Se evaluaron los cambios anuales en la presencia de geohelmintos usando pruebas no paramétricas para muestras relacionadas y modelos de regresión logística de efectos fijos. Resultados: En la medición basal, las prevalencias de los geohelmintos fueron: 22,28% (IC 95% 16,36%-28,20%) para Ascaris lumbricoides; 37,31% (IC 95% 30,42%-44,19%) para Trichuris trichiura y 13,47% (IC 95% 8,61%-18,33%) para Uncinaria sp. Para la medición final, estas prevalencias cayeron significativamente a 5,30% (IC 95% 1,68%-8,91%) para A. lumbricoides; 16,55%  (IC 95% 10,56%-22,55%) para T. trichiura y 4,64% (IC95% 1,42%-8,03%) para Uncinaria sp. Conclusión: El presente estudio, pese a que no constituye una evaluación real de impacto, provee una experiencia aparentemente exitosa de implementación de una estrategia integral para el control de las geohelmintiasis, que podría servir como modelo para otras intervenciones en áreas rurales del país

    Interacciones temporales y espaciales de mesocarnívoros simpátricos en una Reserva de la Biosfera: ¿coexistencia o competencia?

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    Abstract: Temporal and spatial interactions of sympatric mesocarnivores at a Biosphere Reserve: coexistence or competition? Interspecific interactions among tropical mesocarnivorous species and other mammalian trophic guilds have been poorly studied, despite they have important implications in the survival, structure, demography, and distribution of these species. In this study we analyzed spatio-temporal interactions of three sympatric mesocarnivores that are located in the Northeastern limit of their geographic distribution in Mexico, with the objective of analyzing if these species coexist or compete in the axis of the temporal and spatial niche. With a sampling period from January 2015 to December 2016 and 26 camera-trapping stations (with in a set of two camera traps opposite to each other) and located along roads and animal trails, we determined the activity pattern and habitat use of L. wiedii (margay), L. pardalis (ocelote) y P. yagouaroundi (yaguarundi). All independent photographs of each species were grouped into three temporal categories (day, night and twilight) and six habitat categories; Oak Forest, Oak-Pine Forest, Cloud Forest, Pine-Oak Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest and Medium Forest. Temporal and spatial overlap between species (i.e. interactions) was obtained with the Czekanowski index and the Pianka index, respectively. These indices are symmetrical and take values from zero to one, where the results close to zero indicate that there is no overlap between species and values close to one indicate overlap. We obtained a total of 379 independent photographs, of which 239 corresponded to margay, 118 to ocelot and 22 to yaguarundi. Margay and ocelot were nocturnal, with 75 % of their records in this category showing a high temporal overlap (0.85); whereas yaguarundi was fully diurnal, suggesting it may be able to coexist with the other two species (margay and ocelot). Moreover, the yaguarundi used habitat similar to ocelot and margay (with high spatial overlap of 0.81 and 0.72, respectively), while the spatial overlap between the margay and ocelot was intermediate (0.53), since they used in most cases different habitat types. Our results suggest that there is no interspecific competition among these tropical mesocarnivorous species, probably due to antagonistic interactions among them on the temporal and spatial axis. These strategies may positively favor populations of mesocarnivores, which are characterized by having a high territorial behavior. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 996-1008. Epub 2018 September 01. Key words: “El Cielo” Biosphere Reserve; Tamaulipas; Mexico; tropical felines; interespecific interaction

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramienta para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Municipio Mercaderes Cauca, Bordo Cauca.

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    En este trabajo encontrara diversas actividades encaminadas a fortalecer psicosocialmente escenarios de violencia que afrontan comunidades de nuestro país. Los cuales han vivido de cerca los horrores de la guerra por parte de un conflicto perpetrado por diferentes grupos terroristas. Personas afectadas emocional y psicológicamente por todas las experiencias que pasaron, desplazamientos, reclutamiento forzado, entre otros tipos de violencia. A partir de los enfoques narrativos pretendemos trasformar los impactos dejados por el conflicto armado, empoderando personas afectadas convirtiéndose así en sobrevivientes de una guerra fría. De igual forma profundizamos en relatos de vida de personas víctimas del flagelo del desplazamiento en diferentes escenarios, pero también de personas que sufrieron violencia desde otros ámbitos como es el caso de Carlos nos muestra cómo es posible cambiar la adversidad en fortaleza; dice “el accidente me sirvió para pensar en otras personas” Él ahora quiere capacitarse para ayudar a otros mostrando así un hombre empoderado y resiliente que se impuso a su infortunio. Desde la estrategia foto voz quisimos entrelazar memoria, imagen y la narrativa. Para mostrar escenarios marcados por el terrorismo y el impacto que este ha generado. Desde una dimensión subjetiva se puede simbolizar y estimar un significado diferente, la acción psicosocial permite que las victimas cuenten sus historias con el fin de liberarse del dolor o tristeza que llevan dentro, transformándolos en espacios de esperanza tranquilidad.People who are emotionally and psychologically affected by all the experiences they have passed, displacement, forced recruitment, among other types of violence. From the narrative approaches we intend to transform the impacts left by armed conflict, empowering affected people and thus becoming survivors of a cold war. We also delve into the life stories of people who are victims of the scourge of displacement in different settings but also of people who suffered violence from other areas, such as Carlos Arturo Bravo, a 14-year-old boy who managed to survive a strong episode of violence That by an explosive device he halved in his physical and psychological conditions, Charles shows us how it is possible to change adversity in strength; he says “the accident helped me think of others" He now wants to train himself to help others by showing an empowered and resilient man who prevailed over his misfortune. On the other hand, from the photo voice tool we wanted to interlace memory, image and narrative. To show scenarios marked by terrorism and the impact it has generated. From a subjective dimension, a different meaning can be symbolized and estimated, psychosocial action allows victims to tell their stories to minimize the pain they carry within, transforming them into spaces of hope and tranquility. Likewise, a psychosocial approach is made to the Peñas Coloradas case, we also include the analytical report of the experience of step 3, with its respective link of the blog, conclusions and bibliographic references

    Temporal and spatial segregation of top predators (Felidae) in a Mexican tropical Biosphere Reserve

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    Jaguars, Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758), and pumas, Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) are the largest felids in the neotropics. Both can overlap in niche axes (time, space and prey), and are therefore potentially competing species. Segregation mechanisms presented by a low overlap in one of these axes of niche can facilitate the coexistence. Our aim was to analyze jaguar and puma temporal and spatial overlap for understanding their segregation mechanisms. Between 2015 and 2017, twenty-six camera trap stations were located in five habitat types of El Cielo Biosphere Reserve (ECBR) in northeastern Mexico. Temporal activity was analyzed using circular statistics and time overlap analysis. Spatial overlap was calculated with the Pianka index and a selectivity habitat analysis. Our results showed that jaguars and pumas were nocturnal and that the temporal overlap was high (∆4 = 0.77). We found an intermediate spatial overlap (Pianka index = 0.61). Jaguars were more selective and preferred the deciduous forest. In comparison, pumas preferred oak-pine forest, but also used oak and deciduous forest. Our results indicate that spatial segregation best explains the coexistence of jaguars and pumas in our study area, probably due to both habitat diversity in the reserve and the generalist habits of the puma

    Communication patterns in the doctor–patient relationship: evaluating determinants associated with low paternalism in Mexico

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    Background: Paternalism/overprotection limits communication between healthcare professionals and patients and does not promote shared therapeutic decision-making. In the global north, communication patterns have been regulated to promote autonomy, whereas in the global south, they refect the physician’s personal choices. The goal of this study was to contribute to knowledge on the communication patterns used in clinical practice in Mexico and to identify the determinants that favour a doctor–patient relationship characterized by low paternalism/autonomy. Methods: A self-report study on communication patterns in a sample of 761 mental healthcare professionals in Cen‑ tral and Western Mexico was conducted. Multiple ordinal logistic regression models were used to analyse paternalism and associated factors. Results: A high prevalence (68.7% [95% CI 60.0–70.5]) of paternalism was observed among mental health profession‑ als in Mexico. The main determinants of low paternalism/autonomy were medical specialty (OR 1.67 [95% CI 1.16– 2.40]) and gender, with female physicians being more likely to explicitly share diagnoses and therapeutic strategies with patients and their families (OR 1.57 [95% CI 1.11–2.22]). A pattern of highly explicit communication was strongly associated with low paternalism/autonomy (OR 12.13 [95% CI 7.71–19.05]). Finally, a modifying efect of age strata on the association between communication pattern or specialty and low paternalism/autonomy was observed. Conclusions: Among mental health professionals in Mexico, high paternalism prevailed. Gender, specialty, and a pattern of open communication were closely associated with low paternalism/autonomy. Strengthening health professionals’ competencies and promoting explicit communication could contribute to the transition towards more autonomist communication in clinical practice in Mexico. The ethical implications will need to be resolved in the near future.This study was conducted with fnancial support from CONACyT-FOSISS 2016 (Project No. 272137) under the title “The burden of intellectual development disorders in Mexico: Situational diagnosis and proposed intervention in public policy

    Perfiles de poliparasitismo intestinal en una comunidad de la Amazonia colombiana

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    Introduction: Intestinal parasite infections and polyparasitism are highly prevalent in the most vulnerable populations of developing countries due to environmental, biological and social determinants common in the transmission of parasites. Children between 1 and 15 years of age are the most affected population.Objective: To describe the prevalence and profiles of intestinal polyparasitism in 1 to 15 year-old children from native communities in the Colombian Amazon region.Materials and methods: We used a non-probability sampling of 300 children between 1 and 15 years of age from several rural settlements and the main urban area of Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, Colombia, who participated voluntarily in the study. We obtained fecal samples that were analyzed by the direct method (0.85% saline solution-lugol) and the Kato-Katz technique. The most prevalent polyparasitism profiles were identified using Cohen’s kappa coefficient with a 95% confidence interval.Results: The prevalence of polyparasitism, defined as the presence of at least two intestinal pathogenic parasites, was 84% (95 % CI: 79.35-87.96). Polyparasitism by two or three of the following parasites: Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Blastocystis sp., Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus from the Ancylostomatidae family, and Entamoeba histolytica, E. dispar and E. moshkovskii of the Entamoeba complex, had the highest prevalence.Conclusion: Several intestinal polyparasitism profiles were found, although in most cases fewer than six parasites were involved. Better prevalence estimations and identification of determinant factors will allow to priorize and direct resources to control these infections.Introducción. Las infecciones parasitarias y el poliparasitismo intestinal son muy prevalentes en las poblaciones más vulnerables de los países en desarrollo debido a la existencia de factores ambientales, biológicos y sociales determinantes en la transmisión de parásitos. La población entre uno y 15 años de edad es la más afectada por dicha situación.Objetivo. Describir las prevalencias y los perfiles del poliparasitismo intestinal en la población de uno a 15 años de edad de comunidades indígenas de la Amazonia colombiana.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un muestreo no probabilístico de 300 niños entre uno y 15 años de edad, procedentes de varios asentamientos rurales y de la cabecera urbana de Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, quienes participaron voluntariamente en el estudio. Las muestras de materia fecal se analizaron mediante el método directo (solución salina al 0,85 % y lugol) y la técnica de Kato-Katz. Se determinaron los perfiles más prevalentes de poliparasitismo intestinal con el coeficiente kappa de Cohen y un intervalo de confianza de 95 %.Resultados. La prevalencia de poliparasitismo, definida como la presencia de, por lo menos, dos parásitos intestinales patógenos, fue de 84 % (IC95 %: 79,35-87,96). Los casos con presencia de dos o tres agentes incluyeron los parásitos Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Blastocystis sp., los ancilostomídeos Ancylostoma duodenale y Necator americanus, así como Entamoeba histolytica, E. dispar y E. moshkovskii del complejo Entamoeba, y fueron los de mayor prevalencia.Conclusión. Se encontraron varios perfiles de poliparasitismo intestinal, aunque la mayoría de los casos involucraron menos de seis especies. Una mejor estimación de la prevalencia y los factores determinantes del poliparasitismo intestinal permitirían priorizar y orientar los recursos para su control