176 research outputs found

    O cadastro dos saberes: figuras do conhecimento e apreensão do real

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    The case study is a framework privileged by the social sciences today. A whole epistemology is redrawn here. Its primary feature is to shape a set of events without fear of applying a diversity of reasonably complementary and vital disciplines. It concerns an empirical knowledge that does not proceed by documentary saturation but is interested more by the exactness of its approach than by decision. A result of different modelisations, it will give its place to the juridical dimension under whose impact human affairs sometimes take their final form. But the convergence of clues towards a center where the meaning of human behaviours will be unified will have been abandoned. That is why it was necessary to free oneself from some epistemological habits implied in the juridical vocabulary, or casuistry, of the case. From here, follows the outline of an epistemological history in the course of which, from civil galileism, human activities acquired a specific visibility and a representation of themselves. After the Enlightenment, this history was that of a slow divorce between the judgement of experience, heir of naturalist phenomenologies, and this new knowledge. The break occurred on the edge of anthropology. It becomes then a question of constituting a process of objectification of behaviours and subjectification of that which gives them intelligence and normativity, including the terms in which they are stated and thought. One must accept that human sciences draw their strenght from the incompleteness of a process of which they are a necessary part. They maintain their creative movement to rival a process of an equally incomplete modernity. Their non-saturation will be considered in their favor.O estudo de caso é hoje um referencial privilegiado para as ciências sociais. Redesenha-se toda uma epistemologia, da qual a primeira característica é configurar um conjunto de acontecimentos sem temor de aplicar-lhe uma diversidade de disciplinas razoavelmente complementares e fecundas. Trata-se de um saber empírico que não procede por saturação documental, mais interessado na justeza de sua abordagem do que na decisão. Resultante de modelizações diferentes, ele dará seu lugar à dimensão jurídica sob o efeito da qual as atividades humanas adquirem, às vezes, sua forma final, mas ter-se-á renunciado a uma convergência de índices em direção a um abrigo no qual se unificaria o sentido dos comportamentos humanos. Eis por que devemos libertar-nos de alguns hábitos epistemológicos implicados no vocabulário jurídico, ou casuístico, do caso. Daí o esboço de uma história epistemológica no curso da qual, a partir do galileanismo civil, as atividades humanas adquiriram uma visibilidade específica e uma representação delas mesmas. Após o Iluminismo, a história foi a do lento divórcio entre o juízo da experiência, herdeiro das fenomenologias naturalistas, e esse novo saber. A ruptura se fez ao umbral da antropologia. Tratava-se então de compor um processo de objetivização dos comportamentos com a subjetivização daquilo que lhes confere inteligência e normatividade, incluindo nisso os termos nos quais são ditos e pensados. Deve-se, portanto, aceitar que as ciências humanas retiram sua força da incompletude de um processo do qual elas mesmas fazem parte. Elas mantêm seu movimento criador de rivalizar com um processo de modernidade também ele inacabado. Sua não-saturação será considerada a seu favor

    Warburg, de Kant à Boas

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    Si l’histoire de l'art s’est renouvelée de par son alliance avec l'anthropologie, elle le doit en partie à la rencontre entre Warburg et Boas, deux transfuges de l'idéalisme allemand. Warburg a restitué le paganisme antique sous les canons alexandrins et renaissants. Son œuvre permet, par comparaison, d'approcher différemment cette modification qu’on a décrite, à partir de Baudelaire et Manet, comme modernité en peinture.Warburg, from Kant to Boas. – The history of art has been regenerated thanks to its alliance with anthropology, an alliance to be set down to the meeting between Warburg and Boas, who both deserted German idealism. Warburg restored ancient paganism using Alexandrine and Renaissance canons. His work helps us, by way of comparison, to grasp in a different way this modification that, since Baudelaire and Manet, has been described as modernity in painting

    «Sur la piste du lion», les itinéraires de Kessel, 1898-1979

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    Le livre d'Yves Courrière (Sur la piste du lion, 1985) permet de suivre l'essentiel des grands voyages de Joseph Kessel (1898-1979) après avoir raconté la diaspora familiale. Ils constituent le support géographique de son œuvre, dans les domaines du reportage et de la littérature: une reconstitution à travers des cartes chronologiques

    The popliteal cyst

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    A popliteal cyst, originally called Baker's cyst, is a synovial fluid-filled mass located in the popliteal fossa. The most common synovial popliteal cyst is considered to be a distension of the bursa located beneath the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Usually, in an adult patient, an underlying intra-articular disorder is present. In children, the cyst can be isolated and the knee joint normal. The anatomy, etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, imaging and treatment modalities of the popliteal cyst are presented. The authors try to answer some questions dealing with this condition. Is the cyst isolated, can it be treated as such, is its origin always well-defined and does surgical excision provide a permanent cure

    Contribution of the Twin Arginine Translocation system to the exoproteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses secretion systems to deliver exoproteins into the environment. These exoproteins contribute to bacterial survival, adaptation, and virulence. The Twin arginine translocation (Tat) export system enables the export of folded proteins into the periplasm, some of which can then be further secreted outside the cell. However, the full range of proteins that are conveyed by Tat is unknown, despite the importance of Tat for the adaptability and full virulence of P. aeruginosa. In this work, we explored the P. aeruginosa Tat-dependent exoproteome under phosphate starvation by two-dimensional gel analysis. We identified the major secreted proteins and new Tat-dependent exoproteins. These exoproteins were further analyzed by a combination of in silico analysis, regulation studies, and protein localization. Altogether we reveal that the absence of the Tat system significantly affects the composition of the exoproteome by impairing protein export and affecting gene expression. Notably we discovered three new Tat exoproteins and one novel type II secretion substrate. Our data also allowed the identification of two new start codons highlighting the importance of protein annotation for subcellular predictions. The new exoproteins that we identify may play a significant role in P. aeruginosa pathogenesis, host interaction and niche adaptation

    The First Self-Assembled Trimetallic Lanthanide Helicates Driven by Positive Cooperativity

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    The segmental tris-tridentate ligand L7 reacts with stoichiometric quantities of Ln(III) (Ln=La-Lu) in acetonitrile to give the complexes [Ln(2)(L7)(3)](6+) and [Ln(3)(L7)(3)](9+). Formation constants point to negligible size-discriminating effects along the lanthanide series, but Scatchard plots suggest that the self-assembly of the trimetallic triple-stranded helicates [Ln(3)(L7)(3)](9+) is driven to completion by positive cooperativity, despite strong intermetallic electrostatic repulsions. Crystallization provides quantitatively [Ln(3)(L7)(3)](CF(3)SO(3))(9) (Ln=La, Eu, Gd, Tb, Lu) and the X-ray crystal structure of [Eu(3)(L7)(3)](CF(3)SO(3))(9).(CH(3)CN)(9).(H(2)O)(2) (Eu(3)C(216)H(226)N(48)O(35)F(27)S(9), triclinic, P1, Z=2) shows the three ligand strands wrapped around a pseudo-threefold axis defined by the three metal ions rigidly held at about 9 A. Each metal ion is coordinated by nine donor atoms in a pseudo-trigonal prismatic arrangement, but the existence of terminal carboxamide units in the ligand strands differentiates the electronic properties of the terminal and the central metallic sites. Photophysical data confirm that the three coordination sites possess comparable pseudo-trigonal symmetries in the solid state and in solution. High-resolution luminescence analyses evidence a low-lying LMCT state affecting the central EuN(9) site, so that multi-metal-centered luminescence is essentially dominated by the emission from the two terminal EuN(6)O(3) sites in [Eu(3)(L7)(3)](9+). New multicenter equations have been developed for investigating the solution structure of [Ln(3)(L7)(3)](9+) by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy and linear correlations for Ln=Ce-Tb imply isostructurality for these larger lanthanides. NMR spectra point to the triple helical structure being maintained in solution, but an inversion of the magnitude of the second-rank crystal-field parameters, obtained by LIS analysis, for the LnN(6)O(3) and LnN(9) sites with respect to the parameters extracted for Eu(III) from luminescence data, suggests that the geometry of the central LnN(9) site is somewhat relaxed in solution