21 research outputs found

    Connectedness to Nature, Well-Being and Presence of Birds

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    Connectedness to Nature represents a growing area of interest in the latest years because it could have implications in human behavior. In addition, another type of implications studied in people have been the sounds of birds. The aim of this literature review was to analyze the state of knowledge about Connectedness to Nature and birds, as well as its link with variables related to well-being to identify gaps and directions for further research. We reviewed 41 papers published between 2011 and 2021. Papers were found in 29 journals with studies from 16 countries. Eighty-five percent of the papers used an experimental design and there is a trend of increasing publications over time. Our results show that Connectedness to Nature is linked to variables related to well-being, and the presence of birds (or their perception) contributes to explain the relationship. Therefore, more research on the subject is needed because there is evidence that contradicts some findings. Also, research is needed in different bird species, sounds, different cultures and local contexts, thus, it is necessary to study rural and urban areas. In addition, research is needed in children and teenagers who have been very little represented. Finally, it is necessary to have more information from Latin American countries as they represent the most diverse in bird species and to be able to compare with more studied regions like Europe and North America.A A conexão com a natureza representa uma área de interesse crescente nos últimos anos, pois poderia ter implicações no comportamento humano. Além disso, outro tipo de implicações estudadas nas pessoas têm sido os sons das aves. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura foi analisar o estado do conhecimento sobre a Conectividade com a Natureza e as aves, bem como sua ligação com variáveis relacionadas ao bem-estar para identificar lacunas e direções para pesquisas posteriores. Revisamos 41 artigos publicados entre 2011 e 2021. Foram encontrados artigos em 29 periódicos com estudos de 16 países. Oitenta e cinco por cento dos artigos utilizaram um desenho experimental e há uma tendência de aumento das publicações ao longo do tempo. Nossos resultados mostram que a conexão com a natureza está ligada a variáveis relacionadas ao bem-estar, e a presença de aves (ou sua percepção) contribui para explicar a relação. Portanto, mais pesquisas sobre o assunto são necessárias porque há evidências que contradizem algumas descobertas. Além disso, a pesquisa é necessária em diferentes espécies de aves, sons, diferentes culturas e contextos locais, portanto, é necessário estudar as áreas rurais e urbanas. Além disso, a pesquisa é necessária em crianças e adolescentes que têm sido muito pouco representados. Finalmente, é necessário ter mais informações dos países latino-americanos, pois eles representam as mais diversas espécies de aves e poder comparar com regiões mais estudadas como a Europa e a América do Norte

    Reptile species persistence under climate change and direct human threats in north-western Argentina

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    Protected areas have been established historically in residual places where the potential for extractive uses is low, implying that places at risk are usually underprotected. Argentina is no exception,with fewprotected areas established in productive regions that are prone to conversion. Here, using reptiles as a study group and considering the most important human threats in north-westernArgentina,we estimated priority conservation areas where we expect species to persist in the face of climate change and land conversion. Protected areas cover no more than 9% of the study region, but represent less than 15% of reptile distributions. There are great opportunities for improving the conservation status in the region by protecting only 8% more of north-western Argentina, with the level of species protection inside the protected area network increasing almost four-fold, reaching 43% of species distributions on average and 59% of the distributions of threatened reptiles. Fortunately, the highest diversity of reptiles in the region does not match the places targeted for agriculture expansion. Our findings suggest that future prioritization schemes should embrace other groups that are especially diverse in the Chaco ecoregion, which overlaps with our study area.FONCYT and SECYTUNC. RL’s research has been constantly funded by CNPq (grants #308532/2014-7, 479959/2013-7, 407094/2013-0 and 563621/2010-9), O Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection (grant #PROG_0008_2013) and CNCFlora. This paper is a contribution of the Brazilian Network on Global Climate Change Research funded by CNPq (grant #437167/2016-0) and FINEP (grant #01.13.0353.00). RLP acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council

    Research priorities for maintaining biodiversity’s contributions to people in Latin America

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    Maintaining biodiversity is crucial for ensuring human well-being. The authors participated in a workshop held in Palenque, Mexico, in August 2018, that brought together 30 mostly early-career scientists working in different disciplines (natural, social and economic sciences) with the aim of identifying research priorities for studying the contributions of biodiversity to people and how these contributions might be impacted by environmental change. Five main groups of questions emerged: (1) Enhancing the quantity, quality, and availability of biodiversity data; (2) Integrating different knowledge systems; (3) Improved methods for integrating diverse data; (4) Fundamental questions in ecology and evolution; and (5) Multi-level governance across boundaries. We discuss the need for increased capacity building and investment in research programmes to address these challenges

    Métodos y técnicas de monitoreo y predicción temprana en los escenarios de riesgos socionaturales

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    Esta obra concentra los métodos y las técnicas fundamentales para el seguimiento y monitoreo de las dinámicas de los escenarios de riesgos socionaturales (geológicos e hidrometeorológicos) y tiene como objetivo general orientar, apoyar y acompañar a los directivos y operativos de protección civil en aterrizar las acciones y políticas públicas enfocadas a la gestión del riesgo local de desastre

    La conservación in situ del frijol criollo: construyendo soberanía alimentaria en el sureste del Estado de México

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    "La conservación in situ de los frijoles criollos implica salvaguardar los procesos que los mantienen, permiten su evolución y su producción sustentable. Su permanencia responde también a la dinámica entre los campesinos, los comercializadores en los mer

    Mammals’ camera-trapping in Sierra Nanchititla, Mexico: relative abundance and activity patterns

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    La conservación de las especies y su manejo adecuado dependen de la disponibilidad de información sobre sus poblaciones, por ello es importante estudiar aspectos como la abundancia y el patrón de actividad. En esta investigación se utilizaron trampas-cámara para obtener índices de abundancia relativa y establecer el patrón de actividad de los mamíferos medianos y grandes de la Sierra Nanchititla, México. El trabajo se llevó a cabo durante el periodo de diciembre de 2003 a mayo de 2006, con un esfuerzo total de 4 305 días-trampa. Se obtuvieron 897 fotografías de 19 especies, las más abundantes fueron: Nasua narica, Sylvilagus floridanus y Urocyon cinereoargenteus, de acuerdo con el índice de abundancia relativa (IAR, número de registros independientes/100 días trampa), coincidiendo con estudios basados en métodos indirectos. El patrón de actividad de las especies registradas mostraron que el 67% son de hábitos nocturnos. Algunas especies mostraron diferencias con los patrones mencionados por otros autores, las cuales se relacionan principalmente con la estacionalidad, la disponibilidad de recursos y el sexo de los individuos.Species conservation and their management depend on the availability of their population behavior and changes in time. This way, population studies include aspects such as species abundance and activity pattern, among others, with the advantage that nowadays new technologies can be applied, in addition to common methods. In this study, we used camera-traps to obtain the index of relative abundance and to establish activity pattern of medium and large mammals in Sierra Nanchititla, Mexico. The study was conducted from December 2003 to May 2006, with a total sampling effort of 4 305 trap-days. We obtained 897 photographs of 19 different species. Nasua narica, Sylvilagus floridanus and Urocyon cinereoargenteus were the most abundant, in agreement with the relative abundance index (RAI, number of independent records/100 trap-days), and according to previous studies with indirect methods in the area. The activity patterns of the species showed that 67% of them are nocturnal, except Odocoileus virginianus, Nasua narica and others. Some species showed differences with previously reported patterns, which are related with seasonality, resources availability, organism sex, principally. The applied method contributed with reliable data about relative abundance and activity patterns.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México con los proyectos FE012/2006, FE09/2007, FE014/2007-2009; El CONACYT con el proyecto 101254 y el PROMEP con el proyecto 103.5/10/0942

    Traditional use of wild vertebrates in Sierra Nanchititla, Mexico

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    Los pobladores nativos de México se han caracterizado por poseer conocimiento tradicional sobre las especies de flora y fauna de los ambientes donde habitan, así como por sus prácticas de aprovechamiento. En este estudio se documentó el uso tradicional de vertebrados silvestres por parte de los habitantes de las trece comunidades de mayor influencia de la Reserva Natural Sierra Nanchititla (RNSN), se examinó su disponibilidad como recurso en esta área protegida y se analizó la correlación entre ambas variables. Se aplicaron técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas que muestran el grado de utilización del recurso considerando estimaciones poblacionales de las especies en la región y documentando el conocimiento de uso de los vertebrados por medio de entrevistas estructuradas. Se evaluó la abundancia relativa a través del conteo de excrementos y cámaras trampa del grupo con mayor frecuencia de uso (mamíferos) y se calcularon los índices de valor de uso por especie y familia de vertebrados. Todos los informantes (117) con excepción de uno aprovechan alguna de las 33 especies utilizadas en la región. Los usos mas frecuentes consisten en cubrir sus necesidades alimenticias y curativas. El grupo más utilizado es el de mamíferos, siendo el conejo (Sylvilagus floridanus) el más utilizado. Los habitantes locales usan con mayor frecuencia las diez especies con mayor abundancia en la región. Los resultados aportan información que contribuirá con las estrategias de conservación de recursos naturales en la RNSN.The native inhabitants of Mexico have been known to have a traditional knowledge about the flora and fauna species in their habitat, and about their utilization. In this study, the traditional use of wild vertebrates by the inhabitants of the 13 communities of largest influence in the Sierra Nanchititla Natural Reserve (SNNR) was documented, their availability as a resource in the area was examined, and the correlation between the two variables analyzed. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were applied to show the degree of resource utilization, considering population estimates for the species in the region, and the usage knowledge of vertebrates was documented through structured interviews. The relative abundance of the group with the highest frequency of use (mammals) was evaluated by excreta counts and use of traps. Use value indexes were calculated for vertebrate species and family. All informers (117) but one did benefit from some of the 33 species used in the region. The most frequent uses are meant to cover food and curative needs. The group with the highest use is that of mammals, the rabbit (Sylvilagus floridans) being the most used. Local inhabitants use with higher frequency the ten most abundant species in the region. The results provide information that will help in conservation strategies for the SNNR natural resources.El estudio fue financiado por los proyectos 1820/2004 y 2188/2005 de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y la Fundación Terra Natura, España (2003-2006)

    Especies leñosas útiles de la selva baja caducifolia en la Sierra de Nanchititla, México

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    Abstract The tropical deciduous forests are highly diverse communities whose distribution and conservation status are compromised by human activities. The purpose of this research was to document the traditional use given to the woody and arborescent flora of the deciduous forests in Sierra de Nanchititla and to identify potential species for the recovery, permanence or sustainable use of the regional deciduous forests. The work was performed by ethnobotanical scans with the application of open interviews with key informants included in the Sierra Nanchititla Nature Reserve. One hundred thirty-seven useful woody species were recorded; nine botanical families grouped 58% of the flora; Fabaceae was the family with the largest number of genera and species. From the recorded species, 85% are considered native to Mexico; the endemic component exhibited the greatest number of species (30%), followed by Mesoamerican species (26%) and Neotropical (21%). Nine plant uses were recorded; the most frequent was medicinal followed by building and fuelwood uses. Of the flora, 32.8% (45 species) was useful for three or more purposes, Enterolobium cyclocarpum showed the greatest uses number (six). Thirty-four species were cited for food use primarily by their fruits production. Sixteen species have high ecological restoration and reforestation potential because they are multipurpose Mexican species and important providers of environmental services; its use in restoration programs could meet some local demands, maintain tree cover and local diversity.Resumen Las selvas bajas caducifolias constituyen comunidades vegetales complejas y diversas, cuya distribución y permanencia se encuentra amenazada por las actividades humanas. La finalidad de esta investigación fue documentar el uso tradicional que tiene la flora leñosa y arborescente de la selva caducifolia de la Sierra de Nanchititla y, con ello, identificar especies potenciales para la recuperación, permanencia o aprovechamiento sustentable de las selvas caducifolias regionales. Se realizaron exploraciones etnobotánicas con la aplicación de entrevistas abiertas a informantes clave de poblados cercanos o incluidos en la Reserva Natural Sierra Nanchititla. Se registraron 137 especies útiles; nueve familias botánicas concentraron 58% de la flora; la familia con el mayor número de géneros y especies fue Fabaceae. Ochenta y cinco por ciento de las especies son nativas; el componente endémico exhibió el mayor número de especies (30%), seguido del grupo de especies mesoamericanas (26%) y neotropicales (21%). Se registraron nueve categorías de uso de la flora, los más frecuentes fueron el medicinal, para la construcción y la obtención de leña. De la flora, 32.8% (45 especies) se encontró útil para tres o más propósitos, y Enterolobium cyclocarpum mostró el mayor número de usos (seis). Treinta y cuatro especies fueron citadas con uso alimenticio principalmente por los frutos que producen. Dieciséis especies se identifican con alto potencial para la restauración ecológica y la reforestación, dado que son especies nativas multipropósito e importantes prestadoras de servicios ambientales; su uso en programas de restauración podría satisfacer algunas demandas locales, mantener la cubierta arbórea y la diversidad local

    Distribución, uso de hábitat y patrones de actividad del puma y jaguar en el Estado de México

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    Se analizó la distribución, uso de hábitat y patrón de actividad del jaguar (Panthera onca) y el puma (Puma concolor) en el Estado de México, por medio de registros bibliográficos, entrevistas, rastros y trampas cámara. De agosto de 2002 a mayo de 2006, se aplicaron 140 entrevistas en comunidades de la Sierra Nanchititla, se encontraron 236 rastros entre huellas y excrementos, y se obtuvieron 89 fotografías. Los felinos utilizan los bosques de pino-encino, en altitudes mayores a 1 800 msnm. La distancia a los caminos está entre los 3 509 y 4 377 m, a los poblados entre 2 326 y 4 650 m, y a pendientes pronunciadas entre 1 048 y 2 095 m para jaguar y menores a 1 047 m para puma. El periodo principal de actividad del jaguar va de 0:00 a 6:00 horas, mientras que para el puma es más amplio, pero evitando los periodos de actividad del jaguar.In the present study we to analyze the distribution, habitat use and activity patterns the jaguar and puma, in the State of Mexico, using bibliographic reports, interviews, signs and camera trapping. From August 2002 to May 2006, we applied 140 interviews in communities within Sierra Nanchititla, we found 236 signs, scats and footprints, and obtained 89 pictures. Both felids preferred pine-oak forest, at a higher altitude than 1 800 m. Distance to roads was between 3 509 and 4 377 m, distance to towns between 2 326 and 4650 m, distance to rugged slopes for jaguar was between 1 048 and 2 095 m and for puma less than 1 047 m. The main activity period for jaguar was from 0:00 to 6:00, while the puma activity was broader, but avoided the period of jaguar activity.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Secretaría de Educación Pública, con los proyectos 1820/2004, 2188/2005 (UAEM), beca de doctorado de OMV- 103.5/04/1304 (SEP-PROMEP). La Fundación Terra-Natura financió a través del proyecto 2330/2006E