16 research outputs found

    Аутсорсінгова модель реалізації корпоративної соціальної відповідальності

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    У статті обґрунтовано необхідність і визначено шляхи використання аутсорсінгу корпоративної соціальної відповідальності в соціальній політиці України. Основним аргументом на користь такого аутсорсінгу є надзвичайна складність (а відтак – і ресурсоємність) процесу управління програмами корпоративної соціальної відповідальності. Використання різних форм (насамперед, повної та часткової) аутсорсінгу корпоративної соціальної відповідальності має найбільшу перспективу на регіональному рівні здійснення соціальної політики – в структурі фондів розвитку громади.В статье обоснована необходимость и определены пути использования аутсорсинга корпоративной социальной ответственности в социальной политике Украины. Основным аргументом в пользу такого аутсорсинга служит чрезвычайная сложность (а значит – и ресурсоемкость) процесса управления программами корпоративной социальной ответственности. Использования разных форм (прежде всего, полной и частичной) аутсорсинга корпоративной социальной ответственности имеет наибольшую перспективу на региональном уровне осуществления социальной политики – в структуре фондов местного развития.The paper argues the necessity and defines means of application of outsourcing to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in social policy of Ukraine. As CSR (corporate charity) is a secondary (not-product-related) activity to any for-profit organization, the allocation of recourses (human, managerial, financial etc.) to this activity may decrease effectiveness of the major (productrelated) functions, lessening the competitive ability of an enterprise. Initiation of specialized CSR-departments within an organizational structure (in order to provide expenditure control, feedback control and social effect monitoring) is a luxury, which most businesses in Ukraine can not afford. CSR-ignoring practices contradict imperatives of conventional modern business rules (e.g. sustainable development doctrine), which have presented CSR as a “must” for prosperous firms and successful for-profits throughout the world. Ukraine is also involved in the deployment of those imperatives as a new market economy country. Taking the burden of CSR-caused extra costs off a firm, outcontracting of CSR may contribute to wide spreading of corporate philanthropy, thus providing social policy and social-oriented activities in Ukraine with potentially essential assets. The paper derives, that deployment of CSR-outsourcing will produce the best effect on the regional level of social policy of Ukraine – within community foundations as community-based non-profit organizations, usually established in an area to help solving local social problems through accumulation and distribution chiefly local resources, aimed for social projects and programs of different kind

    Basal dynamics of Kronebreen, a fast-flowing tidewater glacier in Svalbard: non-local spatio-temporal response to water input

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    We evaluate the variability in basal friction for Kronebreen, Svalbard, a fast-flowing tidewater glacier. We invert 3 years (2013–15) of surface velocities at high temporal resolution (generally 11 days), to estimate the changing basal properties of the glacier. Our results suggest that sliding behaviour of Kronebreen within a year is primarily influenced by changes in water input patterns during the meltwater season and basal friction is highly variable from a year to another. At present, models usually employ parameterisations to encompass the complex physics of glacier sliding by mathematically simulate their net effect. For such ice masses with strong seasonal variations of surface melt, the spatio-temporal patterns of basal friction imply that it is neither possible nor appropriate to use a parameterisation for bed friction that is fixed in space and/or time, at least in a timescale of a few years. Basal sliding may not only be governed by local processes such as basal topography or summer melt, but also be mediated by factors that vary over a larger distance and over a longer time period such as subglacial hydrology organisation, ice-thickness changes or calving front geometry

    Deposition scenarios from Baltic Sea ship traffic with scrubbers

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    A change in regulation for maximum sulfur content in maritime fuel, in 2015 from 1 to 0.1 %, decreases the atmospheric sulfur concentration and deposition significantly. However, due to costs related to refining, the cleaning of exhausts through scrubbers has become a possible economic solution. Open-loop scrubbers meet the air quality criteria but their consequences for the marine environment are largely unknown. The resulting potential of future acidification in the Baltic Sea, both from atmospheric deposition and from scrubber water along the shipping lanes, based on different assumptions about sulfur content in fuel, scrubber usage, and increased shipping density has been assessed. This database contains shipping and scrubber scenarios for atmospheric deposition and scrubber exhaust from the period 2011 to 2050. When using this dataset, please also cite: Claremar B., K. Haglund, A. Rutgersson. Ship Emissions and the use of current air cleaning technology: Contributions to air pollution and acidification in the Baltic Sea. Accepted for publication in Earth Syst. Dynam., 8, 1–19, 2017.Databasen innehåller frakt- och skrubberscenarier för atmosfärisk avsättning och skrubberutblåsning för perioden 2011 till 2050. När du använder det här datasetet, citeras även: Claremar B., K. Haglund, A. Rutgersson. Ship Emissions and the use of current air cleaning technology: Contributions to air pollution and acidification in the Baltic Sea. Accepted for publication in Earth Syst. Dynam., 8, 1-19, 2017. För mer information se den engelska katalogsidan: https://snd.gu.se/en/catalogue/study/ecds024

    20th century deposition from Baltic Sea ship traffic

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    Historical atmospheric depositions of sulphate, nitrate, and ammonium from land and shipping in the BalticSea. When using this dataset, please also cite: Omstedt, A., Edman, M., Claremar, B., and Rutgersson, A.: Modelling the contributions to marine acidification from deposited SOx , NOx , and NHx in The Baltic Sea: past and present situations, Cont. Shelf Res., 111, 234–249, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2015.08.024, 2015.Data för historiska atmosfäriska avsättningar av sulfat, nitrat och ammonium från land och frakt i Östersjön. När du använder det här datasetet kan du också citera: Omstedt, A., Edman, M., Claremar, B., and Rutgersson, A.: Modelling the contributions to marine acidification from deposited SOx , NOx , and NHx in The Baltic Sea: past and present situations, Cont. Shelf Res., 111, 234–249, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2015.08.024, 2015

    Evaluation of ISKA forecast performance : An investigation on binary and probabilistic forecast skill scores

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    The company Ignitia provides rainfall forecasts through SMS to subscribers in Ghana, Mali and some other countries in the West African region south of Sahara. Their ensemble-based probabilistic forecast product iska, based on the high-resolution weather model WRF with modifications, has been developed to better simulate tropical conditions where rainfall is driven by convection.  This external investigation determined the forecast skill of iska by validating against NOAA satellite rainfall product. As comparison, rainfall probability forecasts from the global model GFS and from Weather Underground were evaluated. The iska forecasts outperformed the GFS forecasts and the Weather Underground forecasts in terms of accuracy. The statistical skill decreased towards the Sahel region and also towards the coast, the latter probably an artefact of the NOAA product having problems in identifying local warm-cloud rain, meaning that the forecast skill by the coast might be better than indicated

    Evaluation of ISKA forecast performance : An investigation on binary and probabilistic forecast skill scores

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    The company Ignitia provides rainfall forecasts through SMS to subscribers in Ghana, Mali and some other countries in the West African region south of Sahara. Their ensemble-based probabilistic forecast product iska, based on the high-resolution weather model WRF with modifications, has been developed to better simulate tropical conditions where rainfall is driven by convection.  This external investigation determined the forecast skill of iska by validating against NOAA satellite rainfall product. As comparison, rainfall probability forecasts from the global model GFS and from Weather Underground were evaluated. The iska forecasts outperformed the GFS forecasts and the Weather Underground forecasts in terms of accuracy. The statistical skill decreased towards the Sahel region and also towards the coast, the latter probably an artefact of the NOAA product having problems in identifying local warm-cloud rain, meaning that the forecast skill by the coast might be better than indicated