22 research outputs found

    Drift of pancake ice floes in the winter Antarctic marginal ice zone during polar cyclones

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    High temporal resolution in situ measurements of pancake ice drift are presented, from a pair of buoys deployed on floes in the Antarctic marginal ice zone during the winter sea ice expansion, over 9 days in which the region was impacted by four polar cyclones. Concomitant measurements of wave-in-ice activity from the buoys are used to infer that the ice remained unconsolidated, and pancake ice conditions were maintained over at least the first 7 days. Analysis of the data shows (i) the fastest reported ice drift speeds in the Southern Ocean; (ii) high correlation of drift velocities with the surface wind velocities, indicating absence of internal ice stresses >100 km from the ice edge where remotely sensed ice concentration is 100%; and (iii) presence of a strong inertial signature with a 13 hr period. A Lagrangian free drift model is developed, including a term for geostrophic currents that reproduce the 13 hr period signature in the ice motion. The calibrated model provides accurate predictions of the ice drift for up to 2 days, and the calibrated parameters provide estimates of wind and ocean drag for pancake floes under storm conditions

    Three-dimensional imaging of waves and floes in the marginal ice zone during a cyclone

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    The marginal ice zone is the dynamic interface between the open ocean and consolidated inner pack ice. Surface gravity waves regulate marginal ice zone extent and properties, and, hence, atmosphere-ocean fluxes and ice advance/retreat. Over the past decade, seminal experimental campaigns have generated much needed measurements of wave evolution in the marginal ice zone, which, notwithstanding the prominent knowledge gaps that remain, are underpinning major advances in understanding the region’s role in the climate system. Here, we report three-dimensional imaging of waves from a moving vessel and simultaneous imaging of floe sizes, with the potential to enhance the marginal ice zone database substantially. The images give the direction–frequency wave spectrum, which we combine with concurrent measurements of wind speeds and reanalysis products to reveal the complex multi-component wind-plus-swell nature of a cyclone-driven wave field, and quantify evolution of large-amplitude waves in sea ice

    Effects of an explosive polar cyclone crossing the Antarctic marginal ice zone

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    Antarctic sea ice shows a large degree of regional variability, which is partly driven by severe weather events. Here we bring a new perspective on synoptic sea ice changes by presenting the first in situ observations of an explosive extratropical cyclone crossing the winter Antarctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the South Atlantic. This is complemented by the analysis of subsequent cyclones and highlights the rapid variations that ice-landing cyclones cause on sea ice: Midlatitude warm oceanic air is advected onto the ice, and storm waves generated close to the ice edge contribute to the maintenance of an unconsolidated surface through which waves propagate far into the ice. MIZ features may thus extend further poleward in the Southern Ocean than currently estimated. A concentration-based MIZ definition is inadequate, since it fails to describe a sea ice configuration which is deeply rearranged by synoptic weather

    Suppressed basal melting in the eastern Thwaites Glacier grounding zone

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    This work is from the MELT project, a component of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC). Support from the National Science Foundation (NSF, grant no. 1739003) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, grant no. NE/S006656/1). Logistics provided by NSF U.S. Antarctic Program and NERC British Antarctic Survey. The ship-based CTD data were supported by the ITGC TARSAN project (NERC grant nos. NE/S006419/1 and NE/S006591/1; NSF grant no. 1929991). ITGC contribution no. ITGC 047.Thwaites Glacier is one of the fastest-changing ice–ocean systems in Antarctica1,2,3. Much of the ice sheet within the catchment of Thwaites Glacier is grounded below sea level on bedrock that deepens inland4, making it susceptible to rapid and irreversible ice loss that could raise the global sea level by more than half a metre2,3,5. The rate and extent of ice loss, and whether it proceeds irreversibly, are set by the ocean conditions and basal melting within the grounding-zone region where Thwaites Glacier first goes afloat3,6, both of which are largely unknown. Here we show—using observations from a hot-water-drilled access hole—that the grounding zone of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) is characterized by a warm and highly stable water column with temperatures substantially higher than the in situ freezing point. Despite these warm conditions, low current speeds and strong density stratification in the ice–ocean boundary layer actively restrict the vertical mixing of heat towards the ice base7,8, resulting in strongly suppressed basal melting. Our results demonstrate that the canonical model of ice-shelf basal melting used to generate sea-level projections cannot reproduce observed melt rates beneath this critically important glacier, and that rapid and possibly unstable grounding-line retreat may be associated with relatively modest basal melt rates.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Suppressed basal melting in the eastern Thwaites Glacier grounding zone

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    Thwaites Glacier is one of the fastest-changing ice–ocean systems in Antarctica1,2,3. Much of the ice sheet within the catchment of Thwaites Glacier is grounded below sea level on bedrock that deepens inland4, making it susceptible to rapid and irreversible ice loss that could raise the global sea level by more than half a metre2,3,5. The rate and extent of ice loss, and whether it proceeds irreversibly, are set by the ocean conditions and basal melting within the grounding-zone region where Thwaites Glacier first goes afloat3,6, both of which are largely unknown. Here we show—using observations from a hot-water-drilled access hole—that the grounding zone of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) is characterized by a warm and highly stable water column with temperatures substantially higher than the in situ freezing point. Despite these warm conditions, low current speeds and strong density stratification in the ice–ocean boundary layer actively restrict the vertical mixing of heat towards the ice base7,8, resulting in strongly suppressed basal melting. Our results demonstrate that the canonical model of ice-shelf basal melting used to generate sea-level projections cannot reproduce observed melt rates beneath this critically important glacier, and that rapid and possibly unstable grounding-line retreat may be associated with relatively modest basal melt rates

    Swirls and scoops: Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf

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    Knowledge gaps about how the ocean melts Antarctica’s ice shelves, borne from a lack of observations, lead to large uncertainties in sea level predictions. Using high-resolution maps of the underside of Dotson Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, we reveal the imprint that ice shelf basal melting leaves on the ice. Convection and intermittent warm water intrusions form widespread terraced features through slow melting in quiescent areas, while shear-driven turbulence rapidly melts smooth, eroded topographies in outflow areas, as well as enigmatic teardrop-shaped indentations that result from boundary-layer flow rotation. Full-thickness ice fractures, with bases modified by basal melting and convective processes, are observed throughout the area. This new wealth of processes, all active under a single ice shelf, must be considered to accurately predict future Antarctic ice shelf melt

    Polar Cyclones at the Origin of the Reoccurrence of the Maud Rise Polynya in Austral Winter 2017

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    International audienceThis study examines the role of atmospheric forcings in the occurrence of open-ocean polynyas by investigating the case of the austral winter 2017's polynya located in the Lazarev Sea sector to the east of the Weddell Sea, known as the Maud Rise polynya or the Weddell Polynya. The ice-free zone appeared in mid-September 2017 and grew to as large as 80,000 km 2 by the end of October 2017 before merging with the open ocean after the sea ice started to retreat at the beginning of the austral summer. Using a combination of satellite observations and reanalysis data at high spatiotemporal resolution, we found that severe cyclones, occurring over the ice pack, have a deterministic role in creating strong divergence in the sea ice field through strong cyclonic surface winds leading to the opening of the polynya. The occurrence of intense and frequent cyclones over the ice pack during austral winter 2017 was unusual, and it occurred under an enhanced strong positive meridional transport of heat flux and moisture toward Antarctica associated with an amplification of the atmospheric zonal wave 3 and a strong positive Southern Annular Mode index. We found that the opening of the polynya was not primarily due to direct ice melt by thermodynamic effects but rather to strong dynamical forcing by the winds on the sea ice, as in the case of coastal polynyas. Indeed, the meridional transport of heat toward Antarctica occurred over the Weddell Sea sector (i.e., to the east of the Lazarev Sea sector where the polynya is located) whereas the Lazarev Sea sector was under the influence of equatorward transport of cold air masses at that time. Our results show that the supply of warm and moist air coming from the west side of the South Atlantic Ocean into the Weddell Sea significantly increased the potential for cyclone formation as measured by the Eady growth rate leading to intense and frequent cyclogenesis over the ice pack, far south from the ice edge. After cyclogenesis in the Weddell Sea, these cyclones intensified as they moved eastward spinning over the Lazarev Sea with intensity comparable to category 11-violent storms-in the Beaufort scale. The cyclonic winds generated sea ice divergence by pushing the ice away from the cyclone center: To the east, north of it and to the west, south of it, which led to the reoccurrence of the Maud Rise polynya in mid-September 2017