70 research outputs found

    Método para la recolección, procesamiento y análisis de la información para la aplicación de principios para la educación responsable en gestión

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    147 páginasLa Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) lanzo hace más de diez años los PRME (Principios responsables en educación en gestión), para liderar una formación responsable en el área gerencial. Actualmente, cerca de 700 escuelas de negocios en 80 países han adherido a estos principios, pero el universo es muy grande (más de 13 mil instituciones) por lo que hay una tarea importante que realizar para integrar valores universales a sus programas y así convertir a las empresas en un agente al servicio del beneficio mundial. Este trabajo propone un método basado en la gestión del conocimiento, que de una manera simple busca recoger información de las actividades que ya desarrollan las escuelas en temas relacionados con Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Sostenibilidad, definirlas a partir de los principios y así facilitar el camino para la presentación del primer reporte de progreso. De igual forma permite dejar una hoja de ruta sobre los procesos de mejoramiento a realizar en sus actividades de docencia, investigación y extensión, y lograr una formación responsable para sus estudiantes con el fin de afectar positivamente, desde la base, los procesos empresariales del futuro para que estén alineados con los retos de la sostenibilidad.The United Nations (UN) launched more than ten years ago PRME (Principles responsible in management education), to lead responsible training in the management area. Currently, around 700 business schools in 80 countries have adhered to these principles, but the universe is very large (more than 13 thousand institutions) therefore is an important task to realize to integrate universal values into their programs and thus convert the companies in an agent to the service of the world benefit. This work proposes a method based on knowledge management, which in a simple way seeks to gather information on the activities already carried out by schools on issues related to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, to define them based on principles and thus to facilitate the way for the presentation of the first progress report. Likewise, it allows to leave a roadmap on the improvement processes to be carried out in its teaching, research and extension activities, and to achieve a responsible formation for its students in order to positively affect, from the base, the business processes of the future so that they are aligned with the challenges of sustainability.Magíster en Responsabilidad Social y SostenibilidadMaestrí

    Relación entre rasgos de personalidad y conducta antisocial en función de variables sociodemográficas de un grupo de barristas de fútbol

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    This is a descriptive and correlational study, whose main objective was to relate personality traits to antisocial behavior. For doing so, socio-demographic variables of a group of soccer fans were takeninto account. The sample was constituted by 70 soccer fans of Millonarios, Santa Fe and Nacional–Colombian soccer teams-. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire for children (J) and adults (A),The Seisdedos Criminal and Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire and the socio-demographic variables survey- developed by the researchers-, were the instruments applied. The results showed correlationsbetween personality traits, socio-demographic variables and antisocial behavior. So, it could be concluded that psychoticism and extraversion have a high positive correlation with antisocialbehavior. In terms of socio-demographic variables, age was the only one which presented significant differences between the groups. In fact, youth from 16 to 17 years old presented more antisocialbehaviors. For further research, it is recommended to use a larger sample and a comparison group

    Elementos de la lectura y la escritura que influyen en el desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes de grado noveno de la Institución Educativa Francisco Antonio Rada del municipio de Morales-Cauca, Colombia.

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    Este documento presenta los resultados del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad de Proyecto de investigación, bajo la asesoría de Juan Guillermo Núñez Osuna; inscrito en la línea de investigación Educación y Desarrollo humano de la ECEDU, y que se basó en la metodología investigativa de enfoque cualitativo, centrado en el análisis comparativo; se realizó en la Institución Educativa Francisco Antonio Rada, del municipio de Morales, Cauca, Colombia. Contenidos: Elementos de la lectura y escritura que influyen en el desarrollo de aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes del grado noveno de la Institución Educativa Francisco Antonio Rada del municipio de Morales-Cauca, Colombia. Este proyecto de investigación contiene: Justificación, definición del problema, marco conceptual y teórico, aspectos metodológicos de la investigación, conclusiones y recomendaciones.This document presents the results of the degree work carried out under the Research Project modality, under the guidance of Juan Guillermo Núñez Osuna; enrolled in the ECEDU's Education and Human Development research line, and which was based on the qualitative approach research methodology, focused on comparative analysis; It was carried out at the Francisco Antonio Rada Educational Institution, in the municipality of Morales, Cauca, Colombia. Contents: Elements of reading and writing that influence the development of autonomous learning of students in the ninth grade of the Francisco Antonio Rada Educational Institution in the municipality of Morales-Cauca, Colombia. This research project contains: Justification, definition of the problem, conceptual and theoretical framework, methodological aspects of the research, conclusions and recommendations

    Aspergilosis pulmonar en chile enfoque inmunológico

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    Las micosis pulmonares por hongos oportunistas presentan frecuentemente cuadros clínicos y signos radiológicos de diagnóstico diferencial difícil con otras patologías broncopulmonares crónicas.En este estudio corroboramos la existencia de la Aspergilosis pulmonar en Chile, efectuando sistemáticamente las pruebas de inmunoprecipitación en agarosa y estudio micológico en pacientes con sospecha clínica de aspergilosis.De 850 pacientes estudiados se diagnosticó la Aspergilosis broncopulmonar, clínica e inmunológicamente, en 132 de ellos (15,5%).El 82% de los casos parasitados correspondió a pacientes con secuelas tuberculosas inactivas previas, y el 14% a formas hipersensitivas, observándose una clara correlación entre las formas clínicas de Aspergilosis y el estudio radiológico, inmunológico y micológico.El agente causante más común correspondió a Aspergillus fumigatus, y en orden decreciente A. flavus. A. niger, A nidulans y A. terreus.Este trabajo pone en evidencia la importancia del diagnóstico inmunológico y su excelente especificidad en relación al cultivo micológico de expectoración en pacientes con patología pulmonar predisponente, y su utilidad en el seguimiento y pronóstico de estas micosis

    Parasitación Pulmonar por Pseudallescheria Boydii

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    Se comunica tres casos de parasitación pulmonar por Pseudallescheria boyii en su fase anamorfa (Sc. apiospermum) en pacientes con daño estructural previo, dos de ellos por tuberculosis.En dos pacientes se aisló el hongo en expectoración; el suero de uno de ellos presentó varias bandas de precipitación en la DDA, CIE e IEF con el antígeno metabólico preparado con su propia cepa. Los sueros de los otros pacientes no reaccionaron.En el tercer paciente se observó el hongo al examen directo del trozo de pulmón obtenido en la lobectomía.Los tres pacientes presentaron hemoptisis a repetición, la que provocó la muerte en el primer caso y lobectomía de urgencia en el tercero.Se destaca el hecho que son los primeros casos de micosis pulmonar por Ps. boydii comunicados en nuestro país

    Markers of MEK inhibitor resistance in low-grade serous ovarian cancer: EGFR is a potential therapeutic target 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis

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    Background: Although low-grade serous ovarian cancer (LGSC) is rare, case-fatality rates are high as most patients present with advanced disease and current cytotoxic therapies are not overly effective. Recognizing that these cancers may be driven by MAPK pathway activation, MEK inhibitors (MEKi) are being tested in clinical trials. LGSC respond to MEKi only in a subgroup of patients, so predictive biomarkers and better therapies will be needed. Methods: We evaluated a number of patient-derived LGSC cell lines, previously classified according to their MEKi sensitivity. Two cell lines were genomically compared against their matching tumors samples. MEKi-sensitive and MEKi-resistant lines were compared using whole exome sequencing and reverse phase protein array. Two treatment combinations targeting MEKi resistance markers were also evaluated using cell proliferation, cell viability, cell signaling, and drug synergism assays. Results: Low-grade serous ovarian cancer cell lines recapitulated the genomic aberrations from their matching tumor samples. We identified three potential predictive biomarkers that distinguish MEKi sensitive and resistant lines: KRAS mutation status, and EGFR and PKC-alpha protein expression. The biomarkers were validated in three newly developed LGSC cell lines. Sub-lethal combination of MEK and EGFR inhibition showed drug synergy and caused complete cell death in two of four MEKi-resistant cell lines tested. Conclusions: KRAS mutations and the protein expression of EGFR and PKC-alpha should be evaluated as predictive biomarkers in patients with LGSC treated with MEKi. Combination therapy using a MEKi with EGFR inhibition may represent a promising new therapy for patients with MEKi-resistant LGSC

    The Specificity of the FOXL2 c.402C>G Somatic Mutation: A Survey of Solid Tumors

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    A somatic mutation in the FOXL2 gene is reported to be present in almost all (97%; 86/89) morphologically defined, adult-type, granulosa-cell tumors (A-GCTs). This FOXL2 c.402C>G mutation changes a highly conserved cysteine residue to a tryptophan (p.C134W). It was also found in a minority of other ovarian malignant stromal tumors, but not in benign ovarian stromal tumors or unrelated ovarian tumors or breast cancers.Herein we studied other cancers and cell lines for the presence of this mutation. We screened DNA from 752 tumors of epithelial and mesenchymal origin and 28 ovarian cancer cell lines and 52 other cancer cell lines of varied origin. We found the FOXL2 c.402C>G mutation in an unreported A-GCT case and the A-GCT-derived cell line KGN. All other tumors and cell lines analyzed were mutation negative.In addition to proving that the KGN cell line is a useful model to study A-GCTs, these data show that the c.402C>G mutation in FOXL2 is not commonly found in a wide variety of other cancers and therefore it is likely pathognomonic for A-GCTs and closely related tumors

    Smoking influence in Takotsubo syndrome: insights from an international cohort

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    Aims: To assess the influence of tobacco on acute and long-term outcomes in Takotsubo syndrome (TTS).Methods: Patients with TTS from the international multicenter German Italian Spanish Takotsubo registry (GEIST) were analyzed. Comparisons between groups were performed within the overall cohort, and an adjusted analysis with 1:1 propensity score matching was conducted.Results: Out of 3,152 patients with TTS, 534 (17%) were current smokers. Smoker TTS patients were younger (63 +/- 11 vs. 72 +/- 11 years, p < 0.001), less frequently women (78% vs. 90%, p < 0.001), and had a lower prevalence of hypertension (59% vs. 69%, p < 0.01) and diabetes mellitus (16% vs. 20%, p = 0.04), but had a higher prevalence of pulmonary (21% vs. 15%, p < 0.01) and/or psychiatric diseases (17% vs. 12%, p < 0.01). On multivariable analysis, age less than 65 years [OR 3.85, 95% CI (2.86-5)], male gender [OR 2.52, 95% CI (1.75-3.64)], history of pulmonary disease [OR 2.56, 95% CI (1.81-3.61)], coronary artery disease [OR 2.35, 95% CI (1.60-3.46)], and non-apical ballooning form [OR 1.47, 95% CI (1.02-2.13)] were associated with smoking status. Propensity score matching (PSM) 1:1 yielded 329 patients from each group. Smokers had a similar rate of in-hospital complications but longer in-hospital stays (10 vs. 9 days, p = 0.01). During long-term follow-up, there were no differences in mortality rates between smokers and non-smokers (5.6% vs. 6.9% yearly in the overall, p = 0.02, and 6.6%, vs. 7.2% yearly in the matched cohort, p = 0.97).Conclusions: Our findings suggest that smoking may influence the clinical presentation and course of TTS with longer in-hospital stays, but does not independently impact mortality

    La Calidad de vida familiar, apoyos y servicios de infantes y jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual: Qualidade de vida familiar, apoio e serviços para bebês e jovens com deficiência intelectual

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    Introducción: La calidad de vida familiar es un aspecto importante que considerar en las personas con discapacidad, en tanto compete elementos fundamentales que favorecen su contexto y diversos factores para lograr metas personales y familiares. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre la satisfacción con la calidad de vida familiar y los apoyos y los servicios en menores con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias. Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo-exploratorio y correlacional; muestra no probabilística de 113 familias de personas con discapacidad intelectual menores de 18 años; los instrumentos fueron la escala de calidad de vida familiar y un cuestionario de determinantes sociales de la salud que evaluó las características de los apoyos y los servicios. Se realizó análisis univariado y bivariado para establecer la relación entre los apoyos y los servicios con la calidad de vida familiar a través de la prueba Chi2, aceptando p ≤ .05. Resultados: Se obtuvieron relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre acompañamiento psicosocial, apoyo económico, afiliación a seguridad social, participación en programas, tener información sobre derechos legales, acceder a servicios de formación y para el cuidado del menor, con todas las dimensiones de calidad de vida familiar. Conclusión: La insatisfacción en variables de calidad de vida familiar, el bajo acceso a apoyos y servicios y la relación entre ellos, exigen atención e intervenciones adecuadas y centradas en la familia con el fin de fomentar el bienestar individual y familiar

    Three double-dose reinforced hepatitis B revaccination scheme for patients with cirrhosis unresponsive to the standard regimen: an open-label randomised clinical trial

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2024. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.[Objective] We aimed to compare the response rates between two different hepatitis B virus vaccination schedules for cirrhotic subjects who were non-responders to the first three 40 µg doses (month 0-1-2), and identify factors associated with the final response.[Design] A total of 120 cirrhotic patients (72.5% decompensated) were randomised at a 1:1 ratio to receive a single 40 µg booster vaccination at month 6 (classical arm) versus an additional round of three new 40 µg doses administered at monthly intervals (experimental arm). The main outcome was the rate of postvaccinal anti-hepatitis B surface antibodies levels ≥10 mIU/mL.[Results] Efficacy by ITT analysis was higher in the experimental arm (46.7%) than in the classical one (25%); OR 2.63, p=0.013. The experimental arm increased response rates compared with the classical one from 31% to 68% (OR 4.72; p=0.007), from 24.4% to 50% (OR 3.09; p=0.012) and from 24.4% to 53.8% (OR 3.62; p=0.007), in Child A, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) <15 and MELD-Na<15 patients, respectively. Patients with more advanced liver disease did not benefit from the reinforced scheme. Both regimens showed similar safety profiles. Multivariable analysis showed that the experimental treatment was independently response associated when adjusted across three logistic regression models indicating equivalent cirrhosis severity.[Conclusion] For cirrhotic patients, the revaccination of non-responders to the first three dose cycle, with three additional 40 µg doses, achieved significantly better response rates to those obtained with an isolated 40 µg booster dose.[Trial registration number] NCT01884415.This study project was awarded competitive public funding for Independent Research from the Spanish Government Ministry of Health and Social Politics in 2011 via the Carlos III Health Institute (EC11-452). Javier Ampuero is supported by grants from the Carlos III Health Institute (GLD19/00100 and PI19/01404). IBiS was created as a partnership between the Junta of Andalusia Department of Health, the Department of Innovation, Science and Business of the Junta of Andalusia, the Andalusian Health Service, the University of Seville and the Spanish National Research Council.Peer reviewe