16 research outputs found

    NMR Experiments Shed New Light on Glycan Recognition by Human and Murine Norovirus Capsid Proteins

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    Glycan–protein interactions are highly specific yet transient, rendering glycans ideal recognition signals in a variety of biological processes. In human norovirus (HuNoV) infection, histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) play an essential but poorly understood role. For murine norovirus infection (MNV), sialylated glycolipids or glycoproteins appear to be important. It has also been suggested that HuNoV capsid proteins bind to sialylated ganglioside head groups. Here, we study the binding of HBGAs and sialoglycans to HuNoV and MNV capsid proteins using NMR experiments. Surprisingly, the experiments show that none of the norovirus P-domains bind to sialoglycans. Notably, MNV P-domains do not bind to any of the glycans studied, and MNV-1 infection of cells deficient in surface sialoglycans shows no significant difference compared to cells expressing respective glycans. These findings redefine glycan recognition by noroviruses, challenging present models of infection

    Distinct dissociation rates of murine and human norovirus P-domain dimers suggest a role of dimer stability in virus-host interactions

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    Norovirus capsids are icosahedral particles composed of 90 dimers of the major capsid protein VP1. The C-terminus of the VP1 proteins forms a protruding (P)-domain, mediating receptor attachment, and providing a target for neutralizing antibodies. NMR and native mass spectrometry directly detect P-domain monomers in solution for murine (MNV) but not for human norovirus (HuNoV). We report that the binding of glycochenodeoxycholic acid (GCDCA) stabilizes MNV-1 P-domain dimers (P-dimers) and induces long-range NMR chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) within loops involved in antibody and receptor binding, likely reflecting corresponding conformational changes. Global line shape analysis of monomer and dimer cross-peaks in concentration-dependent methyl TROSY NMR spectra yields a dissociation rate constant koff_{off} of about 1 s−1^{−1} for MNV-1 P-dimers. For structurally closely related HuNoV GII.4 Saga P-dimers a value of about 10−6^{−6} s−1^{−1} is obtained from ion-exchange chromatography, suggesting essential differences in the role of GCDCA as a cofactor for MNV and HuNoV infection

    Inklusion aus demokratiepĂ€dagogischer Perspektive. Ein Sammelband von Studierenden der UniversitĂ€t OsnabrĂŒck

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    Seitdem die UN-Konvention ĂŒber die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Jahr 2009 in Deutschland in Kraft getreten ist, hat sich Schule und auch der Beruf von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern verĂ€ndert. Der gemeinsame, inklusive Unterricht von behinderten und nicht-behinderten Kindern und Jugendlichen bringt neue Herausforderungen, aber auch Chancen mit sich und Lehramtsstudierende haben viele Fragen, wie Inklusion an Schulen umgesetzt werden kann. Im Rahmen dieses Sammelbandes sollen einige dieser Fragen angesprochen werden. Studierende der UniversitĂ€t OsnabrĂŒck haben sich im Seminar ‚Inklusion aus demokratiepĂ€dagogischer Perspektive‘ im Sommersemester 2017 aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln her dem Thema Inklusion empirisch genĂ€hert und ihre Ergebnisse in diesem Seminarprojekt zusammengefasst