9 research outputs found

    New constraints on the rupture process of the 1999 August 17 Izmit earthquake deduced from estimates of stress glut rate moments

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    International audienceThis paper illustrates the use of integral estimates given by the stress glut rate moments of total degree 2 for constraining the rupture scenario of a large earthquake in the particular case of the 1999 Izmit mainshock. We determine the integral estimates of the geometry, source duration and rupture propagation given by the stress glut rate moments of total degree 2 by inverting long-period surface wave (LPSW) amplitude spectra. Kinematic and static models of the Izmit earthquake published in the literature are quite different from one another. In order to extract the characteristic features of this event, we calculate the same integral estimates directly from those models and compare them with those deduced from our inversion. While the equivalent rupture zone and the eastward directivity are consistent among all models, the LPSW solution displays a strong unilateral character of the rupture associated with a short rupture duration that is not compatible with the solutions deduced from the published models. With the aim of understand this discrepancy, we use simple equivalent kinematic models to reproduce the integral estimates of the considered rupture processes (including ours) by adjusting a few free parameters controlling the western and eastern parts of the rupture. We show that the joint analysis of the LPSW solution and source tomographies allows us to elucidate the scattering of source processes published for this earthquake and to discriminate between the models. Our results strongly suggest that (1) there was significant moment released on the eastern segment of the activated fault system during the Izmit earthquake; (2) the apparent rupture velocity decreases on this segment

    Source models of great earthquakes from ultra low-frequency normal mode data

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    International audienceWe present a new earthquake source inversion technique based on normal mode data for the simultaneous determination of the rupture duration, length and moment tensor of large earthquakes with unilateral rupture. We use ultra low-frequency (f wâ©Ÿ8.5): (i) Sumatra-Andaman (26th December 2004); (ii) Nias, Sumatra (28th March 2005); (iii) Bengkulu (12th September 2007); (iv) Tohoku, Japan (11th March 2011); (v) Maule, Chile (27th February 2010); and, (vi) the 24 May 2013 Mw 8.3 Okhotsk Sea, Russia, deep (607 km) event. While finite source inversions for rupture length, duration, magnitude and fault mechanism are possible for the Sumatra-Andaman and Tohoku events, for all the other events their lower magnitudes only allow stable point source inversions of mode multiplets. We obtain the first normal mode finite source model for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, which yields a fault length of 461 km, a rupture duration of 151 s, and hence an average rupture velocity of 3.05 km/s, giving an independent confirmation of the compact nature of this event. For all the other earthquakes studied, our new source models agree well with previous studies. We do not find any unexplained systematic differences between our results and those in the literature, suggesting that for the wave frequencies considered, the moment magnitude and the fault mechanism of the earthquakes studied do not show a strong frequency dependence

    Imaging and modeling the ionospheric airglow response over Hawaii to the tsunami generated by the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011

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    International audienceAlthough only centimeters in amplitude over the open ocean, tsunamis can generate appreciable wave amplitudes in the upper atmosphere, including the naturally occurring chemiluminescent airglow layers, due to the exponential decrease in density with altitude. Here, we present the first observation of the airglow tsunami signature, resulting from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake off the eastern coast of Japan. These images are taken using a wide‐angle camera system located at the top of the Haleakala Volcano on Maui, Hawaii. They are correlated with GPS measurements of the total electron content from Hawaii GPS stations and the Jason‐1 satellite. We find waves propagating in the airglow layer from the direction of the earthquake epicenter with a velocity that matches that of the ocean tsunami. The first ionospheric signature precedes the modeled ocean tsunami generated by the main shock by approximately one hour. These results demonstrate the utility of monitoring the Earth's airglow layers for tsunami detection and early warning

    TarapacĂĄ intermediate-depth earthquake (Mw 7.7, 2005, northern Chile): A slab-pull event with horizontal fault plane constrained from seismologic and geodetic observations

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    International audience[1] A large (Mw 7.7) intermediate-depth earthquake occurred on 13 June 2005 in the Tarapacá region of the northern Chile seismic gap. Source parameters are inferred from teleseismic broadbands, strong motions, GPS and InSAR data. Relocated hypocenter is found at 98kmdepthwithinthesubductingslab.The21−daysaftershockdistribution,constrainedbyapostseismictemporaryarray,indicatesasub−horizontalfaultplanelyingbetweentheplanesofthedoubleseismiczoneandanupperboundoftheruptureareaof60kmA^30km.Teleseismicinversionshowsaslab−pulldowndipextensionmechanismonanearlyhorizontalplane.Totalseismicandgeodeticmomentsare98 km depth within the subducting slab. The 21-days aftershock distribution, constrained by a postseismic temporary array, indicates a sub-horizontal fault plane lying between the planes of the double seismic zone and an upper bound of the rupture area of 60 km  30 km. Teleseismic inversion shows a slab-pull down dip extension mechanism on a nearly horizontal plane. Total seismic and geodetic moments are 5.5  10 20 N.m, with an averaged slip of 6.5 m from geodesy. The earthquake rupture is peculiar in that the effective velocity is slow, 3.5 Km.s À1 for a high stress-drop, 21 –30 MPa. We propose that rupture was due to the reactivation by hydraulic embrittlement of a inherited major lithospheric fault within the subducting plate. The stress-drop suggests that the region of the slab between planes of the double seismic zone can sustain high stresses. Citation: Peyrat, S., et al. (2006), Tarapacá intermediate-depth earthquake (Mw 7.7, 2005, northern Chile): A slab-pull event with horizontal fault plane constrained from seismologic and geodetic observations, Geophys