19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of sunflower cultivars for central Brazil

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    Embora haja uma grande área para o cultivo de girassol no Brasil Central, poucas cultivares adaptadas encontram-se disponíveis no mercado. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de selecionar cultivares de girassol para essa região de produção de grãos. Os dados foram obtidos da Rede Nacional de Ensaios de Avaliação de Cultivares de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre os anos de 2000 e 2004. Os caracteres avaliados foram rendimentos de grão e de óleo. Para a seleção das cultivares, dois critérios foram utilizados: i) a média geral obtida nos diferentes ambientes de teste; ii) a decomposição da média geral em ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis. A análise da decomposição da média geral possibilitou detectar para qual tipo de ambiente específico um genótipo poderia ser indicado. Para rendimento de grãos, o genótipo Helio 251 apresentou indicação geral; Milênio e CF 17 foram indicados para os ambientes favoráveis e, para os desfavoráveis, ACA 884, ACA 885 e ACA 872. Para rendimento de óleo, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 e ACA 872 tiveram indicação geral; enquanto que AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 e VDH 93 foram indicados para ambientes favoráveis, e VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 e ACA 885 para os desfavoráveis. Em 2002, não foi realizada a decomposição da média geral. Nesse ano, Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 e AG 967 destacaram-se para rendimento de grãos e AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani, para rendimento de óleo.Despite a large availability of areas suitable for sunflower cropping in Central Brazil, few adapted cultivars are available in the market. The objective of this work was to select sunflower cultivars adapted to this important production region. Experimental data from 2000 to 2004 were obtained by the National Sunflower Trials, coordinated by Embrapa Soja. The evaluated traits were grain and oil yields. Two criteria were used for selection of cultivars: i) the general mean obtained from different environments; ii) partitioning of general mean in favorable and unfavorable environments. Partitioning of the general mean allowed to detect the specific environment indicated for each cultivar. For grain yield, the cultivar Helio 251 presented general indication, Milênio and CF 17 could be indicated for favorable environments and ACA 884, ACA 885 and ACA 872 for the unfavorable ones. For oil yield, CF 13, Milênio, DK 4030, Helio 250 and ACA 872 had general indication; AG 966, GH 12, GV 26043, CF 17 and VDH 93 could be indicated for favorable environments, while VDH 488, Helio 251, ACA 884 and ACA 885 for the unfavorable conditions. In 2002, the partition of the general mean was not carried out. In this year, general mean of cultivars Exp 37, AG 962, GV 26048 and AG 967 were overweight the controls for grain yield and the cultivars AG 962, AG 967, GV 26048, AG 972, BRS 191, Guarani were overweight the controls for oil yield

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Cuidados biomédicos de saúde em Angola e na Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, c. 1910-1970

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    Pretende-se caracterizar a prestação de cuidados biomédicos em Angola durante a atividade da Companhia de Diamantes de Angola. Uma análise comparativa de políticas e práticas de saúde pública de vários atores coloniais, como os serviços de saúde da Companhia, sua congénere do Estado e outras empresas coloniais, revelará diferenças de investimento na saúde, isto é, instalações e pessoal de saúde, e tratamentos. Este escrutínio bem como as condições de vida iluminarão o carácter idiossincrático e central dos serviços de saúde da Companhia em termos de morbimortalidade em Angola, e a centralidade destes para as representações de um império cuidador

    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol para a região subtropical do Brasil Adaptability and stability of sunflower genotypes for the sub-tropical region of Brazil

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    O sucesso da cultura do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) no Brasil está associado à escolha adequada de cultivares com adaptação a diferentes ambientes. Quando há respostas diferenciadas dos genótipos testados nos diferentes ambientes, a decisão de lançamento de novas cultivares pode ser facilitada com estudos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade desses genótipos para reduzir os efeitos da interação genótipos x ambientes. No país, essas informações tornam-se mais importantes, pois a maioria das cultivares utilizadas, ou em lançamento, foram desenvolvidas em outros países, com características de solo e clima diferentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol na região subtropical do Brasil, uma das regiões promissoras do país para o seu cultivo. Os dados foram obtidos da Rede Nacional de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre os anos de 1999/2000 e 2003/2004. Os caracteres avaliados foram rendimentos de grãos e de óleo (kg ha-1). Os estudos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade foram realizados segundo as metodologias de PORTO et al. (2007), EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) e ROCHA et al. (2005), as quais utilizam procedimentos biométricos distintos. Diferente do método de EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), o de PORTO et al. (2007) selecionou genótipos que, apesar de terem médias gerais inferiores às testemunhas, tiveram bons desempenhos em ambientes específicos. Esse método foi mais rigoroso em selecionar genótipo, em relação ao de ROCHA et al. (2005). Para rendimento de grãos, o genótipo ACA 884 apresentou indicação para ambientes em geral, EM 677008, Agrobel 930 e GV 26048 foram indicados para ambientes favoráveis, e ACA 885, para os desfavoráveis. Para rendimento de óleo, ACA 884 teve indicação geral, GV 26048, CF 17, Agrobel 972 e Helio 358 tiveram indicação para ambientes favoráveis, e HT 01 e ACA 885, para os desfavoráveis.<br>The success of sunflower crop in Brazil is associated to the choice of adapted cultivars to different environments. When there are different genotypes answers in different environments, the release of new cultivars can be facilitated by carrying out studies of adaptability and stability of these genotypes to reduce the effects of genotypes x environments interaction. In Brazil, this information become more important, therefore the main cultivars had been developed in others countries, with different soil traits and climate. The objective of this study was to select sunflower genotypes for the sub-tropical region of Brazil. Experimental data from 1999/2000 to 2003/2004 were obtained by the National Sunflower Trials, coordinated by Embrapa Soja. The evaluated traits were grain and oil yields (kg ha-1). It was carried out a study of adaptability and stability of genotypes according to the methods proposed by PORTO et al. (2007), EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966) and ROCHA et al. (2005). Differently from the method of EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966), PORTO et al. (2007) selected genotypes, that despite of its lower overall average in relation to reference standard had good performance in specific environments. This method was more rigorous to select genotypes, when compared with ROCHA et al. (2005). For grain yield, genotype ACA 884 was indicated for general environments, EM 677008, Agrobel 930 and GV 26048 were indicated for favorable environments and ACA 885 for the unfavorable environments. In the same way, for oil yield, ACA 884 had general indication, GV 26048, CF 17, Agrobel 972 and Helio 358 are indicated for favorable environments and HT 01 and ACA 885 for the unfavorable ones

    Elephant grass treated with alkali Capim-elefante tratado com compostos alcalinos

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    The objective was determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CD), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent (ADF), cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ash and digestibility of elephant grass, in advanced maturation stage, submitted to the application of alkali compounds with calcium oxide (CaO), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and CaO+NaOH, in two periods of treatment. The experiment was conducted according to a project of subdivided parcels that had been constituted by the controlled treatments, 3% of CaO, 3% of NaOH and 1.5% of CaO + 1.5% of NaOH, and subparcels for the two periods of treatment (24 and 48 hours). The treatment did not have any effect and nor neither for period of DM (35,8%) nor of CD (2,7%). The contents of NDF, ADF and cellulose were lesser in the treatments with the addition of CaO, NaOH and CaO+NaOH, mainly to the treatment period of 48 hours. The lignin content was not affected by the applied treatments 10.2%. The application of 3% of CaO, 3% of NaOH and 1.5% of NaOH + 1.5% of CaO increases the digestibility of elephant grass, and the most significant effect occurs when using NaOH.<br>Objetivou-se estimar os teores de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), celulose, hemicelulose, lignina, cinza e digestibilidade do capim-elefante em estádio de maturação avançado, submetido à aplicação com óxido de cálcio (CaO), hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) e CaO+NaOH, em dois períodos de tratamento. O experimento foi conduzido segundo um esquema de parcelas subdivididas em quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições, em que as parcelas foram constituídas da seguinte forma: sem aditivo, 3% de CaO, 3% de NaOH, e 1,5% de CaO + 1,5% de NaOH, com base na matéria natural. Já as subparcelas foram determinadas pelos períodos de tratamento (24 e 48 horas). Não houve diferença para teor de MS (35,8%) e de PB (2,7%). Já os teores de FDN, FDA e celulose foram menores nos tratamentos com adição de CaO, NaOH e CaO+NaOH no período de tratamento de 48 horas. O teor de lignina não foi afetado, e o valor médio observado de 10,2%. A adição de 3% de CaO, 3% de NaOH e 1,5% CaO + 1,5% NaOH aumenta a digestibilidade in situ do capim-elefante, com efeito mais marcante quando se utiliza o NaOH

    Effectiveness and safety of first-generation protease inhibitors in real-world patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in Brazil : a multicenter study

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of first-generation protease inhibitors for the treatment of genotype 1 hepatitis C virus-infected patients at Brazilian reference centers. METHODS: This multicenter cross-sectional study included hepatitis C virus genotype 1 monoinfected patients treated with Peg-interferon, ribavirin, and either boceprevir (n=158) or telaprevir (n=557) between July 2013 and April 2014 at 15 reference centers in Brazil. Demographic, clinical, virological, and adverse events data were collected during treatment and follow-up. RESULTS: Of the 715 patients, 59% had cirrhosis and 67.1% were treatment-experienced. Based on intention-totreat analysis, the overall sustained viral response was 56.6%, with similar effectiveness in both groups (51.9% for boceprevir and 58% for telaprevir, p=0.190). Serious adverse events occurred in 44.2% of patients, and six deaths (0.8%) were recorded. Cirrhotic patients had lower sustained viral response rates than non-cirrhotic patients (46.9% vs. 70.6%, po0.001) and a higher incidence of serious adverse events (50.7% vs. 34.8%, po0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that sustained viral response was associated with the absence of cirrhosis, viral recurrence after previous treatment, pretreatment platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3, and achievement of a rapid viral response. Female gender, age465 years, diagnosis of cirrhosis, and abnormal hemoglobin levels/platelet counts prior to treatment were associated with serious adverse events. CONCLUSION: Although serious adverse events rates were higher in this infected population, sustained viral response rates were similar to those reported for other patient cohorts

    Applicability of a cognitive questionnaire in the elderly and proxy

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    Abstract The Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly with the Proxy (IQCODE) was developed as a screening tool for cognition alterations. Objectives: 1) To verify the applicability of IQCODE in the elderly with limited schooling, 2) To verify the reliability of the responses supplied by the aged and their proxies. Methods: Individuals of a Community Group were evaluated using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), IQCODE and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The IQCODE was applied to informants and proxies. Results: We analyzed 44 individuals, aged between 58-82 years (M=66.8, SD=5.97) with mean elderly-schooling level of 3.75, SD=2.82 and 44 proxies aged 44.5 (SD=13.3), with mean schooling level of 8.25 (SD=4.3). The mean GDS was 8.22, SD=4.90 and 13 participants presented a score suggestive of depressive symptoms. The mean elderly IQCODE score was 3.26, SD=0.69 and 3.21, SD=0.65, for proxy responses. There was no statistical difference between these means. On the MMSE, the mean score was 24.20, SD=4.14 and 18 participants presented scores below the cut-off. The IQCODE answers by the elderly in this latter group were more congruent with MMSE than the answers of proxies. Conclusions: The applicability of the IQCODE in a population with little schooling was verified in that the proxy-report was similar to the elderly report. We can affirm that the elderly answers were more accurate than the proxies, as they were closer to MMSE score. The inclusion of a greater number of participants from community-dwelling settings is necessary to confirm the results obtained in this study