426 research outputs found

    Concepções de saúde na educação em enfermagem em escolas de graduação do Brasil e Portugal

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    This article represents an extract of my PhD research regarding the concepts of health present in undergraduate schools of nursing of Brazil and Portugal. The objective of this research was to comprehend how the concepts of health are explicit in the documents of undergraduate courses and how they are expressed in the discourses of the nursing professors and students. For this, thematic content analysis was used to analyze the professional education of the nurses and the concepts of health present in the nursing courses. The presentation of the results was performed using the Collective Subject Discourse technique. The results showed that in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil, the concepts of health follow the National Curriculum Guidelines and there is an emphasis directed towards reflection on the Brazilian National Health System (SUS); while in the city of Porto, in Portugal, these concepts follow the Study Plans of the Nursing courses and emphasize nursing care both for the healthy and the sick person. The data also reveal a concern in the construction of the concept of people-centered healthcare.Este artículo representa una parte de la investigación que realicé durante el doctorado sobre las concepciones de salud presentes en escuelas de graduación en enfermería de Brasil y Portugal. El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprender como las concepciones sobre la salud están explícitas en los documentos de los cursos de graduación y de qué forma se expresan en los discursos de los profesores y estudiantes de enfermería. Para esto, utilizamos el análisis de contenido temático sobre la educación profesional de los enfermeros y sobre las concepciones de la salud presentes en los cursos de enfermería. La presentación de los resultados fue realizada a través del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Los resultados apuntaron que, en el estado de Santa Catarina, en Brasil, las concepciones de salud siguen las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales y existe un énfasis dirigido a reflexionar sobre el Sistema Único de Salud; en cuanto en la ciudad de Porto, en Portugal, esas concepciones siguen los Planos de Estudios de los cursos de Enfermería y se enfatiza el cuidado de Enfermería tanto a la persona saludable como a la enferma. Los datos revelan, también, una preocupación en la construcción del concepto de salud centrado en las personas.Este artigo representa um recorte de pesquisa de doutorado a respeito das concepções de saúde, presentes em escolas de graduação em enfermagem do Brasil e de Portugal. O objetivo foi compreender como as concepções de saúde estão explícitas nos documentos dos cursos de graduação e de que forma se expressam nos discursos dos professores e estudantes de enfermagem. Para tanto, utilizou-se análise de conteúdo temática sobre a educação profissional dos enfermeiros e sobre as concepções de saúde presentes nos cursos de enfermagem. A apresentação dos resultados foi realizada através do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados apontaram que, no Estado de Santa Catarina, no Brasil, as concepções de saúde seguem as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e há ênfase dirigida à reflexão sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde; enquanto na cidade do Porto, em Portugal, tais concepções seguem os Planos de Estudos dos Cursos de Enfermagem e se enfatiza o cuidado de Enfermagem tanto à pessoa saudável quanto à doente. Os dados revelam, ainda, preocupação na construção do conceito de saúde centrado na pessoa

    Y-Filer Plus® genetic characterization of caucasian individuals from South Portugal

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    Trabalho apresentado sob a forma de poster na reunião cientifica - "Haploid Markers 2016 Update on DNA variation" Maio 20-21, Berlin, GermanyDue to their paternal inheritance, Y-STRs offers particular perspectives for identification and kinship analysis and are also a precious tool in sexual assault cases with relatively high amount of female DNA and also in mixtures from multiple male donors. Nonetheless their value, there are some limitations to their use in forensic investigations since their ability to discriminate between individuals is considerably lower than that of the autosomal STRs set, mainly in cases with close or distant patrilineal relatives.One of the most recently developed Y-STR kit, Y-Filer Plus® (Life Technologies, Foster city, USA), allows forensic geneticists to study 27 Y-chromosomal loci. All the 16 markers included in the Y-Filer® kit (Life Technologies, Foster city, USA), plus 9 additional markers: DYS576, DYS627, DYS460, DYS518, DYS570, DYS449, DYS481, DYF387S1 and DYS533, six of which (DYS576, DYS627, DYS518, DYS570, DYS449 and DYF387S1) are characterized as “rapidly mutating”, and can differentiate between unrelated individuals and possibly between male relatives.Allelic frequencies were estimated with Arlequin v. 3.5. Gene and Haplotype diversities were estimated according to Nei formula. The discrimination capacity was also calculated by dividing the number of different haplotypes by the total number of individuals in the sample. The fraction of unique haplotypes was determined as the percent proportion of unique haplotypes. In conclusion, the recently introduced Y-Filer Plus® system provides innovative discriminatory power for forensic applicationN/

    Aplicabilidade da gamificação em sala de aula em períodos de pandemia / Applicability of gammification in the classroom during pandemic periods

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    Apresenta-se o relato de experiência de metodologia ativa, a aplicabilidade da gamificação e seus elementos de jogos, utilizando-a como ferramenta de aprendizagem na sala de aula de ensino remoto em períodos de pandemia. O Campo de estudo, escola pública da rede Municipal de Fortaleza, Turma do Ensino Fundamental dos anos iniciais, 2ºano, utilizando o software luz do saber e aplicativos de grupo de whatsapp, Google Forms e Google meet. Objetiva-se identificar as potencialidades dos alunos, diagnosticando o nível de aprendizagem em que eles se encontram para consolidar habilidades de leitura, escrita e raciocínio lógico, tornando a aula mais lúdica, prazerosa e desafiante. A necessidade das atividades gamificadas surgiu a partir do momento que se percebe a ausência dos alunos nas atividades remotas. Conclui-se que com os resultados obtidos pela estratégia, o professor terá dados suficientes para replanejar métodos para contribuir no melhor desenvolvimento da rotina do jogo e no melhor desempenho dos alunos

    The role of DNA concentrations in forensic casework results : regression models application

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    Póster apresentado no 28th Congress of International Society For Forensic Genetics (ISFG 2019), Praga, República Checa, 9-13 de Setembro de 2019In forensic DNA typing, short tandem repeats (STRs) are the most frequently genotyped markers in order to distinguish between individuals and to relate them to a crime or to exonerate the innocent. In recent years, new controversies have arisen with the advent of more sensitive techniques, allowing profiles to be recovered from minimum amounts of DNA, hence, bringing challenges to weight of evidence evaluation for forensic DNA profiles obtained from low template DNA samples. Introduction of interpretation models, or even new weight of evidence software should be accompanied by a measure of uncertainty that is part of any biological analysis. Specially, due to stochastic effects, the reliability of the obtained profiles might differ between machinery, workflow and also PCR settings in use in different laboratories. In this work we try to understand the relation between Peak Area, DNA concentration and also size marker, using adequate regression models. Buccal swabs from 180 individuals, with unknown identity, were selected for this study. DNA was extracted with prep-n-go™ buffer and quantified using Quantifiler® Trio DNA Quantification kit in a 7500 Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems). STR amplification was performed with Powerplex Fusion 6C amplification kit (Promega). Amplified PCR products were separated and detected in an Applied Biosystems® 3500 Genetic Analyzer using manufacturer’s conditions. Electrophoresis results were analysed with GeneMapper® ID-X v1.4. Statistical analysis was performed with R Studio. Our results allow having an important overview about the relation between DNA concentrations, peak area, and size of the studied genetic markers.N/

    Forensic genetic analysis of South Portuguese population with the six dye Powerplex® Fusion 6C

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    Poster apresentado no 28th Congress of International Society For Forensic Genetics (ISFG 2019), Praga, República Checa, 9-13 de Setembro de 2019As an improvement in efficiency and in Human Discrimination Power, the new six dye multiplex kit PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, by Promega, available for human identification can co-amplify 27 loci, in a single reaction, have been introduced in the last years with great success. This kit allows the amplification and detection of autosomal loci included in the expanded Combined DNA Index System CODIS, plus the loci Penta D, PENTA E and SE33 as well as Amelogenin for gender determination. Furthermore, this kit includes three Y –STRs (DYS391, DYS576 and DYS570), allowing allelic attribution in a total of 27 loci. This genetic markers extension satisfies not only CODIS but also European Standard Set recommendations. Thinking about continuous human migration movements, especially in a very cosmopolitan region like Lisbon and south of Portugal, and also, in keeping population studies and actualized STR databases we decided to update our previous studies. Our sample is composed of 600 unrelated individuals, from paternity testing with laboratory identity anonymised. DNA was extracted by Prep-n-go BufferTM(Thermo-Fisher Scientific). PCR amplification was performed with PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, according to manufacturer’s guidelines. Fragment analysis was carried out in an Applied Biosystems® 3500 Genetic Analyser. Electrophoresis results were analysed with GeneMapper® ID-X v1.4. Allele frequencies and population statistics, including Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p-values from exact test probabilities and forensic parameters were calculated with adequate software. In conclusion, our population information was updated in order to apply most recent data in our casework weight of evidence.N/

    Factors associated with non-adherence to treatment of hypertension: an integrative review

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    Objective: evaluating the evidence available in the literature about the factors related to non-adherence to treatment of hypertension in the period 2010 to 2014. Method: the authors conducted an integrative review on databases MEDLINE, LILACS and BDENF, conducted by the following guiding question: What is the production of knowledge about the factors associated with non-adherence of patients to antihypertensive therapy? The descriptors used in the search for studies were: hypertension, patient's compliance and medication adherence. After applying the inclusion criteria there were selected 10 studies for analysis and synthesis. Results: there were identified as main factors related to non-adherence to treatment the low level of education, oblivion of drugs, and the low level of knowledge about the disease and treatment regimen. Conclusion: many factors imply the phenomenon of non-adherence. Thus, it suggests the deepening of the theme and the use of strategies to increase adherence to treatment

    Características sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida e condições de saúde de pessoas privadas de liberdade

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    The deprivation of liberty, due to its characteristics, imposes on people differentiated habits and customs that can influence their health. In that sense, the objective of this is to verify the prevalence of chronic diseases in the prison population. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, carried out in four prison unity in a city in southern Brazil. Data collection was performed by a semi-structured instrument and descriptive statistics were used for analysis. Participated 326 people deprived of freedom, 90.8% were male, 53.4% young, aged between 18 and 29 years, 43.3% single, 55.8% with less than nine years of schooling, 61.3% performed some activity in the penal unit, 63.2% were smokers or former smokers, 28.2% drank alcohol and 60.4% used or ex used illicit drugs, 71.2% practiced physical activities, 86.1% positively evaluated their health status and 52.5% reported some chronic disease. The most prevalent self-reported diseases were respiratory, gastrointestinal, mental, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal. People deprived of freedom have chronic diseases and risk factors prevalent in the general population. Knowing the epidemiological profile of this population group can contribute to health-promoting actions, prevention, and control of risk factors.La privación de la libertad, por sus características, impone a las personas hábitos y costumbres diferenciados que pueden influir en su salud. En ese sentido, el propósito de este estudio es describir las características sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida y condiciones de salud de las personas privadas de libertad. Se trata de un estudio transversal y descriptivo, realizado en cuatro centros penitenciarios de una ciudad del sur de Brasil. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante un instrumento semiestructurado y se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para el análisis. Participaron 326 personas privadas de libertad, 90,8% eran hombres, 53,4% jóvenes, entre 18 y 29 años, 43,3% solteros, 55,8% con menos de nueve años de escolaridad, 61,3% realizaban alguna actividad en la unidad carcelaria, 63,2% eran fumadores o exfumadores, 28,2% ingerían bebidas alcohólicas y 60,4% eran usuarios o exusuarios de drogas ilícitas, 71,2% practicaban actividades físicas, 86,1% evaluaban positivamente su estado de salud y 52,5% reportaban alguna enfermedad crónica. Las enfermedades más frecuentes declaradas en sus relatos fueron las respiratorias, las gastrointestinales, las mentales, las cardiovasculares y las musculoesqueléticas. Las personas privadas de libertad tienen enfermedades crónicas y factores de riesgo prevalentes en la población general. Conocer el perfil epidemiológico de este grupo de población puede contribuir a las acciones de promoción de la salud, prevención y control de los factores de riesgo.A privação de liberdade, por suas características, impõe as pessoas hábitos e costumes diferenciados que podem influenciar em sua saúde. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste é descrever as características sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida e condições de saúde de pessoas privadas de liberdade. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, realizado em quatro unidades penais de um município do sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada por instrumento semiestruturado e utilizou-se estatística descritiva para análise. Participaram 326 pessoas privadas de liberdade, dessas 90,8% eram do sexo masculino, 53,4% jovens, com idade entre 18 e 29 anos, 43,3% solteiras, 55,8% com escolaridade inferior a nove anos, 61,3% realizavam alguma atividade na unidade penal, 63,2% eram fumantes ou ex-fumantes, 28,2% ingeriam bebida alcoólica e 60,4% usuários ou ex-usuários de drogas ilícitas, 71,2% praticavam atividades físicas, 86,1% avaliaram positivamente o estado de saúde e 52,5% relatou alguma doença crônica. As doenças que prevaleceram nos autorrelatos foram as respiratórias, gastrointestinais, psíquicas, cardiovasculares e osteomusculares. As pessoas privadas de liberdade possuem as doenças crônicas e fatores de risco prevalentes na população em geral. Conhecer o perfil epidemiológico desse grupo populacional pode contribuir com ações promotoras de saúde, prevenção e controle dos fatores de risco