8,579 research outputs found

    Redesign Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Fungsi Pembelian pada PT. Suraconforin di Surabaya Redesign Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Fungsi Pembelian pada PT. Suraconforin di Surabaya

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    This research aims to determine the feasibility of implementing standard operating Procedur in the company's purchasing function. The growing pace of a company, the more various problems that must be faced, so that the company is required to be able to follow every development that occurs. So that the principle of effective, efficient, and economical can always be applied in operational activities in the company. The method used in this research is a qualitative method of descriptive by observing and analyzing the process data of the purchasing function within the company. After the observation and analysis of data and information provided, the researcher began to make how the processes and procedures carried out by the purchasing party and after that observe to know whether each process has been running In accordance with existing or extant procedures that need to be added At the end of this research can be concluded that the application of the standard operating procedure in the company has been adequate, but there are only a few that still have to be repaired, so the result of a redesign standard operating procedure Made by researchers can be guidelines for implementing standard operating procedur


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    Not a few students who do not like math subjects, it is because students think math is a difficult and boring subject. This causes students to have difficulties so that they make mistakes in solving math problems. This study aims to describe students' errors in solving Algebra HOTS problems according to Newman's theory and their causes. In accordance with the research objectives, this research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The subjects in this study were 3 students of class VIII C Raden Fatah Junior High School. The data collection technique in this study uses a test containing 3 description questions and then 3 students from the high, medium, and low score categories who meet the error indicators according to Newman will be selected to be interviewed. Newman's errors include reading errors, understanding errors, transformation errors, process skill errors, and final answer writing errors. Students in the high category made comprehension errors and errors in writing the final answer. Students in the medium category made comprehension errors, errors in process skills, and writing the final answer. Meanwhile, students in the low category made errors in reading errors, transformation errors, errors in process skills, and errors in writing the final answer. The factors causing the errors were rushing and not being careful, not being able to manage time well, not understanding the concept, making mistakes in the previous stage, and not writing the conclusion


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    This research analyse the financial performance of PT. Astra Internasional Tbk. with using Market Value Added (MVA). This research using case study. The data of this research using annual report of PT. Astra Internasional Tbk. in period 2009-2013. Based on the calculation result value of MVA that show positive numbers in period 2009-2013, it means that management has been able to give prosperity for shareholder in that period. But the value of MVA in period 2012-2013 show an decrease compare to the value of MVA in period 2011. This value’s decrease because of stock price of that year which also show an decrease than before year. Another reason PT. Astra Internasional Tbk. in every year always show an increase on value of invested capital’s firm, so management has an decrease to maximum the capital gain of shareholder in period 2012-2013.Keywords: Stock, Analyse the financial performance, MV


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    This study aims to determine the preventive measures that Islamic banking can be done inmaintaining the credibility and public confidence through product murabahah financing,musyarakah, and mudharabah. Research methods used in this study is a qualitative researchmethod with the descriptive analysis techniques. Efforts to do is abide by the Islamic bankingfatwa issued by the Dewan Syariah Nasional as well as avoiding the conventional conceptthat has long been known to the public.KEYWORDS:Syariah Banking, Murabahah, Musyarakah, Mudharabah, Credibility, Public Trust

    Maintenance of Lampung Language in Padang Cermin District

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    The aim of this study is to know how far the maintenance and the shift of Lampung language in Padang Cermin district are. Most of Padang Cermin society uses their mother tongue which is Lampung language while their second language is Indonesia Language. Most of them establish the kinship or directly interact with Lampung ethnic so that they can speak Lampung language. A qualitative method was applied in this study and involves 30 respondents from five villages in Padang Cermin district which are Tanjung Mas, Paya, Sanggi, Pal Satu, and Durian based on gender, ages, marriage status, education, occupation and place of birth by observing, interviewing and giving questionnaire. The result shows that there are still many of them uses the dominant language which is Lampung language and the language attitudes towards them tend to be positive. It also found that the language shift occurs from several factors; education development, social, government, behavior, and economic development

    Organizational Resource Curse : Sectionalism and Synchronization in Indonesian Resource Policies(Summary)

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    報告番号: ; 学位授与年月日: 2010-03-24 ; 学位の種別: 修士 ; 学位の種類: 修士(サステイナビリティ学) ; 学位記番号: 修創域第3589号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科サステイナビリティ学教育プログラ


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    Banyaknya jumlah daun yang berguguran di Universitas Diponegoro merupakan potensi yang pantas diperhitungkan agar menjadi bahan yang bernilai guna, Salah satunya dengan melakukan pengomposan. Kadar air mempunyai peran yang kritis dalam rekayasa pengomposan karena dekomposisi material organik bergantung pada ketersediaan kandungan air. Kadar air menjadi kunci penting pada proses pengomposan. Selain kadar air, ukuran bahan dan jenis metode pengomposan juga memiliki peranan penting dalam proses pengomposan. Pentingnya kadar air, ukuran bahan kompos dan metode pengomposan sebagai faktor penting kematangan dan kualitas kompos. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kadar air terhadap pengomposan sampah organik yaitu sampah daun kering dan menentukan kadar air dan ukuran bahan yang optimum untuk pengomposan sampah organik berupa daun kering. Penelitian menggunakan variasi ukuran bahan kompos ( 1cm, 1.5 cm, 2 cm) dan kadar air (40%, 50%, 60%) dan dengan menggunakan MOL tetes tebu sebagai bioaktivator. Waktu pengomposan berlangsung selama 30 hari dengan metode pengomposan secara open windrow. Berdasarkan penelitian ini kadar air dan ukuran bahan yang optimal untuk proses pengomposan sampah organik daun kering adalah kadar air 60% dengan ukuran bahan 1cm, dengan Kadar C-Organik sebesar 27,324%, kandungan N-Total sebesar 2,441% Rasio C/N sebesar 11,194), kandungan P-Total sebesar 0,211%, kandungan K-Total sebesar 1,730% dan Nilai GI sebesar 125,58% dan kemudian hasil uji mikrobiologi menunjukan bahwa jumlah total koliform yang ada pada kompos tidak lebih dari 1000 MPN/g. Kata Kunci: kompos, kadar air, ukuran bahan Abstract [The effect of water content and material size on organic waste composting at TPST University Diponegoro withh Open Windrow Composting Method]. A large number of leaves that fall at the University of Diponegoro is a potential to be reckoned with in order to be a valuable material in order, One of them with composting. The water content has a critical role in the engineering of composting because of the decomposition of organic material depends on the availability of water content. The water content of key importance in the composting process. In addition to moisture content, size and type of material composting methods also have an important role in the composting process. Importance of water content, the size of compostable material and methods of composting as an important factor of maturity and quality of the compost. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the water content of the composting of organic waste is dried leaf litter and determining the moisture content and size of the optimum material for composting organic waste in the form of dried leaves. The study used a variation of compostable material size (1 cm, 1.5 cm, 2 cm) and water content (40%, 50%, 60%) and using MOL and molasses as a bio-activator. Composting period lasts for 30 days with an open windrow composting method. Based on this study of water content and the size of the optimal materials for composting organic waste dried leaves is the water content of 60% to the material size of 1cm, with levels of C-Organic amounted to 27.324%, the content of N-total amounted to 2.441% C / N ratio amounted to 11.194) , the content of P-total of 0,211%, the content of K-total of 1.730% and a GI value of 125.58% and then the microbiological test results showed that the number of total coliform that exist in the compost no more than 1000 MPN / g. Key Words: Compost; Water content; Material Size

    Competitiveness Strategy in Facing Sustainable Economic Development on Social Economic Basis in Indonesia

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    Currently, what makes one of the human economies grow is economic development, especially in the new era, development is encouraged for the environmental domain, including in the socio-economic field. This paper aims to find out how the competitiveness strategy in facing sustainable economic development on the basis of socio-economic aspects sees Indonesia's position in the context of economic recovery, one of which is the problem from the economic side, namely economic growth and the social side, namely unemployment


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    Kegiatan PPL memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa UNY untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang pendidikan. SMK N 2 Pengasih merupakan salah satu sekolah yang ditunjuk oleh pihak UNY untuk menjadi lokasi PPL pada tahun 2015. Tujuan dari program PPL adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang manajerial dan pembelajaran di sekolah, memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan profesionalismenya dalam bidang keguruan atau pendidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, belajar, dan memahami seluk beluk sekolah dengan segala permasalahannya, serta memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran. Program PPL ini meliputi pelaksanaan praktik mengajar terbimbing minimal sebanyak 4. Kegiatan PPL ini berlangsung dari tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 hingga 12 September 2015. Praktik mengajar terbimbing dan praktik mengajar mandiri ini meliputi pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, persiapan media, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu, tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahapan persiapan PPL meliputi tahap observasi sekolah dan penyusunan program. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi praktik mengajar terbimbing. Tahap evaluasi sebagai refleksi keberhasilan program yang telah dilaksanakan. Pada pelaksanaan program PPL di SMK N 2 Pengasih berjalan dengan baik. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, akan tetapi dengan kerja sama yang solid antara para mahasiswa PPL sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak sekolah sendiri sangat membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan program PPL di sekolah tersebut