10 research outputs found

    Changes in the Molecular Epidemiology of Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis in Senegal After Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction.

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis is a major cause of mortality among children under 5 years of age. Senegal is part of World Health Organization-coordinated sentinel site surveillance for pediatric bacterial meningitis surveillance. We conducted this analysis to describe the epidemiology and etiology of bacterial meningitis among children less than 5 years in Senegal from 2010 and to 2016. METHODS: Children who met the inclusion criteria for suspected meningitis at the Centre Hospitalier National d'Enfants Albert Royer, Senegal, from 2010 to 2016 were included. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens were collected from suspected cases examined by routine bacteriology and molecular assays. Serotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and whole-genome sequencing were performed. RESULTS: A total of 1013 children were admitted with suspected meningitis during the surveillance period. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Haemophilus accounted for 66% (76/115), 25% (29/115), and 9% (10/115) of all confirmed cases, respectively. Most of the suspected cases (63%; 639/1013) and laboratory-confirmed (57%; 66/115) cases occurred during the first year of life. Pneumococcal meningitis case fatality rate was 6-fold higher than that of meningococcal meningitis (28% vs 5%). The predominant pneumococcal lineage causing meningitis was sequence type 618 (n = 7), commonly found among serotype 1 isolates. An ST 2174 lineage that included serotypes 19A and 23F was resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. CONCLUSIONS: There has been a decline in pneumococcal meningitis post-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction in Senegal. However, disease caused by pathogens covered by vaccines in widespread use still persists. There is need for continued effective monitoring of vaccine-preventable meningitis

    Mutation des espaces agricoles et quête de sécurité alimentaire dans les interfaces urbaines-rurales du Sénégal : étude de cas de Ziguinchor

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    International audienceThe city of Ziguinchor was built on a marriage of convenience with the small peasantry and has for several years been undergoing major urban transformations that affect the entire rural space. This is manifested in a rapid population increase that creates unprecedented needs, particularly in terms of employment, mobility, housing, and food. These transformations lead to land predation facilitated by poorly identified norms and governance, that result in the occupation of the last local agricultural spaces. These agricultural spaces (valleys, lowlands, and plateaus) are essential in local food production, but also for housing, city equipment and infrastructure. We are witnessing a gradual transformation of these spaces into residential housing estates, despite the urgency of food issues. This article focuses on a cross-cutting theme, that of food in a city primarily dominated by urban projects. It is particularly interested in changes in agricultural landscapes, and farming families faced with land precariousness, raisind questions about the place of agriculture in territorial development, and the ability to farm locally, in particular, food production for the population.Keywords: mutation, agricultural spaces, food security, urban agriculture, territorial development, Ziguinchor, SenegalLa ville de Ziguinchor, qui s’est construite sur un mariage de raison avec la petite paysannerie, connaît depuis quelques années des transformations urbaines importantes affectant l’ensemble de l’espace rural. Celles-ci se manifestent par une augmentation rapide de la population, créant ainsi des besoins inédits, notamment en termes d’emploi, de mobilité, de logement et d’alimentation. Ces transformations conduisent à une prédation foncière, facilitée par l’interférence de normes et de gouvernances mal identifiées, et se traduisent également par l’occupation des derniers espaces agricoles locaux. Ces espaces agricoles de vallées, de bas-fonds et de plateaux s’imposent comme lieux de production alimentaire de proximité, mais aussi comme lieux de construction de logements, d’équipements et d’infrastructures de la ville. De fait, on assiste à une mutation progressive de ces espaces qui deviennent des lotissements résidentiels, en dépit de l’urgence de se nourrir. Cet article met l’accent sur une thématique transversale, celle de l’alimentation dans une ville avant tout dominée par des projets urbains. Il s’intéresse particulièrement aux mutations des espaces agricoles et à la précarité foncière des familles d’agriculteurs, qui amènent à s’interroger sur la place de l’agriculture dans le développement territorial, mais aussi sur la capacité à cultiver localement, notamment des productions alimentaires pour les populations.Mots-clés : mutation, espaces agricoles, sécurité alimentaire, agriculture urbaine, développement territorial, Ziguinchor, Sénéga

    Syndrome hémolytique et urémique de l’enfant au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Dakar: à propos de quatre observations

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    Le syndrome hémolytique et urémique (SHU) est une cause fréquente d’insuffisance rénale aiguë (IRA) organique chez l’enfant. C’est une complication évolutive des gastroentérites aiguës (GEA) en particulier à Escherichia coli de l’enfant. Notre objectif était de décrire les aspects cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de cette affection chez quatre enfants. Nous avions colligé quatre cas de SHU. L’âge moyen était de 10,5 mois (5-15mois) exclusivement des garçons. L’examen clinique retrouvait une anémie de type hémolytique (pâleur et ictére), un syndrome oedémateux avec oligo-anurie (2 cas), une hypertension artérielle (1 patient), une GEA avec déshydratation sévère et choc hypovolémique (2 patients), des troubles de conscience. L’IRA était notée chez tous les patients de même que la thrombopénie et les schizocytes au frottis. Le Coombs direct était négatif. Il y avait une hyperkaliémie (3patients) dont 1 patient supérieure à 9,2 mmol/l, une hyponatrémie à 129mmol/l(1 patient) et une hypernatrémie à 153mmol/l (1 patient). Le shu était secondaire à une pneumonie à pneumocoque (1 patient), une GEA à E. coli (1 patient). Le traitement était essentiellement symptomatique et comprenait la restriction hydrique, la transfusion de concentrés érythrocytaires, les diurétiques, la dialyse péritonéale et l’hémodialyse. L’évolution était marquée par la survenue d’une insuffisance rénale chronique (1 patient) après 6 mois de suivi et la guérison (1 cas). Nous avions noté 3décés.Le SHU est la cause la plus fréquente d’IRA organique du nourrisson. Le diagnostic est essentiellement biologique, le traitement est surtout symptomatique. The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Hypothyroïdie congénitale à Dakar: à propos de 28 cas

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    L’hypothyroïdie de l’enfant é été peu étudiée au Sénégal. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les aspects épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et évolutifs de l’hypothyroïdie congénitale. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique portant sur tous les enfants suivis pour hypothyroïdie congénitale au Centre Hospitalier National d’Enfants Albert Royer sur la période de 2001 à 2014 (14 ans). A partir des dossiers des malades, nous avons recueilli et analysé les données sociodémographiques, cliniques et évolutives. Au total, 28 patients ont été inclus, soit une moyenne de 2 cas par an. L’âge moyen de découverte de l’hypothyroïdie était de 54,25 ± 43 mois avec une prédominance féminine (Sex- ratio 0,47). Seuls 2 cas d’hypothyroïdie ont été diagnostiqués dans la période néonatale. La consanguinité était présente chez 68% des patients. Les signes cliniques étaient dominés par le retard des acquisitions psychomotrices (96%), l’hypothermie (46%), la dysmorphie cranio-faciale (43%) et le goitre (39%). Le retard statural était constant au-delà de 6 mois. Les étiologies étaient dominées par les troubles de l’hormonosynthèse (84,21%). Dans l’évolution, la taille moyenne des patients était passée de -3,5 DS à -2,25 DS pour une durée de traitement moyenne de 28 mois. La débilité mentale était présente dans 73% des cas. Le retard de croissance et la débilité mentale étaient d’autant plus sévères que le diagnostic était tardif. Nos résultats confirment l’insuffisance d’une prise en charge précoce des patients. Il urge de mettre en place un système de dépistage néonatale systématique, afin d’améliorer le pronostic mental de cette affection. The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Stratification at the health district level for targeting malaria control interventions in Mali

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    International audienceMalaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Mali. Between 2017 and 2020, the number of cases increased in the country, with 2,884,827 confirmed cases and 1454 reported deaths in 2020. We performed a malaria risk stratification at the health district level in Mali with a view to proposing targeted control interventions. Data on confirmed malaria cases were obtained from the District Health Information Software 2, data on malaria prevalence and mortality in children aged 6-59 months from the 2018 Demographic and Health Survey, entomological data from Malian research institutions working on malaria in the sentinel sites of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), and environmental data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. A stratification of malaria risk was performed. Targeted malaria control interventions were selected based on spatial heterogeneity of malaria incidence, malaria prevalence in children, vector resistance distribution, health facility usage, child mortality, and seasonality of transmission. These interventions were discussed with the NMCP and the different funding partners. In 2017-2019, median incidence across the 75 health districts was 129.34 cases per 1000 person-years (standard deviation = 86.48). Risk stratification identified 12 health districts in very low transmission areas, 19 in low transmission areas, 20 in moderate transmission areas, and 24 in high transmission areas. Low health facility usage and increased vector resistance were observed in high transmission areas. Eight intervention combinations were selected for implementation. Our work provides an updated risk stratification using advanced statistical methods to inform the targeting of malaria control interventions in Mali. This stratification can serve as a template for continuous malaria risk stratifications in Mali and other countries

    Insuffisance cardiaque sur cœur normal révélant une malformation artériole-veineuse complexe du membre inferieur chez un enfant: à propos d'une observation et revue de la littérature

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    Les malformations artérioveineuses (MAV) sont des anomalies vasculaires congénitales à haut débit très rares chez l'enfant. Leurs localisations atypiques et leurs manifestations cliniques variables rendent leur diagnostic et leur prise en charge souvent tardifs. Nous rapportons le cas d'un enfant pris en charge au Centre Hospitalier National d'Enfants Albert Royer de Dakar. Un garçon âgé de 9 ans nous a été adressé d'une structure sanitaire en milieu rural pour la prise en charge d'une insuffisance cardiaque. L'examen clinique à l'admission montrait une altération de l'état général, un syndrome d'insuffisance cardiaque globale et une volumineuse masse inguino-crurale droite, chaude, étendue à la paroi abdominale latérale droite (fosse iliaque et flanc droit), à limites mal définies. L'auscultation de cette masse objectivait un thrill et un souffle diffus. L'échographie cardiaque montrait une HTAP sévère avec retentissement important sur les cavités cardiaques, sans atteinte structurelle du cœur. Le diagnostic de MAV a étè confirmé par une échographie doppler de la masse complétée par un angioscanner. Ils mettaient en évidence des fistules artérioveineuses multiples au sein de la masse. Le diagnostic d'une MAV complexe de la racine de la cuisse droite au stade IV de Schöbinger a étè retenu. La prise en charge médicale a consisté au traitement de l'insuffisance cardiaque à base de furosémide, de spironolactone, et de captopril, en vue d'une stabilisation hémodynamique pour une éventuelle cure chirurgicale. Les malformations artérioveineuses des membres, en particulier de l'extrémité proximal du membre inférieur sont encore méconnues chez l'enfant, d'où les erreurs et retards diagnostiques fréquents. Leur évolution est imprévisible d'où la nécessité d'un diagnostic précoce et d'un suivi attentif impliquant une collaboration pluridisciplinaire entre pédiatres, chirurgiens et radiologues

    The use of video job-aids to improve the quality of seasonal malaria chemoprevention delivery

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    Mobile phones are increasingly used in community health programmes, but the use of video job-aids that can be displayed on smart phones has not been widely exploited. We investigated the use of video job-aids to support the delivery of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) in countries in West and Central Africa. The study was prompted by the need for training tools that could be used in a socially distanced manner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Animated videos were developed in English, French, Portuguese, Fula and Hausa, illustrating key steps for administering SMC safely, including wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing. Through a consultative process with the national malaria programmes of countries using SMC, successive versions of the script and videos were reviewed to ensure accurate and relevant content. Online workshops were held with programme managers to plan how to use the videos in SMC staff training and supervision, and the use of the videos was evaluated in Guinea through focus groups and in-depth interviews with drug distributors and other staff involved in SMC delivery and through direct observations of SMC administration. Programme managers found the videos useful as they reinforce messages, can be viewed at any time and repeatedly, and when used during training sessions, provide a focus of discussion and support for trainers and help retain messages. Managers requested that local specificities of SMC delivery in their setting be included in tailored versions of the video for their country, and videos were required to be narrated in a variety of local languages. In Guinea, SMC drug distributors found the video covered the all the essential steps and found the video easy to understand. However, not all key messages were followed as some of the safety measures, social distancing and wearing masks, were perceived by some as creating mistrust amongst communities. Video job-aids can potentially provide an efficient means of reaching large numbers of drug distributors with guidance for safe and effective distribution of SMC. Not all distributors use android phones, but SMC programmes are increasingly providing drug distributors with android devices to track delivery, and personal ownership of smartphones in sub-Saharan Africa is growing. The use of video job-aids for community health workers to improve the quality delivery of SMC, or of other primary health care interventions, should be more widely evaluated

    The use of video job-aids to improve the quality of seasonal malaria chemoprevention delivery

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    Mobile phones are increasingly used in community health programmes, but the use of video job-aids that can be displayed on smart phones has not been widely exploited. We investigated the use of video job-aids to support the delivery of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) in countries in West and Central Africa. The study was prompted by the need for training tools that could be used in a socially distanced manner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Animated videos were developed in English, French, Portuguese, Fula and Hausa, illustrating key steps for administering SMC safely, including wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing. Through a consultative process with the national malaria programmes of countries using SMC, successive versions of the script and videos were reviewed to ensure accurate and relevant content. Online workshops were held with programme managers to plan how to use the videos in SMC staff training and supervision, and the use of the videos was evaluated in Guinea through focus groups and in-depth interviews with drug distributors and other staff involved in SMC delivery and through direct observations of SMC administration. Programme managers found the videos useful as they reinforce messages, can be viewed at any time and repeatedly, and when used during training sessions, provide a focus of discussion and support for trainers and help retain messages. Managers requested that local specificities of SMC delivery in their setting be included in tailored versions of the video for their country, and videos were required to be narrated in a variety of local languages. In Guinea, SMC drug distributors found the video covered the all the essential steps and found the video easy to understand. However, not all key messages were followed as some of the safety measures, social distancing and wearing masks, were perceived by some as creating mistrust amongst communities. Video job-aids can potentially provide an efficient means of reaching large numbers of drug distributors with guidance for safe and effective distribution of SMC. Not all distributors use android phones, but SMC programmes are increasingly providing drug distributors with android devices to track delivery, and personal ownership of smartphones in sub-Saharan Africa is growing. The use of video job-aids for community health workers to improve the quality delivery of SMC, or of other primary health care interventions, should be more widely evaluated