1,483 research outputs found

    Large area low-cost space solar cell development

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    A development program to produce large-area (5.9 x 5.9 cm) space quality silicon solar cells with a cost goal of 30 $/watt is descibed. Five cell types under investigation include wraparound dielectric, mechanical wraparound and conventional contact configurations with combinations of 2 or 10 ohm-cm resistivity, back surface reflectors and/or fields, and diffused or ion implanted junctions. A single step process to cut cell and cover-glass simultaneously is being developed. A description of cell developments by Applied Solar Energy Corp., Spectrolab and Spire is included. Results are given for cell and array tests, performed by Lockheed, TRW and NASA. Future large solar arrays that might use cells of this type are discussed

    Solar cell development for the power extension package

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    The PEP is a 32 kilowatt flexible substrate, retrievable, solar array system for use on the Space Shuttle. Solar cell costs will be reduced by increasing cell area and simplifying cell and coverglass fabrication processes and specifications. The cost goal is to produce cells below $30 per watt. Two and ten ohm-cm silicon cells were investigated. In phase I of the cell development program a few thousand candidate cells will be produced and evaluated for utility and quality. In phase II a large number of cells will be fabricated to verify production readiness and cell yields and costs. This schedule is compatible with PEP initial operational capability in 1984. Approximately 140,000 large area (5.9 x 5.9 cm) cells will be required for two PEP solar arrays. The status of the cell development and testing, including a radiation damage test and side-by-side comparison of candidate cell types with pre- and post-irradiation airplane calibration of outer space short-circuit current, is reported

    Variation in Environmental Parameters in Research and Aquaculture: Effects on Behaviour, Physiology and Cell Biology of Teleost Fish

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    Over the last few years the increasing use of fish as animal models in scientific research and the increased fish breeding for human consumption have stressed the need for more knowledge on the effect of variations in environmental parameters on fish biology and on the welfare of specimens used both in research and aquaculture contexts. Experimental evidence shows that environmental variations can affect fish biology at various levels, from the molecular to that of the population, sometimes in a different way depending on the species considered. In order to achieve reproducible results in experiments involving fish it is necessary to set and maintain all environmental parameters constant at the optimal value to guarantee the wellness of the animal. The effects of the variation in environmental parameters on the behaviour, physiology and cell biology of teleosts are here discussed in order to provide useful information for research based on fish models

    A simplified model of precipitation enhancement over a heterogeneous surface

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    Soil moisture heterogeneities through the triggering of mesoscale circulations influence the onset of convection and subsequent evolution of thunderstorms producing heavy precipitation. However local evaporation also plays a role in determining precipitation amounts. Here we aim at disentangling the effect of advection and evaporation on precipitation over the course of a diurnal cycle by formulating a simple conceptual model. The derivation of the model is inspired from the results of simulations performed with a high-resolution (250 m) Large-Eddy Simulation model over a surface with varying degrees of heterogeneity. Key element of the model is the representation of precipitation as weighted sum of advection and evaporation, each weighted by its own efficiency. The model is then used to isolate the main parameters that control the variations of precipitation over spatially drier patches. It is found that these changes surprisingly do not depend on soil moisture itself but instead purely on parameters that describe the atmospheric initial state. The likelihood for enhanced precipitation over drier soils is discussed based on these parameters. Additional experiments are used to test the validity of the model

    Effect of soil moisture on diurnal convection and precipitation in large-eddy simulations

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    A determination of the sign and magnitude of the soil moisture-precipitation feedback relies either on observations, where synoptic variability is difficult to isolate, or on model simulations, which suffer from biases mainly related to poorly resolved convection. In this study, a large-eddy simulation model with a resolution of 250m is coupled to a land surface model and several idealized experiments mimicking the full diurnal cycle of convection are performed, starting from different spatially homogeneous soil moisture conditions. The goal is to determine under which conditions drier soils may produce more precipitation than wetter ones. The methodology of previous conceptual studies that have quantified the likelihood of convection to be triggered over wet or dry soils is followed but includes the production of precipitation. Although convection can be triggered earlier over dry soils than over wet soils under certain atmospheric conditions, total precipitation is found to always decrease over dry soils. By splitting the total precipitation into its magnitude and duration component, it is found that the magnitude strongly correlates with surface latent heat flux, hence implying a wet soil advantage. Because of this strong scaling, changes in precipitation duration caused by differences in convection triggering are not able to overcompensate for the lack of evaporation over dry soils. These results are further validated using two additional atmospheric soundings and a series of perturbed experiments that consider cloud radiative effects, as well as the effect of large-scale forcing, winds, and plants on the soil moisture-precipitation coupling

    On the usefulness of finding charts Or the runaway carbon stars of the Blanco & McCarthy field 37

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    We have been recently faced with the problem of cross--identifying stars recorded in historical catalogues with those extracted from recent fully digitized surveys (such as DENIS and 2MASS). Positions mentioned in the old catalogues are frequently of poor precision, but are generally accompanied by finding charts where the interesting objects are flagged. Those finding charts are sometimes our only link with the accumulated knowledge of past literature. While checking the identification of some of these objects in several catalogues, we had the surprise to discover a number of discrepancies in recent works.The main reason for these discrepancies was generally the blind application of the smallest difference in position as the criterion to identify sources from one historical catalogue to those in more recent surveys. In this paper we give examples of such misidentifications, and show how we were able to find and correct them.We present modern procedures to discover and solve cross--identification problems, such as loading digitized images of the sky through the Aladin service at CDS, and overlaying entries from historical catalogues and modern surveys. We conclude that the use of good finding charts still remains the ultimate (though time--consuming) tool to ascertain cross--identifications in difficult cases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by A&

    Increase in environmental temperature affects exploratory behaviour, anxiety and social preference in Danio rerio

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    The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of a temperature increase on the behaviour of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) maintained for 21 days at 34 °C (treatment) and 26 °C (control). The temperatures chosen are within the vital range of zebrafish and correspond to temperatures that this species encounters in the natural environment. Previous results showed that the same treatment affects the brain proteome and the behaviour of adult zebrafish by producing alterations in the proteins involved in neurotransmitter release and synaptic function and impairing fish exploratory behaviour. In this study, we have investigated the performance of treated and control zebrafish during environmental exploration by using four behavioural tests (novel tank diving, light and dark preference, social preference and mirror biting) that are paradigms for assessing the state of anxiety, boldness, social preference and aggressive behaviour, respectively. The results showed that heat treatment reduces anxiety and increases the boldness of zebrafish, which spent more time in potentially dangerous areas of the tank such as the top and the uncovered bright area and at a distance from the social group, thus decreasing protection for the zebrafish. These data suggest that the increase in ambient temperature may compromise zebrafish survival rate in the natural environment

    Fingerprinting ash deposits of small scale eruptions by their physical and textural features

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    Correlation of distal ash deposits with their proximal counterparts mainly relies on chemical and mineralogical characterization of bulk rock and matrix glasses. However, the study of juvenile fragments often reveals the heterogeneity in terms of clast shape, external surface, groundmass texture and composition. This is particularly evident in small-scale eruptions, characterized by a strong variability in texture and relative abundance of juvenile fragments. This heterogeneity introduces an inherent uncertainty, that makes the compositional data alone inadequate to unequivocally characterize the tephra bed. Pyroclast characteristics, if described and quantified, can represent an additional clue for the correct identification of the tephra. The paper presents morphological, textural and compositional data on the products of an ash eruption from Middle Age activity of Vesuvius, to demonstrate the information that can be extracted from the proposed type of analysis. Juvenile fragments from five ash layers throughout the studied products were randomly hand-picked, and fully characterized in terms of external morphology, particle outline parameterization, groundmass texture and glass composition. Statistical analysis of shape parameters characterized groups of fragments that can be compared with the other textural and physical parameters. The main result is that the data do not show important cross-correlations, so suggesting that all of these parameters, together with accurate field data are needed for the complete fingerprinting of a tephra bed. We suggest that this approach is especially important for characterizing the products of small scale, compositionally undistinguishable, eruptions and represents the necessary step to deal with before going into more detailed compositional analyses

    Possible Detection of OVI from the LMC Superbubble N70

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    We present FUSE observations toward four stars in the LMC superbubble N70 and compare these spectra to those of four comparison targets located in nearby field and diffuse regions. The N70 sight lines show OVI 1032 absorption that is consistently stronger than the comparison sight lines by ~60%. We attribute the excess column density (logN_OVI=14.03 cm^-2) to hot gas within N70, potentially the first detection of OVI associated with a superbubble. In a survey of 12 LMC sight lines, Howk et al. (2002a) concluded that there was no correlation between ISM morphology and N_OVI. We present a reanalysis of their measurements combined with our own and find a clear difference between the superbubble and field samples. The five superbubbles probed to date with FUSE show a consistently higher mean N_OVI than the 12 non-superbubble sight lines, though both samples show equivalent scatter from halo variability. Possible ionization mechanisms for N70 are discussed, and we conclude that the observed OVI could be the product of thermal conduction at the interface between the hot, X-ray emitting gas inside the superbubble and the cooler, photoionized material making up the shell seen prominently in Halpha. We calculate the total hydrogen density n_H implied by our OVI measurements and find a value consistent with expectations. Finally, we discuss emission-line observations of OVI from N70.Comment: 9 pages in emulateapj style. Accepted to Ap
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