619 research outputs found

    Message passing algorithms for non-linear nodes and data compression

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    The use of parity-check gates in information theory has proved to be very efficient. In particular, error correcting codes based on parity checks over low-density graphs show excellent performances. Another basic issue of information theory, namely data compression, can be addressed in a similar way by a kind of dual approach. The theoretical performance of such a Parity Source Coder can attain the optimal limit predicted by the general rate-distortion theory. However, in order to turn this approach into an efficient compression code (with fast encoding/decoding algorithms) one must depart from parity checks and use some general random gates. By taking advantage of analytical approaches from the statistical physics of disordered systems and SP-like message passing algorithms, we construct a compressor based on low-density non-linear gates with a very good theoretical and practical performance.Comment: 13 pages, European Conference on Complex Systems, Paris (Nov 2005

    Quantum discord and information deficit in spin chains

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    We examine the behavior of quantum correlations of spin pairs in a finite anisotropic XYXY spin chain immersed in a transverse magnetic field, through the analysis of the quantum discord and the conventional and quadratic one way-information deficits. We first provide a brief review of these measures, showing that the last ones can be obtained as particular cases of a generalized information deficit based on general entropic forms. All these measures coincide with an entanglement entropy in the case of pure states, but can be non-zero in separable mixed states, vanishing just for classically correlated states. It is then shown that their behavior in the exact ground state of the chain exhibits similar features, deviating significantly from that of the pair entanglement below the critical field. In contrast with entanglement, they reach full range in this region, becoming independent of the pair separation and coupling range in the immediate vicinity of the factorizing field. It is also shown, however, that significant differences between the quantum discord and the information deficits arise in the local minimizing measurement that defines them. Both analytical and numerical results are provided.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum discord in finite XY chains

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    We examine the quantum discord between two spins in the exact ground state of finite spin 1/2 arrays with anisotropic XY couplings in a transverse field B. It is shown that in the vicinity of the factorizing field B_s, the discord approaches a common finite non-negligible limit which is independent of the pair separation and the coupling range. An analytic expression of this limit is provided. The discord of a mixture of aligned pairs in two different directions, crucial for the previous results, is analyzed in detail, including the evaluation of coherence effects, relevant in small samples and responsible for a parity splitting at B_s. Exact results for finite chains with first neighbor and full range couplings and their interpretation in terms of such mixtures are provided.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum correlations and least disturbing local measurements

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    We examine the evaluation of the minimum information loss due to an unread local measurement in mixed states of bipartite systems, for a general entropic form. Such quantity provides a measure of quantum correlations, reducing for pure states to the generalized entanglement entropy, while in the case of mixed states it vanishes just for classically correlated states with respect to the measured system, as the quantum discord. General stationary conditions are provided, together with their explicit form for general two-qubit states. Closed expressions for the minimum information loss as measured by quadratic and cubic entropies are also derived for general states of two-qubit systems. As application, we analyze the case of states with maximally mixed marginals, where a general evaluation is provided, as well as X states and the mixture of two aligned states.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Las redes conceptuales como instrumento para evaluar el nivel de aprendizaje conceptual de los alumnos : un ejemplo para el tema de dinámica

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    Since the first articles concerning Concept Mapping many more have been reported looking for instruments to evaluate the level of student's meaningful learning. In the present work we show that the construction of nuclear sentences for Concept Nets (Galagovsky, 1993a, b, 1996; Galagovsky and Ciliberti, 1994) demands high level of semantic analysis, which seems to help in inducing conceptual change. Results suggest that this type of class experience may help teachers to get complementary information about his/her student's meaningful learning level

    Redes conceptuales : su aplicación como instrumento didáctico en temas de física

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    Concept Nets are the result of the need to acquire an instrument with which to improve the students' cognitive style of learning (Galagovsky 1993a). For the last four years we have been researching about the benefits of its use in different subjects and levels. We now introduce an application in Physics, at High School level, developed during 1991- 1992. A new research period 1993-1994 is being pursued

    Generalized entropic measures of quantum correlations

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    We propose a general measure of non-classical correlations for bipartite systems based on generalized entropic functions and majorization properties. Defined as the minimum information loss due to a local measurement, in the case of pure states it reduces to the generalized entanglement entropy, i.e., the generalized entropy of the reduced state. However, in the case of mixed states it can be non-zero in separable states, vanishing just for states diagonal in a general product basis, like the Quantum Discord. Simple quadratic measures of quantum correlations arise as a particular case of the present formalism. The minimum information loss due to a joint local measurement is also discussed. The evaluation of these measures in a few simple relevant cases is as well provided, together with comparison with the corresponding entanglement monotones.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Discord and information deficit in the XX chain

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    We examine the quantum correlations of spin pairs in the cyclic XXXX spin 1/2 chain in a transverse field, through the analysis of the quantum discord, the geometric discord and the information deficit. It is shown that while these quantities provide the same qualitative information, being non-zero for all temperatures and separations and exhibiting the same type of asymptotic behavior for large temperatures or separations, important differences arise in the minimizing local measurement that defines them. Whereas the quantum discord prefers a spin measurement perpendicular to the transverse field, the geometric discord and information deficit exhibit a perpendicular to parallel transition as the field increases, which subsists at all temperatures and for all separations. Moreover, it is shown that such transition signals the change from a Bell state to an aligned separable state of the dominant eigenstate of the reduced density matrix of the pair. Full exact results for both the thermodynamic limit and the finite chain are provided, through the Jordan-Wigner fermionization.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. References adde

    Overcoming doubt in vaccinations. The end justifies the means?

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    Controversies and scepticism about vaccination have existed as vaccination itself. Today and yester-day, the authority of religious leaders has a fundamental role for convince members of their congregations to accept or reject vaccination. Our contribution tells of the stratagem used by the Italian doctor Luigi Sacco to make the faithful lean towards the vaccination using their faith as a means. The history of yesterday’s end of today opens a current debate on the role and responsibility of religion around vaccination practice. As COVID-19 vaccine mandates grow, so are requests for religious exemptions. (www.actabiomedica.it)
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