10 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Risk Management Process according to ISO 31000 Standard in an Engineering Company

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na proces managementu rizik. Cílem je analýza aktuálního stavu managementu rizik ve strojírenské společnosti a následná úprava podle normy ČSN ISO 31000:2018. Teoretická část se zabývá definováním managementu rizik a jeho procesem. Praktická část se následně zaobírá analýzou současného stavu managementu rizik společnosti a návrhem na zlepšení.The bachelor thesis focuses on the risk management process. The aim is to analyse the current state of risk management in an engineering company and the subsequent adjustment according to the ISO 31000:2018 standard. The theoretical part deals with the definition of risk management and its process. The practical part then deals with the analysis of the current state of risk management of the company and the proposal for improvement.639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvýborn

    Transport strategy for ischaemic stroke patients with large vessel occlusion

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    Introduction. There are today two models of transporting patients with acute ischaemic stroke because of large artery occlusion (AIS-LVO): mothership (MS) and drip-and-ship (DS). Our aim was to evaluate our ongoing transport strategy (OT), which is an MS/DS hybrid. In our OT, the patient is transported directly to the CT of the Primary Stroke Centre (PSC), where intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is administered. The patient then continues without delay to a Comprehensive Stroke Centre (CSC) with the same medical rescue team (MRT). The distance between our centres is 73 km.Material and methods. We retrospectively analysed data of 100 consecutive AIS-LVO patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy (MT) between January 2017 and October 2019. OT, MS and DS groups were compared. 31 patients were transported as MS, 32 as DS, and 37 as OT.Results. DS had significantly longer time to groin puncture (185 min) compared to OT and MS (p < 0.0001). OT shortened time almost to MS level (OT 124 min, MS 110 min, p = 0.002. Time to IVT administration (from MRT departure) differed statistically significantly in favour of OT (OT 27 min, MS 63 min, p < 0.0001). Logistical change in PSC had a significant effect on decreasing the door-to-needle time (DNT) median from 37 min to 11 min (p < 0.0001). DNT reduction also occurred in patients with AIS and without an indication for MT.Conclusions. OT is highly effective, significantly reducing the time to IVT administration, and combining all the benefits, while eliminating all the disadvantages, of DS and MS. The OT concept gives all indicated patients a chance for MT to be performed, and does not overload the performing centre

    Error Rate in the Decisions of Elite Futsal Referees in the Context of Their Position on the Pitch

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    One of the primary requirements for a futsal referee is the minimum of incorrect decisions in a match. An important starting point for the possibility of the correct decision of the referee is his position on the court when deciding. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether the error rate of the futsal referee changes when assessing game situations (leading to a direct free kick) in connection with his position. The research group consisted of referees of the 1st futsal league in the Czech Republic (n = 15); average age 39.4 (SD = 6.2). A total of 685 game situations were assessed from 42 matches in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons. The methods of work were: indirect observation of video recordings, notation analysis, expert assessment of game situations by an expert group (n = 5).  Results: the error rate in the decisions of referees is 7%; inadequate positions detected 3%; A statistically significant relationship was found between the degree of error rate in the referees' decisions and the quality of the position (rs = .32, p < .001) but no material significance was found. We recommend a more detailed research solution to this issue

    Mechanochemical synthesis of mononuclear gold(I) halide complexes of diphosphine ligands with tuneable luminescent properties

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    A mechanochemical method is reported for the synthesis of Au(diphos)X complexes of diphosphine (diphos = XantPhos and N-XantPhos) ligands and halide ions (X = Cl and I). The Au(XantPhos)X (1: X = Cl; 2: X = I) and Au(N-XantPhos)Cl (3) complexes exhibited either yellowish green (1) or bluish green (2) emission, whereas 3 was seemingly non-emissive in the solid state at room temperature. Blue- (2B) and bluish green (2G) luminescent concomitant solvates of 2 were obtained by recrystallization. Luminescent colour changes from blue (2B) or bluish green (2G) to yellow were observed when these forms were subjected to mechanical stimulus, while the original emission colour can be recovered in the presence of solvent vapours. Moreover, the luminescence of 2B can be reversibly altered between blue and yellow by heating/cooling-cycles. These results demonstrate the power of mechanochemistry in the rapid (4 min reaction time), efficient (up to 98% yield) and greener synthesis of luminescent and stimuli-responsive gold(I) complexes

    Post-Soviet Central Asia as a transnational region without access to the sea

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    Region Střední Asie je charakteristický svým geografickým umístěním, jelikož je de facto místem střetu rozličných civilizací či náboženství. Význam tohoto regionu se měnil v průběhu historie. Dávná Hedvábná stezka dostala Střední Asii do popředí, nicméně s rozvojem mořeplavby začala ztrácet na významu a stala se periférií. Střední Asie je jedním ze světových transnacionálních regionů. Větší část (postsovětská) tohoto regionu byla integrální součástí bývalého Sovětského svazu. Byla tedy pod vlivem Moskvy a prošla silnou sovětizací, resp. rusifikací. Jedná se o pětici zemí Kazachstán, Uzbekistán, Turkmenistán, Kyrgyzstán a Tádžikistán. V první části práce se věnuji geografickému vymezení a ve stručnosti historickému vývoji regionu Střední Asie. Druhou částí je zmapování, jakým způsobem a do jaké míry dochází v regionu k integraci, jelikož regionální integrace je jedním z důležitých faktorů k pochopení regionu jako jednoho geopolitického celku. Tématem třetí části mé práce je geografické umístění regionu, jelikož významnou roli zde hraje skutečnost, že státy postsovětské střední Asie nemají přístup k otevřenému moři. Tento fakt do jisté míry region znevýhodňuje. Cílem tedy bude zjistit, jak se dané státy s těmito geografickými podmínkami vyrovnávají a jaké strategie volí pro eliminaci či zmírnění této nezanedbatelné nevýhody. Spolupráce mezi středoasijskými státy se jeví mnohdy jako problematická. To je dáno různými faktory. Upřednostňují vlastní prospěch nad úspěchem celku či solidaritou. Vzhledem k tomu, že všechny tamní státy jsou geograficky uzavřené a jejich hospodářství stojí především na vývozu, jejich hlavní prioritou je zabezpečení efektivní infrastruktury na území svém i sousedních států za účelem získat snadnější přístup na mezinárodní trh.ObhájenoThe region of Central Asia is characterized by its geographical location, since it is de facto a place of clash between different civilizations and religions. The importance of this region has changed over the course of history. The Silk Road had put Central Asia to the forefront, however, with the development of seafaring, it began to lose its significance and became peripheral. Central Asia is one of the world's transnational regions. The greater part (post-Soviet) of this region was an integral part of the former Soviet Union. It was under the influence of Moscow and it underwent a strong wave of sovietization, respectively, rusification. This is the case for five countries - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. In the first part of my thesis I deal with the geographic definition and briefly with the historical development of Central Asia. The second part observes how and to what extent the integration is taking place in the region, since regional integration is one of the important factors in understanding the region as one geopolitical unit. The theme of the third part of my work is the analysis of geographical location of the region, since the fact that post-Soviet Central Asian states do not have access to the open sea plays a significant role there. This fact to some extent disadvantages the region. The aim is therefore to find out how countries with these geographic conditions can cope and what strategies they choose to eliminate or mitigate this significant disadvantage. Cooperation among Central Asian states is often problematic. This is due to various factors. They prefer their own benefit over general success or solidarity. As all the countries are geographically closed and their economies are mainly export-oriented, their main priority is to secure efficient infrastructure on their territory and neighbouring countries in order to gain easier access to the international market

    Assessment of the 2nd Grade Elementary School Pupils in Ústí nad Labem Region and Their Attitude Towards Physical Education

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    Title Assessment of the 2nd Grade Elementary School Pupils in Ústí nad Labem Region and Their Attitude Towards Physical Education Problem Researches and investigations from the recent years have been indicating a decline in a physical activity of children during their free time. This fact is also reflected in physical education lessons, especially at the level of their skills, fitness and performance, but also in their overall interest in this subject. Physical education teachers often solve a fundamental problem in their classes and that is a low motivation of pupils to move. One part of the learning process is also an evaluation where the teacher takes into consideration a number of factors. An objective consideration of all partial factors, for which a student can be evaluated during physical education lessons, into an overall grade is a very complex and difficult process for the teacher. This thesis deals with the assessment in physical education, particularly with an effort to identify those variables that have a significant impact on the overall grade in this school subject. We observe gender and age differences, the relationship of students to physical education, an active attitude to sport outside the school environment, family influence, but also the lifestyle of a student and also the..

    Environmental Migration in Central Asia

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    Tato diplomová práce je více-případovou studií. Výzkumné otázky, na které budu hledat odpověď na pozadí dvou případových studií - Mailuu-Suu a Aralské moře, jsem zformuloval na základě zvoleného tématu této diplomové práce, tedy environmentálního managementu ve vybraném regionu. Za empirické pole svého výzkumu jsem si vybral region Střední Asie, přesněji řečeno prostor postsovětské Střední Asie. Středoasijský region nabízí z environmentálního hlediska velmi pestrou škálu jevů a fenoménů, na které jsou tamní společnosti i mezinárodní společenství nucené reagovat. Za velmi palčivé environmentální hrozby jsou ve mnou vybraném regionu pokládány například přítomnost uloženého toxického (radioaktivního) odpadu či problémy s nedostatkem vody, resp. neudržitelný vodní management. Dvě výzkumné otázky, které jsou nosným jádrem této práce a budou v závěru zodpovězeny, vyplývají ze záměru pojmenovat subjekty a zjistit prostředky při implementaci environmentálního managementu.ObhájenoThis thesis is a multi-case study. The research questions which I will look for in the background of two case studies - Mailuu-Suu and the Aral Sea, have been formulated on the basis of the chosen theme of this thesis, i.e. environmental management in the selected region. For the empirical field of my research I chose the Central Asian region, more precisely the post-Soviet Central Asia. The Central Asian region offers an environmentally diverse range of phenomena and phenomena to which the local community and the international community are forced to respond. For example, the presence of stored toxic (radioactive) waste or problems with lack of good-quality water are considered to be very pressing environmental threats in this region. Two research questions, which are the core of this work and will be answered at the end, result from the intention to name the entities and find the way and measures how they implement the environmental management

    Physical Activity and BMI before and after the Situation Caused by COVID-19 in Upper Primary School Pupils in the Czech Republic

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    Regular physical activity is a very important factor in the healthy development of an individual and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, today’s population still suffers from an insufficient amount of exercise caused mainly by technological progress and often inappropriate conditions for practising sports. In relation to this, we are grappling with a steady increase in obesity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions for regular physical activity became even more unfavourable, with the declaration of a state of emergency and antipandemic measures leading to the closure of sports grounds and sporting competitions. Using a questionnaire survey of a sample of children (n = 1456), we found that, already before the pandemic, 69% of the observed sample had not met the recommended amount of physical activity, and only 67% of the sample was of normal weight. By comparing both groups after the end of pandemic restrictions, we found statistically significant differences at examined indicators of the children’s Body Mass Index (BMI), their physical activity, and free time spending habits. We noticed the significant differences in BMI indicators in two different categories, normal weight (7.5%) and stage 1 obesity (1.66%). Simultaneously, we noticed differences in the children’s physical activities, especially with children who attend sports playgroups connected to athletic development (8.74%). More differences were noticed in free time spending habits indicators; the most significant ones were with the children who spend their free time behind the personal computer for more than 14 h a week (5.4%) and with the children who spend their free time on social media for 8–14 h a week (18.56%)

    Physical Activity and BMI before and after the Situation Caused by COVID-19 in Upper Primary School Pupils in the Czech Republic

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    Regular physical activity is a very important factor in the healthy development of an individual and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, today's population still suffers from an insufficient amount of exercise caused mainly by technological progress and often inappropriate conditions for practising sports. In relation to this, we are grappling with a steady increase in obesity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions for regular physical activity became even more unfavourable, with the declaration of a state of emergency and antipandemic measures leading to the closure of sports grounds and sporting competitions. Using a questionnaire survey of a sample of children (n = 1456), we found that, already before the pandemic, 69% of the observed sample had not met the recommended amount of physical activity, and only 67% of the sample was of normal weight. By comparing both groups after the end of pandemic restrictions, we found statistically significant differences at examined indicators of the children's Body Mass Index (BMI), their physical activity, and free time spending habits. We noticed the significant differences in BMI indicators in two different categories, normal weight (7.5%) and stage 1 obesity (1.66%). Simultaneously, we noticed differences in the children's physical activities, especially with children who attend sports playgroups connected to athletic development (8.74%). More differences were noticed in free time spending habits indicators; the most significant ones were with the children who spend their free time behind the personal computer for more than 14 h a week (5.4%) and with the children who spend their free time on social media for 8-14 h a week (18.56%)