2,025 research outputs found

    A Double Fourier-Transform Imaging Algorithm for a 24 GHz FMCW Short-Range Radar

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    A frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar for short-range target imaging, assembling a transceiver, a PLL, an SP4T switch, and a serial patch antenna array, was realized. A new algorithm based on a double Fourier transform (2D-FT) was developed and compared with the delay and sum (DAS) and multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithms proposed in the literature for target detection. The three reconstruction algorithms were applied to simulated canonical cases evidencing radar resolutions close to the theoretical ones. The proposed 2D-FT algorithm exhibits an angle of view greater than 25° and is five times faster than DAS and 20 times faster than the MUSIC one. The realized radar shows a range resolution of 55 cm and an angular resolution of 14° and is able to correctly identify the positions of single and multiple targets in realistic scenarios, with errors lower than 20 cm

    Culture of human cell lines by a pathogen-inactivated human platelet lysate

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    Alternatives to the use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) have been investigated to ensure xeno-free growth condition. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of human platelet lysate (PL) as a substitute of FBS for the in vitro culture of some human cell lines. PL was obtained by pools of pathogen inactivated human donor platelet (PLT) concentrates. Human leukemia cell lines (KG-1, K562, JURKAT, HL-60) and epithelial tumor cell lines (HeLa and MCF-7) were cultured with either FBS or PL. Changes in cell proliferation, viability, morphology, surface markers and cell cycle were evaluated for each cell line. Functional characteristics were analysed by drug sensitivity test and cytotoxicity assay. Our results demonstrated that PL can support growth and expansion of all cell lines, although the cells cultured in presence of PL experienced a less massive proliferation compared to those grown with FBS. We found a comparable percentage of viable specific marker-expressing cells in both conditions, confirming lineage fidelity in all cultures. Functionality assays showed that cells in both FBS- and PL-supported cultures maintained their normal responsiveness to adriamycin and NK cell-mediated lysis. Our findings indicate that PL is a feasible serum substitute for supporting growth and propagation of haematopoietic and epithelial cell lines with many advantages from a perspective of process standardization, ethicality and product safety

    Numerical and experimental comparison among a new hybrid FT-music technique and existing algorithms for through-the-wall radar imaging

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    A fast low-cost through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI) system, based on a vector network analyzer (VNA), a couple of switches and an array of Vivaldi antennas, has been designed, realized, and tested. To solve the TWRI inversion problem, an original theoretical modeling for a class of TWRI techniques whose basic functions are the cross-range Fourier transform (FT) of the scattered field and its covariance operator has been proposed. Using these functions, four conventional algorithms, namely the delay and sum (DAS), the FT, the multiple signal classification (MUSIC), the hybrid DAS-MUSIC and a new algorithm, the hybrid FT-MUSIC, have been derived. All these techniques have been implemented and their accuracy and field of view have been tested on canonical scatterers. Then, the algorithms have been applied to measured data collected in different scenarios constituted by a metallic bar or a human subject in the absence and in the presence of a wall between the antenna and the considered targets. Using the proposed TWRI system, it has been possible to detect a subject located up to 5-m away from the radar antenna array through a tuff wall. The proposed FT-MUSIC algorithm has evidenced performances similar to those of the DAS-MUSIC but with significantly lower execution times. Finally, FT-MUSIC performances in terms of field of view and immunity to disturbances are better compared to those of the MUSIC algorithm

    Perceptions of Grief Education in Accredited Counseling Programs: Recommendations for Counselor Education

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    As grief can be considered a critical life event, unresolved grief can interfere with quality of life, affecting lifestyle, behavior, emotional strength, and cognitive function. Unresolved grief can even result in suicidal ideation. Counselors can and often do work with grief issues in clients and can promote positive outcomes for grieving clients by addressing personal loss and helping clients process grief related issues. This study was based on an analysis of students within counseling programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs based on earlier research conducted by one of the authors. Self-perception of competency in counseling clients who are having grief-related issues from loss was assessed using the Grief Counseling Competency Scale. By analyzing results of the Grief Counseling Competency Scale, participants showed a need for further training in grief counseling skills and theory. Results and implications of the quantitative analysis as well as suggestions for further study are discussed

    Annual Report of the Town Officers of the Town of Alfred Maine For the Year Ending February 15, 1913

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    A novel dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), working at 28 GHz with a peak gain of 12.4 dBi over a fractional bandwidth of 12.6%, is presented. The novel design achieves side-lobe levels below -10 dB for both the E and H-planes so to meet the requirements of the new generation 5G wireless communications systems

    Measuring social desirability amongst men with intellectual disabilities: The psychometric properties of the Self- and Other-Deception Questionnaire—Intellectual Disabilities

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    Background Social desirability has been construed as either inaccurately attributing positive characteristics to oneself (self-deception), or inaccurately denying that one possesses undesirable characteristics to others (other-deception or impression management). These conceptualisations of social desirability have not been considered in relation to people with intellectual disabilities (IDs), but they are important constructs to consider when undertaking a psychological assessment of an individual, especially within forensic contexts. Therefore, we revised two existing measures of self- and other-deception and considered their psychometric properties. Methods Thirty-two men with mild IDs and 28 men without IDs completed the Self- and Other-Deception Questionnaires—Intellectual Disabilities (SDQ-ID and ODQ-ID) on two occasions, two weeks apart. Results Men with IDs scored significantly higher on the SDQ-ID and the ODQ-ID than men without IDs. However, these differences disappeared when Full Scale IQ, Verbal IQ and Performance IQ were controlled in relation to the SDQ-ID, and partially disappeared in relation to the ODQ-ID. The SDQ-ID and the ODQ-ID had substantial internal consistency in relation to men with IDs (k = 0.82 and 0.84 respectively). The test-retest reliability of the SDQ-ID was good (ri = 0.68), while the test-retest reliability of the ODQ-ID was moderate (ri = 0.56), for men with IDs. The SDQ-ID had moderate (k = 0.60) and the ODQ-ID had substantial (k = 0.70) internal consistency in relation to men without IDs, while the test-retest reliability of the SDQ-ID was excellent (ri = 0.87) as was the case for the ODQ-ID (ri = 0.85). Conclusions The SDQ-ID and the ODQ-ID have satisfactory psychometric properties in relation to men with and without IDs. Future research using these instruments is propose

    Detection and investigation of extracellular vesicles in serum and urine supernatant of prostate cancer patients

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    Prostate Cancer (PCa) is one of the most frequently identified urological cancers. PCa patients are often over-diagnosed due to still not highly specific diagnostic methods. The need for more accurate diagnostic tools to prevent overestimated diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of patients with non-malignant conditions is clear, and new markers and methods are strongly desirable. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold great promises as liquid biopsy-based markers. Despite the biological and technical issues present in their detection and study, these particles can be found highly abundantly in the biofluid and encompass a wealth of macromolecules that have been reported to be related to many physiological and pathological processes, including cancer onset, metastasis spreading, and treatment resistance. The present study aims to perform a technical feasibility study to develop a new workflow for investigating EVs from several biological sources. Serum and urinary supernatant EVs of PCa, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients, and healthy donors were isolated and investigated by a fast, easily performable, and cost-effective cytofluorimetric approach for a multiplex detection of 37 EV-antigens. We also observed significant alterations in serum and urinary supernatant EVs potentially related to BPH and PCa, suggesting a potential clinical application of this workflow

    Implementing QVT-R bidirectional model transformations using alloy

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    QVT Relations (QVT-R) is the standard language proposed by the OMG to specify bidirectional model transformations. Unfortunately, in part due to ambiguities and omissions in the original semantics, acceptance and development of effective tool support has been slow. Recently, the checking semantics of QVT-R has been clarified and formalized. In this paper we propose a QVT-R tool that complies to such semantics. Unlike any other existing tool, it also supports meta-models enriched with OCL constraints (thus avoiding returning ill-formed models), and proposes an alternative enforcement semantics that works according to the simple and predictable “principle of least change”. The implementation is based on an embedding of both QVT-R transformations and UML class diagrams (annotated with OCL) in Alloy, a lightweight formal specification language with support for automatic model finding via SAT solving.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Hospital managers' need for information in decision-making--An interview study in nine European countries.

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    Assessments of new health technologies in Europe are often made at the hospital level. However, the guidelines for health technology assessment (HTA), e.g. the EUnetHTA Core Model, are produced by national HTA organizations and focus on decision-making at the national level. This paper describes the results of an interview study with European hospital managers about their need for information when deciding about investments in new treatments. The study is part of the AdHopHTA project. Face-to-face, structured interviews were conducted with 53 hospital managers from nine European countries. The hospital managers identified the clinical, economic, safety and organizational aspects of new treatments as being the most relevant for decision-making. With regard to economic aspects, the hospital managers typically had a narrower focus on budget impact and reimbursement. In addition to the information included in traditional HTAs, hospital managers sometimes needed information on the political and strategic aspects of new treatments, in particular the relationship between the treatment and the strategic goals of the hospital. If further studies are able to verify our results, guidelines for hospital-based HTA should be altered to reflect the information needs of hospital managers when deciding about investments in new treatments