24 research outputs found

    NeRF-VINS: A Real-time Neural Radiance Field Map-based Visual-Inertial Navigation System

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    Achieving accurate, efficient, and consistent localization within an a priori environment map remains a fundamental challenge in robotics and computer vision. Conventional map-based keyframe localization often suffers from sub-optimal viewpoints due to limited field of view (FOV), thus degrading its performance. To address this issue, in this paper, we design a real-time tightly-coupled Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)-aided visual-inertial navigation system (VINS), termed NeRF-VINS. By effectively leveraging NeRF's potential to synthesize novel views, essential for addressing limited viewpoints, the proposed NeRF-VINS optimally fuses IMU and monocular image measurements along with synthetically rendered images within an efficient filter-based framework. This tightly coupled integration enables 3D motion tracking with bounded error. We extensively compare the proposed NeRF-VINS against the state-of-the-art methods that use prior map information, which is shown to achieve superior performance. We also demonstrate the proposed method is able to perform real-time estimation at 15 Hz, on a resource-constrained Jetson AGX Orin embedded platform with impressive accuracy.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Parkin Modulates ERRα/eNOS Signaling Pathway in Endothelial Cells

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    Background/Aims: Although a number of reports documented the important role of parkin in mitophagy, emerging evidence also indicated additional functions of parkin besides mitophagy. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of parkin in the regulation of ERRα/eNOS pathway in endothelial cells (ECs). Methods: Mouse aortic endothelial cells (MAECs) and cardiac muscle HL-1 cells were transfected with parkin plasmid or siRNA. ERRα inhibitor XCT-790, autophagy inhibitor 3-MA and Bafilomycin A1, and caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK were used to block autophagy or apoptosis. Western blotting was performed to examine the protein levels. Flow cytometry was applied to determine the cell apoptosis and ROS production. Mitochondrial membrane potential was measured using JC-1 and TMRM. Immunoprecipitation was performed to confirm the parkin effect on ERRα ubiquitination. Results: Overexpression of parkin resulted in a significant reduction of total-eNOS and p-eNOS in parallel with the downregulation of ERRα (a regulator of eNOS) protein and the enhancement of ERRα ubiquitination. To test the role of ERRα in regulating eNOS in this experimental setting, we treated ECs with ERRα inhibitor and found a decrement of total-eNOS and p-eNOS. On the contrary, overexpression of ERRα increased the levels of total-eNOS and p-eNOS. Meanwhile, parkin overexpression induced mitochondrial dysfunction and cell apoptosis in both ECs and HL-1 cells. Finally, we confirmed that the parkin effect on the regulation of eNOS was independent of the autophagy and apoptosis. Conclusion: These findings suggested that parkin overexpression downregulated eNOS possibly through the ubiquitination of ERRα in endothelial cells

    The Pneumococcal Iron Uptake Protein a (PiuA) Specifically Recognizes Tetradentate FeIIIbis- and Mono-Catechol Complexes

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) is an important Gram-positive human pathogen that causes millions of infections worldwide with an increasing occurrence of antibiotic resistance. Fe acquisition is a crucial virulence determinant in Spn; further, Spn relies on exogenous FeIII-siderophore scavenging to meet nutritional Fe needs. Recent studies suggest that the human catecholamine stress hormone, norepinephrine (NE), facilitates Fe acquisition in Spn under conditions of transferrin-mediated Fe starvation. Here we show that the solute binding lipoprotein PiuA from the piu Fe acquisition ABC transporter PiuBCDA, previously described as an Fe-hemin binding protein, binds tetradentate catechol FeIII complexes, including NE and the hydrolysis products of enterobactin. Two protein-derived ligands (H238, Y300) create a coordinately-saturated FeIII complex, which parallel recent studies in the Gram-negative intestinal pathogen Campylobacter jejuni. Our in vitro studies using NMR spectroscopy and 54Fe LC-ICP-MS confirm the FeIII can move from transferrin to apo-PiuA in a NE-dependent manner. Structural analysis of PiuA FeIII-bis-catechol and GaIII-bis-catechol and GaIII-(NE)2 complexes by NMR spectroscopy reveals only localized structural perturbations in PiuA upon ligand binding, largely consistent with recent descriptions of other solute binding proteins of type II ABC transporters. We speculate that tetradentate FeIII complexes formed by mono- and bis-catechol species are important Fe sources in Gram-positive human pathogens, since PiuA functions in the same way as SstD from Staphylococcus aureus

    Exploring the Antibacterial Activity and Cellular Fates of Enterobactin–Drug Conjugates That Target Gram-Negative Bacterial Pathogens

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    ConspectusSiderophores are secondary metabolites utilized by bacteria to acquire iron (Fe), an essential transition metal nutrient. Fe levels in the host environment are tightly regulated and can be further restricted to starve invading bacterial pathogens in a host-defense process known as nutritional immunity. To survive and colonize the Fe-limited host environment, bacteria produce siderophores and express cognate siderophore transport machinery. These active transport pathways present an opportunity for selective and efficient drug delivery into bacterial cells, motivating decades of research on synthetic siderophore–antibiotic conjugates (SACs) as a Trojan-horse strategy for the development of targeted antibiotics.Enterobactin (Ent) is a triscatecholate siderophore produced and utilized by many Gram-negative bacteria, including all Escherichia coli and Salmonella species. Within these species, pathogenic strains cause a variety of human diseases including urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, and sepsis. Infections caused by these Gram-negative pathogens can be difficult to treat because of the impermeability of the outer membrane (OM). This impermeability can be overcome by utilizing siderophores as drug delivery vectors for targeting Gram-negative pathogens. Ent is a promising delivery vector because it undergoes active transport across the OM mediated by the Ent uptake machinery after scavenging Fe(III) from the extracellular environment. Despite the well-elucidated chemistry and biology of Ent, its use for SAC development was hampered by the lack of an appropriate functional group for cargo attachment. Our laboratory addressed this need by designing and synthesizing monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds. Over the past decade, we have used these scaffolds to explore Ent-based SACs with a variety of drug warheads, including ÎČ-lactam and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and Pt(IV) prodrugs. Investigations of the antibacterial activities of these conjugates and their cellular fates have informed our design principles and revealed approaches to achieving enhanced antibacterial potency and pathogen-targeted activity. Collectively, our studies of Ent–drug conjugates have provided discoveries, understanding, and invaluable insights for future design and evaluation of SACs.In this Account, we present the story of our work on Ent–drug conjugates that began about ten years ago with the development of monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds and the design and synthesis of various conjugates based on these scaffolds. We describe the antibacterial activity profiles and uptake pathways of Ent–drug conjugates harboring traditional antibiotics and repurposed platinum anticancer agents as well as studies that address cellular targets and fates. Finally, we discuss other applications of monofunctionalized Ent scaffolds, including a siderophore-based immunization strategy. We intend for this Account to inspire further investigations into the fundamental understanding and translational applications of siderophores and siderophore–drug conjugates

    Adjusting the Morphology and Properties of SiC Nanowires by Catalyst Control

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    We report on the growth of SiC nanowires on a single crystal Si substrate by pyrolysis of polycarbosilane and using two catalyst (Al2O3 and Ni) films with different thickness (2, 4, and 6 nm). The catalyst films were deposited on the Si substrate, and the SiC nanowires were grown according to two mechanisms, i.e., the oxide-assisted growth mechanism and vapor- liquid-solid mechanism. As a result, pearl-chain-like SiC nanowires and straight SiC nanowires were obtained. The prepared nanowires exhibited excellent photoluminescence properties, emission spectra displaying two emission peaks at 395 and 465 nm, and have good thermal stability below 1000 °C. The experimental results revealed the importance of the catalyst in controlling the morphology and properties of SiC nanowires

    Photochromism, UV-Vis, Vibrational and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Differently Colored Hackmanite

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    Because of the rich fluorescent color and unique photochromic properties, hackmanite has attracted many mineralogists. In this paper, the basic gemmological characteristics and photochromic and fluorescence mechanisms of four different colors of hackmanite are further investigated through the study of their structural, compositional, and spectroscopic features. The results show the change in the color of hackmanite in photochromism is caused by the joint action of the F-center and the oxygen hole centers. The change in the UV-Vis spectra may be caused by the superposition of two peaks. Under 365 nm UV excitation, the peak of fluorescence spectra of 662 nm is related to the 2∏g→2∏u transition of S2−, the blue emission at 441 nm is caused by the 3P0.1→1S0 transition of s2 ions (Pb2+, Tl+, Sn2+ Sb2+), and at 541 nm is caused by the Mn2+ center. The results are helpful in deepening the understanding of photochromism, fluorescence mechanism, and its structure, expanding the application of hackmanite

    Investigation of Siderophore–Platinum(IV) Conjugates Reveals Differing Antibacterial Activity and DNA Damage Depending on the Platinum Cargo

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    The growing threat of bacterial infections coupled with the dwindling arsenal of effective antibiotics has heightened the urgency for innovative strategies to combat bacterial pathogens, particularly Gram-negative strains, which pose a significant challenge due to their outer membrane permeability barrier. In this study, we repurpose clinically approved anticancer agents as targeted antibacterials. We report two new siderophore–platinum(IV) conjugates, both of which consist of an oxaliplatin-based Pt(IV) prodrug (oxPt(IV)) conjugated to enterobactin (Ent), a triscatecholate siderophore employed by Enterobacteriaceae for iron acquisition. We demonstrate that l/d-Ent-oxPt(IV) (l/d-EOP) are selectively delivered into the Escherichia coli cytoplasm, achieving targeted antibacterial activity, causing filamentous morphology, and leading to enhanced Pt uptake by bacterial cells but reduced Pt uptake by human cells. d-EOP exhibits enhanced potency compared to oxaliplatin and l-EOP, primarily attributed to the intrinsic antibacterial activity of its non-native siderophore moiety. To further elucidate the antibacterial activity of Ent–Pt(IV) conjugates, we probed DNA damage caused by l/d-EOP and the previously reported cisplatin-based conjugates l/d-Ent-Pt(IV) (l/d-EP). A comparative analysis of these four conjugates reveals a correlation between antibacterial activity and the ability to induce DNA damage. This work expands the scope of Pt cargos targeted to the cytoplasm of Gram-negative bacteria via Ent conjugation, provides insight into the cellular consequences of Ent–Pt(IV) conjugates in E. coli, and furthers our understanding of the potential of Pt-based therapeutics for antibacterial applications

    Sb-Containing Metal Oxide Catalysts for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3

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    Sb-containing catalysts (SbZrOx (SbZr), SbCeOx (SbCe), SbCeZrOx (SbCeZr)) were prepared by citric acid method and investigated for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx with NH3 (NH3-SCR). SbCeZr outperformed SbZr and SbCe and exhibited the highest activity with 80% NO conversion in the temperature window of 202–422 °C. Meanwhile, it also had good thermal stability and resistance against H2O and SO2. Various characterization methods, such as XRD, XPS, H2-TPR, NH3-TPD, and in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT), were applied to understand their different behavior in NOx removal. The presence of Sb in the metal oxides led to the difference in acid distribution and redox property, which closely related with the NH3 adsorption and NO oxidation. Brønsted acid and Lewis acid were evenly distributed on SbCe, while Brønsted acid dominated on SbCeZr. Compared with Brønsted acid, Lewis acid was slightly active in NH3-SCR. The competition between NH3 adsorption and NO oxidation was dependent on SbOx and metal oxides, which were found on SbCe while not on SbCeZr

    Role of Low-Molecular-Mass Penicillin-Binding Proteins, NagZ and AmpR in AmpC ÎČ-lactamase Regulation of Yersinia enterocolitica

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    Yersinia enterocolitica encodes a chromosomal AmpC ÎČ-lactamase under the regulation of the classical ampR-ampC system. To obtain a further understanding to the role of low-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins (LMM PBPs) including PBP4, PBP5, PBP6, and PBP7, as well as NagZ and AmpR in ampC regulation of Y. enterocolitica, series of single/multiple mutant strains were systematically constructed and the ampC expression levels were determined by luxCDABE reporter system, reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) and ÎČ-lactamase activity test. Sequential deletion of PBP5 and other LMM PBPs result in a continuously growing of ampC expression level, the ÎČ-lactamse activity of quadruple deletion strain YEΔ4Δ5Δ6Δ7 (pbp4, pbp5, pbp6, and pbp7 inactivated) is approached to the YEΔD123 (ampD1, ampD2, and ampD3 inactivated). Deletion of nagZ gene caused two completely different results in YEΔD123 and YEΔ4Δ5Δ6Δ7, NagZ is indispensable for YEΔ4Δ5Δ6Δ7 ampC derepression phenotype but dispensable for YEΔD123. AmpR is essential for ampC hyperproduction in these two types of strains, inactivation of AmpR notable reduced the ampC expression level in both YEΔD123 and YEΔ4Δ5Δ6Δ7