5,247 research outputs found

    Experiences in deploying metadata analysis tools for institutional repositories

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    Current institutional repository software provides few tools to help metadata librarians understand and analyze their collections. In this article, we compare and contrast metadata analysis tools that were developed simultaneously, but independently, at two New Zealand institutions during a period of national investment in research repositories: the Metadata Analysis Tool (MAT) at The University of Waikato, and the Kiwi Research Information Service (KRIS) at the National Library of New Zealand. The tools have many similarities: they are convenient, online, on-demand services that harvest metadata using OAI-PMH; they were developed in response to feedback from repository administrators; and they both help pinpoint specific metadata errors as well as generating summary statistics. They also have significant differences: one is a dedicated tool wheres the other is part of a wider access tool; one gives a holistic view of the metadata whereas the other looks for specific problems; one seeks patterns in the data values whereas the other checks that those values conform to metadata standards. Both tools work in a complementary manner to existing Web-based administration tools. We have observed that discovery and correction of metadata errors can be quickly achieved by switching Web browser views from the analysis tool to the repository interface, and back. We summarize the findings from both tools' deployment into a checklist of requirements for metadata analysis tools

    Spatial solitary-wave optical memory

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    We consider some features of spatial solitary-wave switching in a unidirectional ring cavity that is partially filled with a fast and saturably self-focusing nonlinear medium. Large (part-beam switched) solitary arrays are considered. It is found that prescribed binary patterns may be encoded in the duration of a single cavity transit and subsequently remain stable over thousands of transits. Beam interrupt allows pixels to be switched off in fewer than ten cavity transits. Pixel instabilities on an unpixelated beam are shown to arise from spatial solitary attractive forces and intensity gradients

    Quantum dots as scatterers in electronic transport : interference and correlations

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    Conductance through a system consisting of a wire with side-attached quantum dots is calculated. Such geometry of the device allows to study the coexistence of quantum interference, electron correlations and their influence on conductance. We underline the differences between "classical" Fano resonance in which the resonant channel is of single-particle nature and "many-body" Fano resonance with the resonant channel formed by Kondo effect. The influence of electron-electron interactions on the Fano resonance shape is also analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Solid State Communications, elsart styl

    Doping dependent Irreversible Magnetic Properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Single Crystals

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    We discuss the irreversible magnetic properties of self-flux grown Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 single crystals for a wide range of concentrations covering the whole phase diagram from the underdoped to the overdoped regime, x=0.038, 0.047, 0.058, 0.071, 0.074, 0.10, 0.106 and 0.118. Samples were characterized by a magneto-optical method and show excellent spatial uniformity of the superconducting state. The overall behavior closely follows classical Bean model of the critical state. The field-dependent magnetization exhibits second peak at a temperature and doping - dependent magnetic field, Hp. The evolution of this fishtail feature with doping is discussed. Magnetic relaxation is time-logarithmic and unusually fast. Similar to cuprates, there is an apparent crossover from collective elastic to plastic flux creep above Hp. At high fields, the field dependence of the relaxation rate becomes doping independent. We discuss our results in the framework of the weak collective pinning and show that vortex physics in iron-based pnictide crystals is much closer to high-Tc cuprates than to conventional s-wave (including MgB2) superconductors.Comment: for the special issue of Physica C on iron-based pnictide superconductor

    DLCQ String Spectrum from N=2{\cal N}=2 SYM Theory

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    We study non planar corrections to the spectrum of operators in the N=2{\mathcal N}=2 supersymmetric Yang Mills theory which are dual to string states in the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background with a {\em compact} light-cone direction. The existence of a positive definite discrete light-cone momentum greatly simplifies the operator mixing problem. We give some examples where the contribution of all orders in non-planar diagrams can be found analytically. On the string theory side this corresponds to finding the spectrum of a string state to all orders in string loop corrections.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    CR3 and Dectin-1 Collaborate in Macrophage Cytokine Response through Association on Lipid Rafts and Activation of Syk-JNK-AP-1 Pathway

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    Copyright: © 2015 Huang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited Acknowledgments We are grateful to the Second Core Laboratory of Research Core Facility at the National Taiwan University Hospital for confocal microscopy service and providing ultracentrifuge. We thank Dr. William E. Goldman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC) for kindly providing WT and ags1-null mutant of H. capsulatum G186A. Funding: This work is supported by research grants 101-2320-B-002-030-MY3 from the Ministry of Science and Technology (http://www.most.gov.tw) and AS-101-TP-B06-3 from Academia Sinica (http://www.sinica.edu.tw) to BAWH. GDB is funded by research grant 102705 from Welcome Trust (http://www.wellcome.ac.uk). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The pattern of underlying cause of death in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in England: a record linkage study

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    Background and Aims: Numerous studies have established that mortality risk in IBD patients is higher than the general population, but the causes of death have seldom been examined. We aimed to describe causes of death in IBD. Methods: A matched cohort study using UK general practice data from Clinical Practice Research Datalink linked to death registration records. We described the distribution of causes of death among IBD patients by age at death and time since IBD diagnosis. We estimated age-specific mortality rates and hazard ratios of death in multivariable Cox proportional hazards models. Results: 20,293 IBD patients were matched to 83,261 non-IBD patients. The mortality rate was 40% higher in IBD patients (2005 deaths) than in non-IBD patients (6024 deaths) (adjusted overall hazard ratio = 1.4, 95% CI = 1.4—1.5), with greater risk of death in Crohn’s disease (hazard ratio = 1.6, 1.5—1.7) than in ulcerative colitis (1.3, 1.3—1.4). Causes attributable to IBD constituted 3.7% of all deaths in ulcerative colitis and 8.3% in Crohn’s disease. Among IBD patients, death was less likely to be due to circulatory, respiratory or neoplastic diseases than non-IBD patients. In both IBD and non-IBD patients all these causes became more clinically important with advancing age, with the commonest neoplastic cause of death being lung cancer, rather than gastrointestinal cancers. Conclusion: IBD patients have an additional risk of death. Most IBD patients die of circulatory or respiratory causes, and the contribution to mortality from long-term complications of IBD are clinically less important

    Combining multiple classifications of chemical structures using consensus clustering

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    Consensus clustering involves combining multiple clusterings of the same set of objects to achieve a single clustering that will, hopefully, provide a better picture of the groupings that are present in a dataset. This Letter reports the use of consensus clustering methods on sets of chemical compounds represented by 2D fingerprints. Experiments with DUD, IDAlert, MDDR and MUV data suggests that consensus methods are unlikely to result in significant improvements in clustering effectiveness as compared to the use of a single clustering method. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Stratified Redox Model for the Ediacaran Ocean

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    The Ediacaran Period (635 to 542 million years ago) was a time of fundamental environmental and evolutionary change, culminating in the first appearance of macroscopic animals. Here, we present a detailed spatial and temporal record of Ediacaran ocean chemistry for the Doushantuo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China. We find evidence for a metastable zone of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) waters impinging on the continental shelf and sandwiched within ferruginous [Fe(II)-enriched] deep waters. A stratified ocean with coeval oxic, sulfidic, and ferruginous zones, favored by overall low oceanic sulfate concentrations, was maintained dynamically throughout the Ediacaran Period. Our model reconciles seemingly conflicting geochemical redox conditions proposed previously for Ediacaran deep oceans and helps to explain the patchy temporal record of early metazoan fossils