303 research outputs found

    Kort- og langtidseffekter i Zebrafisk som fĂžlge av tidlig eksponering for antropogene kjemikalier

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    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are anthropogenic chemicals omnipresent in the environment and animal tissues. Due to their persistency they are rarely found as single compounds within organisms but rather in complex mixtures. Epidemiological and animal studies have associated exposure to POPs with adverse effects spanning the lifetime of an organism. However, as these chemicals might interact in a synergistic or antagonistic manner, predicting their effects from single chemical toxicology studies is challenging. Additionally, due to the lipophilic nature of many of these chemicals, solvents are used in animal studies to accommodate their administration to test tissues although the solvents themselves may also affect endpoints of interest. The aims of the current thesis were to evaluate whether methodological approaches such as the use of solvents and other laboratory practices can affect the outcome of toxicology studies using a behavioral paradigm in zebrafish. Additionally, using zebrafish as an animal model we set to investigate the short- and long-term effects of chemical exposure to a complex mixture of POPs on physiological and behavioral endpoints. Neurotoxicity effects of chemicals are often evaluated using behavioral tests, and zebrafish larvae have been used regularly in recent years because of their small size that facilitates large screening of multiple chemicals simultaneously. However, many different experimental and methodological parameters can affect the locomotor behavior of larval zebrafish. Using a light-dark transition test we investigated whether different concentrations of common solvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol can affect basal locomotor behavior. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of other parameters such as the use of the antifungal agent (methylene blue, MB), media volume in wells and different laboratory strains. Finally, we tested the interaction between DMSO or MB with positive controls on behavioral endpoints. DMSO and MB increased basal locomotor activity in a dose dependent manner as did media volume. Furthermore, even if basal locomotor activity was different among zebrafish stains, all strains responded in the same manner to the solvents and MB, therefore the choice of strains should not be of concern when designing behavioral tests using zebrafish. However, results indicated that DMSO and MB could both have additive or interactive effects on behavioral endpoints when combined with positive controls (Paper I). Taking into consideration the parameters affecting zebrafish larval behavior, we investigated the short and long-term effects of exposure to a complex mixture of POPs or perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) on zebrafish larvae and adults. The POP mixture consists of 29 chemicals and was based on the average blood levels in the Scandinavian population. PFOS was identified as a driving agent of behavioral changes in previous studies and was included as a single exposure to test whether responses to the mixture are comparable to PFOS responses. Embryos were exposed to two concentrations of the POP mixture or PFOS alone (10x and 70x what is found on average human blood levels) from 6 – 96 hours post fertilization (hpf) and afterwards reared in clean water until adulthood. In larvae we tested the effects of exposure on behavior, using the light-dark transition and thigmotaxis test and we employed transcriptomics analysis in order to identify possible mechanisms of action. In adults we measured growth, swimming performance, and reproductive output at different life stages. In addition, we assessed anxiety behavior of the adults and their offspring, as well as performing a transcriptomic analysis on the adult zebrafish brain. Behavioral responses of 96 hpf larvae included hyperactivity and higher thigmotaxis in the exposed individuals. Transcriptome analysis revealed upregulation of transcripts related to muscle contraction and further pathway analysis revealed that one of the most affected pathways was the calcium signaling pathway via the activation of ryanodine receptors (RyR). Mechanistic analyses with RyR inhibitors and behavioral outcomes substantiate these findings. In adults, exposure to the POP mixture and PFOS reduced swimming performance and increased length and weight, compared to controls. No effect of developmental exposure was observed on reproductive output, adult anxiety behavior, or behavior of subsequent offspring. Pathway analysis of the brain transcriptome of adults exposed as larvae to the low concentration of PFOS revealed enrichment in pathways such as calcium, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) signaling, all of which are important for learning and memory (Paper II & III) To conclude, the results obtained in this dissertation increase our understanding of how different methodological approaches can affect the locomotor activity of larval zebrafish and point to the necessity of protocol standardization to increase the reproducibility and comparability of results among laboratories. Zebrafish proved a useful and practical model to assess the toxicity of complex POP mixtures. Most of the effects were comparable between single and mixture exposures, but some differences were also evident, such as exposure effects on gene expression.Persistente organiske miljĂžgifter (POPs) er menneskeskapte kjemikalier som finnes i levende organismer og i miljĂžet de lever i. PĂ„ grunn av sin persistens og tendens til oppkonsentrering i nĂŠringskjeder, finnes de sjelden alene, men i komplekse blandinger. Epidemiologiske data og dyrestudier viser at eksponering for POPs kan vĂŠre forbundet med helseskadelige effekter. POPs vil kunne interagere med hverandre pĂ„ ulike mĂ„ter slik at det ikke er mulig Ă„ forutsi hva slags effekter de mĂ„tte ha basert pĂ„ kunnskap om enkeltstoffer. I tillegg er det slik at mange POPs er fettlĂžselige. Det gjĂžr at man mĂ„ bruke lĂžsemidler for Ă„ anvende dem i eksperimentelle studier. LĂžsemidler kan i seg selv ha uĂžnskede effekter og i noen tilfeller pĂ„virke de endepunktene man Ăžnsker Ă„ undersĂžke. Hensikten med denne avhandlingen var Ă„ vurdere om metodisk tilnĂŠrming, blant annet bruk av lĂžsemidler, kunne pĂ„virke resultatene i toksikologiske studier knyttet til adferd hos zebrafisk. I tillegg ble zebrafisk brukt som dyremodell for studier av kort- og langsiktige effekter pĂ„ fysiologiske og adferdsmessige endepunkter etter eksponering med en kompleks blanding av POPs

    Kazuo Ishiguro's Non-Actors

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    An Ethnographic Interpretation of the Smoke Rising and Smoke Descending Ceremonial Attire of the Sa\u27dan Malimbong Toraja

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    The modern Toraja ceremonial attire worn for the smoke rising and the smoke descending rituals are woven in the Sa\u27dan Malimbong villages on back strap looms with a continuous warp using both continuous and discontinuous two-faced supplementary weft decorative elements (Christou, 1997; 2005). The smoke rising, or Rambu-Tuka\u27, and smoke descending, or Rambu- Solo\u27, ceremonies are a body of rituals associated with the traditional Toraja religion, or Aluk Todolo; therefore, they form the belief structure of pre-Islamic and Christian Tana Toraja (Mattulada, 1978, p. 135). The style and design elements associated with the traditional religion persist despite changes in materials and decorative techniques. The present day Toraja ceremonial attire from Sa’dan Malimbong, South Sulawesi in the Republic of Indonesia, has the same tailoring and decorative elements as the former traditional bark cloth and woven pina fibre variations. “The widths of woven cloth are important in the shaping of garments made from them. There are certain widths of looms belonging to different cultures and these influence the clothing of those cultures....It is important to historians and ethnologists because by taking note of a change in costume cut they can detect a change in population or at least the domination of that population” (Burnham, 1973, p. 34). The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the Indonesian textile literature on Sa\u27dan Toraja weaving and its use in traditional ceremonies. I illustrate how cloth is important in establishing and maintaining social relationships as well as establishing cultural identity. The ceremonial attire is worn today at two life cycle events of weddings and funerals. By observing how these articles are made and worn we may have a better understanding of the Toraja culture and insight into their world view (Miller, 1985). The ceremonial attire is part of the material culture surrounding the smoke ascending and smoke descending rituals: All these elements are appropriate to the building up of the auspicious context of the major rites (Ibid, p. 140). The data for this paper, as well as data for my Master’s thesis (1997), was collected during ethnographic fieldwork I conducted in the four weaving villages of Sangkombong, Sangaropi, Matallo, and To\u27Barana\u27 of Sa\u27dan Malimbong in the Regency of Tana Toraja from June 1993 to June 1994. I lived, wove and participated in the day-to-day activities of the To’Barana’ village. By observing the weaving process and the use of the resulting textiles and clothing within the socio-cultural context, I discerned how the weaver\u27s knowledge of the back strap loom, the techniques of patterning, and the final tailoring of the cloth offer insight into its use

    Bud fertility of Cypriot grape varieties Maratheftiko and Xynisteri (V.vinifera) and comparison with five international grape varieties. Characteristics of the Seed Germination and Seedlings of Cypriot Grape Variety Maratheftiko (V. vinifera)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Viticultura e Enologia - Vinifera EuroMaster. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. University of AdelaideThe implications of climate change on the wine growing regions globally and in particular the Mediterranean are calling for adaptation measures. One of those measures is the investigation of grape varieties indigenous to hot climates, such as those found in Cyprus. Interest in these varieties, in particular Vitis vinifera Xynisteri and Maratheftiko has been expanding during the last decade with particular focus in their drought tolerance traits and potential suitability as an adaptation measure against climate change. However, bud fertility of Cypriot varieties or their seed germination behaviour for selection purposes have not yet been investigated and little is known about the performance of these varieties under a viticultural context. This study has two major aims (1) to assess bud fertility of the Cypriot V. vinifera varieties Maratheftiko and Xynisteri and compare them to well established varieties and (2) to assess strategies for seed germination of the Cypriot variety Maratheftiko (V. vinifera) and evaluate the different phenotypes produced from the seeds. Bud fertility of the Cypriot grape varieties was measured and compared to grape varieties Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mataro, Sangiovese and Nero D’Avola. The bud dissection measurements revealed that Maratheftiko had a greater inflorescence primordia number (2.04) and Xynisteri a greater inflorescence primordia cross-sectional area (0.098 mm2) compared to the other varieties assessed. Seed germination of Maratheftiko (V. vinifera) was studied and two optimum protocols were identified, to achieve a germination rate greater than 50 %: 1) manual extraction + soak in NaOCl for 10 mins + distilled water wash + dry over few hrs + 84 d stratification + planted in seed raising mixture and 2) manual extraction + wash with distilled water + dry over few hrs + 98 d stratification + planted in seed raising mixture. This study sets the preliminary ground to characterize bud fertility and seed germination of Cypriot varieties and will permit to optimize further protocols related to grapevine selection and phenotyping.As implicaçÔes das alteraçÔes climĂĄticas nas regiĂ”es vitĂ­colas a nĂ­vel mundial e em particular no MediterrĂąneo exigem medidas de adaptação. Uma dessas medidas Ă© a investigação de variedades de uvas nativas de climas quentes, como as encontradas em Chipre. O interesse por essas variedades, em particular Vitis vinifera Xynisteri e Maratheftiko, tem se expandido durante a Ășltima dĂ©cada, com foco particular em suas caracterĂ­sticas de tolerĂąncia Ă  seca e potencial adequação como medida de adaptação contra as mudanças climĂĄticas. No entanto, a fertilidade de gemas de variedades cipriotas ou o comportamento da germinação de sementes para fins de seleção ainda nĂŁo foram investigados e pouco se sabe sobre o desempenho dessas variedades em um contexto vitĂ­cola. Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais (1) avaliar a fertilidade das gemas das variedades cipriotas V. vinifera Maratheftiko e Xynisteri e comparĂĄ-las com variedades bem estabelecidas e (2) avaliar estratĂ©gias para a germinação de sementes da variedade cipriota Maratheftiko (V. vinifera) e avaliar os diferentes fenĂłtipos produzidos a partir das sementes. A fertilidade das gemas das castas cipriotas foi medida e comparada com as castas Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mataro, Sangiovese e Nero D’Avola. As medidas de dissecção de gemas revelaram que Maratheftiko apresentou maior nĂșmero de primĂłrdios de inflorescĂȘncia (2,04) e Xynisteri maior ĂĄrea de seção transversal de primĂłrdios de inflorescĂȘncia (0,098 mm2) em relação Ă s demais variedades avaliadas. A germinação de sementes de Maratheftiko (V. vinifera) foi estudada e dois protocolos Ăłtimos foram identificados, para atingir uma taxa de germinação superior a 50%: 1) extração manual + imersĂŁo em NaOCl por 10 minutos + lavagem com ĂĄgua destilada + secagem em poucas horas + 84 d estratificação + plantação em sementeira e 2) extração manual + lavagem com ĂĄgua destilada + secagem em poucas horas + 98 d estratificação + plantação em sementeira. Este estudo estabelece as bases preliminares para caracterizar a fertilidade de gemas e germinação de sementes de variedades cipriotas e permitirĂĄ otimizar outros protocolos relacionados Ă  seleção e fenotipagem da videira.N/

    Interaction Analysis in Performing Arts: A Case Study in Multimodal Choreography

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    International audienceThe growing overture towards interacting virtual words and the variety of uses, have brought great changes in the performing arts, that worth a profound analysis in order to understand the emerging issues. We examine the performance conception for its embodiment capacity with a methodology based on interaction analysis. Finally, we propose a new situation of multimodal choreography that respects the aforementioned analysis, and we evaluate the results on a simulation exercise

    Extracting value from their environment: some observations on pimping and prostitution as entrepreneurship.

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    There has been an upsurge in academic studies relating to the underclass as a marginalized group. Notwithstanding this, the literature seldom represents the underclass as an economically active grouping. This study counters this stance by considering street prostitutes and pimps as economically active members of an entrepreneurial underclass. Although previous studies have wrapped the prostitute (and particularly the Madame) in the mantle of entrepreneurship none have sought to do so in relation to the pimp who traditionally has been portrayed as a swaggering, flamboyant, violent, ruthless, calculating individual existing at the margins of society. In reality they remain an elusive and difficult to research genre. Few ever publicly accept the persona. Indeed, pimping runs contrary to accepted masculine doxa of what it means to be a man, making it deeply shameful to live off the immoral earnings of women. This paper, based upon the observations of the authors, adopts a semiotic perspective to re-focus these elusive characters in the entrepreneurial and criminological gaze. By concentrating upon prostitution and pimping as an entrepreneurial behaviour, and not on the prostitutes and pimps as entrepreneurial types, the paper contributes to extant knowledge by developing an appreciation of entrepreneurial strategies employed by them to create and extract value from their environment. The methodology circumvented the issues of access allowing a wider sociological discussion to develop, as well as highlighting other ethical issues of researching street level entrepreneurship

    Enaction, interaction multisensorielle : théorie, technologie et expériences pour les arts numériques

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    This interdisciplinary research lies at the intersection of cognitive sciences, computer science and arts. It addresses issues about perception and understanding of artistic experience with digital technologies. Computer is considered as a powerful creation tool and we question its possible functional role in digital arts. A key component of the response is situated, in our view, in the notion of embodiement. It’s a perception and cognitive aspect that we can not directly approach, because it’s an emerging process which is built during action. In this thesis, four criteria have been identified to describe and evaluate embodiement processes in creative situation (reception or reception-action). These criteria are : 1/ consistency of sensory feedbacks of the technology (for example, coherence between sound and image, or between sound, gesture and image) ; 2/ the nature of the perceived and performed action ; 3/ the cognitive immersion feeling of the participants ; 4/ the evocative power of the sensorimotor situation (perception or/and action).Cette recherche interdisciplinaire se situe Ă  l’intersection des sciences cognitives, de l’informatique et des arts. Nous y traitons de questions relatives Ă  la perception et comprĂ©hension d’une expĂ©rience artistique dans le contexte de technologies numĂ©riques. Nous considĂ©rons en effet l’ordinateur comme un outil puissant de crĂ©ation et nous nous posons la question du comment son rĂŽle peut ĂȘtre fonctionnellement introduit dans les arts numĂ©riques.Une des clĂ©s de la rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question se situe, Ă  notre sens, dans la notion d’incorporation (embodiement, en anglais). Il s’agit d’un aspect de la perception et de la cognition humaine que nous ne pouvons pas approcher de maniĂšre directe, car il s’agit d’un processus Ă©mergent qui se construit avec l’action. Dans cette thĂšse, nous avons fait Ă©merger quatre critĂšres pour qualifier puis tenter d’évaluer les processus d’incorporation en situation crĂ©ative, soit de rĂ©ception, soit de rĂ©ception et d’action. Ces critĂšres sont : 1/ la cohĂ©rence des retours sensoriels proposĂ©e par le systĂšme technologique, par exemple la cohĂ©rence entre le son et l’image ou entre le son, le geste et l’image ; 2/ la nature de l’action telle que perçue et effectuĂ©e ; 3/ la sensation d’immersion cognitive des participants et 4/ le potentiel Ă©vocateur de la situation sensori-motrice proposĂ©e Ă  la perception et/ou Ă  l’action

    Tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality

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    Purpose Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, service organizations rushed to deploy robots to serve people in quarantine, again igniting the ongoing dispute regarding robots in tourism. This study aims to investigate tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of robots and, more specifically, anthropomorphic robots in the tourism domain. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative inquiry was used to delve deep into the issue of tourists’ perceptions regarding the usage of anthropomorphic robots in tourism, with a total number of 78 interviews with tourists being retained in the study. Findings The findings reveal that tourists favor the use of anthropomorphic robots over any other type of robot. The use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism may result in an overall enhanced experiential value. Even so, informants also expressed frustration, sadness and disappointment vis-à-vis the use of robots in a human-driven industry. Research limitations/implications A conceptual continuum of tourists’ perceptions and concerns over the use of robots is presented that can guide future studies. Tourism stakeholders may look at the possibility of incorporating carefully designed anthropomorphic robots in key service positions, but should not give the impression that robots are replacing the human face of the organization. Practical implications Tourism stakeholders may look at the possibility of incorporating carefully designed anthropomorphic robots in key service positions, but should not give the impression that robots are replacing the human face of the organization. Originality/value Tourism organizations that make use of robots run the risk of being perceived as nonanthropocentric. This leads to the conclusion that anthropomorphism could be used but should not replace the sector’s anthropocentrism. The study conveys tourists’ concerns over technological (robot) determinism

    A politics of auto-cannibalism:Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale

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    The debate concerning the biblical intertexts of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale has revolved around the question of the Bible’s role in the latter: as a tool for suppression and as a potential tool for subversion. The present article re-opens this crucial debate, shifting its focus and contributing to it in two interrelated ways. Whilst the explicit link between the theocracy of Atwood’s Gilead and its totalitarianism has been elaborated on, a specific analogy between Gilead and Nazi Germany drawn in the text remains underexplored in terms of its correlation with the novel’s biblical intertexts. This essay engages with the Gilead-Nazi Germany analogy in these terms, focusing – and this is its second contribution – on the novel’s intertextual entanglement with the story of the sacrificial lamb of the Passover, which still remains unexamined today, in 2015, the year that marks the thirtieth anniversary of the novel’s publication. Both the Passover sacrifice and Atwood’s novel, I will argue, present us with a figurative self-consumption that points to a politics of ‘auto-cannibalism’, which illuminates the parallel between Gilead and Nazi Germany whilst fleshing out its implications on Atwood’s treatment of the tripartite association between politics, sacrifice, and eating
