334 research outputs found

    Contact dynamics testing of automated three point docking mechanism

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    TRW has conducted an extensive Contact Dynamics Test Program (CDTP) of the Three Point Docking Mechanism (TPDM). The CDTP tested the ability of the TPDM latches to capture and automatically dock to target spacecraft. The target selected was the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Mock ups of the TPDM with its three latches and the docking interface of the HST were constructed at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama for use in the tests. The tests were performed at the Flat Floor and Six Degree of Freedom (6-DOF) facilities at MSFC

    Protecting unparticles from the MSSM Higgs sector

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    We construct a model of an unparticle sector consisting of a supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theory with the number of flavors in the Seiberg conformal window. We couple this sector to the MSSM via heavy messengers. The resulting low energy theory has a Higgs coupling to unparticles. The Higgs vev drives the hidden Seiberg sector to a new conformal fixed point. The coupling to the Higgs mediates supersymmetry breaking to the Seiberg sector, and breaks conformal invariance at a lower scale. The low energy theory contains light stable and metastable mesons. Higgs decay into this sector gives signatures which are similar to those of "hidden valley" models. Decays of the lightest superpartner of standard model particles into the hidden sector reveal potentially observable unparticle kinematics.Comment: References added. 11 pages, 4 figure

    Dark matter in natural supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model

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    We explore the dark matter sector in extensions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) that can provide a good fit to the PAMELA cosmic ray positron excess, while at the same time addressing the little hierarchy problem of the MSSM. Adding a singlet Higgs superfield, S, can account for the observed positron excess, as recently discussed in the literature, but we point out that it requires a fine-tuned choice for the parameters of the model. We find that including an additional singlet allows both a reduction of the weak-scale fine-tuning, and an interpretation of the cosmic ray observations in terms of dark matter annihilations in the galactic halo. Our setup contains a light axion, but does not require light CP-even scalars in the spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, references adde

    Odyssey personal communications satellite system

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    The spectacular growth of cellular telephone networks has proved the demand for personal communications. Large regions of the world are too sparsely populated to be economically served by terrestrial cellular communications. Since satellites are well suited to this application, TRW filed with the FCC on May 31, 1993 for the Odyssey construction permit. Odyssey will provide high quality wireless communication services worldwide from satellites. These services will include: voice, data, paging, and messaging. Odyssey will be an economical approach to providing communications. A constellation of 12 satellites will be orbited in three, 55 deg. inclined planes at an altitude of 10,354 km to provide continuous coverage of designated regions. Two satellites will be visible anywhere in the world at all times. This dual visibility leads to high line-of-sight elevation angles, minimizing obstructions by terrain, trees and buildings. Each satellite generates a multibeam antenna pattern that divides its coverage area into a set of contiguous cells. The communications system employs spread spectrum CDMA on both the uplinks and downlinks. This signaling method permits band sharing with other systems and applications. Signal processing is accomplished on the ground at the satellite's 'Gateway' stations. The 'bent pipe' transponders accommodates different regional standards, as well as signaling changes over time. The low power Odyssey handset will be cellular compatible. Multipath fade protection is provided in the handset

    InP shallow-homojunction solar cells

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    Indium phosphide solar cells with very thin n-type emitters have been made by both ion implantation and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Air mass zero efficiencies as high as 18.8 percent (NASA measurement) have been achieved. Although calculations show that, as is the case with GaAs, a heterostructure is expected to be required for the highest efficiencies attainable, the material properties of InP give the shallow-homojunction structure a greater potential than in the case of GaAs. The best cells, which were those made by ion implantation, show open-circuit voltage (V sub oc) of 873 mV, short-circuit current of 357 A/sq m (35.7 mA/sq cm), and fill factor of 0.829. Improvements are anticipated in all three of these parameters. Internal quantum efficiency peaks at over 90 percent in the red end of the spectrum, but drops to 54 percent in the blue end. Other cells have achieved 74 percent in the blue end. Detailed modeling of the data indicates that a high front surface recombination velocity is responsible for the low blue response, that the carrier lifetime is high enough to allow good carrier collection from both the base and the emitter, and that the voltage is base-limited

    Nonlinear theory of resonant slow waves in anisotropic and dispersive plasmas

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    The solar corona is a typical example of a plasma with strongly anisotropic transport processes. The main dissipative mechanisms in the solar corona acting on slow magnetoacoustic waves are the anisotropic thermal conductivity and viscosity [Ballai et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 252 (1998)] developed the nonlinear theory of driven slow resonant waves in such a regime. In the present paper the nonlinear behavior of driven magnetohydrodynamic waves in the slow dissipative layer in plasmas with strongly anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity is expanded by considering dispersive effects due to Hall currents. The nonlinear governing equation describing the dynamics of nonlinear resonant slow waves is supplemented by a term which describes nonlinear dispersion and is of the same order of magnitude as nonlinearity and dissipation. The connection formulas are found to be similar to their nondispersive counterparts

    The rapid dispersal of low-mass virialised clusters

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    Infant mortality brought about by the expulsion of a star cluster's natal gas is widely invoked to explain cluster statistics at different ages. While a well studied problem, most recent studies of gas expulsion's effect on a cluster have focused on massive clusters, with stellar counts of order 10410^4. Here we argue that the evolutionary timescales associated with the compact low-mass clusters typical of the median cluster in the Solar neighborhood are short enough that significant dynamical evolution can take place over the ages usually associated with gas expulsion. To test this we perform {\it N}-body simulations of the dynamics of a very young star forming region, with initial conditions drawn from a large-scale hydrodynamic simulation of gravitational collapse and fragmentation. The subclusters we analyse, with populations of a few hundred stars, have high local star formation efficiencies and are roughly virialised even after the gas is removed. Over 10 Myr they expand to a similar degree as would be expected from gas expulsion if they were initially gas-rich, but the expansion is purely due to the internal stellar dynamics of the young clusters. The expansion is such that the stellar densities at 2 Myr match those of YSOs in the Solar neighborhood. We argue that at the low-mass end of the cluster mass spectrum, a deficit of clusters at 10s of Myr does not necessarily imply gas expulsion as a disruption mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, accepted to MNRAS. Updated to match accepted version: title changed, one new subsection, some new figure

    Evidence for Cold Accretion: Primitive Gas Flowing onto a Galaxy at z~0.274

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    We present UV and optical observations from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck of a z= 0.27395 Lyman limit system (LLS) seen in absorption against the QSO PG1630+377. We detect H I absorption with log N(HI)=17.06\pm0.05 as well as Mg II, C III, Si III, and O VI in this system. The column densities are readily explained if this is a multi-phase system, with the intermediate and low ions arising in a very low metallicity ([Mg/ H] =-1.71 \pm 0.06) photoionized gas. We identify via Keck spectroscopy and Large Binocular Telescope imaging a 0.3 L_* star-forming galaxy projected 37 kpc from the QSO at nearly identical redshift (z=0.27406, \Delta v = -26 \kms) with near solar metallicity ([O/ H]=-0.20 \pm 0.15). The presence of very low metallicity gas in the proximity of a near-solar metallicity, sub-L_* galaxy strongly suggests that the LLS probes gas infalling onto the galaxy. A search of the literature reveals that such low metallicity LLSs are not uncommon. We found that 50% (4/8) of the well-studied z < 1 LLSs have metallicities similar to the present system and show sub-L_* galaxies with rho < 100 kpc in those fields where redshifts have been surveyed. We argue that the properties of these primitive LLSs and their host galaxies are consistent with those of cold mode accretion streams seen in galaxy simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Slightly Non-Minimal Dark Matter in PAMELA and ATIC

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    We present a simple model in which dark matter couples to the standard model through a light scalar intermediary that is itself unstable. We find this model has several notable features, and allows a natural explanation for a surplus of positrons, but no surplus of anti-protons, as has been suggested by early data from PAMELA and ATIC. Moreover, this model yields a very small nucleon coupling, well below the direct detection limits. In this paper we explore the effect of this model in both the early universe and in the galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, v3: updated for new data, added discussion of Ferm
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