1,069 research outputs found

    Neural networks: a pattern recognition perspective

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    The majority of current applications of neural networks are concerned with problems in pattern recognition. In this article we show how neural networks can be placed on a principled, statistical foundation, and we discuss some of the practical benefits which this brings

    Neural networks: A principled perspective

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    Introductory accounts of artificial neural networks often rely for motivation on analogies with models of information processing in biological networks. One limitation of such an approach is that it offers little guidance on how to find optimal algorithms, or how to verify the correct performance of neural network systems. A central goal of this paper is to draw attention to a quite different viewpoint in which neural networks are seen as algorithms for statistical pattern recognition based on a principled, i.e. theoretically well-founded, framework. We illustrate the concept of a principled viewpoint by considering a specific issue concerned with the interpretation of the outputs of a trained network. Finally, we discuss the relevance of such an approach to the issue of the validation and verification of neural network systems

    Regularization and complexity control in feed-forward networks

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    In this paper we consider four alternative approaches to complexity control in feed-forward networks based respectively on architecture selection, regularization, early stopping, and training with noise. We show that there are close similarities between these approaches and we argue that, for most practical applications, the technique of regularization should be the method of choice

    Bayesian methods for neural networks

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    Bayesian techniques have been developed over many years in a range of different fields, but have only recently been applied to the problem of learning in neural networks. As well as providing a consistent framework for statistical pattern recognition, the Bayesian approach offers a number of practical advantages including a potential solution to the problem of over-fitting. This chapter aims to provide an introductory overview of the application of Bayesian methods to neural networks. It assumes the reader is familiar with standard feed-forward network models and how to train them using conventional techniques

    Mixture density networks

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    Minimization of a sum-of-squares or cross-entropy error function leads to network outputs which approximate the conditional averages of the target data, conditioned on the input vector. For classifications problems, with a suitably chosen target coding scheme, these averages represent the posterior probabilities of class membership, and so can be regarded as optimal. For problems involving the prediction of continuous variables, however, the conditional averages provide only a very limited description of the properties of the target variables. This is particularly true for problems in which the mapping to be learned is multi-valued, as often arises in the solution of inverse problems, since the average of several correct target values is not necessarily itself a correct value. In order to obtain a complete description of the data, for the purposes of predicting the outputs corresponding to new input vectors, we must model the conditional probability distribution of the target data, again conditioned on the input vector. In this paper we introduce a new class of network models obtained by combining a conventional neural network with a mixture density model. The complete system is called a Mixture Density Network, and can in principle represent arbitrary conditional probability distributions in the same way that a conventional neural network can represent arbitrary functions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Mixture Density Networks using both a toy problem and a problem involving robot inverse kinematics

    Neural Networks

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    We present an overview of current research on artificial neural networks, emphasizing a statistical perspective. We view neural networks as parameterized graphs that make probabilistic assumptions about data, and view learning algorithms as methods for finding parameter values that look probable in the light of the data. We discuss basic issues in representation and learning, and treat some of the practical issues that arise in fitting networks to data. We also discuss links between neural networks and the general formalism of graphical models

    Modelling wind direction from satellite scatterometer data

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    Most of the common techniques for estimating conditional probability densities are inappropriate for applications involving periodic variables. In this paper we apply two novel techniques to the problem of extracting the distribution of wind vector directions from radar scatterometer data gathered by a remote-sensing satellite

    A hierarchical latent variable model for data visualization

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    Visualization has proven to be a powerful and widely-applicable tool the analysis and interpretation of data. Most visualization algorithms aim to find a projection from the data space down to a two-dimensional visualization space. However, for complex data sets living in a high-dimensional space it is unlikely that a single two-dimensional projection can reveal all of the interesting structure. We therefore introduce a hierarchical visualization algorithm which allows the complete data set to be visualized at the top level, with clusters and sub-clusters of data points visualized at deeper levels. The algorithm is based on a hierarchical mixture of latent variable models, whose parameters are estimated using the expectation-maximization algorithm. We demonstrate the principle of the approach first on a toy data set, and then apply the algorithm to the visualization of a synthetic data set in 12 dimensions obtained from a simulation of multi-phase flows in oil pipelines and to data in 36 dimensions derived from satellite images
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