652 research outputs found

    Aesthetic experience : visual culture as the masterpiece of nonhumanity

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    Artworks and the paradoxes of media-transmitted reality

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    This article analyzes selected classic art that influences contemporary images. The basis of this study is an analysis of the transformation of long-established and internationally-recognized artwork through digital technology and social media. This investigation also highlights the symbolic meaning behind the representation and reproduction of media images concerning the political impact of global visual culture. Visual culture consists of images of reality that are constantly being reconfigured. Thus, the visual arts develop consensually, based on democratic ideals and freedom of expression. Nonetheless, transgression occurs due to a lack of universal reference criteria and a dissolution of common human values. This situation explains why visual culture is often misunderstood and remains unassimilated. In addition, actual tragedies in life even become confused with art due to the fact that art so often closely imitates reality. Visual arts, a significant area of concern for media outlets, involves deciphering the meaning of images that have been manipulated and instrumentalized according to particular political and ideological interests. The objective of the current proposal is to help people discern fact from fiction and to look at and understand society's emergence and relationship to democracy. Therefore, visual arts will be analyzed through a historical and iconological lens to investigate it as a form of communication and current social effects of political images. Finally, it is also considered the artifice of images and the absolute reference values of human existence on visual arts in the face of technological progress and their effects on social networks.20718

    Managing Diversity in virtuellen Teams – didaktische Strategien zur Unterstützung eines wertschätzenden Umgangs mit kultureller Vielfalt

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    Der Beitrag geht von der Idee aus, dass Unterschiedlichkeit von Menschen für die Gemeinschaft nicht nur Probleme schafft, sondern ein positives Potential in sich trägt. Dies entspricht der Grundannahme eines Management-Ansatzes, der in den letzten Jahren in der nordamerikanischen Wirtschaft zur Personalführung unter dem Schlagwort "Managing Diversity" entwickelt wurde. In dem Beitrag wird diese grundlegende Idee auf die Zusammenarbeit in interkulturellen virtuellen Teams angewandt. Dabei wird auf Erfahrungen zurückgegriffen, die in standortübergreifenden Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachkulturen und z.T. auch unterschiedlicher Muttersprachen gesammelt wurden. Es werden erste Hypothesen zu didaktischen Strategien der Unterstützung eines wertschätzenden Umgangs mit kultureller Vielfalt in studentischen virtuellen Teams präsentiert. (Der Artikel erscheint vorraussichtlich im Februar 2005 in: Beneke, Jürgen; Jarman, Francis: Interkulturalität in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Schriftenreihe der Universitätsbibliothek Hildesheim

    Familienfreundlicher Betrieb: Einführung, Akzeptanz und Nutzung von familienfreundlichen Maßnahmen. Eine empirische Untersuchung

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    Die Verbesserung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ist eine breit unterstützte Forderung, die in zunehmendem Maße auch an die Unternehmen adressiert wird. In einer kleinen, aber kontinuierlich wachsenden Zahl von Betrieben werden familienfreundliche Maßnahmen praktiziert. Wenig ist bisher jedoch darüber bekannt, was sich konkret dahinter verbirgt und wie die einzelnen Maßnahmen bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf wirken. Diesen Fragen sind die Autorinnen der vorliegenden Studie nachgegangen. Auf Basis betrieblicher Fallstudien wurden die Praxis familienfreundlicher Maßnahmen untersucht und Erfolgsfaktoren für betriebliche Maßnahmen zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ermittelt.Die im Rahmen der Betriebsfallstudien gewonnenen Einblicke in die betriebliche Praxis zeigen: Familienfreundliche Maßnahmen sind häufig Einzelmaßnahmen, selten in ein Gesamtkonzept eingebettet und nur teilweise an bestimmte Beschäftigtengruppen gerichtet. Auf den ersten Blick erscheinen die Maßnahmen und Instrumente betriebsindividuell und daher sehr unterschiedlich. Eine genauere Analyse zeigt jedoch, dass dieser vielfältigen Praxis implizite Leitbilder zugrunde liegen, die die Ausrichtung und Umsetzung der Maßnahmen und vor allem den Nutzen der familienfreundlichen Maßnahmen für die Beschäftigten wesentlich be-einflussen. Nicht hinter jeder als 'familienfreundlich' etikettierten Maßnahme verbirgt sich tatsächlich eine Verbesserung für die Beschäftigten. Die Autorinnen plädieren dafür, diese Leitbilder offen zu legen und zu diskutieren und dabei auch betriebliche Interessenkonflikte zu benennen

    Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, no. 7

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    Special issue on the "Material Image: Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies." Editorial Team: Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director: Christiane Wagner Senior Editor: Martina Sauer Co-Editor for this Special Issue: Elisabeth Günther Associate Editors: Laurence Larochelle, Katarina Andjelkovic and Natasha Marzliak For more information about the magazine or for the full bios of the editorial team and scientific committee, please visit the Art Style Magazine’s website. Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine is an open access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance— the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the sociocultural and political context

    Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, no. 5

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    Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine is an open access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance— the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the sociocultural and political context

    Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, no. 8.1, part 2

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    Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine is an open access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance—the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the sociocultural and political context

    Preliminary Reflections on Art and Society

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    This article presents a synthesis of the interpretations of the theory of Beauty and mimesis, renewing and finding, as the main point, throughout western tradition, besides the idea of beauty, the world of the art concrete experience lived by the individual in society. The socio-historical sense is the basis for the art representation and interpretation, and the main for imaginary and real experiences in the art process autonomy and citizenship. Such process is analyzed from fine arts to the moment when the authenticity criterion of art transforms the artistic production relations and social function into modern art. And finally, contemporary art is discussed in respect of cultural value as political and social progress seeking the “democratization of art” ideal.Este artigo apresenta uma síntese das interpretações da teoria do Belo e da mimésis renovando-se e encontrando como ponto de referência, perpassando a tradição ocidental, ao lado da beleza ideal, o mundo da experiência concreta da arte, vivido pelo indivíduo em sociedade. Sendo o sentido sócio-histórico a base para a representa- ção e a interpretação da arte, principal referência para as experiências imaginárias e reais no processo de autonomia da arte e do cidadão. Este processo é tratado desde as belas-artes até o momento em que o critério da autenticidade da arte transforma as relações de produção artística e função social com a modernidade. E, finalmente, discute-se a arte contemporânea face ao valor cultural como progresso de ordem política e social ao encontro do ideal da “democratização da arte

    Kitsch, reminiscências estéticas e Jeff Koons

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    É Kitsch, desde que desmedido quanto ao argumento emotivo na praxis cultural, pelas adaptações, ao fazer da arte um produto de consumo, que coincide com a sacralização da arte e conduz a estética, quer na literatura, na pintura ou na música, à reflexão sobre o Kitsch na atualidade. A este propósito, acrescenta-se à filosofia hegeliana as reflexões socioculturais de Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin e, as mais recentes, de Pierre Bourdieu, Niklas Luhmann e Konrad Paul Liessmann para as pesquisas em estética sobre o conceito Kitsch. E, ao complexo assunto, considera-se, sobretudo, a relação entre emoção e arte, quer a expressividade, o significado ou o ideal de liberdade associados ao que a arte sugere de mais atraente: a beleza e o seu reverso. O que indica ser oportuna a análise das formas pelas quais o Kitsch se manifesta, pelo estilo geralmente aceito, variável no tempo e pela experiência estética ao encontro da arte contemporânea

    CRÍTICA DA ARTE CONTEMPORÂNEA: Referências estéticas e linguagens da arte

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    Este artigo apresenta as principais noções estéticas em relação à análise crí­tica das culturas europeias tradicionais e, recentemente, da americana. Para esse fim, o sentido da cultura americana, em que se fundam as linguagens das artes, é analisado com base na história da filosofia ocidental. O que, em consequência, enfatiza ambas as teorias da arte e a estética contemporânea para uma melhor compreensão do sentido na crí­tica da arte atual com discernimento sobre o raciocí­nio teórico, normativo ou ideológico em artes visuais