1,617 research outputs found

    The Walking Dead as a transmedia phenomenon

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2015-2016The attempt to continue a zombie story beyond the known limits in its genre is unique. The outcome has been successfuly exploring themes that anyone can identify with: failure, loss and then overcoming while we try to contribute to create a better future. These factors have always pushed humanity to discover a larger world than the one previously known, usually marking the end of an era, followed by a new beginning. These principles are suitable for both individuals and societies as a whole. The existence of the undead serves the purpose of increasing the idea that everything that is born must die, thus accelerating the cycles of destruction and recreation that have existed since the beginning of the world and of humankind. All these ideas are the engine of this story and most of them can be put in relation with our “networked culture”. My purpose on this essay is creating a road map for this transmedial world that spans a variety of format

    Modelo de gestión financiera para el servicio de internet Wi-Fi Gratuito en Parques Públicos

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    En el presente estudio se buscó como monetizar el servicio de internet WI-FI en parques públicos a través del planteamiento de un modelo de gestión financiero, a fin de mantener el servicio en el tiempo investigando la necesidad actual de los ciudadanos Cuencanos del área urbana, considerando las inversiones que ha realizado la empresa ETAPA EP, proveedora del servicio de internet gratuito en 37 zonas WI-FI dentro del área urbana del cantón Cuenca. El tipo de investigación es descriptiva, a través de un enfoque cuantitativo, mediante una encuesta con el uso de una plataforma digital, y entrevistas al personal administrativo y técnico de ETAPA EP, analizando la información con un método teórico inductivo. Para lo que se realizó la valoración numérica de los costos de inversión y de operación del servicio, planteando como resultado tres escenarios en búsqueda de ingresos para una toma de decisiones futuras para los directivos de la empresa, analizados mediante el valor actual neto y la tasa interna de retorno. Siendo los tres escenarios aptos para conseguir que dicho proyecto pueda mantenerse financieramente, además de lo económico social en post de disminuir la brecha digital, convirtiendo a Cuenca en una ciudad Digital, aprovechando el inmenso crecimiento del uso de dispositivos móviles, convirtiendo a la tecnología WI-FI en una de las tecnologías más usadas en Cuenca, como lo demuestra este estudio, usando la publicidad como mayor ventaja de búsqueda de recursos, ya que es muy difícil tratar de monetizar el servicio cuando ya el servicio fue gratuito.In the present study sought as monetizing the internet service WI-FI in public parks through the approach of a model of financial management in order to maintain the service at the time researching the current need for Cuencanos citizens in urban areas, considering the investments made by the company ETAPA EP, a provider of free Internet service in 37 areas WI-FI within the urban area of canton Cuenca. The research is descriptive, through a quantitative approach, through a survey using a digital platform, and interviews with the administrative and technical staff ETAPA EP, analyzing information with an inductive theoretical method. For what the numerical assessment of the costs of investment and operation of the service rate was made, posing as a result three scenarios in search of income for future decision making for managers of the company, analyzed using net present value and internal return. As the three scenarios fit to get the project can stay financially, besides economic social in post to reduce the digital divide, making Cuenca in a digital city, taking advantage of the huge growth in the use of mobile devices, making the WI-FI technology in one of the most widely used technologies in Cuenca, as evidenced by this study, using advertising as a major advantage of finding resources, since it is very difficult to try to monetize the service when the service was free

    Modelo de gestión financiera para el servicio de internet Wi-Fi gratuito en parques públicos

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    El presente trabajo pretende generar un modelo de gestión financiera para el servicio de internet WI-FI gratuito en parques públicos del Cantón Cuenca provincia del Azuay Ecuador, el cual coadyuve a que sea viable dotar de este servicio ininterrumpidamente. En el presente estudio se buscó como monetizar el servicio de internet WI-FI en parques públicos a través del planteamiento de un modelo de gestión financiero, a fin de mantener el servicio en el tiempo investigando la necesidad actual de los ciudadanos Cuencanos del área urbana, considerando las inversiones que ha realizado la empresa ETAPA EP, proveedora del servicio de internet gratuito en 37 zonas WI-FI dentro del área urbana del cantón Cuenca.In the present study sought as monetizing the internet service WI-FI in public parks through the approach of a model of financial management in order to maintain the service at the time researching the current need for Cuencanos citizens in urban areas, considering the investments made by the company ETAPA EP, a provider of free Internet service in 37 areas WI-FI within the urban area of canton Cuenca. The research is descriptive, through a quantitative approach, through a survey using a digital platform, and interviews with the administrative and technical staff ETAPA EP, analyzing information with an inductive theoretical method. For what the numerical assessment of the costs of investment and operation of the service rate was made, posing as a result three scenarios in search of income for future decision making for managers of the company, analyzed using net present value and internal return. As the three scenarios fit to get the project can stay financially, besides economic social in post to reduce the digital divide, making Cuenca in a digital city, taking advantage of the huge growth in the use of mobile devices, making the WI-FI technology in one of the most widely used technologies in Cuenca, as evidenced by this study, using advertising as a major advantage of finding resources, since it is very difficult to try to monetize the service when the service was free

    Out of the plane: Flower vs. star glyphs to support high-dimensional exploration in two-dimensional embeddings

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    Exploring high-dimensional data is a common task in many scientific disciplines. To address this task, two-dimensional embeddings, such as tSNE and UMAP, are widely used. While these determine the 2D position of data items, effectively encoding the first two dimensions, suitable visual encodings can be employed to communicate higher-dimensional features. To investigate such encodings, we have evaluated two commonly used glyph types, namely flower glyphs and star glyphs. To evaluate their capabilities for communicating higher-dimensional features in two-dimensional embeddings, we ran a large set of crowd-sourced user studies using real-world data obtained from data.gov. During these studies, participants completed a broad set of relevant tasks derived from related research. This paper describes the evaluated glyph designs, details our tasks, and the quantitative study setup before discussing the results. Finally, we will present insights and provide guidance on the choice of glyph encodings when exploring high-dimensional data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    11β-HSD1 Inhibition Rescues SAMP8 Cognitive Impairment Induced by Metabolic Stress

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    Ageing and obesity have been shown to increase the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Besides, elevated glucocorticoid (GCs) levels cause metabolic stress and have been associated with the neurodegenerative process. Direct pieces of evidence link the reduction of GCs caused by the inhibition of 11β-HSD type 1 (11β-HSD1) with cognitive improvement. In the present study, we investigated the beneficial effects of 11β-HSD1 inhibitor (i) RL-118 after high-fat diet (HFD) treatment in the senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8). We found an improvement in glucose intolerance induced by HFD in mice treated with RL-118, a significant reduction in 11β-HSD1 and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) protein levels. Furthermore, specific modifications in the FGF21 activation after treatment with 11β-HSD1i, RL-118, which induced changes in SIRT1/PGC1α/AMPKα pathway, were found. Oxidative stress (OS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as inflammatory markers and microglial activation, were significantly diminished in HFD mice treated with 11β-HSD1i. Remarkably, treatment with 11β-HSD1i altered PERK pathway in both diet groups, increasing autophagy only in HFD mice group. After RL-118 treatment, a decrease in glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3β) activation, Tau hyperphosphorylation, BACE1 protein levels and the product β-CTF were found. Increases in the non-amyloidogenic secretase ADAM10 protein levels and the product sAPPα were found in both treated mice, regardless of the diet. Consequently, beneficial effects on social behaviour and cognitive performance were found in treated mice. Thus, our results support the therapeutic strategy of selective 11β-HSD1i for the treatment of age-related cognitive decline and AD

    Frecuencia y factores asociados a episiotomía en primigestas atendidas en el Hospital “Luis F. Martínez”.

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    La investigación pretendió determinar la frecuencia y Factores asociados a la episiotomía en mujeres primigestas atendidas en el Hospital “Luis F. Martínez”, durante el año 2016. Se trata de un estudio documental, descriptivo, retrospectivo, de tipo transversal Se inicia la investigación de campo con la recolección de datos de las historias clínicas, en base a los criterios de inclusión derivados de los objetivos. Se elaboraron tablas y gráficos utilizó Microsoft Excel 2016 y el programa SPSS, versión 20. Entre los resultados obtenidos se encontró que el número de partos eutócicos o normales en el año 2016 fue de 453, de las cuales 300 (66.22%) son multíparas y 153 (33.77%) son nulíparas, el tipo de episiotomía realizada fue medio lateral el 100% de los casos. La prevalencia de episiotomía en pacientes primigestas en el año de estudio fue de 64.05%, valor superior al recomendado por la OMS y a otros obtenidos en investigaciones regionales semejantes. Entre los factores de riesgo encontrados asociados a la episiotomía, tenemos: perímetro cefálico, peso y talla del neonato, edad cumplida y posición de litotomía de la madre al momento del parto; siendo la edad gestacional de termino superior un factor de protección