46 research outputs found

    Testing the relationship between Saturn's ENA and narrowband radio emissions

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    Saturn’s kilometric radiation (SKR) and Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) emissions are important remote diagnostics of the planet’s magnetospheric dynamics, intensifying during periods of global-scale plasma injection, and displaying characteristic planetary periodicity. Global-scale ENA signatures have been associated with narrowband radio emissions around 5 and 20 kHz, particularly at evening local times where plasma injections are expected to have moved inwards through the magnetosphere, triggering interchange instabilities. Narrowband radio emission sources are associated with density gradients at the inner edges of the Enceladus plasma torus that promote wave mode conversion, but any radial distance dependence with the ENA emission is untested. We constrain ENA keograms to distances covering the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ magnetosphere separately, and quantify the correlation between the ENA intensity with narrowband flux density in the 5 and 20 kHz emission bands. One case study shows a spiral ENA morphology that indicates global-scale plasma injection activity. ‘Bursts’ of narrowband emission coincide with the rotation of ENA enhancements through the dusk-midnight local time sector in the inner magnetosphere, but at earlier times in the outer magnetosphere, consistent with inward flow of the injected plasma as it drifts around the planet. A second case study with similar observing conditions shows clear 5 kHz radio bursts, but very low levels of ENA detections, indicating that the relationship is not always so general in these data. These results contribute towards our developing picture of how global plasma injection events can influence Saturn’s inner magnetosphere, linking together two valuable sources of remotely sensed global emissions, the ENAs and narrowband radio emissions

    Tracking counterpart signatures in Saturn's auroras and ENA imagery during large-scale plasma injection events

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    Saturn's morningside auroras consist mainly of rotating, transient emission patches, following periodic reconnection in the magnetotail. Simultaneous responses in global energetic neutral atom (ENA) emissions have been observed at similar local times, suggesting a link between the auroras and large‐scale injections of hot ions in the outer magnetosphere. In this study, we use Cassini's remote sensing instruments to observe multiple plasma injection signatures within coincident auroral and ENA imagery, captured during 9 April 2014. Kilometric radio emissions also indicate clear injection activity. We track the motion of rotating signatures in the auroras and ENAs to test their local time relationship. Two successive auroral signatures—separated by ~4 hr UT—form postmidnight before rotating to the dayside while moving equatorward. The first has a clear ENA counterpart, maintaining a similar local time mapping throughout ~9 hr observation. Mapping of the ionospheric equatorward motion post‐dawn indicates a factor ~5 reduction of the magnetospheric source region's radial speed at a distance of ~14‐20 RS, possibly a plasma or magnetic boundary. The second auroral signature has no clear ENA counterpart; viewing geometry was relatively unchanged, so the ENAs were likely too weak to detect by this time. A third, older injection signature, seen in both auroral and ENA imagery on the nightside, may have been sustained by field‐aligned currents linked with the southern planetary period oscillation system, or the re‐energization of ENAs around midnight local times. The ENA injection signatures form near magnetic longitudes associated with magnetotail thinning

    Energetic particle signatures above Saturn’s aurorae

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    Near the end of its mission, NASA's Cassini spacecraft performed several low‐altitude passes across Saturn's auroral region. We present auroral imagery and various coincident particle and field measurements of two such passes, providing important information about the structure and dynamics of Saturn's auroral acceleration region. In upward field‐aligned current regions, upward proton beams are observed to reach energies of several tens of keV; the associated precipitating electron populations are found to have mean energies of about 10 keV. With no significant wave activity being apparent, these findings indicate strong parallel potentials responsible for auroral acceleration; about 100 times stronger than at Earth. This is further supported by observations of proton conics in downward field‐aligned current regions above the acceleration region, which feature a lower energy cutoff above ~50 keV ‐ indicating energetic proton populations trapped by strong parallel potentials while being transversely energized until they can overcome the trapping potential, likely through wave‐particle interactions. A spacecraft pass through a downward current region at an altitude near the acceleration region reveals plasma wave features which may be driving the transverse proton acceleration generating the conics. Overall, the signatures observed resemble those related to the terrestrial and Jovian aurorae, the particle energies and potentials at Saturn appearing to be significantly higher than at Earth and comparable to those at Jupiter

    New Frontiers-class Uranus Orbiter: Exploring the feasibility of achieving multidisciplinary science with a mid-scale mission

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    Icy Saturnian satellites: Disk-integrated UV-IR characteristics and links to exogenic processes

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    Combined Cassini observations obtained at similar observing geometries in the ultraviolet through infrared spectral range, along with additional ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble Space Telescope where available, are used to study system-wide trends in spectral albedos of the inner icy Saturnian satellites (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea). We derive UV and visible geometric albedos and UV absorption strengths of the leading and trailing hemispheres and compare with E ring grain flux and charged particle intensities (electrons and ions of varying energies) to those hemispheres. We find that the UV absorption strength on the leading and trailing hemispheres is anti-correlated with E ring grain flux. On the trailing hemispheres, the UV absorption strength is correlated with intensity of electrons in the tens of keV range. We suggest that these relationships could imply links with the organic component of the E ring. Radiolytic processing of organics causes the products to become spectrally redder, increasing the UV absorption strength. Such processing occurs while organic-rich grains are in the E ring, and increases with exposure time in the E ring, such that grains interacting with Rhea are redder (more processed) than those impacting moons closer to Enceladus. Further processing (and associated darkening/reddening) occurs on the trailing hemispheres of the satellites, via radiolysis by electrons in the tens of keV range. Silicates and salts also redden with weathering; however because organics are present in the E ring in significantly greater abundance than salts or silicates, we suggest here that weathering of organics dominates the coloring of the inner Saturnian moons

    Simulations of the auroral signatures of Jupiter’s magnetospheric injections

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    Jupiter’s ultraviolet auroral emissions are divided into four main components: the polar emissions, the main emission, the satellite footprints and the outer emissions. The morphology of the outer emissions can be either diffuse, arc-shaped or compact emissions. In the present study, we focus on outer emissions clearly detaching from the main emission and forming compact structures that are evolving regardless of the rest of the auroral emission. These auroral features were selected because they have the same appearance as the auroral signature of a clearly identified injection previously observed by Mauk et al. [2002] at Jupiter, based on simultaneous Galileo spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope measurements. Here, we report on the evolution of those ultraviolet auroral features appearing in Hubble Space Telescope images of the northern and southern Jovian hemispheres. We investigate the possibility that those ultraviolet auroral structures are associated with energetic particle injections. For this study, we analyze the temporal variations of the longitudinal extent and of the brightness of the auroral structures. Indeed, the injected charged particles drift at different rates due to energy-dependent gradient and curvature drifts, which leads to an increase with time of the longitudinal extent of the feature and of its associated auroral signature. Since the injected energy follows the same trend, the brightness decreases with time. Different processes can generate auroral signatures of plasma injections. We simulate them by considering that pitch angle diffusion is generated by the precipitating energy flux in the ionosphere and whistler-mode waves through electron scattering. We compare the characteristics of the simulated signature with the observed parameters. Following this comparison, we are able to test whether the aforementioned mechanism is responsible for the auroral emission and to infer the typical energy and the spectral index of the energy distribution of the electrons involved in the injection process

    Mimas\u27 Far-Uv Albedo: Spatial Variations

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    We present Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observations of Mimas at far-ultraviolet wavelengths (170-190. nm) which show an interesting albedo gradient across the anti-saturnian hemisphere. We discuss the photometric behavior of Mimas in the far-UV and review the important exogenic processes and their expected effects, relevant over a wide range of wavelengths. We suggest that the UVIS images display the brightening effects of E-ring grain accretion on Mimas\u27 trailing hemisphere; we also show VIMS results that are consistent with E-ring grain accretion on the trailing hemisphere. The UVIS results also suggest the presence of hydrogen peroxide, predominantly in the southern hemisphere, produced by photolysis; this is expected to be a seasonal effect as a result of enhanced UV insolation during the recently-ended southern summer. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Emptying of Jupiter’s Plasma Disk in March 2018

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    Huscher et al. (2021) presented a survey of the Juno-JADE plasma data over orbits 5-26 between March 2017 and April 2020, focusing on the inbound plasma sheet crossings. There was one particular orbit, PJ12, where the plasma sheet was notably absent with very low densities. Juno traversed from 50 RJ in to 10 RJ between Day Of Year 87 to 91 in 2018. The orbits before and after showed typical plasma sheet densities. The Juno-JEDI data showed low energetic particle fluxes at these times and the Juno-FGM magnetic field data were consistent with a significantly reduced magnetodisc current (Connerney et al. 2020). We present the range of Juno data for this period, compare with extrapolation of solar wind conditions to 5 AU, and estimate the time scales for emptying and re-filling of the plasma disk