Mimas\u27 Far-Uv Albedo: Spatial Variations


We present Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observations of Mimas at far-ultraviolet wavelengths (170-190. nm) which show an interesting albedo gradient across the anti-saturnian hemisphere. We discuss the photometric behavior of Mimas in the far-UV and review the important exogenic processes and their expected effects, relevant over a wide range of wavelengths. We suggest that the UVIS images display the brightening effects of E-ring grain accretion on Mimas\u27 trailing hemisphere; we also show VIMS results that are consistent with E-ring grain accretion on the trailing hemisphere. The UVIS results also suggest the presence of hydrogen peroxide, predominantly in the southern hemisphere, produced by photolysis; this is expected to be a seasonal effect as a result of enhanced UV insolation during the recently-ended southern summer. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

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