367 research outputs found

    How to Collect your Water Sample and Interpret the Results for the Irrigation Analytical Package

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    Irrigation represents a significant portion of the total production cost for crops. Because of this it is important to have your water tested to ensure that it is suitable for the crops you are growing, and to aid in developing management plans that might help alleviate existing issues such as high salt levels or high alkalinity. The Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) in cooperation with the UA Cooperative Extension Service offers several analytical packages to assess the quality of your water resources. This document is intended to provide guidance to farmers on collecting water samples for analysis and understanding the “Irrigation (All Crops) Water Report Form” and “Irrigation (Drip or Trickle) Water Report Form” provided by the AWRC’s Water Quality Laboratory (Lab). The information contained within this fact sheet should be used as general guidance, and the reader is encouraged to seek advice from Extension specialists regarding the interpretation of individual reports and water testing results that may be of concern

    Henipavirus in Pteropus vampyrus Bats, Indonesia

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    The emergence of Nipah virus (NiV) in Malaysia in 1999 resulted in 265 known human infections (105 fatal), widespread infection in pigs (with >1 million culled to control the outbreak), and the collapse of the Malaysian pig export market. As with the closely related Hendra virus (HeV) that emerged in Australia in 1994 and caused fatal disease in horses and humans, bats of the genus Pteropus (commonly known as flying foxes) were identified as the major reservoir of Nipah virus in Malaysia. This report describes a serologic survey of Pteropus vampyrus in neighboring Indonesia


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    Athletic groin pain (AGP) is prevalent in field sports that require rapid changes of direction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetic and kinematic changes that occurred in an unplanned reactive cutting manoeuvre following a successful rehabilitation intervention. Kinematics and kinetics were analysed using statistical parametric mapping in 23 patients before and after an exercise intervention programme. Significant improvements were found in all subscales of the Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score and biomechanical changes were identified at the pelvis, knee and ankle. These findings provide insight into mechanical variables of potential importance in AGP as identified during a manoeuvre based on a common sporting task

    Overview of LIDS Docking Seals Development

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    NASA is developing a new docking system to support future space exploration missions to low-Earth orbit, the Moon, and Mars. This mechanism, called the Low Impact Docking System (LIDS), is designed to connect pressurized space vehicles and structures including the Crew Exploration Vehicle, International Space Station, and lunar lander. NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) is playing a key role in developing the main interface seal for this new docking system. These seals will be approximately 147 cm (58 in.) in diameter. GRC is evaluating the performance of candidate seal designs under simulated operating conditions at both sub-scale and full-scale levels. GRC is ultimately responsible for delivering flight hardware seals to NASA Johnson Space Center around 2013 for integration into LIDS flight units

    Two-step polarization reversal in biased ferroelectrics

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    Polarization reversal in polycrystalline ferroelectrics is shown to occur via two distinct and sequential domain reorientation steps. This reorientation sequence, which cannot be readily discriminated in the overall sample polarization, is made apparent using time-resolved high-energy x-ray diffraction. Upon application of electric fields opposite to the initial poling direction, two unique and significantly different time constants are observed. The first (faster time constant) is shown to be derived by the release of a residual stress due to initial electrical biasing and the second (slower time constant) due to the redevelopment of residual stress during further domain wall motion. A modified domain reorientation model is given that accurately describes the domain volume fraction evolution during the reversal process.open1

    Allocentric spatial memory performance predicts intrusive memory severity in posttraumatic stress disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterised by distressing trauma-related memories. According to the dual representation theory, intrusive memories arise from strengthened egocentric encoding and a poor contextual encoding, with spatial context requiring allocentric processing. Contextualization of mental imagery is proposed to be formed hierarchically through the ventral visual stream (VVS) to the hippocampal formation. Here, we tested this notion by investigating whether neuronal aberrations in structures of the VVS or in the hippocampus, as well as allocentric memory performance are associated with intrusive memory severity. METHODS: The sample comprised 33 women with PTSD due to childhood trauma. Allocentric memory performance was measured with the virtual Town Square Task and T1-weighted images acquired on a 3T Siemens Scanner. Intrusive memories were evoked by presenting an audio script describing parts of their trauma (script-driven imagery). RESULTS: Using hierarchical linear regression analysis, we found a significant association between lower intrusive memory severity and higher allocentric spatial memory, controlling for age, working memory, and general visuospatial ability. No significant association was found between cortical thickness of VVS structures, hippocampal volume and intrusive memory severity. Post hoc exploratory analyses revealed a negative correlation between years since index trauma and left hippocampal volume. LIMITATIONS: Our results are based on correlational analyses, causality cannot be inferred. CONCLUSION: This study supports the dual representation theory, which emphasizes the role of allocentric spatial memory for the contextualization of mental imagery in PTSD. Clinical implications are discussed

    Species-specific calcite production reveals Coccolithus pelagicus as the key calcifier in the Arctic Ocean

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    Through the production and export of their calcite coccoliths, coccolithophores form a key component of the global carbon cycle. Despite this key role, very little is known about the biogeochemical role of different coccolithophore species in terms of calcite production, and how these species will respond to future climate change and ocean acidification. Here, we present the first study to estimate species-specific calcite production, from samples collected in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic Iceland Basin in June 2012. We show that although the coccolithophorid Coccolithus pelagicus comprised only a small fraction of the total community in terms of abundance (2%), our estimates indicate that it was the major calcite producer in the Arctic Ocean and Iceland Basin (57% of total calcite production). In contrast, Emiliania huxleyi formed 27% of the total abundance and was responsible for only 20% of the calcite production. That C. pelagicus was able to dominate calcite production was due to its relatively high cellular calcite content compared with the other species present. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, the importance of investigating the complete coccolithophore community when considering pelagic calcite production, as relatively rare but heavily calcified species such as C. pelagicus can be the key calcite producers in mixed communities. Therefore, the response of C. pelagicus to ocean acidification and climate change has the potential to have a major impact on carbon cycling within the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean

    The realities and expectations of community involvement in COVID-19 research: A Consumer Reference Group perspective

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    Background: Older adults have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 restrictions such as stay at home orders and physical distancing measures have been implemented to reduce older adults’ risk of infection, however, such measures can have negative effects on older adults’ mental health and social wellbeing. In 2020, the research team received funding as part of an Australian COVID-19 research grants program to investigate how services can better meet the mental health and social support needs of older adults during COVID-19. A Consumer Reference Group (CRG) was established to provide a community perspective on all research activities. Main body: The CRG comprised of eight older adults aged 65 years and older living in Western Australia. Two members of the CRG were involved in the initial grant proposal, and one member worked for a not-for-profit organisation that provides support and advocacy for older adults. The CRGs role was to provide consumer and community perspectives on the research design, advise on study materials, facilitate links between consumers, the community, and researchers, and advocate on behalf of consumers and the community. The CRG was encouraged to reflect on the research project, their contributions, and the outcomes obtained. In this commentary, we document the CRGs contributions to the project, and record their reflections, including what went well, what were some challenges, the realities of conducting research during COVID-19, and lessons learnt. Conclusion: The CRG were active participants in the research process. They shared their perspectives and made important contributions to the project. Through collaboration with the CRG, we were able to reach four key messages, underpinned by consumers lived experiences, that were used to co-develop knowledge translation products. These were disseminated to service providers and older adults

    Agreement between Inertia and Optical Based Motion Capture during the VU-Return-to-Play- Field-Test

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    The validity of an inertial sensor-based motion capture system (IMC) has not been examined within the demands of a sports-specific field movement test. This study examined the validity of an IMC during a field test (VU®) by comparing it to an optical marker-based motion capture system (MMC). Expected accuracy and precision benchmarks were computed by comparing the outcomes of a linear and functional joint fitting model within the MMC. The kinematics from the IMC in sagittal plane demonstrated correlations (r2) between 0.76 and 0.98 with root mean square differences (RMSD) &lt; 5°, only the knee bias was within the benchmark. In the frontal plane, r2 ranged between 0.13 and 0.80 with RMSD &lt; 10°, while the knee and hip bias was within the benchmark. For the transversal plane, r2 ranged 0.11 to 0.93 with RMSD &lt; 7°, while the ankle, knee and hip bias remained within the benchmark. The findings indicate that ankle kinematics are not interchangeable with MMC, that hip flexion and pelvis tilt higher in IMC than MMC, while other measures are comparable to MMC. Higher pelvis tilt/hip flexion in the IMC can be explained by a one sensor tilt estimation, while ankle kinematics demonstrated a considerable level of disagreement, which is likely due to four reasons: A one sensor estimation, sensor/marker attachment, movement artefacts of shoe sole and the ankle model used.</jats:p

    Seroepidemiologi Nipah Virus Pada Kalong Dan Ternak Babi Di Beberapa Wilayah Di Indonesia

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    Nipah Virus Seroepidemiology in Flying Fox and Pig Husbandry in Several Areasof Indonesia. Nipah is a dangerous zoonotic disease which was carried by flying fox.The disease had been occurred in Malaysia in 1999 and infect pigs and caused humandeath. Indonesia is adjacent country to Malaysia, hence, a serological study had beenconducted on 156 flying fox (P. vampyrus) sera from North Sumatera, West Java, CentralJava and East Java. Besides that, 2740 pig sera was randomly collected in differentprovinces to detect Nipah infection. Both flying fox and pig sera were tested usingELISA test to detect the presence of Nipah antibody. The results indicated that 37 from156 flying fox sera (23.7%) has antibodies against Nipah virus. Infections were occuredin all sampling sites with the prevalence varied from 18% to 33 %. Meanwhile, no pigsera tested (2740) had antibody against Nipah virus. Based on these results it can beconcluded that Nipah virus infections were occurred in flying fox in some parts inIndonesia, but not in pigs. It was suggested that the presence of Nipah virus in Indonesiashould be anticipated. Hence the distribution of its infection in pigs and human must beanticipated. Monitoring of Nipah infection in areas adjacent to Malaysia must be increasedto detect the entering of the disease in Indonesia