279 research outputs found

    Domaine Numérique du produit AB avec A normal

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 18B30, 47A12.Let A, B be two linear operators on a complex Hilbert space H. We extend a Bouldin's result (1969) conserning W(AB) - the numerical range of the product AB. We show, when AB = BA and A is normal, than W(AB)

    Abderrahmane Youssoufi: an embodiment of the mutations of the Moroccan left

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    At first sight, becoming the Prime Minister of Hassan II after having been considered, a few decades earlier, to be ‘the foreign minister of the resistance and the plotters’ against the monarchy might constitute a spectacular turnaround in a political career. In fact, this reversal was part of a process that was both slow and discontinuous, with bifurcations, and moments of fluidity and uncertainty. By examining oral sources from an interactionist perspective, this article shows that Youssoufi is the paragon of a segment of the nationalist elites, and that his trajectory embodies the transformations in the relations between a part of the Moroccan left and the monarchy. It stresses that individual and collective destiny cannot be reduced to explanations in terms of ‘domestication’, and that not everything was played out beforehand and once and for all. These strategic changes were intrinsically linked to variations in the resources available to the actors, their perceptions of their environment and the dynamics at work within it, their appreciation of the cards they could play, and so on. More specifically, if the left epitomised by Youssoufi benefited from ‘reputational capital’ acquired through repression, it never managed to accumulate the organisational capital of the mass parties. After bidding a regretful farewell to the revolution, the Maquis, and even the putsch, its leaders chose the only option they perceived as available to them: institutional participation

    Spectrum and numerical range of a compact set

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    In this paper, we define the multivalued entire series in a Banach algebra A as well as the exponential, the spectrum and the numerical range of a compact set of A. We provide properties for these two sets which are also verified in the univalued casepeerReviewe

    Na Self Inhibition of Human Epithelial Na Channel: Temperature Dependence and Effect of Extracellular Proteases

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    The regulation of the open probability of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) by the extracellular concentration of Na+, a phenomenon called “Na+ self inhibition,” has been well described in several natural tight epithelia, but its molecular mechanism is not known. We have studied the kinetics of Na+ self inhibition on human ENaC expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Rapid removal of amiloride or rapid increase in the extracellular Na+ concentration from 1 to 100 mM resulted in a peak inward current followed by a decline to a lower quasi-steady-state current. The rate of current decline and the steady-state level were temperature dependent and the current transient could be well explained by a two-state (active-inactive) model with a weakly temperature-dependent (Q10act = 1.5) activation rate and a strongly temperature-dependant (Q10inact = 8.0) inactivation rate. The steep temperature dependence of the inactivation rate resulted in the paradoxical decrease in the steady-state amiloride-sensitive current at high temperature. Na+ self inhibition depended only on the extracellular Na+ concentration but not on the amplitude of the inward current, and it was observed as a decrease of the conductance at the reversal potential for Na+ as well as a reduction of Na+ outward current. Self inhibition could be prevented by exposure to extracellular protease, a treatment known to activate ENaC or by treatment with p-CMB. After protease treatment, the amiloride-sensitive current displayed the expected increase with rising temperature. These results indicate that Na+ self inhibition is an intrinsic property of sodium channels resulting from the expression of the α, β, and γ subunits of human ENaC in Xenopus oocyte. The extracellular Na+-dependent inactivation has a large energy of activation and can be abolished by treatment with extracellular proteases

    Dual effect of temperature on the human epithelial Na+ channel

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    The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is the rate-limiting step for sodium reabsorption in the distal segments of the nephron, in the colon and in the airways. Its activity is regulated by intracellular and extracellular factors but the mechanisms of this regulation are not yet completely understood. Recently, we have shown that the fast regulation of ENaC by the extracellular [Na+], a phenomenon termed self-inhibition, is temperature dependent. In the present study we examined the effects of temperature on the single-channel properties of ENaC. Single-channel recordings from excised patches showed that the channel open probability (P o, estimated from the number of open channels N·P o, where N is the total number of channels) increased on average two- to threefold while the single-channel conductance decreased by about half when the temperature of the perfusion solution was lowered from ~30 to ~15°C. The effects of temperature on the single-channel conductance and P o explain the changes of the macroscopic current that can be observed upon temperature changes and, in particular, the paradoxical effect of temperature on the current carried by ENa

    Electrostrictive counter-force on fluid microdroplet in short laser pulse

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    When a micrometer-sized fluid droplet is illuminated by a laser pulse, there is a fundamental distinction between two cases. If the pulse is short in comparison with the transit time for sound across the droplet, the disruptive optical Abraham-Minkowski radiation force is countered by electrostriction and the net stress is compressive. In contrast, if the pulse is long on this scale, electrostriction is cancelled by elastic pressure and the surviving term of the electromagnetic force, the Abraham-Minkowski force, is disruptive and deforms the droplet. Ultrashort laser pulses are routinely used in modern experiments, and impressive progress has moreover been made on laser manipulation of liquid surfaces in recent times, making a theory for combining the two pertinent. We analyze the electrostrictive contribution analytically and numerically for a spherical droplet.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Letter

    La traduction vers l'arabe des textes relatifs aux droits humains : perspectives historiques du 19ème siècle à nos jours

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    Assessing the extreme profusion of legal and journalistic texts dealing with human rights in Arabic, the aim of this thesis is to retrace the history of those texts‟ translation and to highlight on the most important phasis of its evolution, at terminological, phraseological and ideological levels. This research has made us go back to nineteenth century Arab modernist intellectuals‟ productions. We recalled in Chapter 1 to the both historical and discursive contexts in which the concept of human rights was born. Then, we have presented a detailed description of the translations of three representative texts: the translations of the 1814 French Constitutional Charter by Rifâ„a Râfi „ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Human being and the Citizen (DDHC) by Farah Antûn (1874-1922) and of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations translation services. Chapter 2 demonstrates that the translated texts always denote elements of contradiction or at least some contention between, on the one hand, the ideological motives at the heart of the drafting of the original texts and, on the other hand, the intellectual purposes of the translators. And in such context, Chapter 3 sticks to this point focusing this time on three translations of texts related to the same field but belonging to different genres: a political speech ("A new beginning", Barack Obama), a feature article (Human Rights Watch) and an extract from a survey(Amnesty International). We have highlighted the very complexity inherent to the status of translators of texts dealing with human rights. They, on the one hand, have to be conversant with linguistics, terminological and notional knowledge and, on the other hand, have to keep to traductive strategies (lexical and phraseological choices) in order not to misrepresent the designs of the source text (political, activist, informative ...).Partant du constat de l‟extrême profusion de textes juridiques et journalistiques relatifs aux droits humains traduits en arabe, nous avons voulu retracer l‟histoire de la traduction de ce genre de textes et mettre en lumière les moments forts de son évolution, aux niveaux terminologique, phraséologique et idéologique. Cette recherche nous a fait remonter jusqu'aux productions d'intellectuels arabes modernistes du XIXème siècle. Nous avons rappelé dans le chapitre 1 les contextes à la fois historiques et discursifs qui ont vu ou fait naître le concept de droits de l'homme puis avons présenté une description détaillée des traductions de 3 textes de référence : les traductions de la Charte constitutionnelle française de 1814 par Rifâ„a Râfi„ al-Tahtâwî (1801-1873), de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789 (DDHC) par Farah Antûn (1874-1922) et de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme (DUDH) de 1948 par les services de traduction de l‟Onu. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons cherché à montrer que les textes traduits laissaient toujours transparaître des contradictions ou une certaine concurrence entre, d‟une part, les motivations idéologiques qui président à la rédaction des textes sources et, d‟autre part, les motivations intellectuelles de leurs traducteurs. Toujours dans cette perspective, nous avons étudié, au chapitre 3, trois traductions de textes relatifs au domaine mais de genres différents: un discours politique («A new beginning», Barack Obama), un article spécialisé (Human Rights Watch) et un extrait de rapport (Amnesty International). Nous avons mis en avant la complexité du statut des traducteurs de textes relatifs aux droits humains qui doivent, d‟une part, avoir des connaissances à la fois linguistiques, terminologiques et notionnelles, et, d‟autre part, adopter des stratégies traductives (choix lexicaux et phraséologiques) qui respectent la visée du texte source (politique, militante, informative…)

    Partis politiques et protestations au Maroc (1934-2020)

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    Le Maroc ? Un royaume où un roi toujours doté d’une divine baraka se joue des complots et des oppositions ? Un monde où tout change, des sigles de partis aux ruses du pouvoir, pour que rien ne change ? Sens commun séduisant... ou plutôt clichés que Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi secoue au fil de ce livre qui renouvelle l’histoire politique du pays. Une enquête de longue haleine qui remet en énigme des luttes politiques violentes ou larvées. Une problématique qui ne dissocie jamais dynamiques protestataires et logiques partisanes. Une profondeur historique qui aide à comprendre comment le passé affecte les luttes actuelles

    "Le roi est bon, la classe politique est mauvaise". Un mythe à bout de souffle ?

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    Qu’est-ce qu’une relecture de quelques travaux en sciences sociales et politiques peut nous apprendre sur la "crise des partis politiques" au Maroc ? Comment interpréter la démultiplication des discours sur "la crise de partis politiques" ? Une contribution au débat public, précédée par un avant-propos de Younes Benmoumen, dans le cadre de la première édition du Courrier de Tafra, en partenariat avec The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship