1,008 research outputs found

    Sobre la variación intra-específica en la morfometría y forma del otolito sagita de sardina común (Strangomera bentincki) en la zona centro-sur de Chile

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    Size and shape of fish otoliths are species-specific, but some species also display intraspecific variations. The common sardine, Strangomera bentincki, is a small pelagic fish inhabiting a seasonal upwelling ecosystem off central-southern Chile, having two discrete spawning sites along its latitudinal distribution. Otoliths of specimens were collected from commercial catches in Talcahuano and Corral, representing the central and south spawning zones. On the basis of otolith images, size-based shape descriptors were used to detect ontogenetic variation, and morphometric variables (length, breadth, area, perimeter and weight) were used to detect geographical differences in size and shape of otoliths. Outline analysis was studied on the basis of elliptic Fourier descriptors through multivariate statistical procedures. Size-based shape descriptors showed that otolith shape starts to be stable for fish larger than 12 cm total length, which keep an elliptical form. Morphometric variables for fish larger than 12 cm revealed intraspecific variation between central and south zones, which were associated with otolith weight and breadth. Outline analysis did not reveal significant spatial differences, but extreme intraspecific variation was due to the antirostrum, excisure, and posterior part of otoliths. Intraspecific variation in otolith size could be linked to differences in each spawning habitat and related to geographical origin, whose differences are not clearly identified. It is concluded that intraspecific variability in morphometric variables of sardine otoliths revealed geographic differences in size that are not attributable to allometric effects, and that otolith shape was similar between specimens from different geographic origin.El tamaño y la forma de los otolitos de los peces son específicos, pero algunas especies también muestran variaciones intraespecíficas. La sardina común, Strangomera bentincki, es un pez pelágico pequeño que habita en un ecosistema de afloramiento estacional en la zona centro-sur de Chile, y tiene dos áreas discretas de desove a lo largo de su distribución latitudinal. Se obtuvieron otolitos a partir de las capturas comerciales en Talcahuano y Corral, que representan las zonas de desove del centro y sur. Sobre la base de imágenes de otolitos, los descriptores de la forma basados en el tamaño fueron usados para detectar variación ontogenética, y las variables morfométricas (longitud, ancho, área, perímetro, y peso) se utilizaron para detectar diferencias geográficas en el tamaño y la forma de los otolitos. El análisis de contorno fue estudiado sobre la base de los descriptores elípticos de Fourier a través de procedimientos estadísticos multivariados. Los descriptores de forma mostraron que la forma del otolito comienza a ser estable en peces mayores de 12 cm de longitud total, manteniendo la forma elíptica. Las variables morfométricas de los peces mayores de12 cm reveló variación intraespecífica significativa entre las zonas centro y sur, las que se asociaron con el peso y amplitud del otolito. El análisis de contorno no reveló diferencias espaciales significativas, pero la variación extrema intraespecífica se debió al antirostrum, excisura, y la parte posterior de los otolitos. La variación intraespecífica en el tamaño del otolito podría estar relacionado con diferencias en cada hábitat de desove y en relación con el origen geográfico, cuyas diferencias no están claramente identificadas. Se concluye que la variabilidad intraespecífica en las variables morfométricas de los otolitos de sardina reveló diferencias geográficas en el tamaño que no son atribuibles a efectos alométricos, y que la forma del otolito fue similar entre especímenes de diferente origen geográfico

    Bronchial Thermoplasty

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    Prevalence of recurrent wheezing in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of recurrent wheezing in infants in the city of Curitiba, PR, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study carried out by means of administering questionnaires to the parents of infants aged 12 to 15 months attending health centers for immunization during the period between August 2005 and December 2006. This is a standardized and validated instrument consisting of questions on demographic characteristics, wheezing, respiratory infections and risk factors. At the time of the study the City Health Department had 107 health centers, 35 of which were selected by lots and distributed homogeneously across the municipal territory. RESULTS: A total of 1,364 infants (45.4%) had episodes of wheezing during their first 12 months of life, with onset at 5.5±3.1 months (mean ± standard deviation), and 678 (22.6%) had had three or more episodes. In 84.6% of the wheezing children treatment was with β2-agonists, with inhaled corticosteroids in 18.5%, oral corticosteroids in 24.3% and leukotriene receptor antagonists were used with 5.4%. The wheezing children exhibited nocturnal symptoms, intense difficulty breathing and visits to emergency services in the proportions of 58.9, 46.2 and 57.6%, respectively; 12.7% were admitted to hospital for asthma and 10.9% had had a medical diagnosis of asthma. Nocturnal symptoms, visits to emergency, severity of symptoms, hospital admissions for asthma and medical diagnoses of asthma were all more common among those who had suffered three or more crises (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: There is an elevated prevalence of wheezing among the infants of Curitiba, with early onset and elevated morbidity. It is possible that these infants represent a large contingent of asthmatics.OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência da sibilância recorrente em lactentes na cidade de Curitiba (PR). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal pela aplicação de questionários aos pais de lactentes, idade entre 12 e 15 meses, que procuraram unidades de saúde para imunização no período entre agosto de 2005 e dezembro de 2006. Este instrumento padronizado e validado consiste de perguntas sobre características demográficas, sibilância, infecções respiratórias e fatores de risco. Durante o período de estudo, a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde possuía 107 unidades de saúde, das quais 35 foram selecionadas por sorteio e distribuídas homogeneamente no território municipal. RESULTADOS: Um total de 1.364 lactentes (45,4%) apresentou um ou mais episódios de sibilância nos primeiros 12 meses de vida, com início aos 5,5±3,1 meses (média ± desvio padrão), e 678 (22,6%) tiveram três ou mais episódios. Utilizaram β2-agonistas, corticóides inalatórios, corticóides orais e antagonistas do receptor de leucotrienos 84,6, 18,5, 24,3 e 5,4% dos sibilantes, respectivamente. Sintomas noturnos, dificuldade intensa para respirar e visitas a emergência estiveram presente em 58,9, 46,2 e 57,6% dos lactentes que sibilaram; destes, 12,7% foram hospitalizados por asma e 10,9% tiveram diagnóstico médico de asma. Sintomas noturnos, visitas à emergência, gravidade dos sintomas, hospitalização por asma e diagnóstico médico de asma foram mais freqüentes entre os que apresentaram três ou mais crises (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de lactentes sibilantes em Curitiba é elevada, com início precoce e alta morbidade. Possivelmente, esses lactentes representam um contingente expressivo de asmáticos.Universidade Federal do Paraná Hospital de ClínicasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade de Santiago do ChileUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Experimental design and testing in a pilot-scale rotary kiln for the torrefaction of beech wood under system restrictions

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    The torrefaction process increases the energy density of the torrefied feedstock through the loss of volatiles and moisture. The anhydrous weight loss (AWL) measures the loss of volatiles and it is easily correlated with the net calorific value (NCV) of the torrefied product. This work has two different parts. The first part consists of the design of the experiments and the second includes the experiments with results. The system used in CENER, where the simulation and experiments were completed, is a rotary kiln with a maximum capacity of 500 kg/h and a range of operating temperatures between 220-310°C. The innovative design feature of this reactor is the extraction of the gases from the middle of the reactor, in such a way that the direction of the gases is co-current in half of the reactor (at the beginning) and countercurrent in the last half. Besides the reactor, there is a flare which combusts the gases from the reactor before releasing them to the atmosphere, and does not allow flows higher than 120 Nm3/h. The two variables that can be modified to overcome the restrictions and achieve the target AWL are the temperature of the reactor (controlled by the temperature of the thermal fluid used to heat the reactor), and the input capacity to the reactor. The relationship of the gases produced to the temperature is straight, the higher the temperature the more gases are produced due to a higher devolatilisation of the feedstock. On the other hand, when the input capacity was modified, it is more difficult to estimate the gas production yield; with an increased feeding rate, the AWL is lower and the amount of volatiles released reduces but there is a higher release of the total amount of moisture content due to a higher feed rate. Given a lower input of feedstock, the total amount of water evaporated is lower but the AWL and the devolatilisation degree of the feedstock is higher and, consequently, more volatiles are produced. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Evaluación educativa y motivación escolar en educación superior

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    En los últimos años mucho se ha hablado sobre la importancia de generar cambios en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, cambios necesarios dadas las nuevas necesidades y demandas de la sociedad, este panorama deja ver la necesidad de modificar la forma de aprender, para ello es necesario cambiar la manera de enseñar y en este proceso evolutivo un elemento muy importante es justamente la forma de evaluación del aprendizaje. El presente escrito brinda un panorama general de la evaluación educativa, partiendo de su conceptualización, características, importancia, entre otros elementos. Haciendo mayor hincapié la evaluación del aprendizaje, ya que, si bien no es el único elemento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje evaluable, si es uno de los más practicados, incidentes y con gran repercusión, partiendo de ello, se da bosquejo sobre los principales sistemas de evaluación y medición del aprendizaje en educación superior, destacando la función de la retroalimentación en dicho proceso evaluativo, misma que se ha analizado como elemento motivador en el alumno, puesto que, la retroalimentación centrada en que hacer alienta a pensar que se pueden mejorar, los comentarios de retroalimentación aumentan el interés de los alumnos en el aprendizaje. Palabras clave: Evaluación educativa, evaluación del aprendizaje, motivación escolar, retroalimentación, educación superior.   ABSTRACT A lot has been said about the importance of promoting changes in the teaching and learning processes in recent years, necessary changes due to the new needs and demands of society. This overview reveals the need to modify the way learning is conceived, for this reason, it is necessary to change the teaching practices and in this evolutionary process, a crucial element is the way learning is evaluated. This paper provides an overview of educational evaluation, based on its conceptualization, characteristics, importance, among other elements. Emphasizing the evaluation of the learning process, since it is not the only element of the teaching and learning processes that can be evaluated, it is one of the best known, that most affect and with great repercussion, starting from it, an outline is given on the main systems of evaluation and measurement of learning in higher education, highlighting the role of feedback in the evaluation process, which has been analyzed as a motivating element in the student since, focused feedback on what to do encourages to think that an improvement can be achieved, comments based on feedback increase students’ interest on learning. Keywords: Educational evaluation, learning evaluation, motivation, feedback, higher education


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    The lifestyle of certain groups of people, especially young people, can lead to eating habits and dietary and physical activity patterns behave as risk factors in chronic diseases. This research was developed in the Reply "Nicolas Diaz Infante" Educational Unit, located in the canton Quevedo, Los Rios Province. The development started with the aim of analyzing the implementation of public policy and its impact consumption and system of school feeding in and out of this, theoretical and legal foundations necessary for the study describing the research methods were performed, screened the student population of the Education Unit, applying 350 surveys that provided information necessary analysis and interpretation of results. Analyzing the current situation makes this segment of the student population in a particularly vulnerable group from the nutritional point of view. That is because it is considered important to know your food consumption habits to promote healthy lifestyles through.El estilo de vida de determinados grupos de población, especialmente de jóvenes, puede conducir a hábitos alimentarios y modelos dietéticos y de actividad física que se comporten como factores de riesgo en enfermedades crónicas. Este trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en la Unidad Educativa Réplica “Nicolás Infante Díaz”, ubicado en el cantón Quevedo, Provincia de Los Ríos. El desarrollo se inició con el objetivo de Analizar la aplicación de la Política Pública y su impacto con el consumo y sistema de alimentación escolar dentro y fuera de esta, se realizaron fundamentaciones teóricas y legales necesarias para el estudio describiéndose los métodos de investigación, se proyectó la población estudiantil de la Unidad Educativa, aplicándose 350 encuestas, que aportaron información necesarias su análisis e interpretación de resultados. El analizar la situación actual convierte a este segmento de la población estudiantil en un grupo especialmente vulnerable desde el punto de vista nutricional. Es por ello que se considera importante conocer sus hábitos de consumo alimenticio para promoverlos mediante estilos de vida saludables


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    Determining resource information for decision-making in financial organizations immersed in globalization, promote competitiveness with various strategies for capturing market, they become vulnerable to the lack of enforcement of safety regulations to information. Therefore in this study the level of knowledge and applicability of the rules of information security to ensure the integrity and reliability of the same in the financial institutions sector is analyzed. The results show a lack of knowledge of the ISO 27001 standard and a clear omission in the applicability.La información recurso determinante para la toma de decisiones en las organizaciones financieras inmersas en la globalización, promueven la competitividad con variadas estrategias para la captación de mercado, los mismos que se vuelven vulnerables con la falta de aplicación de normativas de seguridad a la información. Por lo tanto en el presente trabajo se analizara el nivel de conocimiento y aplicabilidad de las normativas de seguridad de la información que garantizan la integridad y confiabilidad de la misma en las entidades financieras del sector. Los resultados evidencian la falta de conocimiento de la norma ISO 27001, y una clara omisión en la aplicabilidad