15 research outputs found

    "Cultural revitalization" in contemporary Basque Country

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    The article attemts to make an initial insight into the problematic of language and cultural revitalization process which has been carried out since 1975 to presence. The history of Basque country with a special stress on the circumsatncies of the origin of modern basque nationalism are briefly sketched in the paper. Political, economic and social trends of the period mentioned above are also described, the questions of language revitalization, bilingvism and political consequences are emphasized. The article is based on the fieldresearch which has been carried out in Gipuzkoa (Basque Autonomy) in the february-june period in 2009. The article aslo concerns Navarra and French-Basque regions.The article attemts to make an initial insight into the problematic of language and cultural revitalization process which has been carried out since 1975 to presence. The history of Basque country with a special stress on the circumsatncies of the origin of modern basque nationalism are briefly sketched in the paper. Political, economic and social trends of the period mentioned above are also described, the questions of language revitalization, bilingvism and political consequences are emphasized. The article is based on the fieldresearch which has been carried out in Gipuzkoa (Basque Autonomy) in the february-june period in 2009. The article aslo concerns Navarra and French-Basque regions

    Roots and present of Basque identity and nationalism

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    V následujícím textu se autor pokouší porozumět etnicitě Basků a baskickému nacionalismu. Zdroje jsou založeny na historicko-teoretických pracech a terénním výzkumu, který byl proveden ve španělském Baskicku, zvláště pak v oblasti Guipúzcoa a městě San Sebastián mezi únorem a červnem 2009. Baskický nacionalismus a etnicita jsou analyzovány jako moderní fenomény, založené na kulturních zdrojích, které byly vykládány různými myslitely. Historický pohled je zaměřen na události 20.století, přesně na tzv.druhou republiku, občanskou válku, období frankistické diktatury, vznik organizace ETA, transformaci Španělska v konstitucionální stát a konstrukci a rozvoj autonomní oblasti Baskicko po dnešní dny. Terénní výzkum hledá vlivy, které se podílejí na utváření historické paměti občanů, hledá také auto a hetero sterotypy a celkově konstrukci etnicity. Některé kapitoly jsou věnovány problémům revitalizace baskičtiny, rozvoji politiky v posledních třiceti letech a polarizace ETA-Španělsko. Autorovým cílem není není řešit problém jako určitou esencializaci kultury. Autorovým cílem je porozumět něčemu z Baskicka a načrtnout určitou mozaiku.In the following text, the author intends to understand the ethnicity of Basques and today Basque nationalism, too. The sources are based on historiography and social science theories and fieldwork, which was done in Euskadi/Basque Country, especially in Guipúzcoa and the city of San Sebastian between February and June 2009. Basque nationalism and the ethnicity are analysed as a modern phenomenon, based on culture sources which used to be explicated by various intelectuals. The historical point of view is accented in events of the twentieth century, exactly on the second republic of Spain, the civil war, Franco's dictature, the origin of ETA, the transformation of Spain into the constitutional state and the construction and development of Basque Autonomy until today. The fieldwork is searching for influences which build Basque citizens' memory of the past, the auto and hetero stereotypes, the construction of ethnicity. Some chapters are focused on the problems of the revitalization of Basque language, the development of the politics during last thirty years and the polarization ETA-Spain. The aim of the author is not to deal with the problem as an cultural essensialism. The author's aim is to understand something regarding Basque Country and sketch out a mosaic.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Bertsolaritza tradition in the context of language revival and politics in contemporary Basque Country

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    This doctoral thesis deals with bertsolaritza - Basque poetic improvization - in its relation to language revival and politics in contemporary Basque country. In terms of methodology, this paper is based on anthropological fieldwork combined with the study of secondary data. Theoretical framework uses concepts of ethnicity and nationalism, anthropology of art, theory of poetry and performance as well as concepts of political anthropology. The issue is built on three fields: history of basque nationalism, language revival and bertsolaritza. Bertsolaritza is depicted as an artistic activity that participates on the construction of collective identity of euskaldunak (speakers of Basque). The core analysis is focused on 2013 Championship (Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia) in improvised poetry and its link to the basque political discourse 2011-2013. Bertsolaritza is to be understood as an expression of sociopolitical reflections within the frame of izquierda abertzale (nationalist left) as well as an open artistic reflection of a variety of socially relevant issues

    Bertsolaritza – hidden voice of People? – poetic improvisation in Basque Country

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    This paper aims to picture the art of Basque poetic improvization - Bertsolaritza - as a specific social and cultural phenomenon and a possible field for the research on  Basque language or cultural revitalization a nationalism. The Basque bertsolaritza is defined as an art of specific form and rules, a brief note about its development in the twentieth century is made, meanwhile a short introduction in the context of basque nationalism, cultural revitalization and ethnicity is carried out. This oral tradition is understood as both the cultural and political issue. A short conclusion and a note about the author's plan for his thesis is also included. The paper is a result of a preliminary field research that has been done in the period of July-August 2011 in the region of Gipuzkoa (Euskadi - Basque Country / Spain) and the analysis of literature related to the topic

    I know when I see it 2005: basic subjective and objecive factors affecting the perception of sexually explicit materials

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    K DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCI Mgr. Martin Chochola PSAV2005 : Základní subjektivní a objektivní faktory ovlivňující vnímání sexuálně explicitních materiálů 2010 AABBSSTTRRAACCTT The study "I know when I see it: basic subjective and objective factors affecting the perception of sexually explicit materials" conserns the curent issue of perception of the existence, presentation and distribution of visual and audiovisual sexually explicit materials in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part, the psychological significance of these materials and understanding thereof is being reviewed, in the context of society alignment, politics, technology development, religion, law, sociology and psychology. The empirical part is, by means of a mapping research, focused on those basic subjective and objective factors, that affecting directly our perception of sexually explicit materials, and represents four of these factors, that are affecting demonstrably. It is the factor of socio-demographic characteristics of the consumer, his attitudes toward sexually explicit materials, sexually explicit content of specific materials and finally forms of their presentation and distribution. Moreover, the study outlines the ..

    Bertsolaritza – skrytý hlas lidu? – básnická improvizace v Baskicku

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    This paper aims to picture the art of Basque poetic improvization - Bertsolaritza - as a specific social and cultural phenomenon and a possible field for the research on  Basque language or cultural revitalization a nationalism. The Basque bertsolaritza is defined as an art of specific form and rules, a brief note about its development in the twentieth century is made, meanwhile a short introduction in the context of basque nationalism, cultural revitalization and ethnicity is carried out. This oral tradition is understood as both the cultural and political issue. A short conclusion and a note about the author's plan for his thesis is also included. The paper is a result of a preliminary field research that has been done in the period of July-August 2011 in the region of Gipuzkoa (Euskadi - Basque Country / Spain) and the analysis of literature related to the topic

    I know when I see it 2005: basic subjective and objecive factors affecting the perception of sexually explicit materials

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    K DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCI Mgr. Martin Chochola PSAV2005 : Základní subjektivní a objektivní faktory ovlivňující vnímání sexuálně explicitních materiálů 2010 AABBSSTTRRAACCTT The study "I know when I see it: basic subjective and objective factors affecting the perception of sexually explicit materials" conserns the curent issue of perception of the existence, presentation and distribution of visual and audiovisual sexually explicit materials in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part, the psychological significance of these materials and understanding thereof is being reviewed, in the context of society alignment, politics, technology development, religion, law, sociology and psychology. The empirical part is, by means of a mapping research, focused on those basic subjective and objective factors, that affecting directly our perception of sexually explicit materials, and represents four of these factors, that are affecting demonstrably. It is the factor of socio-demographic characteristics of the consumer, his attitudes toward sexually explicit materials, sexually explicit content of specific materials and finally forms of their presentation and distribution. Moreover, the study outlines the ..

    Globalization and job for TNC analysed on concrete example

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    Základním tématem práce je globalizace a konkrétní zkušenost s prací pro nadnárodní společnost. Problematika je analyzována studiem literatury z oblasti ekonomie, historie, sociologie, antropologie a filozofie.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo