20 research outputs found

    Conserved piRNA expression from a distinct set of piRNA cluster loci in eutherian mammals

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    The Piwi pathway is deeply conserved amongst animals because one of its essential functions is to repress transposons. However, many Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) do not base-pair to transposons and remain mysterious in their targeting function. The sheer number of piRNA cluster (piC) loci in animal genomes and infrequent piRNA sequence conservation also present challenges in determining which piC loci are most important for development. To address this question, we determined the piRNA expression patterns of piC loci across a wide phylogenetic spectrum of animals, and reveal that most genic and intergenic piC loci evolve rapidly in their capacity to generate piRNAs, regardless of known transposon silencing function. Surprisingly, we also uncovered a distinct set of piC loci with piRNA expression conserved deeply in Eutherian mammals. We name these loci Eutherian-Conserved piRNA cluster (ECpiC) loci. Supporting the hypothesis that conservation of piRNA expression across ~100 million years of Eutherian evolution implies function, we determined that one ECpiC locus generates abundant piRNAs antisense to the STOX1 transcript, a gene clinically associated with preeclampsia. Furthermore, we confirmed reduced piRNAs in existing mouse mutations at ECpiC-Asb1 and -Cbl, which also display spermatogenic defects. The Asb1 mutant testes with strongly reduced Asb1 piRNAs also exhibit up-regulated gene expression profiles. These data indicate ECpiC loci may be specially adapted to support Eutherian reproduction.Gung-wei Chirn, Reazur Rahman, Yuliya A. Sytnikova, Jessica A. Matts, Mei Zeng ... Benjamin T. Kile ... et al

    Discovering active motifs in sets of related protein sequences and using them for classification.

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    We describe a method for discovering active motifs in a set of related protein sequences. The method is an automatic two step process: (1) find candidate motifs in a small sample of the sequences; (2) test whether these motifs are approximately present in all the sequences. To reduce the running time, we develop two optimization heuristics based on statistical estimation and pattern matching techniques. Experimental results obtained by running these algorithms on generated data and functionally related proteins demonstrate the good performance of the presented method compared with visual method of O'Farrell and Leopold. By combining the discovered motifs with an existing fingerprint technique, we develop a protein classifier. When we apply the classifier to the 698 groups of related proteins in the PROSITE catalog, it gives information that is complementary to the BLOCKS protein classifier of Henikoff and Henikoff. Thus, using our classifier in conjunction with theirs, one can obtain high confidence classifications (if BLOCKS and our classifier agree) or suggest a new hypothesis (if the two disagree)

    Data from: Small RNAs from a big genome: the piRNA pathway and transposable elements in the salamander species Desmognathus fuscus

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    Most of the largest vertebrate genomes are found in salamanders, a clade of amphibians that includes 686 species. Salamander genomes range in size from 14 to 120 Gb, reflecting the accumulation of large numbers of transposable element (TE) sequences from all three TE classes. Although DNA loss rates are slow in salamanders relative to other vertebrates, high levels of TE insertion are also likely required to explain such high TE loads. Across the Tree of Life, novel TE insertions are suppressed by several pathways involving small RNA molecules. In most known animals, TE activity in the germline is primarily regulated by the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway. In this study, we test the hypothesis that salamanders’ unusually high TE loads reflect the loss of the ancestral piRNA-mediated TE-silencing machinery. We characterized the small RNA pool in the female and male adult gonads, testing for the presence of small RNA molecules that bear the characteristics of TE-targeting piRNAs. We also analyzed the amino acid sequences of piRNA pathway proteins from salamanders and other vertebrates, testing whether the overall patterns of sequence divergence are consistent with conserved pathway function across the vertebrate clade. Our results do not support the hypothesis of piRNA pathway loss; instead, they suggest that the piRNA pathway is expressed in salamanders. Given these results, we propose hypotheses to explain how the extraordinary TE loads in salamander genomes could have accumulated, despite the expression of TE-silencing machinery