108 research outputs found

    An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Test Sequence Generation for State-Based Software Testing

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    Properly generated test suites may not only locate the defects in software systems, but also help in reducing the high cost associated with software testing, ft is often desired that test sequences in a test suite can be automatically generated to achieve required test coverage. However, automatic test sequence generation remains a major problem in software testing. This paper proposes an ant colony optimization approach to automatic test sequence generation for state-based software testing. The proposed approach can directly use UML artifacts to automatically generate test sequences to achieve required test coverage

    Mutation Analysis for the Evaluation of AD Models

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    UML has became the industry standard for analysis and design modeling. Model is a key artifact in Model Driven Architect (MDA) and considered as an only concrete artifact available at earlier development stages. Error detection at earlier development stages can save enormous amount of cost and time. The article presents a novel mutation analysis technique for UML 2.0 Activity Diagram (AD). Based on the AD oriented fault types, a number of mutation operators are defined. The technique focuses on the key features of AD and enhances the confidence in design correctness by showing the absence of control-flow and concurrency related faults. It will enable the automated analysis technique of AD models and can potentially be used for service oriented applications, workflows and concurrent applications

    Quantifiable isovist and graph-based measures for automatic evaluation of different area types in virtual terrain generation

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    © 2013 IEEE. This article describes a set of proposed measures for characterizing areas within a virtual terrain in terms of their attributes and their relationships with other areas for incorporating game designers\u27 intent in gameplay requirement-based terrain generation. Examples of such gameplay elements include vantage point, strongholds, chokepoints and hidden areas. Our measures are constructed on characteristics of an isovist, that is, the volume of visible space at a local area and the connectivity of areas within the terrain. The calculation of these measures is detailed, in particular we introduce two new ways to accurately and efficiently calculate the 3D isovist volume. Unlike previous research that has mainly focused on aesthetic-based terrain generation, the proposed measures address a gap in gameplay requirement-based terrain generation-the need for a flexible mechanism to automatically parameterise specified areas and their associated relationships, capturing semantic knowledge relating to high level user intent associated with specific gameplay elements within the virtual terrain. We demonstrate applications of using the measures in an evolutionary process to automatically generate terrains that include specific gameplay elements as defined by a game designer. This is significant as this shows that the measures can characterize different gameplay elements and allow gameplay elements consistent with the designers\u27 intents to be generated and positioned in a virtual terrain without the need to specify low-level details at a model or logic level, hence leading to higher productivity and lower cost

    AD2US: An Automated Approach to Generating Usage Scenarios from UML Activity Diagrams

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    Although attention has been given to the use of UML (Unified Modelling Language) activity diagrams in the generation of scenarios, thin-threads and test-cases, the processes described in the literature rely heavily on manual intervention either in the information extraction process or in the process of transforming them to an alternate structure. This paper introduces an approach that capture, store and output usage scenarios derived automatically from UML activity diagrams

    Using Adaptive Agents to Automatically Generate Test Scenarios from the UML Activity Diagrams

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    Test case generation is one of the most important issues in software testing research and industrial practice. Test scenarios are frequently used to derive test cases for scenario-based software testing. However, the generation of the test scenarios is usually a manual and labor-intensive task. It is desired that test scenarios can be automatically generated. In this paper, we propose an automated approach using adaptive agents to directly generate test scenarios from the UML activity diagrams

    Quantifiable isovist and graph-based measures for automatic evaluation of different area types in virtual terrain generation

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    © 2013 IEEE. This article describes a set of proposed measures for characterizing areas within a virtual terrain in terms of their attributes and their relationships with other areas for incorporating game designers\u27 intent in gameplay requirement-based terrain generation. Examples of such gameplay elements include vantage point, strongholds, chokepoints and hidden areas. Our measures are constructed on characteristics of an isovist, that is, the volume of visible space at a local area and the connectivity of areas within the terrain. The calculation of these measures is detailed, in particular we introduce two new ways to accurately and efficiently calculate the 3D isovist volume. Unlike previous research that has mainly focused on aesthetic-based terrain generation, the proposed measures address a gap in gameplay requirement-based terrain generation-the need for a flexible mechanism to automatically parameterise specified areas and their associated relationships, capturing semantic knowledge relating to high level user intent associated with specific gameplay elements within the virtual terrain. We demonstrate applications of using the measures in an evolutionary process to automatically generate terrains that include specific gameplay elements as defined by a game designer. This is significant as this shows that the measures can characterize different gameplay elements and allow gameplay elements consistent with the designers\u27 intents to be generated and positioned in a virtual terrain without the need to specify low-level details at a model or logic level, hence leading to higher productivity and lower cost

    Towards Automated Test Sequence Generation

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    The article presents a novel control-flow based test sequence generation technique using UML 2.0 activity diagram, which is a behavioral type of UML diagram. Like other model-based techniques, this technique can be used in the earlier phases of the development process owing to the availability of the design models of the system. The activity diagram model is seamlessly converted into a colored Petri net. We proposed a technique that enables the automatic generation of test sequences according to a given coverage criteria from the execution of the colored Petri nets model. Two types of structural coverage criteria for AD based models, namely sequential and concurrent coverage are described. The proposed technique was applied to an example to demonstrate its feasibility and the generated test sequences were evaluated against selected coverage criteria. This technique can potentially be adapted to service oriented applications, workflows, and concurrent applications

    Sleep monitor: A tool for monitoring and categorical scoring of lying position using 3D camera data

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    We present a software package for analysing body positions of a subject when they are lying or sleeping in their bed. The software is designed to interface to inexpensive sensors, such as the Microsoft Kinect, and is thus suitable for monitoring at the subjects own home, rather than a dedicated sleep lab. The system is invariant to bed clothing and levels of ambient lighting. Analysis time for a single night session is under five minutes, a significant improvement over the 30–60 min analysis time reported in the literature

    Analysis of Key Installation Protection using Computerized Red Teaming

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    This paper describes the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for computerized red teaming applications, to explore options for military plans in specific scenarios. A tool called Optimized Red Teaming (ORT) is developed and we illustrate how it may be utilized to assist the red teaming process in security organizations, such as military forces. The developed technique incorporates a genetic algorithm in conjunction with an agent-based simulation system (ABS) called MANA (Map Aware Non-uniform Automata). Both enemy forces (the red team) and friendly forces (the blue team) are modelled as intelligent agents in a multi-agent system and many computer simulations of a scenario are run, pitting the red team plan against the blue team plan. The paper contains two major sections. First, we present a description of the ORT tool, including its various components. Second, experimental results obtained using ORT on a specific military scenario known as Key Installation Protection, developed at DSO National Laboratories in Singapore, are presented. The aim of these experiments is to explore the red tactics to penetrate a fixed blue patrolling strategy

    Discovering optimal strategy in tactical combat scenarios through the evolution of behaviour trees

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    In this paper we address the problem of automatically discovering optimal tactics in a combat scenario in which two opposing sides control a number of fighting units. Our approach is based on the evolution of behaviour trees, combined with simulation-based evaluation of solutions to drive the evolution. Our behaviour trees use a small set of possible actions that can be assigned to a combat unit, along with standard behaviour tree constructs and a novel approach for selecting which action from the tree is performed. A set of test scenarios was designed for which an optimal strategy is known from the literature. These scenarios were used to explore and evaluate our approach. The results indicate that it is possible, from the small set of possible unit actions, for a complex strategy to emerge through evolution. Combat units with different capabilities were observed exhibiting coordinated team work and exploiting aspects of the environment
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