42 research outputs found

    Art at GVSU v2

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    It is highly unlikely for anyone who has spent at least 10 minutes strolling through the campus or wandering through the campuses to miss GVSU’s love for beautiful Art. The walls and open spaces of all the six campuses are adorned with works of Art. Art from talent ranging from GVSU faculty, students, and alumni; to regional Michigan artists; to nationally and internationally renowned artists. GVSU’s collection boasts of more than 12000 pieces of art. There is a unique diversity among the artwork types, like public sculpture, prints and drawings, American Impressionism, Aboriginal art, Indian art, world photography, contemporary art, and more. Art at GVSU v2 is an update to an already well built version 1 of the app. One of the main features of the Art at GVSU app is to let Faculty, Students and, in general, users to easily find artwork and more information regarding the artwork. But the app is not just limited to information of specific artwork. Browse: Art at GVSU allows users to Browse through the entire catalog of artwork just by drilling down to the specific building and the floor the artwork us located Search: Users can search the whole collection using the artwork name or even get all the artwork by a certain artist Tours: Pre-configured tours that take you on a journey or tell a story with a select collection of artwork. This feature also can be used to help Faculty with arranging tours for their students Favorites: Users can now save their favorite artwork to the app on their phone for easier, faster access The latest version uses Swift, Apple’s new programming language for developing iOS Applications. This app is also built on the updated, much improved, JSON API from Collective Access, the software framework behind GVSU Art Galler

    Spin adaptation with determinant-based selected configuration interaction

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    Selected configuration interaction (sCI) methods, when complemented with a second order perturbative correction, provide near full configuration interaction (FCI) quality energies with only a small fraction of the Slater determinants of the FCI space. The selection of the determinants is often implemented in a determinant-based formalism, and therefore does not provide spin adapted wave functions. In other words, sCI wave functions are not eigenfunctions of the S2^\widehat{S^2} operator. In some situations, having a spin adapted wave function is essential for the proper convergence of the method. We propose an efficient algorithm which, given an arbitrary determinant space, generates all the missing Slater determinants allowing one to obtain spin adapted wave functions while avoiding working with configuration state functions. For example, generating all the possible determinants with 6 up-spin and 6 down-spin electrons in 12 open shells takes 21 CPU cycles per generated Slater determinant. We also propose a modification of the denominators in the Epstein-Nesbet perturbation theory reducing significantly the non-invariance of the second order correction with respect to different values of the spin quantum number msm_s. The computational cost of this correction is also negligible

    Comparison of Many-Particle Representations for Selected Configuration Interaction: II. Numerical Benchmark Calculations

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    The present work is the second part in our three-part series on the comparison of many-particle representations for the selected configuration interaction (CI) method. In this work, we present benchmark calculations based on our selected CI program called the iterative configuration expansion (ICE) that is inspired by the CIPSI method of Malrieu and co-workers (Malrieu J. Chem. Phys. 1973, 58, (12), 5745−5759). We describe the main parameters that enter in this algorithm and perform benchmark calculations on a set of 21 small molecules and compare ground state energies with full configuration interaction (FCI) results (FCI21 test set). The focus is the comparison of the performance of three different types of many-particle basis functions (MPBFs): (1) individual Slater determinants (DETS), (2) individual spin-adapted configuration state functions (CSFs), and (3) all CSFs of a given total spin that can be generated from spatial configurations (CFGs). An analysis of the cost of the calculation in terms of the number of wavefunction parameters and the energy error is evaluated for the DET-, CFG-, and CSF-based ICE. The main differences for the three many-particle basis representations show up in the number of wavefunction parameters and the rate of convergence toward the FCI limit with the thresholds of the ICE. Next, we analyze the best way to extrapolate the ICE energies toward the FCI results as a function of the thresholds. The efficiency of the extrapolation is investigated relative to the FCI21 test set as well as near FCI calculations on three moderately sized hydrocarbon molecules CH4, C2H4, and C4H6. Finally, we comment on the size-inconsistency error for the three many-particle representations and compare it with the error in the total energy. The implication for selected CI implementations with any of the three many-particle representations is discussed

    Etude du phénomÚne de double échange : de l'origine microscopique aux propriétés collectives

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    Les matériaux tels les nickelates et les manganites, montrent des propriétés magnéto-électriques intéressantes liées au phénomÚne de double échange. L'objectif principale de ce travail est d'étudier le mécanisme de ce phénomÚne afin d'en comprendre l'origine, à la fois microscopique, par la détermination des interactions dominantes dans des composés moléculaires à deux centres magnétiques et macroscopique, par l'étude des effets collectifs dans des systÚmes de plus grande taille. La premiÚre partie consiste en une étude par des méthodes ab initio de séries de systÚmes organiques conjugués qui présentent un phénomÚne de double échange. Les énergies et fonctions d'onde du bas du spectre sont utilisées pour extraire les interactions du modÚle de double échange. Par cette analyse nous montrons qu'il existe des systÚmes organiques conjugués susceptibles de posséder des propriétés magnéto-électriques similaires à celles observées dans les matériaux constitués de métaux de transition. La deuxiÚme partie est consacrée à une étude détaillée des propriétés collectives du modÚle de double échange dans des systÚmes monodimensionnels de taille variable. Des chaßnes 1D de sites à deux orbitales et un ou deux électrons par sites sont étudiées au moyen de diagonalizations exactes. Nous avons développé des outils d'analyse afin d'étudier l'extension spatiale du polaron ferromagnétique et la délocalisation dans l'état fondamental. Enfin nous montrons comment le champ magnétique peut provoquer un changement drastique de la délocalisation électronique et par conséquent de la conductivité en fonction du dopage.The materials like nickelates and manganites, show extraordinary magneto-electric properties originating from the double exchange (DE) phenomenon. In this work we try to understand the origin of these properties, not only at the microscopic level, by studying systems with two magnetic centers, but also at the macroscopic level, by studying collective effects in systems with varying sizes. The first part consists of an {it ab initio} study of a series of five conjugated organic systems, with two magnetic centers each, which are susceptible to exhibit DE phenomenon. The low lying eigenstates are used to extract the parameters of the DE Hamiltonian and substantiate the model. Thus, we show that there exist conjugated organic systems which could, in principle, possess magneto-electric properties similar to those observed in materials formed of transition metal oxides. The second part consists of a detailed study of the collective properties of the double exchange Hamiltonian in one dimensional systems of variable size. One dimensional chains made up of sites with two orbitals each and one or two electrons per site are studied with exact diagonalization methods. Novel tools have been developed to quantify the size of the ferromagnetic polaron and the amount of electron delocalization in the resulting ground state. Finally, we show how a magnetic field could bring about a drastic change in the electron delocalization in the system for a given doping ratio

    Etude du phĂ©nomĂšne de double Ă©change : de l’origine microscopique aux propriĂštĂ©s collectives

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    The materials like nickelates and manganites, show extraordinarymagneto-electric properties originating from the double exchange (DE)phenomenon. In this work we try to understand the origin of these properties,not only at the microscopic level, by studying systems with two magneticcenters, but also at the macroscopic level, by studying collective effects insystems with varying sizes. The first part consists of an {it ab initio} studyof a series of five conjugated organic systems, with two magnetic centers each,which are susceptible to exhibit DE phenomenon. The low lying eigenstates areused to extract the parameters of the DE Hamiltonian and substantiate themodel. Thus, we show that there exist conjugated organic systems which could,in principle, possess magneto-electric properties similar to those observed inmaterials formed of transition metal oxides. The second part consists ofa detailed study of the collective properties of the double exchangeHamiltonian in one dimensional systems of variable size. One dimensional chainsmade up of sites with two orbitals each and one or two electrons per site arestudied with exact diagonalization methods. Novel tools have been developed toquantify the size of the ferromagnetic polaron and the amount of electrondelocalization in the resulting ground state. Finally, we show how a magneticfield could bring about a drastic change in the electron delocalization in thesystem for a given doping ratio.Les matĂ©riaux tels les nickelates et les manganites, montrent des propriĂ©tĂ©smagnĂ©to-Ă©lectriques intĂ©ressantes liĂ©es au phĂ©nomĂšne de double Ă©change.L’objectif principale de ce travail est d’étudier le mĂ©canisme de ce phĂ©nomĂšneafin d’en comprendre l’origine, Ă  la fois microscopique, par la dĂ©terminationdes interactions dominantes dans des composĂ©s molĂ©culaires Ă  deux centresmagnĂ©tiques et macroscopique, par l’étude des effets collectifs dans dessystĂšmes de plus grande taille. La premiĂšre partie consiste en une Ă©tude pardes mĂ©thodes ab initio de sĂ©ries de systĂšmes organiques conjuguĂ©s quiprĂ©sentent un phĂ©nomĂšne de double Ă©change. Les Ă©nergies et fonctions d’onde dubas du spectre sont utilisĂ©es pour extraire les interactions du modĂšle dedouble Ă©change. Par cette analyse nous montrons qu’il existe des systĂšmesorganiques conjuguĂ©s susceptibles de possĂ©der des propriĂ©tĂ©smagnĂ©to-Ă©lectriques similaires Ă  celles observĂ©es dans les matĂ©riaux constituĂ©sde mĂ©taux de transition. La deuxiĂšme partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©edes propriĂ©tĂ©s collectives du modĂšle de double Ă©change dans des systĂšmesmonodimensionnels de taille variable. Des chaĂźnes 1D de sites Ă  deux orbitaleset un ou deux Ă©lectrons par sites sont Ă©tudiĂ©es au moyen de diagonalizationsexactes. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des outils d’analyse afin d’étudier l’extensionspatiale du polaron ferromagnĂ©tique et la dĂ©localisation dans l’étatfondamental. Enfin nous montrons comment le champ magnĂ©tique peut provoquer unchangement drastique de la dĂ©localisation Ă©lectronique et par consĂ©quent de laconductivitĂ© en fonction du dopage

    Head and neck cancers: monitoring quality and reporting outcomes

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    Introduction: Head and neck cancers (HNC) require high level multidisciplinary care to achieve optimal outcomes. Reporting of quality indicators (QIs) has been instigated by some health services in an effort to improve quality of care. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of care provided to patients with HNC at a single institution by analysing compliance with QIs and to explore the feasibility and utility of collecting this data. Methods: This was a single institution retrospective chart review of all patients with squamous cell HNC at Townsville Hospital who were treated with curative intent between June 2011 and June 2019. Data was entered into a RedCap database and then exported to Stata V16 for analysis. Results: A total of 537 patients were included in the overall study, with six patients who had a synchronous non-HNC and two patients who received previous radiotherapy (RT) to the head and neck region excluded from the outcome analysis. Overall, compliance with pre-treatment, treatment and post-treatment QIs was high, with the exception of smoking cessation support (66%), post-treatment dental review and time to post-operative RT (33% of patients within 6 weeks). The 5-year overall survival was 69.4% (CI; 64–73.2%). The cumulative incidence of locoregional relapse for the overall study cohort was 18% (CI; 14.8–21.4%). Conclusion: Collecting and evaluating quality metrics is feasible and helps identify areas for improvement. Centres treating HNC patients should strive towards monitoring quality against benchmarks and demonstrate transparency in outcome data

    Evaluating delays in patients treated with post-operative radiation therapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Introduction: Delays in commencing post-operative radiation therapy (PORT) and prolongation of overall treatment times (OTT) are associated with reduced overall survival and higher recurrence rates in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The objective of this study was to evaluate treatment delays, factors contributing to those delays and to explore strategies to mitigate them. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with mucosal HNSCC at Townsville University Hospital treated with curative intent surgery and PORT between June 2011 and June 2019. The proportion of patients who experienced delays in commencing PORT (>6 weeks) and OTT were evaluated and reasons for these delays were explored. Results: The study included 94 patients of which 70% experienced PORT delay. Surgery at an external facility (81% vs 56%, P = 0.006) and longer post-operative length of stay (P = 0.011) were significantly associated with a higher incidence of PORT delay. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients had a higher rate of PORT delay (89% vs 68.2%, P = 0.198). Significant delays were noted from time of surgery to radiation oncology (RO) consult and from RO consult to commencement of radiation treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the prevalence of PORT delay for patients with HNSCC remains high with room for improvement. Potential strategies to improve delays include developing effective care coordination, addressing specific needs of Indigenous patients, implementing reliable automated tracking and communication systems between teams and harnessing existing electronic referral systems

    Parallelizing Legendre Memory Unit Training

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    Recently, a new recurrent neural network (RNN) named the Legendre Memory Unit (LMU) was proposed and shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets. Here we leverage the linear time-invariant (LTI) memory component of the LMU to construct a simplified variant that can be parallelized during training (and yet executed as an RNN during inference), resulting in up to 200 times faster training. We note that our efficient parallelizing scheme is general and is applicable to any deep network whose recurrent components are LTI systems. We demonstrate the improved accuracy and decreased parameter count of our new architecture compared to the original LMU and a variety of published LSTM and transformer networks across seven benchmarks. For instance, our LMU sets a new state-of-the-art result on psMNIST, and uses half the parameters while outperforming DistilBERT and LSTM models on IMDB sentiment analysis

    Financial Toxicity and Out-of-Pocket Costs for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

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    Aim: To quantify financial toxicity and out-of-pocket costs for patients with HNC in Australia and explore their relationship with health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods: A cross-sectional survey was administered to patients with HNC 1–3 years after radiotherapy at a regional hospital in Australia. The survey included questions on sociodemographics, out-of-pocket expenses, HRQoL, and the Financial Index of Toxicity (FIT) tool. The relationship between high financial toxicity scores (top quartile) and HRQoL was explored. Results: Of the 57 participants included in the study, 41 (72%) reported out-of-pocket expenses at a median of AUD 1796 (IQR AUD 2700) and a maximum of AUD 25,050. The median FIT score was 13.9 (IQR 19.5) and patients with high financial toxicity (n = 14) reported poorer HRQoL (76.5 vs. 114.5, p < 0.001). Patients who were not married had higher FIT scores (23.1 vs. 11.1, p = 0.01), as did those with lower education (19.3 vs. 11.1, p = 0.06). Participants with private health insurance had lower financial toxicity scores (8.3 vs. 17.6, p = 0.01). Medications (41%, median AUD 400), dietary supplements (41%, median AUD 600), travel (36%, median AUD 525), and dental (29%, AUD 388) were the most common out-of-pocket expenses. Participants living in rural locations (≄100 km from the hospital) had higher out-of-pocket expenses (AUD 2655 vs. AUD 730, p = 0.01). Conclusion: Financial toxicity is associated with poorer HRQoL for many patients with HNC following treatment. Further research is needed to investigate interventions aimed at reducing financial toxicity and how these can best be incorporated into routine clinical care

    Os direitos dos animais e ecologia: uma perspectiva a partir do Antigo Testamento

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    Deuteronomy 25:4 is the law not to muzzle a cow while threshing. This law is set in a specifi c sequence of Deut. 22:6-7; 22:10 and 25:4 that put forth the interest in the life and welfare of the animals. In this law (Deut. 25:4) the Dtn author seems to be concerned about the life and “vital need” of a threshing cow. This “vital need” is recognized as the necessity to allow the cow to freely exercise its instinctive drive to eat and thereby satiate its hunger. The later rabbinic sages, following the Dtn ethos of animal welfare, kept up the concern for the threshing cow and even recognized new problems that are to be cared for. Thus, consideration for the vital needs of a threshing cow continued through history in the agricultural life of Israel and even later in post-biblical times and traditions.DeuteronĂŽmio 25.4 Ă© a lei sobre nĂŁo atar a boca ao boi enquanto debulha. Essa lei Ă© colocada numa sequĂȘncia especĂ­fica de Dt 22.6-7; 22.10 e 25.4 que demonstra o interesse pela vida e bem-estar dos animais. Nessa lei (Dt 25.4), o autor deuteronomista parece estar preocupado com a vida e “a necessidade vital” do boi debulhador. Essa “necessidade vital” Ă© reconhecida como sendo a necessidade de permitir que o boi exercite livremente seu impulso instintivo de comer e assim saciar sua fome. Os sĂĄbios rabĂ­nicos mais tardios, seguindo a Ă©tica deuteronĂŽmica do bem-estar do animal, mantiveram a preocupação pelo boi debulhador e atĂ© reconheceram novos problemas que precisavam de cuidado. Assim, a consideração pelas necessidades vitais de um boi debulhador continuou atravĂ©s da histĂłria na vida agrĂ­cola de Israel e atĂ© mais tarde nos tempos e nas tradiçÔes pĂłs-bĂ­blicos