62 research outputs found

    Investigación en salud pública: independencia y libertad académica

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    Aquest article pretén contribuir al debat sobre l'objectivitat de la ciència, la independència i la llibertat acadèmica dels qui investiguen. A partir d'una breu panoràmica sobre els factors que modelen la recerca en salut pública, es pretén iniciar una reflexió des de la perspectiva ètica sobre la llibertat dels i les investigadores a l'hora de realitzar la seva recerca —les forces externes i internes que la modelen— i el propòsit social de la seva labor investigadora, que ha de ser el progrés del coneixement a fi d’augmentar el benestar social i la salut de les poblacions.This article aims to contribute to the debate on the objectivity of science, independence and academic freedom of researchers. Based on a brief overview of the factors that shape public health research, we intend to initiate a reflection from the ethical perspective on the freedom of researchers when conducting their research —the external and internal forces that shape it— and the social purpose of their research work, which should be the advancement of knowledge to increase social welfare and the health of populations.Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate sobre la objetividad de la ciencia, la independencia y la libertad académica de quienes investigan. A partir de una breve panorámica sobre los factores que moldean la investigación en salud pública, se pretende iniciar una reflexión desde la perspectiva ética sobre la libertad de los y las investigadoras a la hora de realizar su investigación —las fuerzas externas e internas que la moldean— y el propósito social de su labor investigadora, que debe ser el avance del conocimiento para aumentar el bienestar social y la salud de las poblaciones

    Investigación en salud pública: independencia y libertad académica

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    Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate sobre la objetividad de la ciencia, la independencia y la libertad académica de quienes investigan. A partir de una breve panorámica sobre los factores que moldean la investigación en salud pública, se pretende iniciar una reflexión desde la perspectiva ética sobre la libertad de los y las investigadoras a la hora de realizar su investigación —las fuerzas externas e internas que la moldean— y el propósito social de su labor investigadora, que debe ser el avance del conocimiento para aumentar el bienestar social y la salud de las poblaciones

    Does the scientific evidence support the advertising claims made for products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis? A systematic review

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    Background To analyse the scientific evidence that exists for the advertising claims made for two products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis and to conduct a comparison between the published literature and what is presented in the corporate website. Methods Systematic review, using Medline through Pubmed and Embase. We included human clinical trials that exclusively measured the effect of Lactobacillus casei or Bifidobacterium lactis on a healthy population, and where the objective was related to the health claims made for certain products in advertising. We assessed the levels of evidence and the strength of the recommendation according to the classification criteria established by the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM). We also assessed the outcomes of the studies published on the website that did not appear in the search. Results Of the 440 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. Only four (25%) of these presented a level of evidence of 1b and a recommendation grade of A, all corresponding to studies on product containing Bifidobacterium lactis, and only 12 of the 16 studies were published on the corporate website (47). Conclusions There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the health claims made for these products, especially in the case of product containing Lactobacillus casei

    Exploration of gender norms and socialization among early adolescents : the use of qualitative methods for the global early adolescent study

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    Purpose: The Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS) was launched in 2014 with the primary goal of understanding the factors in early adolescence that predispose young people to subsequent sexual risks, and conversely, those that promote healthy sexuality across different cultural contexts. The present article describes the methodology that was used for the first phase of GEAS, which consisted of conducting qualitative research to understand the gendered transitions into adolescence and the role that gender norms play within the key relationships of adolescents. Researchers from each of the sites that had completed data collection were also elicited for their feedback on the key strengths, challenges, and lessons learned from conducting research among 11- to 14-year-old adolescents. The purpose of this article is to present the description of each of the methods that were used in GEAS, as well as the researchers' perspectives of using the methods among early adolescents in their sites. Methods: The GEAS is being implemented through a collaboration of university and nongovernmental institutions from 15 cities: Assiut (Egypt) Baltimore (U.S.), Blantyre (Malawi), Cape Town (South Africa), Cochabomba (Bolivia), Cuenca (Ecuador), Edinburgh (Scotland), Ghent (Belgium), Hanoi (Vietnam), Ile-Ife (Nigeria), Kinshasa (DRC), Nairobi (Kenya), New Delhi (India), Ouaga-dougou (Burkina Faso), and Shanghai (China). Approximately 30 in-depth interviews among adolescents and 30 in-depth interviews with their parent/guardian were conducted at each site, with adults and adolescents interviewed separately. To build trust and increase engagement among the adolescent participants, we used two different visual research methods: (1) timeline exercise which was small group based and (2) the Venn diagram exercise which was conducted individually and used at the start of the in-depth interview. Results: The visual aspects of both the timeline and the Venn diagrams not only helped to produce data for the purposes of the study, but also were a successful way of engaging the adolescent participants across sites. While the narrative interviews produced extremely rich data, researchers did notice that there were a few challenges among the younger adolescents. Challenges were related to the length of the interview, comprehension of questions, as some of the questions were either too abstract or asked adolescents about an experience they had not yet had and therefore could not address or articulate. Conclusions: Conducting the first phase of GEAS revealed important insights for research with participants who are in this developmental phase of early adolescence. Methods that involve greater engagement and those that are visual were shown to work well irrespective of the cultural setting

    Innovación en las espondiloartropatías: evidencias desde el análisis de género

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: Recientes estudios muestran una prevalencia de Espondiloartritis (EA) similar en ambos sexos. Históricamente se consideró una prevalencia mayor en hombres (H), contribuyendo al sub-diagnóstico o detección tardía en mujeres (M). Objetivo: determinar la evidencia y la calidad de los estudios sobre retraso diagnóstico de las EA en M y las manifestaciones clínicas al inicio y durante su curso, comparado con la EA en H. Métodos: Revisión sistemática en Medline. Ecuación de búsqueda: Spondyloarthropathies AND: sex OR gender OR women OR woman. Criterios inclusión: artículos donde la EA es tema principal, analicen retraso diagnóstico e incluyan M. Criterios exclusión: editorial, revisión, casos, validación cuestionarios, técnicas diagnósticas/quirúrgicas. Revisión por pares: 824 resúmenes. Selección: 43 artículos. Evaluación de su calidad mediante criterios ad hoc basados en Guía STROBE y propuesta de Smith KE, Bambra C y cols en J Public Health (Oxf) 2009;31:210-21. Resultados: Se estudiaron 22.982 pacientes-65% H, con EA axial (H: 11% y M: 8%) y axial y periférica (H: 51% y M: 26%). El retraso diagnóstico desde el comienzo de los síntomas se redujo en H y M con las modificaciones de los criterios diagnósticos, 1983: de 12,8 años en M y 10,3 en H a 2012: 4,8 y 4,6 años respectivamente (9/11 artículos muestran > retraso en M que en H). El HLA-B27 según sexo se muestra en 8 artículos: 50% la prevalencia de HLA-B27 es mayor en M, y en el restante 50% en H. 7 artículos aportan información por sexo sobre dolor lumbar/dorsal o artritis periférica como forma más frecuente del debut de la EA, siendo la frecuencia superior en H que en M en 4 de los7 artículos que comparan ambos sexos, e inversamente 4/7 presentan mayor frecuencia de artritis periférica en M. En su evolución la sintomatología es: dolor lumbar/dorsal (82%M vs 91%H), artritis periférica (46%M vs 40%H), entesitis (48%M vs 33%H), uveítis (37%M vs 16%H). 81% de los estudios presentan calidad suficiente, mejorando después de 1980. Pero, 97% son retrospectivos, 86% de ámbito hospitalario/historias clínicas. 24% sin estrategia de reclutamiento adecuada, y 19% de las muestras no son representativas. 42% Sin grupo control adecuado. 17% no ajusta por factores de confusión, y 48% detalla las limitaciones. Conclusiones: Ni el debut ni la evolución de la EA son iguales por sexo. El riesgo de mayor retraso diagnóstico disminuyó en ambos sexos con el cambio de los criterios diagnósticos de EA, siguiendo más elevado en M. Faltan datos consistentes sobre HLA-B27 por sexo. La calidad de las investigaciones sobre EA ha mejorado pero precisan estudios prospectivos, en atención 1ª, y mejorar los métodos de diseño y análisis

    ¿Espondiloartropatías atípicas? ¿o simplemente las típicas de las mujeres?

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: El desconocimiento de la diferente semiología de las espondiloartropatías (EA) en las mujeres, respecto a su variante en hombres, está en el origen de una menor sospecha diagnóstica y errores diagnósticos en las mujeres; influyendo en la infra-estimación de su prevalencia y desigualdad de género en el acceso al tratamiento. Objetivo: reforzar las diferencias por sexo en los signos/síntomas (S/S) de la EA, la diversidad de errores diagnósticos previos, y el retraso diagnóstico. Métodos: Diseño observacional y análisis de comparación de 2 grupos de pacientes: 96 hombres (H) y 54 mujeres (M) con EA, atendidos durante 1 año (2013-2014) en las consultas de Reumatología del Hospital General Universitario de Alicante. Fuente de información: Cuestionario semi-estructurado e historia clínica (HC) sobre: S/S previos al diagnóstico, retraso diagnóstico e itinerarios sanitarios, y diagnósticos previos alternativos/erróneos. Resultados: Las EA se han confundido con 56 opciones diagnósticas alternativas/erróneas (en un 70,8% de los H y 93,8% de las M). Con los últimos criterios diagnósticos, hay más M: 31,5% que H diagnosticados de EA: 16,7%. El debut de la EA es con 25 síntomas diferentes referidos por los H (11 según HC clínica) y 20 por M (9 en HC), 18 comunes según los referidos por pacientes (7 comunes por HC). Más frecuentes en H: dolor lumbar 25%, de espalda 20,8% y cadera 8,3% vs en M: dolor espalda 22,2%, lumbar 18,5% y pies 14,8%. Los H tardan una media de 14 meses y las M 10, en demandar asistencia sanitaria tras la aparición de los síntomas. Mientras, la media del retraso en la atención médica hasta el diagnóstico de EA es de 7 y 9,75 años en hombres y mujeres, respectivamente; siendo más los especialistas que refieren a los H a Reumatología (n = 14) junto con la atención 1ª, que en las M (n = 8), las cuales son atendidas a petición de ellas (5,6%) y por urgencias 16,7% con > frecuencia que los H (a petición de ellos 1% y por urgencias 6,3%). Conclusiones: No todos los signos y síntomas de las Espondiloatropatías son referidos con la misma frecuencia en uno y otro sexo. Aplicando los nuevos criterios diagnósticos de 2009 se reducen las diferencias por sexo en el diagnóstico de EA. Pero, pese al conocimiento existente, la mímesis de prácticas profesionales diagnósticas obsoletas, como la aplicación de criterios diagnósticos sobrepasados induce a la no sospecha diagnóstica, confusión con diagnósticos erróneos y al retraso en la asistencia sanitaria. Son sesgos de género en el esfuerzo diagnóstico con consecuencias en los itinerarios complejos de los/las pacientes previos al diagnóstico de EA, en el esfuerzo terapéutico y en la prevalencia de las EA, especialmente en mujeres.Instituto Salud Carlos III PI11/00865

    Diagnostic Biomarkers: Are We Moving from Discovery to Clinical Application?

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    Despite considerable research investment, moving from biomarker discovery to clinical application has presented unique challenges. We aimed to evaluate progress toward clinical application of a sample of molecular- and “omics”-based diagnostic tests over a 10-year period. METHODS We used Scopus to locate studies, published before the December 31, 2016, citing 107 original-research articles published in 2006 that assessed the diagnostic value of a molecular- or “omics”-based test. We identified diagnostic studies of the same test and disease and determined whether the article represented progress in the validation of the molecular test. We classified the types of progress: (a) clinical validation (measuring diagnostic accuracy in a series of patients similar to the population in which the test will be used in practice), (b) technical improvement, (c) extended diagnostic application (modification of the diagnostic question attended initially by the test), (d) economic evaluation, or (e) clinical use or implementation. RESULTS In the 10-year period analyzed, 4257 articles cited the 107 diagnostic studies; 118 (2.8%) were diagnostic studies of the same test, and of these papers, 25 (21.2%) did not constitute progress toward validation of the test for use in clinical practice (potential research waste). Of the 107 molecular- or “omics”-based tests described in 2006, only 28 (26.2%) appeared to have made progress toward clinical application. Only 4 (9.1%) of 44 proteomics-based tests had made progress toward clinical application. CONCLUSIONS Articles evaluating molecular- or “omics”-based diagnostic tests are numerous in biomedical journals. Few tests have made progress toward clinical application in the 10 years following their discover

    Clinical pathway intervention compliance and effectiveness when used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock at an Intensive Care Unit in Spain

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to assess levels of compliance with the intervention bundles contained in a clinical pathway used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, and to analyze the pathway's impact on survival and duration of hospital stays. We used data on 125 patients in an Intensive Care Unit, divided into a control group (N=84) and an intervention group (N=41). Levels of compliance increased from 13.1% to 29.3% in 5 resuscitation bundle interventions and from 14.3% to 22% in 3 monitoring bundle interventions. In-hospital mortality at 28 days decreased by 11.2% and the duration of hospital stay was reduced by 5 days. Although compliance was low, the intervention enhanced adherence to the instructions given in the clinical pathway and we observed a decline in mortality at 28 days and shorter hospital stays.El objetivo de este estudio cuasiexperimental fue valorar el nivel de cumplimiento de las intervenciones de los paquetes de medidas de un protocolo clínico para pacientes con sepsis grave y shock séptico y analizar su impacto sobre la supervivencia y la duración de estancias hospitalarias. Se incluyeron los datos de 125 pacientes divididos en grupo control (N=84) e intervención (N=41) de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El nivel de cumplimiento aumentó de 13,1% a 29,3% en 5 intervenciones del paquete de reanimación y de 14,3% a 22% en 3 intervenciones del paquete de seguimiento. La mortalidad hospitalaria a los 28 días disminuyó un 11,2% y la duración de la estancia hospitalaria se redujo en 5 días. Aunque el cumplimiento fue bajo, la intervención aumentó la adhesión a las indicaciones del protocolo clínico y se observó un descenso de la mortalidad a los 28 días y menor duración de estancias hospitalarias.O objetivo deste estudo quase-experimental foi avaliar o grau de cumprimento das intervenções de um pacote de medidas, em um protocolo clínico proposto para pacientes com sepse grave e choque séptico, e analisar o seu impacto na sobrevivência e duração das permanências hospitalares. Foram incluídos 125 pacientes, alocados no grupo controle (n=84) e intervenção (n=41) de uma Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, na Espanha. O nível de adesão aumentou em pelo menos 5 intervenções do pacote de reanimação (de 13,1 para 29,3%) e em pelo menos 3 intervenções do pacote de acompanhamento (de 14,3 para 22%). A mortalidade hospitalar aos 28 dias diminuiu em 11,2% e a duração da permanência hospitalar foi reduzida em 5 dias. Embora o cumprimento tenha sido baixo, a intervenção aumentou a adesão às indicações do protocolo clínico e foram observadas queda da mortalidade aos 28 dias e menor duração da permanência hospitalar

    Addressing Health Disparities through Community Participation: A Scoping Review of Co-Creation in Public Health

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    Abstract: Background: There is general agreement regarding the relevance of community involvement in public health policy, practice, and research to reduce health inequities. Objective: This review aims to analyse the experiences of community engagement in public health actions, with particular attention to methodologies used and how community participation is articulated. Method and Analysis: We searched the Web of Science, EBSCO, and ProQuest for scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals. We recorded methodological aspects, the approach to equity, actors that participated in the actions, and participation of the community in different phases (agenda setting, design, implementation, and evaluation). Results: Of 4331 records, we finally included 31 studies published between 1995 and 2021. Twelve studies referred to Community-Based Participatory Research as the framework used. The actions addressed equity, mainly by tackling economic vulnerability (n = 20, 64%) and racial discrimination (n = 18, 58%). Workshops were the most used method. Participation was frequently observed in the design and implementation phases of the action, but it was reduced to community feedback in the evaluation. Conclusions: Co-created public health actions offer the opportunity to reduce health inequity and promote social change; yet, further effort is needed to involve communities in the entire cycle of decision makin

    Looking twice at the gender equity index for public health impact.

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    Background: It has been shown that gender equity has a positive impact on the everyday activities of people (decision making, income allocation, application and observance of norms/rules) which affect their health. Gender equity is also a crucial determinant of health inequalities at national level; thus, monitoring is important for surveillance of women’s and men’s health as well as for future health policy initiatives. The Gender Equity Index (GEI) was designed to show inequity solely towards women. Given that the value under scrutiny is equity, in this paper a modified version of the GEI is proposed, the MGEI, which highlights the inequities affecting both sexes. Methods: Rather than calculating gender gaps by means of a quotient of proportions, gaps in the MGEI are expressed in absolute terms (differences in proportions). The Spearman’s rank coefficient, calculated from country rankings obtained according to both indexes, was used to evaluate the level of concordance between both classifications. To compare the degree of sensitivity and obtain the inequity by the two methods, the variation coefficient of the GEI and MGEI values was calculated. Results: Country rankings according to GEI and MGEI values showed a high correlation (rank coef. = 0.95). The MGEI presented greater dispersion (43.8%) than the GEI (19.27%). Inequity towards men was identified in the education gap (rank coef. = 0.36) when using the MGEI. According to this method, many countries shared the same absolute value for education but with opposite signs, for example Azerbaijan (−0.022) and Belgium (0.022), reflecting inequity towards women and men, respectively. This also occurred in the empowerment gap with the technical and professional job component (Brunei:-0.120 vs. Australia, Canada Iceland and the U.S.A.: 0.120). Conclusion: The MGEI identifies and highlights the different areas of inequities between gender groups. It thus overcomes the shortcomings of the GEI related to the aim for which this latter was created, namely measuring gender equity, and is therefore of great use to policy makers who wish to understand and monitor the results of specific equity policies and to determine the length of time for which these policies should be maintained in order to correct long-standing structural discrimination against women