265 research outputs found

    Parasitoides de huevos asociados a lepidópteros plaga de Maiz

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    El maíz (Zea mays L.) es el cereal más ampliamente distribuido en el mundo, ocupando la tercera posición de la producción total, de gran importancia en varios sectores de la economía a escala mundial. La productividad del cultivo se ve sensiblemente reducida por insectos, especialmente lepidópteros; considerados uno de los más importantes factores de estrés biótico.Área: Ciencias Agrícolas, Produccion y Salud Anima

    Ordenamiento minero ambiental de materiales pétreos en el lecho del rio Upano, cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago.

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    En el Lecho del Río Upano cantón Morona provincia de Morona Santiago se realizan actividades extractivas de los materiales pétreos sin control, puesto que los concesionarios mineros no cuentan con los planes de extracción que garanticen las condiciones del medio susceptible ocasionando alteraciones al medio ambiente y afectaciones a la comunidad, de tal manera, el presente trabajo de integración curricular tiene como objetivo principal diseñar una metodología para el Ordenamiento Minero Ambiental que mantenga un equilibrio entre la conservación del medio ambiente y la buena administración de los materiales pétreos. Para esto se ha planteado un esquema metodológico que contempla seis fases: identificación, delimitación, zonificación, exclusión – viabilidad, realización del mapa de Ordenamiento Minero Ambiental y planteamiento de propuestas, indicadores y metodologías para lo cual fue necesario considerar el criterio de un panel de expertos mediante un análisis multicriterio en base a la metodología Delphi. Una vez dado el cumplimiento de las fases antes mencionadas se obtiene como resultado el mapa de Ordenamiento Minero Ambiental mismo que será útil para zonificar y delimitar el área del Lecho del Río Upano donde se realiza la extracción de los materiales pétreos en dos categorías: zonas inadecuadas, donde no sea recomendable la explotación minera y zonas adecuadas donde sí se puede realizar esta actividad, así como para la integración en los Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial del cantón.In the Upano Riverbed in Morona canton, province of Morona Santiago, uncontrolled extraction activities of stone materials were identified, since the mining concessionaires did not have extraction plans that guaranteed the conditions of the environment, causing alterations to the environment and affecting the community. Therefore, the main objective of this curricular integration work was to design a methodology for Environmental Mining Management that would maintain a balance between environmental conservation and good management of the stone materials. For this purpose, a methodological scheme was proposed that contemplated six phases: identification, delimitation, zoning, exclusion - viability, creation of the Environmental Mining Management map and proposals, indicators and methodologies, for which it was necessary to consider the criteria of a panel of experts through a multi-criteria analysis based on the Delphi methodology. Once the aforementioned phases were completed, the result was the Environmental Mining Management map, which was useful for zoning and delimiting the area of the Upano Riverbed where the extraction of stone materials is carried out in two categories: inadequate zones, where mining is not recommended, and adequate zones where this activity can be carried out, as well as for integration into the canton's Land Management Plans


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena maraknya terjadi isu konflik di kalangan pelajar yang diselesaikan dengan cara destruktif. Isu konflik tersebut selanjutnya menuntut sekolah secara ideal menjadi sarana dalam menyediakan suatu program sebagai langkah prevensi dan intervensi jangka panjang untuk membangun kemampuan dasar resolusi konflik secara konstruktif pada siswa. Oleh karena itu pendidikan resolusi konflik dihadirkan sebagai langkah praktis dalam menyikapi masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menemukan konsep mengenai teori dan praktik pendidikan resolusi konflik di sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Langkah-langkah penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi: 1) tahap orientasi 2) tahap eksplorasi dan 3) tahap membercheck. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah menurut Miles & Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Untuk mencegah adanya kesalahan dalam analisis data maka dilakukan peninjauan dan membaca ulang pustaka serta memperhatikan komentar pembimbing. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tersusunnya teori dan praktik pendidikan resolusi konflik di sekolah dasar yang meliputi: 1) penerapan secara teori dan praktik pendidikan resolusi konflik ialah sebagai isi dan proses pendidikan melalui pendekatan kurikulum proses, pendekatan mediasi, pendekatan kelas damai dan pendekatan sekolah damai, 2) pengembangan kemampuan dasar resolusi konflik dalam praktik pendidikan resolusi konflik di sekolah dasar meliputi kemampuan kognitif resolusi konflik, sikap positif resolusi konflik dan keterampilan resolusi konfli, 3) cara mengembangkan kemampuan resolusi konflik melalui pembelajaran IPS di kelas 5 sekolah dasar dapat dilakukan melalui pengintegrasian KI dan KD, menggunakan metode pembelajaran, menggunakan aktivitas pembelajaran kreatif, menggunakan pembelajaran masalah dan aksi sosial, menggunakan pembelajaran indirect teaching serta melibatan budaya lokal dalam pembelajaran IPS. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Resolusi Konflik, Kemampuan Resolusi Konflik. ----- A rampant conflict issue among students solving destructively is the background of the research. It then demands a school to facilitate a program ideally as prevention and long-term intervention in order to develop basic conflict resolution abilities constructively to students. Therefore, conflict resolution education is provided as practical way of addressing the problem. The study goal is to find concepts about theoretical basis and education practice of conflict resolution in elementary school. The research used library research with qualitative approach. Research steps were including: 1) orientation; 2) exploration; and 3) member check. The data analysis technique used data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification (Miles & Huberman). In order to verify data validation, reviewing the references and paying attention to supervisor’s comment were needed. The theory arrangement and education practice of conflict resolution in elementary school were including 1) implementing of conflict resolution education practically & theoretically as a contenct and process through curriculum process approach, mediation approach, peaceable classroom approach and peaceable school approach; 2) developing basic abilities of conflict resolution as a practice in elementary school involved conflict resolution cognitive abilities, positive attitude and skills of conflict resolution; 3) the ways to develop conflict resolution ability through social studies in grade 5 involved the integration of core competencies and basic competencies, using method of learning, using classroom creative activity, using problem based learning and social action, indirect teaching and also involve local values in social studies

    Violencia politica en la narrativa colombiana

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    Although Colombia has been hailed as a long-standing democracy in Latin America, the country has lived in a State of permanent war for two centuries. In the nineteenth century, Colombia was the scene of eight general civil wars, fourteen local civil wars and three military uprisings. Also, in the twentieth century, it witnessed one of the biggest insurrections in the Western Hemisphere, followed by the longest of its wars that is elusively called “La Violence”. This dissertation addresses precisely the political violence triggered by the rivalry of the two traditional political parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives in the 1940s and 1950s. By using two early representative works of what critics have deemed a genre in its self, “the violence novel in Colombia," this work traces a systematic political violence that is rooted in a long history but manifest new scenarios and practices. The first novel is Carlos Pareja’s El Monstruo (1955), which recounts the details of the assassination of the liberal leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán on April 9, 1948, and the subsequent wave of violence that destroyed downtown Bogotá. The second work is Daniel Caicedo’s Viento seco (1954), which presents the political terror implemented by the conservative governments of Mariano Ospina Pérez (1946-1950) and Laureano Gómez (1950-1953), in order to obliterate the liberal leaning citizens. Through these textual reenactments of violence, the reader can access a history that has been suppresses and censored by the Sate while gaining an understanding of the methodology behind the rituals of political violence. This study reveals how the State suspends all legal structures becoming a criminal State, a State that is the enemy of its own society and that only can be exposed by the testimony of literature. As a theoretical framework, this dissertation dialogues with fundamental concepts explored by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamín, Elias Canetti, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Also, it engages the specific anthropological studies of María Victoria Uribe, Donny Meertens and Pierre Clastres, in order to reveal the cultural symbolism of biopolitical rituals that feed on bodies and death. This reevaluation of “La Violencia” can help contextualize for the waves of violence that have subsequently affected Colombia

    'You Are Here': Visual Autobiographies, Cultural-Spatial Positioning, and Resources for Urban Living

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    This paper reports on a study of visual autobiographies produced in art workshops conducted in a variety of social contexts in East London with 19 research participants 11 women and girls, 8 men and boys – ranging from 10 to the 50s. From narrative analysis of the images, associated interviews, and field notes on the production and exhibition of the images, the paper argues that the study of cultural activity can allow us to identify cultural-spatial positionings related to, but also distinct from, socio-spatial positionings. Those cultural-spatial positionings indicate and in some cases produce cultural and symbolic resources that might not be discernable from other non-visual research data, that may differ importantly from participants' socioeconomic resources, and that could usefully receive more attention. The study also suggests that transnationalism is strongly tied to people's narratives of their cultural lives within global cities, is critically articulated, and can be under-recognised when it is rooted in family

    Marine protected areas and the role of ENGOs in supporting MPA establishment within the Salish Sea

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    The Salish Sea is a marine bioregion of extraordinary biological, cultural, spiritual, and socioeconomic value. These waters have sustained indigenous and non-indigenous coastal communities over generations by providing food, cultural, economic, and ecological services. With the growing impacts of human activities and climate change, conservation strategies are needed to ensure the future health of the Salish Sea. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a tried-and-true conservation measure to protect an area’s natural and cultural resources. Public call for the establishment of an MPA within the Southern Strait of Georgia (SSoG), the waters surrounding the Canadian Gulf Islands near Victoria, started in 1970 in recognition of its rich and diverse ecosystem. An SSoG MPA was endorsed by Jacques Cousteau, who warned of significant declines in biodiversity if left unprotected. In 2003, Parks Canada and the BC government agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a Nation Marine Conservation Area (NMCA). Progress has been slow and NMCA establishment has faced many challenges. However, there is currently a window of opportunity for NMCA completion, with political commitments to MPAs and the environment at both provincial and federal levels in Canada. The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) has been working to establish the NMCA for over 20 years and brings a wealth of experience from our involvement with Gwaii Haanas NMCA and other MPAs in Canada. CPAWS leads a coalition of conservation groups, scientists and stakeholders with the shared goal of building public awareness and support for the NMCA and informing the NMCA planning process. To support NMCA planning, CPAWS has commissioned spatial analyses of the area to gain a comprehensive understanding of the distribution of biodiversity and human activities throughout the area. CPAWS is also conducting community outreach and training initiatives to provide local advocates with the skills needed to build community support

    Plan de comunicación integral para posicionar a la empresa Café Valle de los Andes de la ciudad de Riobamba

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    La inexistencia de un plan de comunicación es la problemática significativa que enfrenta Café Valle de los Andes, lo que afectó su imagen de marca y posicionamiento en el mercado. La metodología de la investigación se basó en un enfoque mixto, combinando técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, con un alcance exploratorio, descriptivo y explicativo, utilizando un diseño de investigación no experimental - transversal. Para analizar y descubrir la situación actual de la empresa, se realizó una encuesta a un grupo representativo de clientes potenciales con el fin de evaluar la comunicación de la marca. Además, se llevó a cabo la entrevista a la gerente que permitió obtener una visión detallada de las necesidades y objetivos de la empresa. Los resultados mostraron que esta microempresa tiene un desafío importante en el mercado actual debido a la falta de posicionamiento y la baja preferencia por parte de los consumidores, además carece de estrategias efectivas de comunicación que impiden crear reputación a la marca, a su vez no disponen de un punto de venta físico a pesar de su dedicación a la venta de café Arábigo de alta calidad, la empresa no ha logrado aprovechar al máximo su valor agregado debido a la falta de una estrategia eficaz y eficiente de comunicación. En respuesta, se propuso un Plan de Comunicación Integral para posicionar a la empresa Café Valle de los Andes en el mercado y mejorar su reputación. Enfocándose en estrategias de comunicación integral, medibles y sostenibles a largo y medio plazo, a fin de mejorar el posicionamiento de la marca en el mercado y aumentar la preferencia de los clientes hacia la marca.The lack of a communication plan is the significant problem faced by Café Valle de los Andes, which affected its brand image and market positioning. The research methodology was based on a mixed approach, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques, with an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory scope, using a non-experimental - transversal research design. To analyze and discover the current situation of the company, a survey was conducted to a representative group of potential customers in order to evaluate the brand's communication. In addition, an interview with the manager was conducted to obtain a detailed vision of the company's needs and objectives. The results showed that this microenterprise has an important challenge in the current market due to the lack of positioning and the low preference of consumers, in addition it lacks effective communication strategies that prevent the creation of a reputation for the brand, at the same time it does not have a physical point of sale in spite of its dedication to the sale of high quality Arabica coffee, the company has not been able to take full advantage of its added value due to the lack of an effective and efficient communication strategy. In response, an Integral Communication Plan was proposed to position the company Café Valle de los Andes in the market and improve its reputation. Focusing on integral communication strategies, measurable and sustainable in the long and medium term, in order to improve the positioning of the brand in the market and increase customer preference towards the brand

    Evaluación de la presencia de anticuerpos anti proteínas/péptidos carbamilados y su asociación con variables de actividad reumatológica y periodontal en pacientes con ar temprana y familiares en primer grado de consanguinidad

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    Introducción: La Artritis Reumatoide (AR), es una enfermedad inflamatoria autoinmune caracterizada por destrucción del cartílago y hueso además de producción de autoanticuerpos. La AR está asociada a modificaciones postraduccionales como la carbamilación, proceso que induce la formación de autoanticuerpos dirigidos a diferentes proteínas. Estos anticuerpos se asocian a severidad y progresión de la enfermedad y se han observado antes de la aparición de los síntomas clínicos, por esto la importancia de estudiar estadios tempranos de AR (ART) y familiares consanguíneos (FDR). Se conoce que hay diferencia en la presencia de anticuerpos anti proteínas/péptidos carbamilados entre ART y controles sanos, pero no entre FDR comparado con controles por lo que este trabajo explora cuál es la asociación entre la presencia de anticuerpos anti proteínas/péptidos carbamilados con variables reumatológicas en estos individuos. Metodología: Los anticuerpos anti fibrinógeno carbamilado (anti-FCS-Carp) y anti péptidos de fibrinógeno carbamilados (anti-Ca-Fib2 y anti-Ca-Fib3) en pacientes con ART y FDR pareados con controles fueron medidos por ELISA. Las asociaciones se analizaron por Chi cuadrado y test exacto de Fisher. Las comparaciones por prueba de McNemar y se realizó una regresión logística condicional ajustando posibles variables de confusión (edad y consumo de cigarrillo) para establecer la asociación entre anti-FSC-Carp o anti-Fib-Carp y la condición de AR y FDR. Resultados: Se observó mayor frecuencia en la aparición de anticuerpos anti-CCP en FDR (19.3%) comparado con el grupo CTRL (6.45%), mostrándose una asociación de riesgo tres veces mayor en este grupo de individuos (OR 3.6 95%IC: 21.44-11.05 p=0.002).Así mismo, este grupo de sujetos presentaron mayor número de articulaciones dolorosas (37.9%) vs CTRL (22.58%) (OR 2.18 95%IC: 1.17-4.23 p=0.007), y mayor número de articulaciones inflamadas en FDR 15.32% vs 4.03% de los controles, (OR 5.6 95%IC: 1.63- 30.18 p=0.002). en el grupo de ART el EC se encontró en un 52.9% y de estos el 54.9% presentaban al menos un alelo y el 11.8% expresaron dos alelos HLA-DRB1 EC en el grupo FDR La presencia de EC estuvo en el 53.2% y el 45.2% presentaban al menos un alelo y el 8.1% expresaron dos alelos HLA-DRB1 EC . En cuanto a la frecuencia positiva de los anticuerpos anti-FCS-Carp positivo en el grupo de pacientes comparado con el grupo control se encontro una diferencia de 47.1% vs. l7.8%, respectivamente, (OR 7.6 95%IC: 2.3-39.88 p= 0.0001), y en cuanto a la frecuencia positiva de los anticuerpos contra los péptidos carbamilados solo los anti-Ca-Fib2 positivos se encontraron en mayor porcentaje 47,1% pacientes vs 13,7% en CTRL (OR 6.6 95%IC: 1.97- 35.0 p = 0.0005), los anti-FCS-Carp se asociaron con el alelo no EC *1501 (p= 0.033) y con el alelo EC*1402 (p=0.027) , los anticuerpos anti-Ca-Fib2 se asociaron con la presencia de FR positivo (p = 0.022) y con anti-CCP positivo mayor a 60 U (p = 0.032) y con alelos HLA-DRB1 EC *0405 (p= 0.050) y los anti-Ca-Fib3 se asoció con DAS28-VSG (p= 0.046) y con el alelo HLA-DRB1 EC *1402 (p=0.050) . Por otro lado, se observó un mayor porcentaje de los anti-FCS-Carp positivo en el grupo de FDR comparado con de los CTRL 25.00% vs 14.52%, respectivamente (OR 2.625 95%IC: 1.11-6.85 p=0.015). Los anti-Ca-Fib2 positivos estaban presenten un mayor porcentaje 34.68% vs 15.32% FDR respecto a los CTRL, respectivamente (OR 4.0 95%IC: 1.80-10.04 p=0.001)., Los anti-Ca-Fib3 positivos predominaron también en un mayor porcentaje en los FDR 33.06% vs 11.29% CTRL (OR 4.85 95%IC: 2.11- 12.98 p=0.001), los anticuerpos anti-FCS-Carp se asociaron con la presencia del alelo EC *1402 (p=0.035) y también se encontró asociación con niveles de PCR (p=0.016) y se correlacionó débilmente con FR (r =0.26 p=0.0034) y, con la presencia de articulaciones dolorosas (r = 0.18 p=0.0425)los anti-Ca-Fib2 se asociaron con la presencia del alelo HLA-DRB1 EC *1501 (p=0.03) y los anti-Ca-Fib3 demostraron una asociación con FR positivo (p= 0.0012) además se encontró que la condición de FDR se asocia con la presencia de anti-Ca-Fib3 (OR 2.976 95%IC: 1.084-8.166 p=0.034) y con la presencia de articulaciones dolorosas (OR 2.28295%IC: 1.047-4.971 p=0.038) Conclusión: La respuesta humoral en ART puede estar restringida en parte a regiones específicas de la cadena β de fibrinógeno carbamilado pudiéndose considerar a futuro como otro biomarcador de esta enfermedad en un subgrupo de pacientes. Los autoanticuerpos anti péptidos anti-Ca-Fib3 y anti- Ca-Fib2 pueden ser importantes marcadores en sujetos sanos con riesgo genético (FDR) debido a la relación encontrada con manifestaciones inflamatorias articulares que podría sugerirlos potenciales biomarcadores tempranos para el desarrollo de AR.Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Colciencias)Hospital Militar CentralIntroduction: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of cartilage and bone as well as the production of autoantibodies. RA is associated with post-translational modifications such as carbamylation, a process that induces the formation of autoantibodies directed to different proteins. These were associated with a severity and progression of the disease and have been observed before the onset of clinical symptoms, for example, the importance of studying the temporal stages of RA (ART) and blood relatives (FDR). It is known that there is a difference in the presence of carbamylated protein / peptide antibodies between ART and healthy controls, but not between FDR and controls, so that this work exploits the association between the presence of carbamylated proteins / peptides antibodies with rheumatological variables. in these individuals. Methodology: Antibodies against carbamylated fibrinogen (anti-FCS-Carp) and anti-carbamylated fibrinogen peptides (anti-Ca-Fib2 and anti-Ca-Fib3) in patients with ART and FDR. The associations were analyzed by Chi square and Fisher's test. The comparisons by the McNemar test and a logistic regression of the situation were adjusted to the possible confounding variables (age and cigarette consumption) to establish the association between anti-FSC-Carp or anti-Fib-Carp and the condition of AR and FDR. Results: A higher frequency was observed in the appearance of anti-CCP antibodies in FDR (19.3%) compared to the CTRL group (6.45%), showing a risk association three times higher in this group of individuals (O 3.6 95% CI : 21.44-11.05 p = 0.002) .Similarly, this group of subjects had a greater number of painful joints (37.9%) vs CTRL (22.58%) (OR 2.18 95% CI: 1.17-4.23 p = 0.007), and more Inflamed joints in FDR 15.32% vs 4.03% of controls, (OR 5.6 95% CI: 1.63- 30.18 p = 0.002). in the ART group the EC was found in 52.9% and 54.9% presented in less than one allele and 11.8% expressed two alleles HLA-DRB1 EC in the FDR group The presence of EC was in 53.2% and 45%. , 2% present at least one allele and 8.1% express two HLA-DRB1 EC alleles. Regarding the positive frequency of anti-FCS-positive Carp antibodies in the group of patients compared with the control group, a difference of 47.1% versus 17.8%, respectively, was found (OR 7.6 95% CI: 2.3-39.88 p = 0.0001), and in terms of the positive frequency of the antibodies against the carbamylated peptides, only the results of anti-Ca-Fib2 positive were found in a higher percentage of 47.1% patients vs 13.7% in CTRL (OR 6, 6 95% CI: 1.97-35.0 p = 0.0005), the anti-FCS-Carp was associated with the non-EC allele * 1501 (p = 0.033) and with the EC allele * 1402 (p = 0.027), the anti- Ca-Fib2 was associated with the presence of positive FR (p = 0.022) and with anti-CCP positive greater than 60 U (p = 0.032) and with alleles HLA-DRB1 EC * 0405 (p = 0.050) and anti-Ca Fib3 was associated with DAS28-VSG (p = 0.046) and with the allele HLA-DRB1 EC * 1402 (p = 0.050). On the other hand, a higher percentage of anti-FCS-positive Carp was observed in the FDR group compared to the CTRL 25.00% vs 14.52%, respectively (OR 2.625 95% CI: 1.11-6.85 p = 0.015). The results of anti-Ca-Fib2 positive were present in a higher percentage of 34.68% vs 15.32% FDR with respect to the CTRL, respectively (O 4.0 95% CI: 1.80-10.04 p = 0.001)., The results of anti-Ca -Fib3 also predominated in a higher percentage in the FDR 33.06% vs 11.29% CTRL (OR 4.85 95% CI: 2.11- 12.98 p = 0.001), the anti-FCS-Carp antibodies were associated with the presence of the allele EC * 1402 ( p = 0.035) and it was also associated with CRP levels (p = 0.016) and it was weakly correlated with FR (r = 0.26 p = 0.0034) and, with the presence of painful joints (r = 0.18 p = 0.0425) the anti- Ca-Fib2 was associated with the presence of the allele HLA-DRB1 EC * 1501 (p = 0.03) and the anti-Ca-Fib3 demonstrated an association with positive FR (p = 0.0012) also refer to the condition of FDR are associated with the presence of anti -Ca-Fib3 (OR 2.976 95% CI: 1.084-8.166 p = 0.034) and with the presence of painful joints (OR 2.28295% CI: 1.047-4.971 p = 0.038) Conclusion: The humoral response in ART may be restricted in part to specific regions of the beta chain of carbamylated fibrinogen, we could consider a future as another biomarker of this disease in a subgroup of patients. Antibody autoantibodies anti-Ca-Fib3 and anti-Ca-Fib2 may be important in subjects with genetic risk (FDR) due to the relationship with inflammatory artifacts that may suggest them to early biomarkers for the development of RA.Magíster en Ciencias BiológicasMaestrí

    Cyberbullying como predictor de la depresión en estudiantes de educación básica de una unidad educativa del Cantón Bolívar, 2022

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    El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo como objetivo determinar si el ciberbullying es predictor de la depresión en estudiantes de educación básica de una unidad educativa en Ecuador. El estudio se desarrolló mediante el enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel explicativo, diseño no experimental, de corte trasversal. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de 150 estudiantes que recibieron orientación psicopedagógica, empleando la escala de ciberbullying que aplica dimensiones de cibervictimización, ciber agresión, ciber observación y ciber victimización-agresión y correlacionando los datos con los resultados arrojados por el instrumento de depresión infantil de Kovacs, adaptado del inventario del C.D.I. y analizados a través del software estadístico SPSS 25. Los resultados indican que la correlación estadística existente entre las variables de ciberbullying y depresión infantil no son significativas, en consecuencia, se evidencia que el ciberbullying no es predictor de la depresión en estudiantes de educación básica de una unidad educativa de Ecuador, durante el 2022

    Experiencias pedagógicas de niños y niñas desarrolladas en el área de matemática en unidades educativas de Oruro (Bolivia)

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    Existe la necesidad de reorientar el currículo escolar, de manera que la aplicabilidad de la matemática pueda ser percibida, a través de la resolución de problemas del contexto y el cálculo mental. En nuestra unidad educativa Carmela Cerruto N° 2 y Ferroviaria (Oruro, Bolivia) desde la implementación de la Reforma Educativa, se observa la necesidad de buscar nuevas estrategias metodológicas para que el maestro de aula pueda efectuar cambios en su práctica pedagógica, para que los niños y niñas, adquieran aprendizajes significativos, permitiendo la posibilidad de que adquieran conocimientos para que los comprenda, retengan, apliquen y transfieran los aprendizajes adquiridos