71 research outputs found

    Employees and customers in call centres: confirmatory and exploratory study

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    Aquest estudi tracta de connectar les disciplines de RH i Màrqueting, i examina el model de service-profit chain (SPC) en el sector de Call Centre, caracteritzat per un servei remot i un negoci basat en la reducció de costos. Les dades s'han col·lectat del Projecte "Global Call Center Project". Hem realitzat dos estudis. En el primer estudi (confirmatori) s'ha emprat una mostra internacional (n = 937). En el segon estudi (exploratori) vam utilitzar una mostra espanyola (n = 109). Els resultats revelen que el model SPC té una aplicació diferent en els call centres. Encara que a nivell general podem confirmar la majoria de les relacions del model, els resultats indiquen que la satisfacció del client és un resultat separat, i no un precursor del rendiment de l'empresa. També trobem una alternativa de mesurar el constructe individual de la satisfacció de l'empleat amb dades disponibles de la organització. Addicionalment, vam descobrir certes discrepàncies en la relació entre la productivitat i la satisfacció dels empleats.El presente estudio es una conexión entre las disciplinas de RH y Marketing, y examina el modelo service-profit chain (SPC) en el sector de Call Centre, caracterizado por un servicio remoto y un negocio basado en la reducción de costes. Los datos se han colectado del Proyecto “Global Call Center Project”. Hemos realizado dos estudios. En el primer estudio (confirmatorio) se ha empleado una muestra internacional (n = 937). En el segundo estudio (exploratorio) utilizamos una muestra española (n = 109). Los resultados revelan que el modelo SPC tiene una aplicación diferente en los call centres. Aunque a nivel general podemos confirmar la mayoría de las relaciones del modelo, los resultados indican que la satisfacción del cliente es un resultado separado, y no un precursor de rendimiento de la empresa. También encontramos una alternativa de medir el constructo individual de satisfacción del empleado con los datos organizacionales disponibles. Adicionalmente, descubrimos ciertas discrepancias en la relación entre la productividad y la satisfacción de los empleados.This thesis is an interface between HR and Marketing discipline, by examining the Service-Profit Chain (SPC) model in the context of call centre, characterized by remote service and cost cutting business models. Data was gathered from the Global Call Centre Project. We carried out two studies. The first one is a confirmatory study, using an international sample (n=937). In the second study we use a Spanish sample (n=109) and carry out an exploratory study. Findings reveal that the SPC model behaves somewhat differently in call centres. Although there is general support for most of the links in the model, the results indicate that customer satisfaction in the call centre industry is a separate outcome, rather than a precursor to company performance. In addition, we found a way to measure the individual level of employee satisfaction construct with organizational available data. We also discovered some discrepancies in the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee productivity

    Computer Aided Education System SuperTest. Present and Prospective

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    This paper analyzes the testing and self-testing process for the Computer Aided Education System (CAES) SuperTest, used at the Academy of Economic Studies of Chisinau, Moldova and recently implemented at the University of Bacau, Romania. We discuss here the future of this software, from the Information Society and Knowledge Society point of view.computer aided, education, knowledge


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    The influence of multiple internal and external factors, which have an impact on the activity of higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova, imposes the need to implement new teaching methods, able to create and develop in students the competences required by the current context. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) competences contribute to the development of skills related to real-world problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation, which are so necessary in an environment oriented towards digitalisation and sustainability. The article presents the results of a survey conducted with the purpose to identify STEAM skills gaps for students, teachers at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and local practitioners, as well as the assessment of local learning needs consisting of digital and non-digital skills, entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation. The study is conducted in the framework of the Erasmus + Skills4future project "Developing and improving STEAM skills of students and teachers for curricular innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local enterprises", No. ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 -101081787. The overall objective of the project is to modernize the curriculum for students of the "Business and Administration" specialization, cycle I bachelor by integrating STEAM skills in several areas: economic, environmental and social. The study was carried out in 2023 and allowed to draw some conclusions and come up with recommendations for the development and modernisation of entrepreneurship education in the Republic of Moldova


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Malformațiile cardiace congenitale (MCC) reprezintă cea mai frecventă anomalie congenitală printre nou-născuți, incidența fiind între 8-10 la 1000 născuți la termen, și posibil de 10 ori mai mare la prematuri. MCC reprezintă defecte organice ale cordului, care prin prisma manifestărilor clinice, au o morbiditate și mortalitate crescută la nou-născuți, rezultat fiind un indice crescut al mortalității infantile. Scopul lucrării. În acest studiu am avut ca scop să stabilim importanța diagnosticului MCC prin relatarea și evaluarea celor mai eficiente metode de screening antenatal, cât și postnatal. Material și metode. Studiul se bazează pe analiza cazurilor de MCC, diagnosticate atât antenatal, cât și postnatal, în cadrul secțiilor specializate de nou-născuți din cadrul maternității de ordinul III, IMC din Chișinău, în perioada mai 2021- mai 2022. În cadrul studiului au fost examinate 670 de nașteri care erau în grupul de risc, dintre care în 220 cazuri a fost stabilit diagnosticul de MCC, dintre care diagnosticul antenatal de MCC a fost pus la 90 nou-născuți (41%), dintre care la 55 (25%) s-a confirmat postnatal, iar diagnosticul postnatal a fost pus la 130 nou-născuți (59%) în cadrul examenului EcoCG Doppler. Rezultate. La 130 nou-născuți (59%) din 220 cazuri diagnosticate, a fost stabilit diagnostic fals-negativ antenatal (nu a fost confirmat diagnosticul de MCC în timpul sarcinii) în cadrul ultrasonografiei fetale, ca urmare au fost diagnosticați cu MCC în urma EcoCG postnatale. La 35 de nou-născuți (16%), după 2 ecografii antenatale, s-a pus un diagnostic fals pozitiv de MCC, astfel aceștia au fost reclasificați drept nou-născuți fără MCC în timpul examinării postnatale cu EcoCG Doppler. EcoCG Doppler postnatal a fost indicată tuturor nou-născuților diagnosticați cu MCC în perioada intrauterină și la toți nou-născuții cu MCC suspecți la naștere în baza protocolului național. Concluzii. Diagnosticul corect prenatal al MCC în al doilea trimestru de sarcină este foarte important în pregătirea familiei pentru gestionarea ulterioară a nou-născutului. În caz că se suspectează o MCC, se indică repetarea EcoCG intrauterin, pentru a stabili un diagnostic mai precis. Complexitatea și consecințele MCC trebuie explicate foarte clar părinților și membrilor echipei perinatale pentru gestionarea ulterioară optimă.Background. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the most common congenital anomaly among newborns, with an incidence of 8-10 per 1000 term births, and possibly 10 times higher in preterm infants. CHD represents organic defects of the heart, which, due to clinical manifestations, have an increased morbidity and mortality in newborns, resulting in an increased infant mortality rate. Aim of study. In this study we aimed to establish the importance of CHD diagnosis by reporting and evaluating the most effective antenatal and postnatal screening methods. Material and methods. The study is based on a retrospective, cohort analysis, made according to cases of CHD, diagnosed both antenatally and postnatally, within the specialized newborn wards of the third-order maternity ward, IMC in Chisinau, during the period May 2021- May 2022. The study examined 670 births that were in the risk group, of which a diagnosis of MCC was established in 220 cases, of which the antenatal diagnosis of MCC was made in 90 newborns (41 %), of which 55 (25%) were confirmed postnatally, and the postnatal diagnosis was made in 130 newborns (59%) during the EchoCG Doppler examination. Results. In 130 newborns (59%) out of 220 diagnosed cases, an antenatal false-negative diagnosis was established (the diagnosis of CHD was not confirmed during pregnancy) during fetal ultrasonography, as a result they were diagnosed with CHD following postnatal EcoCG. 35 (16%) had a false-positive diagnosis of CHD after 2 antenatal ultrasounds, so they were reclassified as non-CHD neonates during the postnatal EchoCG Doppler examination. Postnatal EchoCG Doppler was indicated in all newborns diagnosed with CHD in the intrauterine period and in all newborns with suspected CHD at birth based on the national protocol. Conclusion. Correct prenatal diagnosis of CHD in the second trimester of pregnancy is very important in preparing the family for the subsequent management of the newborn. If a CHD is suspected, repeating the intrauterine EcoCG is indicated to establish a more precise diagnosis. The complexity and consequences of CHD must be explained very clearly to parents and members of the perinatal team for optimal subsequent management

    Preparation of the specialists with high medical education for the professional activity in the field of public health

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    Department of Epidemiology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaThe purpose of the article is to analyze the process of the training of specialists with higher medical education for professional activity in the organizations of public health services and the development of current requirements for human resources in this area. For the period of 1963-2012, 2695 students were enrolled in the first year course, and 1941 doctors graduated from the university having got the diplomas of this profile. Since 1991, after the declaration of independence, a number of changes and reforms of the entire health system, including the training of specialists have been conducted. The purpose of the reforms has been the maintenance of the functionality of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the conditions of a deep socioeconomic crisis, the worsening of epidemiological situation due to the decrease of the of organizational measures to fight and prevent infectious diseases, emergence of the new diseases with high epidemiological potential of distribution and reemergence of some diseases, that used to be under control; the latter has presented a trend of the deterioration of many health indicators of the population. In the framework of the Tempus project Master Programmes in Public Health and Social Services, a new curriculum for postgraduate training through Master/Residency Program for the graduates on the specialty Public Health has been elaborated. The curriculum was implemented in 2012-2013 academic year. A questionnaire on the training quality evaluation has been filled in by residents at the end of the teaching modules. 129 questionnaires on the training at 9 of 12 modules have been filled in. The results of the performed study will be used to improve the curriculum of post graduate training, elaborate the requirements for the specialists in the field of public health of the Republic of Moldov

    Variability of the human brain and its meninges

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    Background. Over the past decade, neurology, and other disciplines have begun to demand more detailed information regarding the normal and pathological individual anatomical variability of the brain due to the rapid development of neurosurgery. Materials and methods. Fifty-five formalin-fixed anatomical speciments of the human brain, as well as, searches of the following Database: Medline; Embassies; Web of Science; Google search were used in this study. Results. The study of the relief of cerebral cortex showed a variety in the number of gyri, their sizes and the depth of the sulci. There are many small variations in the secondary and tertiary gyri. For instance, the number of insular gyri constituencies is not constant, it varies from four to six. A number of morphometric variants of the hippocampus have been found, and the variety of the hippocampus head. All types of white substance fibers are characterized by size diversity. Тhe authors note the greater thickness of the corpus callosum in women than in men. Variations of corpus callosum are: complete agenesis, partial agenesis, hypoplasia of corpus callosum, it can have the appearance of a stripe, being uniformly thinned, or atypical curves. The ventricular system likewise does not differ by permanence. Bilateral symmetrical development of the lateral ventricles is found in only 10% of subjects. Other variants are: underdevelopment, aplasia or hypoplasia of the posterior horn, cavum septum pellucidum. The dural sinuses show considerable anatomical variation. Transverse sinuses are often unequal in size, one sinus is usually larger than the other, they can be hypoplastic or atretic. Conclusion. For the most complete data on the morphological study of the brain, an integrated approach is required, including the methods of automated computer image analysis, immunohistochemistry, and statistical analysis


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    Termenul responsabilitate este unul dintre cuvintele semnificative în domeniul justiției și al dreptului, fiind pe larg cercetat în doctrina juridică. În prezenta lucrare sunt analizate numeroase definiții și explicații ale acestui termen for­mulate de specialiști în domeniul dreptului, scopul urmărit fiind de a evidenția deosebirile dintre responsabilitate în sens de răspundere juridică (ca obligație de a răspunde pentru o faptă comisă și de a repara prejudiciul cauzat astfel) și res­pon­sabilitate în sens de atitudine conștientă și asumată față de acțiuni legale. Primul caz este specific pentru realizarea normelor imperative (regăsite preponderent în dreptul public), iar cel de-al doilea caz – pentru realizarea normelor per­misive (regăsite preponderent în dreptul privat). În ultima situație inițiativa subiecților privați este decisivă. Demersurile științifice din prezenta lucrare nu se limitează la enumerarea definițiilor relevante formulate de autori autohtoni și străini, dar reprezintă o investigare complexă a conceptului răspunderii juridice, prin diferite metode: analiza, sinteza, metoda logică, comparativă și sistemică. În asemenea mod, propunem propriile definiții și invocăm cele mai importante carac­teristici ale răspunderii juridice, principiile specifice acestei categorii juridice și formulăm concluzii originale, bazate pe aspecte teoretice și practice și pe aprecieri proprii argumentate.DOCTRINAL INTERACTIONS BETWEEN LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND LEGAL RESPONSIBILITYThe term responsibility is one of the most significant words in the field of justice and law and is largely researched in legal doctrine. A great number of definitions and explications of the mentioned term given by specialists in law are examined in the present paper, the aim pursued being to emphasize the differences between responsibility in the meaning of accountability (as an obligation to answer for an act done and to repair any injury it may have caused) and the responsibility in the meaning of conscious and assumed attitude towards a lawful activity. The first one is specific to the realization of imperative legal norms (mainly found in public law) and the second one – for the realization of permissive legal norms (mainly found in private law). In the latter case the private subjects’ initiative is decisive. The scientific approaches in the present work are not limited in enumerating relevant definitions given by autochthon and foreign authors but also represent a complex investigation of the concept of legal liability, by different methods: the analysis, the synthesis, the logics, the comparative and the systemic methods. In such a manner the authors propose their own definitions and submit the most important characteristics of legal accountability, the principles specific to this legal category and elaborate original conclusions, based on theoretical and practical issues and on own argued appreciations.</p