1,328 research outputs found


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    Il contributo presenta uno studio di una variabile vocalica tipica del dialetto gallo-italico di Varzi (Pavia), prendendo le mosse dalla rappresentazione, nel vocabolario dialettale, di suoni con tre diverse basi romanze per mezzo del grafema <ò>, in alternanza apparentemente libera con <ò> negli gli esiti di /a/ tonico romanzo in sillaba libera. Il lavoro è stato svolto tramite la registrazione di una lista di parole letta da un campione di parlanti e interviste singole semi-strutturate. L'analisi acustica delle liste di parole ha dimostrato che gli esiti romanzi confluiti graficamente in <ò> sono ancora ben distinti nella pronuncia, mentre durante le interviste è emerso che le realizzazioni fonetiche di <ò> e <ò> hanno per i parlanti il carattere esplicito di variabili diatopiche all'interno del paese. Sebbene non sia stato possibile confermare statisticamente questo aspetto, è risultato che la variabile <ò> è prevalente nel sottocampione femminile, come probabile effetto di esagerazione di un tratto linguistico considerato distintivo.   Sociophonetic variability of <ò> in the Varzese dialect This paper presents a study of a vocalic variable in the Gallo-Italic dialect spoken in the town of Varzi (Pavia), represented graphically as <ò>. This grapheme represents sounds with three different Romance developments, and there seems to be a free alternation with the grapheme <ò> in the reflexes of stressed Romance /a/ in open syllables. The survey was carried out by means of field recordings of a word list and semi-informal single interviews. The acoustic analysis of the wordlist shows that all three Romance reflexes subsumed under <ò> have distinct phonetic realizations but does not support the <ò>/<ò> alternation as a diatopic marker, which nonetheless remain in the opinions of the speakers, possibily as a stereotype. However, women in the sample show a preference for the <ò> realization which, in our opinion, is due to an effort of preservation of a typical dialectal trait

    Sleep actigraphic patterns and cognitive status

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    none9noWe performed an actigraphic assessment of sleep characteristics in healthy subjects and patients with cognitive impairment. Thirty subjects were included and classified into controls (10 subjects), mild cognitive impairment (10 patients) and mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (10 patients). Sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Participants had a 7-day actigraphic record. Sleep parameters collected were time in bed, total sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, wakefulness after sleep onset, number of awakenings, and mean motor activity. Significant differences between mild cognitive impairment and controls patients were found for sleep latency (p = 0.05); Alzheimer's disease patients had significantly worse scores for Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (p = 0.01), time in bed (p = 0.001), total sleep time (p = 0.04), sleep latency, sleep efficiency, motor activity (p = 0.0001) and wakefulness after sleep onset (p = 0.001) compared to controls. When comparing Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment, differences were significant for sleep latency (p = 0.01), wakefulness after sleep onset (p = 0.004), sleep efficiency, number of awakenings and motor activity (p = 0.0001). In addition to showing a high prevalence of sleep alterations in subjects with cognitive impairment, our data suggest that they are evident from the earliest stages of cognitive decline. Further studies are needed to assess whether early correction of sleep alterations can positively influence the evolution of cognitive impairment. The opportunity to provide clinically meaningful information with a simple assessment of sleep characteristics based on actigraphy suggests that wider use of the approach in patients with cognitive decline should be considered.openBuratti, Laura; Camilletti, Roberta; Pulcini, Alessandra; Rocchi, Chiara; Viticchi, Giovanna; Falsetti, Lorenzo; Baldinelli, Sara; Fiori, Chiara; Silvestrini, MauroBuratti, Laura; Camilletti, Roberta; Pulcini, Alessandra; Rocchi, Chiara; Viticchi, Giovanna; Falsetti, Lorenzo; Baldinelli, Sara; Fiori, Chiara; Silvestrini, Maur

    Centralised Traffic Control and Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory Procedure in Mixed Traffic Flow: An Integrated Modelling Framework

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    The paper aims to develop an integrated modelling framework for urban network traffic control in the presence of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). The framework is further composed of two sub models: the first of which focuses on the traffic control problem in the case of hybrid flow conditions (unequipped vehicles and connected vehicles) and the second aims to control the automated vehicles in terms of speed optimisation. The traffic control strategy drew on the hybrid combination between the centralised approach based on a multi-objective optimisation and a link metering based on a single control function; whilst with reference to the speed guidance, the GLOSA (Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory) procedure was considered. Furthermore, the presence of connected vehicles has also been considered to support the estimation procedure of location and speed of unequipped vehicles. In terms of traffic flow modelling the microscopic approach has been applied. The proposed framework was applied by considering a simple real network (in the city centre of Naples, in the Southern of Italy) that was composed by one origin–destination pair and two alternative paths. The network layout is characterised by one diversion node and two alternative paths connecting the same origin - destination pair; three scenarios were tested: the first was only based on a centralised traffic control procedure, the second on speed guidance optimisation and the third was based on the combination of both sub-models. Finally, the framework effectiveness was analised in terms of within-day dynamics with respect to the travel times and queue length performance indices

    Linee guida per lo sviluppo di modelli numerici di flusso in acquiferi porosi: Una proposta IRSA-ISPRA

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    A livello nazionale, nell'ambito dei procedimenti di bonifica dei siti contaminati, disciplinati dalla parte Quarta – Titolo V del decreto legislativo 152 del 2006, l'implementazione di modelli matematici di flusso e di trasporto dei contaminanti è uno strumento che ha acquisito con il tempo sempre maggiore importanza, soprattutto ai fini della definizione e progettazione degli interventi di messa in sicurezza e bonifica delle acque di falda. Modelli matematici sono utilizzati anche a scala di bacino o sottobacino per la caratterizzazione e la gestione delle risorse idriche sotterranee [...]

    Synthesis of thia-Michael-Type Adducts between Naphthoquinones and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and Their Biological Activity

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    A series of naphthoquinones, namely, 1,4-naphthoquinone, menadione, plumbagin, juglone, naphthazarin, and lawsone, were reacted with N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and except for lawsone, which did not react, the related adducts were obtained. After the tuning of the solvent and reaction conditions, the reaction products were isolated as almost pure from the complex reaction mixture via simple filtration and were fully characterized. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate whether the antitumor activity of new compounds of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives leads to an increase in ROS in tumor cell lines of cervical carcinoma (HeLa), neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y), and osteosarcoma (SaOS2, U2OS) and in normal dermal fibroblast (HDFa). The MTT assay was used to assay cell viability, the DCF-DA fluorescent probe to evaluate ROS induction, and cell-cycle analysis to measure the antiproliferative effect. Compounds 8, 9, and 12 showed a certain degree of cytotoxicity towards all the malignant cell lines tested, while compound 11 showed biological activity at higher IC50 values. Compounds 8 and 11 induced increases in ROS generation after 1 h of exposure, while after 48 h of treatment, only 8 induced an increase in ROS formation in HeLa cells. Cell-cycle analysis showed that compound 8 caused an increase in the number of G0/G1-phase cells in the HeLa experiment, while for the U2OS and SH-SY5Y cell lines, it led to an accumulation of S-phase cells. Therefore, these novel 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives may be useful as antitumoral agents in the treatment of different cancers

    Seamounts as hot-spots of large pelagic aggregations

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    The distribution of four top predators in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a sub-basin of the Mediterranean Sea, was investigated by means of random forest regression considering depth, distance from the coast, seafloor slope, and distance from seamounts as habitat descriptors on a 2x2–nautical mile regular grid. RF results are processed to estimate variable importance and model performance. Random forest architecture reached optimal sensitivity and specificity, thus providing a consistent support tool for identifying suitable habitats. The considered species are characterized as having patched suitable habitats with a number of hot-spot areas where the different species' habitats overlap. These hot-spot areas' locations correspond to those of specific seamounts identifying the attraction effect of these topographic structures. The mean features typifying the most attractive seamounts are investigated and found to be shallow peak and base depths but wide base area and high relative elevation

    SARS-CoV-2 recombinants: genomic comparison between XBF and its parental lineages

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    Recombination events are very common and represent one of the primary drivers of RNA virus evolution. The XBF SARS-CoV-2 lineage is one of the most recently generated recombinants during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a recombinant of BA.5.2.3 and BA.2.75.3, both descendants of lineages that caused many concerns (BA.5 and BA.2.75, respectively). Here, we performed a genomic survey focused on comparing the recombinant XBF with its parental lineages to provide a comprehensive assessment of the evolutionary potential, epidemiological trajectory, and potential risks. Genetic analyses indicated that although XBF initially showed the typical expansion depicted by a steep curve, causing several concerns, currently there is no indication of significant expansion potential or a contagion rate surpassing that of other currently active or previously prevalent lineages. BSP indicated that the peak has been reached around 19 October 2022 and then the genetic variability suffered slight oscillations until early 5 March 2023 when the population size reduced for the last time starting its last plateau that is still lasting. Structural analyses confirmed its reduced potential, also indicating that properties of NTDs and RBDs of XBF and its parental lineages present no significant difference. Of course, cautionary measures must still be taken and genome-based monitoring remains the best tool for detecting any important changes in viral genome composition

    Genetic and structural analyses reveal the low potential of the SARS‐CoV‐2 EG.5 variant

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 EG.5 lineage is the latest variant under monitoring, and it is generating significant concern due to its recent upward trend in prevalence. Our aim was to gain insights into this emerging lineage and offer insights into its actual level of threat. Both genetic and structural data indicate that this novel variant presently lacks substantial evidence of having a high capacity for widespread transmission. Their viral population sizes expanded following a very mild curve and peaked several months after the earliest detected sample. Currently, neither the viral population size of EG.5 nor that of its first descendant is increasing. The genetic variability appear to be flattened, as evidenced by its relatively modest evolutionary rate (9.05 × 10−4 subs/site/year). As has been observed with numerous prior variants, attributes that might theoretically provide advantages seem to stem from genetic drift, enabling the virus to continually adjust to its host, albeit without a clear association with enhanced dangerousness. These findings further underscore the necessity for ongoing genome-based monitoring, ensuring preparedness and a well-documented understanding of the unfolding situation

    Integrative genome-based survey of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron XBB.1.16 variant

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    The XBB.1.16 SARS-CoV-2 variant, also known as Arcturus, is a recent descendant lineage of the recombinant XBB (nicknamed Gryphon). Compared to its direct progenitor, XBB.1, XBB.1.16 carries additional spike mutations in key antigenic sites, potentially conferring an ability to evade the immune response compared to other circulating lineages. In this context, we conducted a comprehensive genome-based survey to gain a detailed understanding of the evolution and potential dangers of the XBB.1.16 variant, which became dominant in late June. Genetic data indicates that the XBB.1.16 variant exhibits an evolutionary background with limited diversification, unlike dangerous lineages known for rapid changes. The evolutionary rate of XBB.1.16, which amounts to 3.95 × 10−4 subs/site/year, is slightly slower than that of its direct progenitors, XBB and XBB.1.5, which have been circulating for several months. A Bayesian Skyline Plot reconstruction suggests that the peak of genetic variability was reached in early May 2023, and currently, it is in a plateau phase with a viral population size similar to the levels observed in early March. Structural analyses indicate that, overall, the XBB.1.16 variant does not possess structural characteristics markedly different from those of the parent lineages, and the theoretical affinity for ACE2 does not seem to change among the compared variants. In conclusion, the genetic and structural analyses of SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.16 do not provide evidence of its exceptional danger or high expansion capability. Detected differences with previous lineages are probably due to genetic drift, which allows the virus constant adaptability to the host, but they are not necessarily connected to a greater danger. Nevertheless, continuous genome-based monitoring is essential for a better understanding of its descendants and other lineages