36 research outputs found

    Is Lipid Specificity Key to the Potential Antiviral Activity of Mouthwash Reagent Chlorhexidine against SARS-CoV-2?

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    Chlorhexidine (CHX), a popular antibacterial drug, is widely used for oral health. Emerging pieces of evidence suggest that commercially available chlorhexidine mouthwash formulations are effective in suppressing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, possibly through destabilization of the viral lipid envelope. CHX is known for its membrane-active properties; however, the molecular mechanism revealing how it damages the viral lipid envelope is yet to be understood. Here we used extensive conventional and umbrella sampling simulations to quantify the effects of CHX on model membranes mimicking the composition of the SARS-CoV-2 outer lipid membrane as well as the host plasma membrane. Our results show that the lipid composition and physical properties of the membrane play an important role in binding and insertion, with CHX binding favorably to the viral membrane over the plasma membrane. Among the simulated lipids, CHX preferentially binds to anionic lipids, PS and PI, which are more concentrated in the viral membrane. The deeper and stable binding of CHX to the viral membrane results in more pronounced swelling of the membrane laterally with a thinning of the bilayer. The overall free energies of pore formation are strongly reduced for the viral membrane compared to the plasma membrane; however, CHX has a larger concentration-dependent effect on free energies of pore formation in the plasma membrane than the viral membrane. The results indicate that CHX is less toxic to the human plasma membrane at low concentrations. Our simulations reveal that CHX facilitates pore formation by the combination of thinning the membrane and accumulation at the water defect. This study provides insights into the mechanism underlying the anti-SARS-CoV-2 potency of CHX, supporting its potential for application as an effective and safe oral rinse agent for preventing viral transmission

    Cooperative Effects of an Antifungal Moiety and DMSO on Pore Formation over Lipid Membranes Revealed by Free Energy Calculations

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    Itraconazole is a triazole drug widely used in the treatment of fungal infections, and it is in clinical trials for treatment of several cancers. However, the drug suffers from poor solubility, while experiments have shown that itraconazole delivery in liposome nanocarriers improves both circulation half-life and tissue distribution. The drug release mechanism from the nanocarrier is still unknown, and it depends on several factors including membrane stability against defect formation. In this work, we used molecular dynamics simulations and potential of mean force (PMF) calculations to quantify the influence of itraconazole on pore formation over lipid membranes, and we compared the effect by itraconazole with a pore-stabilizing effect by the organic solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). According to the PMFs, both itraconazole and DMSO greatly reduce the free energy of pore formation, by up to similar to 20 kJ mol(-1). However, whereas large concentrations of itraconazole of 8 mol % (relative to lipid) were required, only small concentrations of a few mole % DMSO (relative to water) were sufficient to stabilize pores. In addition, itraconazole and DMSO facilitate pore formation by different mechanisms. Whereas itraconazole predominantly aids the formation of a partial defect with a locally thinned membrane, DMSO mainly stabilizes a transmembrane water needle by shielding it from the hydrophobic core. Notably, the two distinct mechanisms act cooperatively upon adding both itraconazole and DMSO to the membrane, as revealed by an additional reduction of the pore free energy. Overall, our simulations reveal molecular mechanisms and free energies of membrane pore formation by small molecules. We suggest that the stabilization of a locally thinned membrane as well as the shielding of a transmembrane water needle from the hydrophobic membrane core may be a general mechanism by which amphiphilic molecules facilitate pore formation over lipid membranes at sufficient concentrations.Peer reviewe

    Free energies of membrane stalk formation from a lipidomics perspective

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    Many biological membranes are asymmetric and exhibit complex lipid composition, comprising hundreds of distinct chemical species. Identifying the biological function and advantage of this complexity is a central goal of membrane biology. Here, we study how membrane complexity controls the energetics of the first steps of membrane fusions, that is, the formation of a stalk. We first present a computationally efficient method for simulating thermodynamically reversible pathways of stalk formation at coarse-grained resolution. The method reveals that the inner leaflet of a typical plasma membrane is far more fusogenic than the outer leaflet, which is likely an adaptation to evolutionary pressure. To rationalize these findings by the distinct lipid compositions, we computed ~200 free energies of stalk formation in membranes with different lipid head groups, tail lengths, tail unsaturations, and sterol content. In summary, the simulations reveal a drastic influence of the lipid composition on stalk formation and a comprehensive fusogenicity map of many biologically relevant lipid classes

    Physiologically-relevant levels of sphingomyelin, but not GM1, induces a beta-sheet-rich structure in the amyloid-beta(1-42) monomer

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    To resolve the contribution of ceramide-containing lipids to the aggregation of the amyloid-β protein into β-sheet rich toxic oligomers, we employed molecular dynamics simulations to study the effect of cholesterol-containing bilayers comprised of POPC (70% POPC, and 30% cholesterol) and physiologically relevant concentrations of sphingomyelin (SM) (30% SM, 40% POPC, and 30% cholesterol), and the GM1 ganglioside (5% GM1, 70% POPC, and 25% cholesterol). The increased bilayer rigidity provided by SM (and to a lesser degree, GM1) reduced the interactions between the SM-enriched bilayer and the N-terminus of Aβ42 (and also residues Ser26, Asn27, and Lys28), which facilitated the formation of a β-sheet in the normally disordered N-terminal region. Aβ42 remained anchored to the SM-enriched bilayer through hydrogen bonds with the side chain of Arg5. With β-sheets in the at the N and C termini, the structure of Aβ42 in the sphingomyelin-enriched bilayer most resembles β-sheet-rich structures found in higher-ordered Aβ fibrils. Conversely, when bound to a bilayer comprised of 5% GM1, the conformation remained similar to that observed in the absence of GM1, with Aβ42 only making contact with one or two GM1 molecules. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Aggregation and Misfolding at the Cell Membrane Interface edited by Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy.Peer reviewe

    Ion-induced transient potential fluctuations facilitate pore formation and cation transport through lipid membranes

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    Unassisted ion transport through lipid membranes plays a crucial role in many cell functions without which life would not be possible, yet the precise mechanism behind the process remains unknown due to its molecular complexity. Here, we demonstrate a direct link between membrane potential fluctuations and divalent ion transport. High-throughput wide-field second harmonic (SH) microscopy shows that membrane potential fluctuations are universally found in lipid bilayer systems. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that such variations in membrane potential reduce the free energy cost of transient pore formation and increase the ion flux across an open pore. These transient pores can act as conduits for ion transport, which we SH image for a series of divalent cations (Cu2+^{2+}, Ca2+^{2+}, Ba2+^{2+}, Mg2+^{2+}) passing through GUV membranes. Combining the experimental and computational results, we show that permeation through pores formed via an ion-induced electrostatic field is a viable mechanism for unassisted ion transport.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Lipid Droplets Embedded in a Model Cell Membrane Create a Phospholipid Diffusion Barrier

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are ubiquitous, cytoplasmic fat storage organelles that originate from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. They are composed of a core of neutral lipids surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer. Proteins embedded into this monolayer membrane adopt a monotopic topology and are crucial for regulated lipid storage and consumption. A key question is, which collective properties of protein-intrinsic and lipid-mediated features determine spatio-temporal protein partitioning between phospholipid bilayer and LD monolayer membranes. To address this question, a freestanding phospholipid bilayer with physiological lipidic composition is produced using microfluidics and micrometer-sized LDs are dispersed around the bilayer that spontaneously insert into the bilayer. Using confocal microscopy, the 3D geometry of the reconstituted LDs is determined with high spatial resolution. The micrometer-sized bilayer-embedded LDs present a characteristic lens shape that obeys predictions from equilibrium wetting theory. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements reveals the existence of a phospholipid diffusion barrier at the monolayer–bilayer interface. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation reveals lipid specific density distributions along the pore rim, which may rationalize the diffusion barrier. The lipid diffusion barrier between the LD covering monolayer and the bilayer may be a key phenomenon influencing protein partitioning between the ER membrane and LDs in living cells

    Complexity of seemingly simple lipid nanodiscs

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    Lipid nanodiscs are macromolecular assemblies, where a scaffold protein is wrapped around a nanosized disc of a lipid bilayer, thus protecting the hydrocarbon chains at the disc edges from unfavorable interactions with water. These nanostructures have numerous applications in, e.g., nanotechnology and pharmaceutics, and in investigations of membrane proteins. Here, we present results based on atomistic molecular dynamics simulations combined with electron paramagnetic spectroscopy measurements on the structure and dynamics of lipids in single-component nanodiscs. Our data highlight the existence of three distinctly different lipid fractions: central lipids residing in the center of a nanodisc, boundary lipids in direct contact with a scaffold protein, and intermediate lipids between these two regions. The central lipids are highly ordered and characterized by slow diffusion. In this part of the nanodisc, the membrane is the thickest and characterized by a gel-like or liquid-ordered phase, having features common to cholesterol-rich membranes. The boundary lipids in direct contact with the scaffold protein turned out to be less ordered and characterized by faster diffusion, and they remained in the liquid-disordered phase even at temperatures that were somewhat below the main phase transition temperature (Tm). The enthalpies associated with the central-boundary and central-intermediate transitions were similar to those observed for lipids going through the main phase transition. Overall, the study reveals lipid nanodiscs to be characterized by a complex internal structure, which is expected to influence membrane proteins placed in nanodiscs.Peer reviewe

    Behavior of the DPH fluorescence probe in membranes perturbed by drugs

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    1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) is one of the most commonly used fluorescent probes to study dynamical and structural properties of lipid bilayers and cellular membranes via measuring steady-state or time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. In this study, we present a limitation in the use of DPH to predict the order of lipid acyl chains when the lipid bilayer is doped with itraconazole (ITZ), an antifungal drug. Our steady-state fluorescence anisotropy measurements showed a significant decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of DPH embedded in the ITZ-containing membrane, suggesting a substantial increase in membrane fluidity, which indirectly indicates a decrease in the order of the hydrocarbon chains. This result or its interpretation is in disagreement with the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data. The results of these experiments and calculations indicate an increase in the hydrocarbon chain order. The MD simulations of the bilayer containing both ITZ and DPH provide explanations for these observations. Apparently, in the presence of the drug, the DPH molecules are pushed deeper into the hydrophobic membrane core below the lipid double bonds, and the probe predominately adopts the orientation of the ITZ molecules that is parallel to the membrane surface, instead of orienting parallel to the lipid acyl chains. For this reason, DPH anisotropy provides information related to the less ordered central region of the membrane rather than reporting the properties of the upper segments of the lipid acyl chains.Peer reviewe

    Mechanism of homodimeric cytokine receptor activation and dysregulation by oncogenic mutations

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    Homodimeric class I cytokine receptors are assumed to exist as preformed dimers that are activated by ligand-induced conformational changes. We quantified the dimerization of three prototypic class I cytokine receptors in the plasma membrane of living cells by single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. Spatial and spatiotemporal correlation of individual receptor subunits showed ligand-induced dimerization and revealed that the associated Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) dimerizes through its pseudokinase domain. Oncogenic receptor and hyperactive JAK2 mutants promoted ligand-independent dimerization, highlighting the formation of receptor dimers as the switch responsible for signal activation. Atomistic modeling and molecular dynamics simulations based on a detailed energetic analysis of the interactions involved in dimerization yielded a mechanistic blueprint for homodimeric class I cytokine receptor activation and its dysregulation by individual mutations.</p