334 research outputs found

    The link between language and culture on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language

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    The main aim of a foreign language teacher is to form a student’s communicative competence, which is a complex of other competencies such as linguistic, discursive and linguocultural.  For successful psychological and social adaptation in a new cultural and linguistic space for a foreign student is extremely important at the initial level of education begin to master the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that reflect the culture of the speakers of the studied language and leads to the adoption of a different worldview.  Thus, for successful communication, you need not only use phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic rules of the language, but also you should have a clear idea of the conceptual picture of the world of the people, who speaks this language.  It follows that the study of any foreign language should occur inextricably linked with the knowledge of culture, values and understanding of the native people of this language. The objective of the work is to formulate the key linguocultural principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language. To achieve this objective, the works of leading researchers in the field of linguistics, didactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been analyzed. The research object is an inextricable link between learning a foreign language and the culture of its speakers. The research result is the proof of the need to learn a foreign language as being inextricably linked with knowledge of the culture, values and world outlook of the people - speakers of this language, as well as a list of basic linguocultural principles, on which teaching a foreign language, including Russian as a foreign language, should be based

    Quantitative research in practice: applying a differential scale questionnaire to literature

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    Literary scholarship has traditionally relied on interpretative studies. Grounded on the theoretical bases of the Empirical Study of Literature, this paper moves away from such tradition by adopting an empirical perspective. Its purpose is to report on the design of a questionnaire and how semantic differentials were created so as to elicit responses from readers from two different cultures, namely, Ukraine and Brazil. The study described in this paper enables researchers to look into readers‟ reactions to a given poem from a collective viewpoint

    Культурно-цивилизационный феномен интеллигенции: историческая и провидческая реальность

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    The article attempts to consider the phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia in a wide cultural context. We turn to the works of Russian philosophers, to the works of art by Russian writers. Philosophy, literature and art in Russian culture form a synthesis through which you can understand the uniqueness of the national image of the world. The material for the study is the treatise S.A. Yesenin "The keys of Mary”. In this treatise, the poet reflects not only on the laws of art, but also gives ideas about the Russian man, his connection with archaic knowledge, expressed through ornament, embroidery, and applied art. The comparative-typological, structural-functional and systematic analysis method is applied.El artículo intenta considerar el fenómeno de la intelectualidad rusa en un amplio contexto cultural. Pasamos a las obras de filósofos rusos, a las obras de arte de escritores rusos. La filosofía, la literatura y el arte en la cultura rusa forman una síntesis a través de la cual puedes entender la singularidad de la imagen nacional del mundo. El material para el estudio es el tratado SA Yesenin "Las llaves de María". En este tratado, el poeta no solo reflexiona sobre las leyes del arte, sino que también da ideas sobre el hombre ruso, su conexión con el conocimiento arcaico, expresada a través del ornamento. , bordado y arte aplicado Se aplica el método de análisis comparativo-tipológico, estructural-funcional y sistemático.В статье предпринимается попытка рассмотреть феномен русской интеллигенции в широком культурном контексте. Обращаемся к трудам русских философов, к художественным произведениям русских писателей. Философия, литература и искусство в русской культуре образуют синтез, через который можно понять своеобразие национального образа мира. Материалом для исследования выступает трактат С.А. Есенина «Ключи Марии». В этом трактате поэт размышляет не только о законах искусства, но и дает представления о русском человеке, его связи с архаическими знаниями, выразившейся через орнамент, вышивку, прикладное искусство. Применен сравнительно-типологический, структурно-функциональный и системный метод анализа

    Features of the hemostasis system state in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis detected by the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography

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    Objective: to estimate the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis by the method of LPHC. Methods: the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis was evaluated with the aid of the analyzer of the blood rheological properties ARP - 01 “Mednord” as well as by the use of a standard complex of laboratory coagulation tests. The indices characterizing the initial stages of the blood coagulation, the intensity of thrombin formation and fibrin polymerization was evaluated by the LPHC method as well as the indices, which characterize the intensity of the clot retraction and fibrinolytic activity. Results: the comparative analysis of the state of the hemostasis system with the use of a standard coagulogram and LPHC express method in patients with tuberculosis revealed the presence of the processes of the moderate hyper-coagulation shift and suppression of fibrinolysis in them. Conclusion: the comparative estimation of the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tubercular infection with the aid of the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography and standard coagulation tests revealed unidirectionality of the processes. The determination of changes in the components of the regulation of aggregation of the blood condition (RABC) system by the LPHC method allows to diagnose the development of complications in the blood coagulation system in patients with tuberculosis without manifestations of the corresponding clinical symptoms

    Pathogenetic Grounds of Principles of Depotentiation of Lethal Effects <i>Y. pestis</i> toxins

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    Lethal combination of lypoplyssacharide and mouse Y. pestis toxin is decreased by the use of effective preparation - Cytoflavinum, the antihypoxant of substrate and regulatory activity. The positive resolving impact to the lethal activity of toxins of plague microbe provides also Emoxipinum, the synthetic preparation, the effect of which is enhanced by the use of Contrykal, Klexan, hemodez

    Current issues of anti-epidemic readiness of a Russian Federation region for emergency situations associated with infectious diseases dangerous for humans. Report 2. Priority directions of anti-epidemic readiness

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    The purpose of this study was to determine priority directions of anti-epidemic readiness of the Russian Federation Region for emergency situations associated with infectious diseases dangerous for humans, at the present stage. Readiness of the Russian Federation region for emergency situations associated with infectious diseases dangerous for humans (anti-epidemic readiness) implies a set of preventive and anti-epidemic measures, implementation of relevant management decisions at the Regional level, which aim to ensure the safety of people living (temporarily located) in conditions of epidemiological risks. Anti-epidemic readiness is provided through targeted distribution of logistics, human resources, scientific methods, and informational resources of public health of the region, taking into account the priority of the organization of preventive measures especially for those infectious diseases that define dominant epidemiological risk in a particular municipality. Efficient use of resources is not possible without administrative, legal and financial support. As the result of the research priority directions of anti-epidemic readiness of the Russian Federation region for emergency situations associated with infectious diseases dangerousfor humans, taking into account the dominant epidemiological risks, are formulated


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    In the last decade outbreaks and epidemics of infectious diseases dangerous for humans cause tension epidemiological situation in the world and in the Russian Federation. Epidemic manifestation of these diseases has symptoms of emergency situations and requires the use of additional forces and means of Public Health, as well as administrative, legal and financial support. The purpose of this study is formulation of the concept of "public health emergency situations associated with diseases dangerous for humans". In considering of definitions "emergency situation", "disease" and "event" in international and national law, the thesis is confirmed that epidemic manifestation of infectious diseases dangerous for humans, are signs of an emergency. In addition, the interpretation of these terms focuses on the distinction between potential risk and its actual implementation. Consequently, the threat of public health emergency situations should be viewed from the risk methodology, by which we proposed to evaluate internal and external epidemiological risks and to define its dominance for each municipality of the Russian Federation Region. Infectious diseases dangerous for humans which able to cause public health emergency situations, can be divided into three groups. 1. Diseases that form the external epidemiological risk - dangerous infectious diseases requiring measures for sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation. 2. Diseases that form the internal epidemiological risk - dangerous infectious diseases, registration both single and mass indigenous events requires emergency response and using of additional forces and means of public health of the Region. 3. Infectious diseases of importance in regional pathology, prevention of which is to implement long-term programs. In the framework of this paper the definition of "public health emergency situations associated with diseases dangerous for humans" is proposed. It focuses on the feasibility of upgrading approaches to priority directions of anti-epidemic readiness of the Russian Federation Region, taking into account the probability of epidemiological risks

    About health saving in chemical education

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    This paper considers the health saving medium and its implementation methods in the educational process. It is emphasized that the rational use of time during lections and maintaining of health saving promotes development of attention concentration and cognitive abilities of students and reducing of emotional stressВ работе рассматривается здоровьесберегающая среда и ее способы реализации в образовательном процессе. Подчеркнуто, что рациональное использование рабочего времени в ходе занятия и поддержание здоровьесберегающей среды способствует развитию концентрации внимания и познавательных способностей обучающихся, а также снижению эмоционального напряжени