468 research outputs found

    Planning the forest transport systems based on the principles of sustainable development of territories

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    The article identifies a new method of dynamic modeling in the design of the transport system in the forest fund (TSFF), which is based on economic and mathematical modeling and fuzzy logic tools. The combination of the indicated methods is designed to reduce the disadvantages of their use and increase the benefits. The article substantiates the choice of assessing the forecast level of the impact of risks on the activities of forestry enterprises (the method of expert assessments), using the methodological tools of fuzzy logic. The indicated method makes it possible to take into account a large variety of risk factors of the internal and external environment. At the same time, methodological aspects of fuzzy logic make it possible to formulate a quantitative assessment of qualitative indicators. The article substantiates the choice of tools for economic and mathematical modeling in order to state the design problem of the planned TSFF. Since the indicated method enables the formalization of the functioning of the timber transport system in the given conditions. The article presents a developed model that correctly takes into account the influence of risk factors when planning a TSFF, through the combination of fuzzy logic methods and economic and mathematical modeling. The advantages of the developed model include: considering the multivariance of material flows, vehicles, points of overload, etc.; automated processing of input parameters and effective data; using the model for forecasting, i.e. the possibility of deriving a fuzzy estimate of the efficiency of the timber transport system by identifying cause-effect relationships between the modeling object and the influence of risk factors on its functioning. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Early Permian Conodont Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Garden Valley Formation, Eureka County, Nevada

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    The lower part of the Garden Valley Formation yields two distinct conodont faunas. One of late Asselian age dominated by Mesogondolella and Streptognathodus and one of Artinskian age dominated by Sweetognathus with Mesogondolella. The Asselian fauna contains the same species as those found in the type area of the Asselian in the southern Urals including Mesogondolella dentiseparata, described for the first time outside of the Urals. Apparatuses for Sweetognathus whitei, Diplognathodus stevensi, and Idioprioniodus sp. are described. The Garden Valley Formation represents a marine pro-delta basin and platform, and marine and shore fan delta complex deposition. The fan-delta complex was most likely deposited from late Artinskian to late Wordian. The Garden Valley Formation records tremendous swings in depositional setting from shallow-water to basin to shore

    Trophic effects of sponge feeding within Lake Baikal\u27s littoral zone .2. Sponge abundance, diet, feeding efficiency, and carbon flux

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    Endemic freshwater demosponges in the littoral zone of Lake Baikal, Russia, dominate the benthic biomass, covering 44% of the benthos. We measured in situ sponge abundance and,orating and calculated sponge-mediated Fluxes of picoplankton (plankton \u3c2 mu m) for two common species, Baikalospongia intermedia and Baikalospongia bacillifera. By means of dual-beam how cytometry, we found retention efficiencies ranging from 58 to 99% for four types of picoplankton: heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus-type cyanobacteria, autotrophic picoplankton with one chloroplast, and autotrophic picoplankton with two chloroplasts. By using a general model for organism-mediated fluxes, we conservatively estimate that through active suspension feeding, sponges are a sink for 1.97 g C d(-1) m(-1), mostly from procaryotic cell types. Furthermore, grazing by these extensive sponge communities can create a layer of picoplankton-depleted water overlying the benthic community in this unique lake

    Consistent alpha-cluster description of the 12C (0^+_2) resonance

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    The near-threshold 12C (0^+_2) resonance provides unique possibility for fast helium burning in stars, as predicted by Hoyle to explain the observed abundance of elements in the Universe. Properties of this resonance are calculated within the framework of the alpha-cluster model whose two-body and three-body effective potentials are tuned to describe the alpha - alpha scattering data, the energies of the 0^+_1 and 0^+_2 states, and the 0^+_1-state root-mean-square radius. The extremely small width of the 0^+_2 state, the 0_2^+ to 0_1^+ monopole transition matrix element, and transition radius are found in remarkable agreement with the experimental data. The 0^+_2-state structure is described as a system of three alpha-particles oscillating between the ground-state-like configuration and the elongated chain configuration whose probability exceeds 0.9

    Study of the time-differentiated particle flux density at various distances from EAS axis

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    The EAS time structure is studied using the enlarged EAS array of the Moscow State University. The time measurements are made using 22 scintillators which form 13 rectanges of 180x190 sq m size covering the entire array area. The array is triggered by a signal of 4-fold coincidences of the pulses from the detectors forming each of the rectangles. The data were obtained during 2200 hours of the array operation in 1984. A total of 816 showers, to which at least 14 of 22 scintillator detectors responded, were selected among all those detected. The coordinates of the EAS axis in the observation plane and the EAS sizes were determined by the maximum likelihood method using a computer on the assumption that the electron LDF is the NKG form. A total of 492 showers in the interval of EAS size Ne = 5x10 to the 6th power - 2x10 to the 8th power (N bar e = 1.7x 10 to the 7th power) with zenith angles theta or = 45 deg and axes within the array are analyzed


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    O artigo apresentado é dedicado à questão da organização do ensino de educação para alunos aprendentes em instituições de ensino superior. Baseado nos trabalhos de I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov e outros pesquisadores, os autores esclareceram o conceito de "ensino de educação para estudantes universitários", analisaram seus componentes, sistematizaram a experiência nacional e estrangeira na organização do ensino de educação para estudantes em instituições de ensino superior. O artigo também apresenta o complexo de condições pedagógicas do autor que promove a organização do ensino de educação para estudantes universitários. O complexo inclui os seguintes componentes: correção das orientações de valor dos alunos no processo educacional de uma universidade; o desenvolvimento da atividade cognitiva dos estudantes e a construção do processo educacional em uma universidade, levando em consideração os requisitos de uma abordagem centrada no aluno.El documento presentado está dedicado al tema de la organización de la enseñanza de la educación para los estudiantes que aprenden en instituciones de educación superior. Basado en los trabajos de I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, yo. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov y otros investigadores, los autores aclararon el concepto de "enseñanza de educación para estudiantes universitarios", analizaron sus componentes, sistematizaron la experiencia nacional y extranjera en la organización de la enseñanza de educación para estudiantes en instituciones de educación superior. El documento también presenta el complejo de condiciones pedagógicas del autor que promueve la organización de la enseñanza de educación para estudiantes universitarios. El complejo incluye los siguientes componentes: corrección de las orientaciones de valor de los estudiantes en el proceso educativo de una universidad; El desarrollo de la actividad cognitiva de los estudiantes y la construcción del proceso educativo en una universidad teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de un enfoque centrado en el alumno.The presented paper is devoted to the issue of organization of upbringing teaching for students which are learners in higher educational institutions. Based on the works of I.A. Zimnyaya, T.I. Ilyin, V.V. Kraevsky, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I. Ya. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov and other researchers, the authors clarified the concept of "upbringing teaching for university students", analysed its components, systematised domestic and foreign experience in organizing upbringing teaching for students in higher educational institutions. The paper also presents the author’s complex of pedagogical conditions that promotes the organization of upbringing teaching for university students. The complex includes the following components: correction of students' value orientations in the educational process of a university; the development of cognitive activity of students and the construction of the educational process at a university taking into account the requirements of a learner-centred approach.   &nbsp

    Mixed and galerkin finite element approximation of flow in a linear viscoelastic porous medium

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2013 ElsevierThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.We propose two fully discrete mixed and Galerkin finite element approximations to a system of equations describing the slow flow of a slightly compressible single phase fluid in a viscoelastic porous medium. One of our schemes is the natural one for the backward Euler time discretization but, due to the viscoelasticity, seems to be stable only for small enough time steps. The other scheme contains a lagged term in the viscous stress and pressure evolution equations and this is enough to prove unconditional stability. For this lagged scheme we prove an optimal order a priori error estimate under ideal regularity assumptions and demonstrate the convergence rates by using a model problem with a manufactured solution. The model and numerical scheme that we present are a natural extension to ‘poroviscoelasticity’ of the poroelasticity equations and scheme studied by Philips and Wheeler in (for example) [Philip Joseph Philips, Mary F.Wheeler, Comput. Geosci. 11 (2007) 145–158] although — importantly — their algorithms and codes would need only minor modifications in order to include the viscous effects. The equations and algorithms presented here have application to oil reservoir simulations and also to the condition of hydrocephalus — ‘water on the brain’. An illustrative example is given demonstrating that even small viscoelastic effects can produce noticeable differences in long-time response. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time a mixed and Galerkin scheme has been analysed and implemented for viscoelastic porous media

    Interethnic tolerance development ways among pedagogical students at University

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    The presented article is devoted to interethnic tolerance development among pedagogical students at a university.Based on the works by B. Barber, J. Berry, A.G. Asmolov, M.S. Mirimanov, V.A. Lektorsky, G.U. Soldatov and other researchers, the authors clarified the goal and objectives of interethnic tolerance development among future teachers, and also systematized its main criteria and indicators. Also, the article presents the author's complex of pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of interethnic tolerance among pedagogical students at a university. The complex includes the following components: the use of active didactic forms and interactive teaching methods in the educational process that contribute to the formation of a tolerant worldview of students; organization of interpersonal interaction of pedagogical students by their inclusion in research activities; actualization of tolerant interethnic communication experience among future teachers through the introduction of tolerance episodes into the educational process; the development of competence among pedagogical students in the field of interethnic tolerance development among schoolchildren during the educational process

    Investigar los métodos de gestión en educación con tomar el caso de un profesor en la etapa universitaria

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    The paper reveals the problem of the professional formation of a future teacher, training a teacher with a high intellectual level of self-awareness, being capable of conceptual thinking, creativity and being ready to independently managing one’s own professional activity, which will allow interacting more effectively with the learning environment, being an active subject of professional and pedagogical activity.El documento revela el problema de la formación profesional de un futuro maestro, capacitar a un maestro con un alto nivel intelectual de autoconciencia, ser capaz de pensamiento conceptual, creatividad y estar listo para gestionar de forma independiente la propia actividad profesional, lo que permitirá interactuar más efectivamente con el ambiente de aprendizaje, siendo un sujeto activo de actividad profesional y pedagógica