1,347 research outputs found

    Increasing territorial capitalization by incorporation of small enterprises into clusters

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    Modernization of the Russian national economy depends on small businesses and their involvement in capitalization of the territorial potential. This article discusses methods, models, and mechanisms of territorial capitalization based on incorporation of small business enterprises into clusters along with medium- and large businesses. We propose an optimization model for assessing the efficiency of such clusters: our research has shown that this model can be applied for decision-making in regional strategic planning. Methodologically, this study relies on the theories of industrial development and economic growth, the industrial cluster theory, and the works of Russian and international researchers on mechanisms of management of territorial potential, their establishment and implementation. Capitalization of the region's resource potential manifests itself in the form of static and dynamic effects. We developed models of interaction between small and other businesses and structures within a cluster oriented towards territorial capitalization. We demonstrated that incorporation of a university into a cluster structure increases the innovative capacity of all cluster members. This research may be further expanded to study the mechanisms of involving small businesses operating in peripheral areas into clusters

    Типологія сучасної французької соціальної реклами (Typology of modern French public advertising)

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню критеріїв класифікації соціальної реклами, а саме аналізу різних типологій, запропонованих вітчизняними та зарубіжними вченими. Акцент зроблено на неспівпадінні термінологічного апара- ту, оскільки термін «соціальна реклама» використовується лише в межах пострадянського простору, натомість зарубіжні науковці оперують поняттями «суспільна» та «некомерційна» реклама. Також особливу увагу було приді- лено спробі створення власної типології за тематичним критерієм. Кожен підвид соціальної реклами проілюстро- вано конкретним прикладом французького рекламного повідомлення. (The article is devoted to the research of the classification criteria of public advertising and to the analysis of various typologies offered by domestic and foreign scholars. The focus was made on noncompliance of terminology, because the term «social advertising» is used only within the former Soviet Union, while foreign scientists use the term «public» and «noncommercial» advertising. Moreover, special attention has been focused on tentative to create our own typology based on the thematic criteria. Each type of public advertising is illustrated by concrete example of the French advertising message.

    Определение расходных характеристик в технологических процессах с контролируемым давлением

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    Assessment of the environmental and economic performance of a safety valve requires information about the flow of the substance through the valve when it is actuated. The goal of this paper was to determine the flow rate of the discharged substance and the mass flow rate of the substance entering the safety valve when it is actuated. Proposed a mathematical model to describe the processes occurring in the valve. The model includes a system of differential equations describing the physical laws of conservation in the internal volume of the valve and differential equations, which link the value of gas flow through the valve with the pressure and the amount of movement of the shut-off disk. Used a modified method by S.K. Godunov to solve gasdynamic equations. Established that the determination of the flow and power characteristics of the valve requires the preliminary construction of a mathematical model of the safety valve operation. Based on this, proposed a method for determining the flow rate of the discharged substance and the mass rate of the substance entering the safety valve when it is actuated. Obtained the flow characteristics of the valves under review and the dynamics of movement of the shutoff disc of the valve, as well as the dependence of the pressure change on the opening time of the valve. Comparison of the calculated values with available experimental data gives good agreement of results (no more than 5.6 % for a gas flow rate, under 10 % for the movement of the valve and change the arrival of gas in time using the standard deviation function of the flow characteristics of 0.6 %), confirms the correctness of the defined mathematical model, used numerical schemes and algorithms, as well as the proposed method and recoverability of the arrival of gas in a pressure–time curve

    Tools for estimating the effectiveness of import-substituting modernization : sase in the agriculture of Russia

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    The paper explores the approaches to estimate the effectiveness of import substitution, justifies the need to develop a new tool that allows conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of import substitution policies on economic modernization. The authors‘ methodology for estimating import-substituting modernization based on an integral indicator is proposed and its practical approval is carried out using agriculture in Russia as an example. The analysis of the results allows the authors to conclude that the import-substituting modernization process is uneven and slow. To activate and accelerate the processes, it is necessary to stimulate domestic demand. The developed tools react quite sensitively to changes in the industry and make it possible to identify cause-effect relationships in a structured factorial analysis of processes.peer-reviewe


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    The article presents the observations of the author about the role of communicative competence of a teacher; communicative competence described as the core of professionalism of teachers. Characterized Toolkit, a set of communicative skills of the teacher.В статье представлены наблюдения автора о роли коммуникативной компетентности учителя; коммуникативная компетентность охарактеризована как ядро профессионализма учителя. Охарактеризованы инструментарий, набор коммуникативных умений учителя

    Потенциал экономического сотрудничества России со странами СНГ

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    The paper studies the specifics of integration processes in the space of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The development of foreign trade and foreign direct investments has been analyzed. The distinguishing features of integration processes have been revealed. The potential for cooperation between the countries has been estimated. It has been shown that the level of the economic integration of Russia with the CIS countries has unstable dynamics. The results obtained allow concluding that the greatest potential is in the cooperation between Russia and the CIS countries in trade, mainly with those countries that are also members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It has been established that the potential for the development of cooperation in the production and innovation spheres between the CIS countries is significantly lower than the potential for the development of foreign trade. This is because direct investments are much more inert in comparison with trading operations. The obtained results confirm the experts’ opinion on the predominant development of integration processes in the CIS format along the path of creating high value-added chains of products.En el artículo se examina la especificidad de los procesos de integración en el espacio de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (CEI). Se analizó el desarrollo del comercio exterior y la inversión extranjera directa. Se identificaron las características distintivas de los procesos de integración. Se ha evaluado la capacidad de cooperación entre los países. Se ha demostrado que el nivel de la integración económica de Rusia con los países de la CEI tiene una dinámica inestable. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que la cooperación de Rusia con los países de la CEI en el ámbito del comercio tiene el mayor potencial, principalmente con los países que también forman la parte de la Unión Económica Euroasiática (UEE). Se ha determinado que la capacidad de cooperación en la esfera de la producción y la innovación entre los países de la CEI está muy por debajo de la capacidad del desarrollo del comercio exterior. Esto se debe a que las inversiones directas son mucho más inertes que las operaciones comerciales. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la opinión de los expertos sobre el desarrollo predominante de los procesos de la integración en el formato de la CEI por el camino de la creación de las cadenas del alto valor añadido de la producción.В статье исследована специфика интеграционных процессов на пространстве Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ). Проанализировано развитие внешней торговли и прямых иностранных инвестиций. Выявлены отличительные черты интеграционных процессов. Произведена оценка потенциала кооперации между странами. Показано, что уровень экономической интеграции России со странами СНГ имеет неустойчивую динамику. Полученные результаты позволяют сделать вывод, что наибольшим потенциалом обладает кооперация России со странами СНГ в сфере торговли, причем преимущественно с теми странами, которые входят также в Евразийский Экономический Союз (ЕАЭС). Установлено, что потенциал развития сотрудничества в производственно-инновационной сфере между странами СНГ существенно ниже потенциала развития внешней торговли. Это объясняется тем, что прямые инвестиции являются намного более инерционными по сравнению с торговыми операциями. Полученные результаты подтверждают мнение экспертов о преимущественном развитии интеграционных процессов в формате СНГ по пути создания цепочек высокой добавленной стоимости продукции

    Adaptation of market strategies of TNCs in Russia in the context of import substitution policy

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    The policy of import substitution carried out in Russia objectively affected the interests of leading transnational corporations (TNCs) operating in the Russian markets. The restriction of imports of intermediate goods and the fall in the purchasing power of Russian consumers have formed for TNCs both new problems and new opportunities. The analysis of the integration of TNCs in the Russian policy of import substitution is carried out in the article; their role in the development of industries and agriculture is revealed. It is revealed that the strategies of TNCs are characterized by great flexibility, which allowed them to reduce the negative impact of sanctions and geopolitical tensions. TNCs widely use the strategy of acquisition of popular Russian brands. The weakening ruble and the cheapening of labor costs became additional decision-making factors for the localization of production and selection of local suppliers of intermediate goods, investing in modernization of production facilities, the establishment of added value chains with the involvement of national producers that contributed to the successful embedding of TNCs in the policy of import substitution.peer-reviewe

    Impact of external and internal factors on China’s economic growth

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    Relevance. China is the dominant trading partner for many countries of the world. The new plan for the Chinese economic development in 2021–2035, based on the “double circulation” model, has become the subject of vigorous debate. Research objective. The study aims to identify China’s economic growth drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate the impact of external and internal factors on China’s economic growth, taking into account future strategic changes.Data and methods. To identify the growth factors of GDP, we used a factor model based on GDP components by spending and the data provided by the State Bureau of Statistics of the PRC for 2007–2020.Results. Over the past decade, the contribution of GDP components that shape domestic demand has been steadily reduced. The decline in the share of net exports in GDP growth was replaced by the fluctuations in the external and domestic demand shares in the subsequent periods. The evaluations show that in 2020, 1% of 3.56% of China’s economic growth in GDP (in national currency) was provided by net exports and 2% of 3.56% was provided by an increase in gross capital formation.Conclusions. The increase in the contribution of net exports to GDP growth was caused not only by the growth of exports with a slowdown in the growth of imports but also by the redistribution of the shares of all factors and primarily by the sharp reduction in the share of the contribution of household expenditures to consumption. To promote domestic circulation through personal consumption, it is necessary for China to lower the savings rate, solve the problem of income inequality, and increase disposable income per capita

    Investigar el efecto de la formación de competencia comunicativa y pragmática en fraseología en la educación de estudiantes filológicos extranjeros

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    This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.Este artículo aborda el análisis de los factores que influyen en la formación de la competencia comunicativa y pragmática en el proceso de enseñanza de estudiantes extranjeros de la Facultad de Filología del Departamento de Fraseología Rusa. Los autores demuestran que el sistema de formación de futuros profesores de ruso no tiene secciones y cursos destinados a la formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en la fraseología rusa. El estudio de la asimilación de unidades fraseológicas se realizó en varias etapas. El primero está relacionado con la definición del nivel de conocimiento del sistema fraseológico de la lengua rusa. El segundo es el nivelde comprensión de ciertas unidades fraseológicas por parte de los estudiantes de filología. El tercero es la capacidad de expresar una actitud evaluativa hacia alguien usando unidades fraseológicas. El cuarto está relacionado con la capacidad de usar unidades fraseológicas al evaluar algo, cualquier evento, fenómeno

    Formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en fraseología entre estudiantes filológicos extranjeros

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    This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.Este artículo aborda el análisis de los factores que influyen en la formación de la competencia comunicativa y pragmática en el proceso de enseñanza de estudiantes extranjeros de la Facultad de Filología del Departamento de Fraseología Rusa. Los autores demuestran que el sistema de formación de futuros profesores de ruso no tiene secciones y cursos destinados a la formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en la fraseología rusa. El estudio de la asimilación de unidades fraseológicas se realizó en varias etapas. El primero está relacionado con la definición del nivel de conocimiento del sistema fraseológico de la lengua rusa. El segundo es el nivel de comprensión de ciertas unidades fraseológicas por parte de los estudiantes de filología. El tercero es la capacidad de expresar una actitud evaluativa hacia alguien usando unidades fraseológicas. El cuarto está relacionado con la capacidad de usar unidades fraseológicas al evaluar algo, cualquier evento, fenómeno