29 research outputs found

    Multiscale approach of retinal blood vessels segmentation based on vessels segmentation with different scales

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    In this work, the authors developed retinal blood vessels segmentation approach using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization, morphological filtering, k-means clustering, matched filtering for thin and thick vessels selection. The authors also applied matched filtering for thin vessels selection using the kernels which were built in order to determine the existence of line segments with different length and orientatio

    Analysis of thick and thin vessel pixel clustering for retinal blood vessel image segmentation

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    In this work, we revealed that digital image processing is an actual topic at present and it is widely used in various fields of medicine, including diagnosis of the eye fundus. An analysis of the dependence of the blood vessel segmentation results on the image of the eye fundus from various partitions to pixel classes corresponding to thick and thin vessels obtained by k-means clustering was mad

    Subband analysis and synthesis of signals

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    Currently, a wide class of modern wireless telecommunications systems is based on the use of broadband signals. The problems of synthesis for their formation and processing algorithm are extremely important for such systems, especially under the conditions of various types of disturbances, which is impossible without scientifically based analysis of signal propertie

    Sub-band invariants of handwritten texts fuzzy fragments

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    Socio-economic processes informatization is largely implemented by using various documents electronic storage, including scanned handwritten texts or their fragments images, in particular, in the form of officials’ original signatures. Among the very diverse tasks of handwritten documents scans electronic repositories computer analysis, the direction of automatic search for images fragments, that contain outlines of key words of interest, is quite relevant. The search for such fragments is significantly hampered by the variability of the letterforms, even by the same author. Therefore, it is advisable to use a fragment from the analyzed text as an initial sampl

    О наступании ледников в условиях вулканической деятельности вулкана Ключевской (Камчатка)

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    New data on continuing advance of the Kamchatka glaciers Erman, Vlodavets, Sopochny, Schmidt, and Bogdanovich were obtained as a result of analysis of aerospace information taken at different times. Glacier Erman advances during the past 70  years (1945–2016). Over the period from 1949 to 2016, its area increased by 4.7 km2 and the length – by 3.3 km (from 18.2 to 21.5 km). The highest speed of advancing had been estimated for the Schmidt glacier, in 2007–2013 it exceeded 100 m/year. We had identified a new isolated glacier between glaciers Erman and Schmidt, named as the Obvalny (the «Avalanche») glacier, since in 1945 this glacier was buried under volcanic-avalanche deposits resulted from the Klyuchevskaya volcano eruption. In 1975–2016, the Obvalny glacier advanced over a distance of about 1700 m. Also, we had found more 30 ice-rock massifs («wandering glaciers») on slopes of the Klyuchevskaya volcano. Their contours looked like drops or tongues, and some of them advanced in the frontal zone. From 2002 to 2016, the «wandering glacier» in the upper reaches of river Glubokaya (eastern sector of the volcano) advanced for 740 m (55 m/year). Advancing of glaciers here is a consequence of lateral and terminal eruptions of the Klyuchevskaya volcano in XX and XXI centuries. Erman Glacier, glacier advance, Klyuchevskaya volcano, lateral eruption, space images, volcanic and rock avalanche deposits, «wandering glaciers».На основе анализа разновременной аэрокосмической информации за период 1949–2016 гг. полу- чены новые данные о современном состоянии и наступании ледников района вулкана Ключев- ской – Эрмана, Влодавца, Сопочного, Шмидта, Богдановича и безымянных «блуждающих ледников». Площадь ледника Эрмана увеличилась на 4,7 км2, а длина достигла 21,5 км. Самые высокие темпы наступания – до 100 м/год – характерны для ледника Шмидта. Наступание ледников есть следствие латеральных и терминальных извержений вулкана Ключевской в XX и XXI вв

    Активизация обвалов на Центральном Кавказе и их влияние на динамику ледников и селевые процессы

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    We analyzed multi-time satellite images of the Central Caucasus glacial zone and interpreted more than thirty rock avalanche events in the 21st century with a total damage area of more than 25 km2 (including the collapse zone of the Kolka Glacier disaster). The highest rock and rock-ice avalanche activity is detected in the section of The Greater Caucasus range (northern and southern slopes) with a length of about 20 km between the Bashkara and Kulaktau peaks (16 rock avalanches) and in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimaray Massif (series of rock avalanches to the surface of Kolka, Suatisi and Devdoraki glaciers). The feature of the rock and ice-rock avalanches is the large runout distance. For 12 events (about 40%) the distance was more than 2000 m. One ice-rock avalanche from the Mount Kazbek (excluding the Kolka Glacier disaster in 2002) reached the runout distance more than 10 km. In some areas, the rock avalanches occurred several times. In particular, a large number of avalanches were in the cirque of the Kolka Glacier; the last of them at the end of 2019. Thrice шт each case, rock avalanches originated from Mount Bashkara, in the cirques of the Murkvam Glacier, the East Shtulu Glacier, and the Devdoraki Glacier. Ice and rock avalanches were the initial stage of the complex process of the Kolka Glacier disaster and following catastrophic glacial debris flow in the Genaldon/Gizeldon River valley in 2002. Also, they were causes of glacier surges, formation of dammed lakes, and debris flows. As a result of the collapse of the hanging glacier and bedrock, the former right tributary of the Kolka Glacier surged to 200 m in 2006. Ice-rock avalanche from Mount Kazbek in 2014 load up the former right tributary of the Devdoraki Glacier and caused its advancing in 2015–2019, at a distance of more than 400 m. The avalanches caused catastrophic debris flows in the Amilishka/Kabakhi River valley in 2014, the Mestiachala River valley in 2019. Rock avalanches can cause outbursts of lakes and debris flows. Two dammed lakes formed as a result of the rock avalanche from the cirque above the Seri Glacier in the Tviberi River valley of the in May 2016. The lakes (total area was more than 0.05 km2) have outburst at the end of August 2017 after heavy rains. Rock avalanches of the 20th century led to an abrupt deceleration in the retreat of the Yusengi, Bartuytsete, East Shtulu and Mosota glaciers. The formation of rock avalanches in the 21st century took place at high altitudes (an average of about 3900 m). Possibly, the reason was associated with an increase of the «0» isotherm and of the high border of the zone of intense frost weathering due to climate warming. Some rock avalanches in the section of the Kazbek-Dzhimarai Massif have been caused by endogenous factors (seismicity and volcanism).На основе анализа разновременных космических снимков приведены данные о 32 обвалах в ледниковой зоне Центрального Кавказа в ХХI в. Половина из них сосредоточена на участке северного и южного склонов Главного Кавказского хребта восточнее горы Башкара. Отмечена высокая активность обвалов в 2019 г., показано влияние обвалов на динамику ледников и селевые процессы

    The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis

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    Climate change affects timing of reproduction in many bird species, but few studies have investigated its influence on annual reproductive output. Here, we assess changes in the annual production of young by female breeders in 201 populations of 104 bird species (N = 745,962 clutches) covering all continents between 1970 and 2019. Overall, average offspring production has declined in recent decades, but considerable differences were found among species and populations. A total of 56.7% of populations showed a declining trend in offspring production (significant in 17.4%), whereas 43.3% exhibited an increase (significant in 10.4%). The results show that climatic changes affect offspring production through compounded effects on ecological and life history traits of species. Migratory and larger-bodied species experienced reduced offspring production with increasing temperatures during the chick-rearing period, whereas smaller-bodied, sedentary species tended to produce more offspring. Likewise, multi-brooded species showed increased breeding success with increasing temperatures, whereas rising temperatures were unrelated to reproductive success in single-brooded species. Our study suggests that rapid declines in size of bird populations reported by many studies from different parts of the world are driven only to a small degree by changes in the production of young.This meta-analysis was financed by the grant of the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) (no. 2017/27/B/NZ8/00465) awarded to Lucyna Hałupka.Peer reviewe

    The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis

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    Climate change affects timing of reproduction in many bird species, but few studies have investigated its influence on annual reproductive output. Here, we assess changes in the annual production of young by female breeders in 201 populations of 104 bird species (N = 745,962 clutches) covering all continents between 1970 and 2019. Overall, average offspring production has declined in recent decades, but considerable differences were found among species and populations. A total of 56.7% of populations showed a declining trend in offspring production (significant in 17.4%), whereas 43.3% exhibited an increase (significant in 10.4%). The results show that climatic changes affect offspring production through compounded effects on ecological and life history traits of species. Migratory and larger-bodied species experienced reduced offspring production with increasing temperatures during the chick-rearing period, whereas smaller-bodied, sedentary species tended to produce more offspring. Likewise, multi-brooded species showed increased breeding success with increasing temperatures, whereas rising temperatures were unrelated to repro- ductive success in single-brooded species. Our study suggests that rapid declines in size of bird populations reported by many studies from different parts of the world are driven only to a small degree by changes in the production of young

    Multiscale approach of retinal blood vessels segmentation based on vessels segmentation with different scales

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    In this work, the authors developed retinal blood vessels segmentation approach using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization, morphological filtering, k-means clustering, matched filtering for thin and thick vessels selection. The authors also applied matched filtering for thin vessels selection using the kernels which were built in order to determine the existence of line segments with different length and orientatio

    Objects detection based on the sea surface video fragments cross-correlation

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    The work is devoted to the development of a method for the objects detecting on an agitated sea surface video based on the analysis of the differences in the variability of the object and the sea surface image fragments on the neighboring frame